Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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Yep, I broke a while back. I think I was watching CA's depo and just started smiling, then broke into a full belly laugh. CA is totally unaware that she is so freaking people out. Mr. Morgan even tried/begged/pleaded with her to contain herself because at some point this depo would be shown in a courtroom with a judge and jury. CA just couldn't do it, could not stop herself, so if she wasn't going to stop, I wasn't either, I kept on giggling.:)

I had that reaction when I watched the interview CA had with Yuri in which she was explaining Casey's out of town trips, combined with the Zanny car crash, child care arrangements, insurance paper retrievals, etc. At the end of this long drawn out story, CA exclaimed "Of course now WE know none of that was true." I couldn't get my eyes uncrossed and then I busted a gut!

I can't explain why, but I felt supportive of CA during that deposition. I think it's because I'm so confused about the whole ZG/SG thing. Forgive me, I made a mistake. :confused:
CA knowing that she doesn't have to worry about finances because of the bandaid with $$$ signs would create a person with the over confidence she displays. Ah, It just hit me, cA may have signed that bookdeal secreatly as she said last Sept. she was going to write a book. I'm reaching here, but a slueths gotta try.
Very respectfully snipped.


Now that's a thought, I can visualize Cindy writing this book furiously and all for Casey's defense fund...the secret thought that keeps her typing away, at all hours of the night, is the sight of her daughter walking out of jail after her freedom winning verdict. Then, in Cindy's mind, they will all get the respect and money that they so rightly deserve !
I just thought of something that could explain CA's actions and why she comes off as she did/does. CA was clearly THREATENED. CA knew, if TES kept searching they were going to find Cayee sooner than later IN THE WOODS. They (the A's and whoever) needed time to figure out what to do.

TM was CA's biggest immediate threat of finding out the truth which was that Caylee was laying dead in the woods. Divert and destroy!

CA doesn't have to worry about talkers but those close enough to uncover the truth - look out!
Very respectfully snipped.


Now that's a thought, I can visualize Cindy writing this book furiously and all for Casey's defense fund...the secret thought that keeps her typing away, at all hours of the night, is the sight of her daughter walking out of jail after her freedom winning verdict. Then, in Cindy's mind, they will all get the respect and money that they so rightly deserve !
:beersign::40__s::computer::pcguru::chili::drink::tipsy: Or, the three M's; Money, Motormouth, Movie Deal. I'm thinking if I were her agent I would approach CA with the lure of future royalties, because by the end trial the public will be so burnt out on this family everyone will care less about any of them. If CA waits to strike a deal she will not be able to include her angry disgust for LE.
I wasn't sure who's post to pull in regards to CA's Threatning, Grandios, rambling, remarks to Police authorities. Her wanting to control LE's train of thought as if she was the comrad in control while at the same time so smugly bashing them at every given chance is more than just fruitcakey. Listening to so many vile ramblings like her accusitory, threatning voicemail to sweet Tim has a sense of, "I have power that you don't even have a clue about." Those A's and their wording again gets them in trouble and they don't even flinch showing concern but are fueled to proceed their rightious way? The theme I'v seen that encourages their indignants to not cower is, "MONEY". If money wasn't fueling their actions and the A's were having to make ends meet during the most horrific of times we might be seeing the A's in a different light, but still disordered. IMO I see the money monster giving her confidence to say and do as she see's fit! We will see if this false energy stays with CA and crew since it was reported today that SM stated Kid Finders is broke & these types of foundations aren't staying afloat. One person even put a bit of blame on KF & A's for the lack of funds for letigimate foundations. If the A's don't display a bit of struggle in the upcomming months that would mean to me that their cash flow remains to be funded by someone or something other than their current friends we are aware of. I hope this entity comes to light with this latest motion by prosecution. CA knowing that she doesn't have to worry about finances because of the bandaid with $$$ signs would create a person with the over confidence she displays. Ah, It just hit me, cA may have signed that bookdeal secreatly as she said last Sept. she was going to write a book. I'm reaching here, but a slueths gotta try.

No doubt money is a motivator for Cindy's antics.

Bold is mine..

but I believe the reason she continues with her outragous behaviors is because it doesn't ever get her in trouble. She says what she wants to whoever she wants to.. LE, Tim Miller, media, LP, ZG, the old PR dude they had, everyone an nobody does a thing about it. She has lied in sworn statements, under oath, on TV where LE can SEE her lying yet nobody makes her stop. The few times she has been called on things she goes into victim mode "I haven't slept, haven't eaten" "I'm a grieving grandmother" (That one is even said while she still claims to "believe Caylee is alive" :rolleyes:)

We, as humans, behave in ways we know we can get away with. Rules and laws and consequences are put in place so we learn right from wrong, if not legally, morally. If someone called her on her behaviors and held her accountable for her actions/inactions she would not be confident. Cindy has entitlement issues- just like her daughter. They have both been able to get away with whatever all this time.. Casey's time seems to have run out, hopefully Cindy's will too.
I just thought of something that could explain CA's actions and why she comes off as she did/does. CA was clearly THREATENED. CA knew, if TES kept searching they were going to find Cayee sooner than later IN THE WOODS. They (the A's and whoever) needed time to figure out what to do.

TM was CA's biggest immediate threat of finding out the truth which was that Caylee was laying dead in the woods. Divert and destroy!

CA doesn't have to worry about talkers but those close enough to uncover the truth - look out!

She talks crap about anyone who doesn't fall for her lies or is unwilling to play by her rules.
No doubt money is a motivator for Cindy's antics.

Bold is mine..

but I believe the reason she continues with her outragous behaviors is because it doesn't ever get her in trouble. She says what she wants to whoever she wants to.. LE, Tim Miller, media, LP, ZG, the old PR dude they had, everyone an nobody does a thing about it. She has lied in sworn statements, under oath, on TV where LE can SEE her lying yet nobody makes her stop. The few times she has been called on things she goes into victim mode "I haven't slept, haven't eaten" "I'm a grieving grandmother" (That one is even said while she still claims to "believe Caylee is alive" :rolleyes:)

We, as humans, behave in ways we know we can get away with. Rules and laws and consequences are put in place so we learn right from wrong, if not legally, morally. If someone called her on her behaviors and held her accountable for her actions/inactions she would not be confident. Cindy has entitlement issues- just like her daughter. They have both been able to get away with whatever all this time.. Casey's time seems to have run out, hopefully Cindy's will too.

Hi OLG. Why do you think this is? This has really been bugging me because CA has caused so much trouble within the case. Maybe LE is just used to looking past stuff that doesn't matter to them (once they know the truth). Or will they deal with CA after the trial? What do you think? Heck, maybe they know she'll be booked.
She talks crap about anyone who doesn't fall for her lies or is unwilling to play by her rules.

Yes. CA knows the answers before there are answers. She never once said, "I hope we don't find Caylee is dead." She said, "Caylee is alive." Tell us what happened to Caylee then if you're so sure. We were all hoping she was right but we knew there was a good chance she wasn't.

Delusion or defensive posturing? Whatever the behavior is, it's scary!
Hi OLG. Why do you think this is? This has really been bugging me because CA has caused so much trouble within the case. Maybe LE is just used to looking past stuff that doesn't matter to them (once they know the truth). Or will they deal with CA after the trial? What do you think? Heck, maybe they know she'll be booked.
I know you didn't direct this question to me but OLG & I are buds and have the same opinion on the sinister entitlemet CA feels is due her. If LE doesn't respond to cA's self promoting antics she will continue until she feels she has struck a nerve. IMO LE allowing her to continue on gives alot at trial showing numerous times she was being decieteful and obstructing justice. For the life of me I can't figure out why she can't see she is an open book to be picked apart. You would think CA would be more cunning and less obvious. I guess this goes back to my old post, "People who have a sense of entitlement, over rate their own greatness, and have poor self control are more likely to hurt others & pervasive anti-social behaviors." CA always seem to try to come off as a demure, kind, thoughtful woman in some of her interviews but quickly falls back into her sinister smug look of disgust for all as OLG stated that don't follow and agree with her.
I know you didn't direct this question to me but OLG & I are buds and have the same opinion on the sinister entitlemet CA feels is due her. If LE doesn't respond to cA's self promoting antics she will continue until she feels she has struck a nerve. IMO LE allowing her to continue on gives alot at trial showing numerous times she was being decieteful and obstructing justice. For the life of me I can't figure out why she can't see she is an open book to be picked apart. You would think CA would be more cunning and less obvious. I guess this goes back to my old post, "People who have a sense of entitlement, over rate their own greatness, and have poor self control are more likely to hurt others & pervasive anti-social behaviors." CA always seem to try to come off as a demure, kind, thoughtful woman in some of her interviews but quickly falls back into her sinister smug look of disgust for all as OLG stated that don't follow and agree with her.
Once a sociopath, always a sociopath...he he he. Really. I do think that she is. And the only reason I think that they haven't charged her with anything is that they WANT HER to testify at KC's trial. If they charge with something (anything) then, she has the right to plead to the fifth (in order to protect herself)...She'll get her day. I wish it was sooner but unfortunately, to reach justice for Caylee, it has to be later.

Very respectfully snipped.


Now that's a thought, I can visualize Cindy writing this book furiously and all for Casey's defense fund...the secret thought that keeps her typing away, at all hours of the night, is the sight of her daughter walking out of jail after her freedom winning verdict. Then, in Cindy's mind, they will all get the respect and money that they so rightly deserve !

That is one good laugh you gave me today. CA sharing funds with KC .......:floorlaugh:

I know you didn't direct this question to me but OLG & I are buds and have the same opinion on the sinister entitlemet CA feels is due her. If LE doesn't respond to cA's self promoting antics she will continue until she feels she has struck a nerve. IMO LE allowing her to continue on gives alot at trial showing numerous times she was being decieteful and obstructing justice. For the life of me I can't figure out why she can't see she is an open book to be picked apart. You would think CA would be more cunning and less obvious. I guess this goes back to my old post, "People who have a sense of entitlement, over rate their own greatness, and have poor self control are more likely to hurt others & pervasive anti-social behaviors." CA always seem to try to come off as a demure, kind, thoughtful woman in some of her interviews but quickly falls back into her sinister smug look of disgust for all as OLG stated that don't follow and agree with her.

CA will get her just due when it is delivered by way of a subpoena at her door. The only good thing about knowing her behavior in advance is it will give the SA plenty of time to prepare to nail her in her lies.
Once a sociopath, always a sociopath...he he he. Really. I do think that she is. And the only reason I think that they haven't charged her with anything is that they WANT HER to testify at KC's trial. If they charge with something (anything) then, she has the right to plead to the fifth (in order to protect herself)...She'll get her day. I wish it was sooner but unfortunately, to reach justice for Caylee, it has to be later.

As sluethers I think we can wait with anticapation. In this case we know by previews of CA's behavior that anticipation isn't going to better than the real thing at trial. We are all going to be able to have some giggle girl guy time that will be needed. OT If anyone would like an unusal read to keep you interested in the diagnosis of scoiopathy I have a website for you. www.Experience Once there type in the bar above, "I am a sociopath" and you will read posts by sociopaths and how easy they state it is to integrate into society and how difficult it is for them to maintain a normal relationship in groups or relationships causing them to move along to their next victims.
That is one good laugh you gave me today. CA sharing funds with KC .......:floorlaugh:

CA will get her just due when it is delivered by way of a subpoena at her door. The only good thing about knowing her behavior in advance is it will give the SA plenty of time to prepare to nail her in her lies.

I am glad that I provided some humour for you today Count, but seriously I believe Cindy will do everything possible in order to help Casey's defense, and not so much for Casey, but for herself and her "reputation". She wants nothing more than to say "I told you so", she strikes me as that type of woman.

I am glad that I provided some humour for you today Count, but seriously I believe Cindy will do everything possible in order to help Casey's defense, and not so much for Casey, but for herself and her "reputation". She wants nothing more than to say "I told you so", she strikes me as that type of woman.

Yep. She strikes me the same way searchfortruth!
CAUTION-This is disturbing but explains so much!

[ame=""]YouTube - Deadly Female Sociopaths[/ame]
I know you didn't direct this question to me but OLG & I are buds and have the same opinion on the sinister entitlemet CA feels is due her. If LE doesn't respond to cA's self promoting antics she will continue until she feels she has struck a nerve. IMO LE allowing her to continue on gives alot at trial showing numerous times she was being decieteful and obstructing justice. For the life of me I can't figure out why she can't see she is an open book to be picked apart. You would think CA would be more cunning and less obvious. I guess this goes back to my old post, "People who have a sense of entitlement, over rate their own greatness, and have poor self control are more likely to hurt others & pervasive anti-social behaviors." CA always seem to try to come off as a demure, kind, thoughtful woman in some of her interviews but quickly falls back into her sinister smug look of disgust for all as OLG stated that don't follow and agree with her.

Thanks kageykaren. I'm glad you responded.:) At the time I posted, I thought OLG was here so-to-speak. Ya know how sometimes it can seem like you're having a conversation? But she ditched me! :runaway::sheesh:
CAUTION-This is disturbing but explains so much!

YouTube - Deadly Female Sociopaths

I am not surprised other than by the killing aspect of it. Both narrators were on target with their diagnosis and in explaining it in common language. KC will have her own place in the medical community for years to come. With the rest of the A clan a few steps behind.
CAUTION-This is disturbing but explains so much!

YouTube - Deadly Female Sociopaths

Scary stuff. What, I wonder, is the profile of the four girls that were "led" to help kill a girl in Indiana?

Just saying noone could have convinced me to engage in that type of behavior at any age.

It's very hard to wrap my brain around. Nobody had any parental guidance or goodness instilled in their minds/souls?
CAUTION-This is disturbing but explains so much!

YouTube - Deadly Female Sociopaths
There are so many things I want to post concerning this video and some of those things for fact would have me band! I don't want that so I will stay on the subject of possible abuse of KC from family may have brought this sociopath to implode after years of wearing her mask. Seriously what is a common denominater amongs't criminals? If I had viewed KC parents differently I might say that KC was one of the exceptions to the rule. With all the scary temperments displayed by this family I feel comfortable in saying there was forms of angered lashing out in the A home. There was some subliminal messages going on in that video for me as I wathched those browneyed vixens.
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