Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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Three: TM has a national reputation, and it is rock solid. He is a leader, and his ethics are not called into question. CA would LOVE to have that image. I think she is frustrated because, well.. she doesn't.

I'm surprised CA hasn't taken on Mark Klaas, BTW. He's certainly been verbal re: these matters.

You are so right! She must have hated the way he was able to bring in people,equipment and money. It's clear most everyone thinks the world of TM.At the same time C and G were being bashed.
I think she's skeered of Mark K. :crazy:
Lot's of opera singers in that family: "Mi, mi, mi, mi, meeeee!"
CA definatly has the conductor image going on! :confused: Isn't gA supposed to be holding the big stick????
CA definatly has the conductor image going on! :confused: Isn't gA supposed to be holding the big stick????

Yes! At one point she is making threats to TM, and in the next breath, she is asking for a "one on one" and some respect! Gosh, I wish we had a therapist or a psychologist on here! Someone to help us understand this mindset!
Yes! At one point she is making threats to TM, and in the next breath, she is asking for a "one on one" and some respect! Gosh, I wish we had a therapist or a psychologist on here! Someone to help us understand this mindset!

I don't need a therapist or psychologist to tell me what I already know about the A clan. Just like many others here Brini, OLG and others I lived with people just like them and know fully of their mindset. And it ain't a pretty picture I can draw either.
I don't need a therapist or psychologist to tell me what I already know about the A clan. Just like many others here Brini, OLG and others I lived with people just like them and know fully of their mindset. And it ain't a pretty picture I can draw either.


I'm thinking this mess of a woman we must call CA might be sneaking alittle liquid courage before her rants. LOL! Theres that nasty, sinister, "Entitlement" surfacing once again,over rating, her own greatness and her poor self control.

That liquid courage theory might explain the constant water bottles and need to chew gum. Good one!!
I love this: "the evidence they have......we have already had it disputed". By whom, Cindy? LOL For someone who sees herself as so savvy, I have to wonder why on earth did she think she could leave that vile message and it would not be taped?

I so want these people locked up. Such loathsome behavior.........
Yep, I broke a while back. I think I was watching CA's depo and just started smiling, then broke into a full belly laugh. CA is totally unaware that she is so freaking people out. Mr. Morgan even tried/begged/pleaded with her to contain herself because at some point this depo would be shown in a courtroom with a judge and jury. CA just couldn't do it, could not stop herself, so if she wasn't going to stop, I wasn't either, I kept on giggling.:)

I have really tried to be non judmental of CA, but must admit I had a few giggle moments...especially during the FBI interview when she went on about the drums and playing music to her babies while pregnant. Ughhhh...that poor guy. The other time was reading the transcript when LE tells her he never interviewed anyone standing over his shoulder. Anyway! Back to this YouTube to TM, what stood out to me was her saying "back to me". Was she not talking about herself through that message except for the comment "your daughter was murdered". Real classy, CA!
"back to me". LOL! I read that back again in context and she was meaning giving respect back to her, but I still think the theme of the entire message was "let's keep this about me"
If you look at CA's eyes when she has these verbal battles it appears she thinks she IS winning.In the depos ,for instance,she was almost giddy when she started accusing them of adding an s to Gonzales.I'm sure she thought she had won after leaving that message for TM.The verbal abuse hurled at everyone within hearing,while leaving the depos was an example.She thought she was making the lawyers look bad,when she was actually damaging her own image.
No, they certainly aren't winning any battles,but they don't seem to notice .

Bold is mine-

She sure does, does't she? Poor delusional Cindy. lol
ITA! I can't help but wonder what drives someone like this. What type of personality, or personality disorder, is so combative? So certain that they are in the right? So desperate to "one-up" anyone and everyone that they disagree with? So willing and able to make both direct and indirect threats to someone?

You've never met my family. And, OLGs, and the Counts, and...

My family had a three-generation background of being Egyptian royalty-- living on de-Nile.

LOL, no joke!
You know, I think CA knows Caylee died at her Mother's hands. The thing is, CA doesn't want all of the world knowing that we know KC did it. That is what I see CA doing. CA blames herself, therefore, she thinks the world blames her too and that ruins the "perfection" she has tried so hard to maintain.JMO.

I tend to agree with you in that Cindy's "denial" is a show to the world, she will never publicly admit defeat. She has to know by now that every bit of evidence gathered points to Casey and no other.
Could be why she's a case manager for home health. 1) She doesn't interact much, with the patients, 2) The nursing staff is usually out in the field, so she doesn't interact with them, much either.

She seems almost like the old-fashioned Nurse Ratched who "knew best." Genuflected to the Drs, and ran over the patients. But, that's just an impression.

I wonder if the Nursing Board will take a look at her actions/behavior should she ever decide to return to work...maybe a psych evaluation would be required ?
I wonder if the Nursing Board will take a look at her actions/behavior should she ever decide to return to work...maybe a psych evaluation would be required ?

What doctor(s) practice would hire her? Regardless of whether she interacts with patients or not. Kinda/sorta like a liability of a disaster, waiting to happen, soon. :bang:
What doctor(s) practice would hire her? Regardless of whether she interacts with patients or not. Kinda/sorta like a liability of a disaster, waiting to happen, soon. :bang:
I don't think that her hiring potential is real high, but with the extreme shortage in nursing, who knows ?
Hadn't heard this one! Cindy is unbelievable!! :doh:

Heard that one before, it's a gem. Thanks for the link, I listened to it again. I love how she starts out seemingly helpful, then turns vicious. I wonder if LE let her calls go to voice mail, so they could get her on tape. Oh, yeah. CA rambling, threatening, and ranting on tape. "You know me, I like to speak my mind. I'd rather speak my mind w/ you than on national TV". "Or should I go to the Orlando Sentinel?" LOL Great stuff.
Heard that one before, it's a gem. Thanks for the link, I listened to it again. I love how she starts out seemingly helpful, then turns vicious. I wonder if LE let her calls go to voice mail, so they could get her on tape. Oh, yeah. CA rambling, threatening, and ranting on tape. "You know me, I like to speak my mind. I'd rather speak my mind w/ you than on national TV". "Or should I go to the Orlando Sentinel?" LOL Great stuff.

Dontcha love it? Trying to talk LE into going into a "different direction" than building a case against Casey Anthony. That lie about the room with the drums, even Cindy couldn't have believed that ridiculous exchange in the prison interview of Aug. 14th, it was so lame, The apts. are set up the same, LOL. And yet here is Cindy trying to sell it to LE! Sounds like everyone stops taking her calls soon after knowing her, she leaves a LOT of these type of rambling, whining, threatening voicemails.
I wasn't sure who's post to pull in regards to CA's Threatning, Grandios, rambling, remarks to Police authorities. Her wanting to control LE's train of thought as if she was the comrad in control while at the same time so smugly bashing them at every given chance is more than just fruitcakey. Listening to so many vile ramblings like her accusitory, threatning voicemail to sweet Tim has a sense of, "I have power that you don't even have a clue about." Those A's and their wording again gets them in trouble and they don't even flinch showing concern but are fueled to proceed their rightious way? The theme I'v seen that encourages their indignants to not cower is, "MONEY". If money wasn't fueling their actions and the A's were having to make ends meet during the most horrific of times we might be seeing the A's in a different light, but still disordered. IMO I see the money monster giving her confidence to say and do as she see's fit! We will see if this false energy stays with CA and crew since it was reported today that SM stated Kid Finders is broke & these types of foundations aren't staying afloat. One person even put a bit of blame on KF & A's for the lack of funds for letigimate foundations. If the A's don't display a bit of struggle in the upcomming months that would mean to me that their cash flow remains to be funded by someone or something other than their current friends we are aware of. I hope this entity comes to light with this latest motion by prosecution. CA knowing that she doesn't have to worry about finances because of the bandaid with $$$ signs would create a person with the over confidence she displays. Ah, It just hit me, cA may have signed that bookdeal secreatly as she said last Sept. she was going to write a book. I'm reaching here, but a slueths gotta try.
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