Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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ITA!! She knows who she can manipulate and bully.

I'd love to see Mark get his hands on her! She would shut her face good and quick! (I just love that man- talk about telling it like it is!)

A lovable hunk with integrity! OHHHHHHHH, yes!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

He would have any of the As for breakfast, if they took him on. I don't think any of them will ever mess with him.
It's amazing what time and education can accomplish! The demeanor, the look on the face, the body language, the tone of voice, the words, etc. Then add the education of the psyche that has been laid out here for any lay person to understand. It just hits you right between the eyes-WHAM!!!
I just wonder if the jurors will have access to this kind of pysch information by way of expert witness?:waitasec:
It's amazing what time and education can accomplish! The demeanor, the look on the face, the body language, the tone of voice, the words, etc. Then add the education of the psyche that has been laid out here for any lay person to understand. It just hits you right between the eyes-WHAM!!!
I just wonder if the jurors will have access to this kind of pysch information by way of expert witness?:waitasec:

My guess is not. This because most criminals are also sociopaths, so it's nothing "special," to a case.

Also, KC doesn't meet any insanity criteria.

But, I could be wrong. The prosecution might want to educate the jury re: sociopathy. Hard to tell.

There's some new thought re: female socios, BTW.

It has been estimated that 4% of the population are sociopaths. And, that only 1% are female.

However, the latest theory is that females have been under-counted, because females are more subtle, and better at getting a way with things.

For instance, female sociopaths often poison, sometimes over a period of time. Males usually use a gun or knife.

Or, as Sherlock Holmes would say, "Women commit feline crimes, men commit canine crimes."

I'm rambling, but the bottom line is that female socios often have escaped detection, and have thus been undercounted, is the latest.

BTW-- Working with sociopaths is figging EXHAUSTING! One has to weigh words, and watch for passive-aggressive "set-ups" all the time.
It's amazing what time and education can accomplish! The demeanor, the look on the face, the body language, the tone of voice, the words, etc. Then add the education of the psyche that has been laid out here for any lay person to understand. It just hits you right between the eyes-WHAM!!!
I just wonder if the jurors will have access to this kind of pysch information by way of expert witness?:waitasec:

I seriously doubt it. If they were planning a psych defense we'd hear word of new shrinks (for both sides) coming on board for psych evals. Because of the sunshine law we have access to her visitors logs, court filings, costs etc.

We'd know if all this were taking place.
My guess is not. This because most criminals are also sociopaths, so it's nothing "special," to a case.

Also, KC doesn't meet any insanity criteria.

But, I could be wrong. The prosecution might want to educate the jury re: sociopathy. Hard to tell.

There's some new thought re: female socios, BTW.

It has been estimated that 4% of the population are sociopaths. And, that only 1% are female.

However, the latest theory is that females have been under-counted, because females are more subtle, and better at getting a way with things.

For instance, female sociopaths often poison, sometimes over a period of time. Males usually use a gun or knife.

Or, as Sherlock Holmes would say, "Women commit feline crimes, men commit canine crimes."

I'm rambling, but the bottom line is that female socios often have escaped detection, and have thus been undercounted, is the latest.

BTW-- Working with sociopaths is figging EXHAUSTING! One has to weigh words, and watch for passive-aggressive "set-ups" all the time.

Living with them is more than exhausting. I had to be one or two steps ahead of them always. Their patterns rarely changed, just their subtle methods did. I always knew what the end result would be. Once I caught a family member rifling through my wallet. Confronted, they replied they were checking to see if my paper money was in order since they knew I always kept them in sequential and face forward order. Yea right. I learned then to keep my bag where I could see it always and in my bedroom at night. Jewelry was also kept under lock and key. Didn't have to worry about the liquor or beer though :crazy:

Rest of your post is spot on my dear :clap:
My guess is not. This because most criminals are also sociopaths, so it's nothing "special," to a case.

Also, KC doesn't meet any insanity criteria.

But, I could be wrong. The prosecution might want to educate the jury re: sociopathy. Hard to tell.

There's some new thought re: female socios, BTW.

It has been estimated that 4% of the population are sociopaths. And, that only 1% are female.

However, the latest theory is that females have been under-counted, because females are more subtle, and better at getting a way with things.

For instance, female sociopaths often poison, sometimes over a period of time. Males usually use a gun or knife.

Or, as Sherlock Holmes would say, "Women commit feline crimes, men commit canine crimes."

I'm rambling, but the bottom line is that female socios often have escaped detection, and have thus been undercounted, is the latest.

BTW-- Working with sociopaths is figging EXHAUSTING! One has to weigh words, and watch for passive-aggressive "set-ups" all the time.

I understand the defense not using it but JMHO I could see the SA discussing exactly what has been discussed here. I know i've learned a lot . The SA is going to have to overcome the, and I use these terms really loosely "Mother, cute, innocent doe eyed looking defendent" sitting at the table across from them. I see it to the SA advantage to get this "Information" out there to the jury.
Just because KC told her parents and LA the jail psychiatrrist said she was normal, again that does not mean it's true. Due to HIPPA regs, we will not see this info until trial.
Then again it may open a Pandora's Box that should be left alone in a courtroom. I will say though, I have in fact learned a lot from all of you, geesh, some of it I'm not sure I want to even know, Brini, my hat is off to you and all the others that work and help people in this field, it is truly a calling as I know I couldn't do it. Don't have the patience.
One Lost Girl had a signature posted at one time that read, "Just Snap Out Of It", really hit close to home, because I know I have said that. I wont say it again.:blowkiss:
It's amazing what time and education can accomplish! The demeanor, the look on the face, the body language, the tone of voice, the words, etc. Then add the education of the psyche that has been laid out here for any lay person to understand. It just hits you right between the eyes-WHAM!!!
I just wonder if the jurors will have access to this kind of pysch information by way of expert witness?:waitasec:
Essies in the words of chicago, "All is not lost" Keep the faith! As time proceeds on more and more cases will bring to light the emeshment of psychiatry and the law as we are seeing so many cases of murder by people with classic personality disorders. I have to quote my fave M.D. Liane Leedom again because I think the public will see change in our future. Although it is up to the public to sqeek the wheel for this change. "it should be mandatory that all judges recieve an officially santioned education program on psychopathy/sociopathy that would help immunize them again'st being fooled by the psychopath/sociopath and their CORRUPT LAWYERS" Knowledge is power! I'm going to jump on Liane's bandwagon and find out how to promote change in this arena. Heading to email JudgeS and give him a heads up! LOl! or am I???? :)
Maybe GA anc CA were exhausted from dealing with KC all these years too. Obviously, CA knew that KC was "not right" when she told KC's friends that KC was a sociopath that would rob them blind.

I feel sorry for the A's. KC had Caylee and held her parents hostage as they knew that KC was capable of anything. They were powerless to do anything. They were trying to teach her to be a responsible parent but she considered them controlling.

If your dog bites someone, you don't hate your dog and want it dead. You plead for it's life.
Maybe GA anc CA were exhausted from dealing with KC all these years too. Obviously, CA knew that KC was "not right" when she told KC's friends that KC was a sociopath that would rob them blind.

I feel sorry for the A's. KC had Caylee and held her parents hostage as they knew that KC was capable of anything. They were powerless to do anything. They were trying to teach her to be a responsible parent but she considered them controlling.

If your dog bites someone, you don't hate your dog and want it dead. You plead for it's life.

Respectfully, Dot, I disagree.

If I had a daughter whom I knew was a sociopath, she would take the child out of the house for days, weeks or months, over my dead body, legal custody, or not.

And, I would take legal action to get custody.

And, if she HURT the baby, I'd bust her, myself-- not cover for her.

That being said-- You're right! My guess is that she exhausted them. Socios are good at that. They are either directly emotionally draining one (emotional vampires), or one is always walking on eggs, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The education is vital in family court - where all to often judges force vistation or worse mediation between disordered parent , and spouse or child . The wingnut gets to play games and continue with sadistic tactics and the spouse and child are further traumatized hours are wasted and nothing gets resolved.

Crimminal - not so sure - having a pd isnt an acceptable excuse or reason for
anything she has done. Knowing she has one is a moot point as far as I can see
Absolutely family court!!! Should have been done many moons ago. Your right a diagnosis such as these aren't criminal, only the crimes they commit but to have more people and judges educated would certainly help keep some of those perps from slipping through the legal system to offend again. I personally only had one patient, a male age 17, placed on an aduli unit, hospitalized for 1 mon. initially and 3 mon. his second admission. First ad. he was the most gracious, caring little long haired rocker. If you walked in watching him dance to Edgar Winter you may have thought he was in a manic phaseLOL! Boy could he twirl! This was just an attention thing he would do and it did entertain the younger adults. Many of the staff couldn't figure out why he was admitted as he couldn't have been more appropriate as he lured us in with this behavior. Unfortunately his parents weren't able to give us much history on paper, other than a trouble maker in school. He had pulled sizzores out and threatened the teacher but cried out that the teacher had twisted his arm and he couldn't take school and wanted to kill himself. He became a patient to get out of the consequences he would face of juve. He was discharged only to return with his feelings of persecution once again as he had poison the neighbors dog. Staff wised up to his manipulations until he involved me in one of his manipulations. My co-worker Mr. L a complete gentleman who was assigned to this kid had put him on room confinement for not following the most easiest of rules. The following evenning he approached me with welting eyes and told me MR. L made sexual advances while he was on rounds night shift. My immediate reaction was selfish as I thought why me. I knew this was going to blow the roof off that hospita and personally I was drained. Per dr. orders I had a consultation with pt. and mr. L where this boy didn't break stride, tears and all. His word against staff member. Huge ordeal as this was 1973. Kid discharged to home eventually and Mr. L transferred to ER. So for those who haven't been abused by a family member with this diagnosis or haven't encountered a person like this I'v added to the many stories here and hopefully all our stories told will be read by many visiting this site and we have squeeked the wheel a bit more. These folks will drain you dry and they will have you thinking your the one with the problem. I have to admit they are a scary interesting folks to study.
Ya know, I still (some place way back in my mind) wonder if she has given LE info.. if she Is working toward a conviction, secretly or something.

That would be nice. I would kiss her feet and tell her how sorry I am for talking 'bout her!

Really? I never would have thought of that. Are we talking about CA? I'm not feeling this at all - that would be the strangest surprise ever (unless she suspects GA!).
Maybe GA anc CA were exhausted from dealing with KC all these years too. Obviously, CA knew that KC was "not right" when she told KC's friends that KC was a sociopath that would rob them blind.

I feel sorry for the A's. KC had Caylee and held her parents hostage as they knew that KC was capable of anything. They were powerless to do anything. They were trying to teach her to be a responsible parent but she considered them controlling.

If your dog bites someone, you don't hate your dog and want it dead. You plead for it's life.

I love kids and dogs,but if one of my dogs brutally killed one of my other dogs,I'd have to have it put down.It's a menace to others and I may love it,but I can't let it have the opportunity to do it again.I would never be able to trust that dog again.
The A's are covering for the person that killed their precious,helpless,baby grandaughter.They can love her,and still do what's right. JMO :blowkiss:
She just might if she sees that bus barreling her way with JB driving and KC navigating!
CA was last seen publicly with Caylee [not including GA's claim],all the items found with Caylee tie in to the Anthony home and CA and GA have worked desperately to prove there was an alive Caylee. Trying to thwart the work of TES just doesn't look too good.
If the defense goes with SODDI ,one of the A's would be the easiest target.
I think KC would turn on her parents in a heartbeat.

I've gone here in my mind many times. Who do we know for sure to be the last one that had Caylee. The person who was Zanny. O'kay we won't go there but wouldn't that be the ultimate sociopathic, weirdest turn around story ever?

It would explain everything - all the weirdness and we would really have to find a way to embrace Casey. :eek:

(My THEORY would be, if I were writing the script, that CA made KC take the fall because, it was KC's child. It doesn't matter that CA made KC keep the baby, held the baby first, confused others by acting more like a mother to Caylee vs. grandmother, threatened custody, etc.) When Caylee died, under CA's care, Caylee was clearly Casey's!)
That doesn't always make a dif. It CAN.

Some socios come out of responsible and loving homes.

They are born wired differently. Most are not violent. Some can be taught. Some can't.

I got that part by now - (born that way, not all bad enough to kill, sneaky, self-serving, etc.) but how can a young sociopath who is capable of killing a fellow human being find FOUR followers in her own neighborhood? That's scary.

We know about Jim Jones, Hitler and Charles M., but how does a young girl get four other girls to partake in something so life altering, not only for the victim but for their lives as well? It boggles my mind.
I got that part by now - (born that way, not all bad enough to kill, sneaky, self-serving, etc.) but how can a young sociopath who is capable of killing a fellow human being find FOUR followers in her own neighborhood? That's scary.

We know about Jim Jones, Hitler and Charles M., but how does a young girl get four other girls to partake in something so life altering, not only for the victim but for their lives as well? It boggles my mind.

You just answered your own question with your three examples. :)

Manipulation, peer pressure, being a bully are all tactics of a sociopath. Not all sociopaths kill, but with the right ingredients of those who follow, the sociopath seeks and finds the weak ones.

Those girls were teens. Who knows what their needs were at the moment they came into contact with the sociopath. Who then took full advantage of her "targets" to do her bidding. Unfortunately, they paid the price of prison as well as the sociopath.

CA had KC; we know this. How many others had CA sought out. KC we know flitted from girlfriend to girlfriend. Social group to social group. Because each one of them figured out earlier what and how KC operated. Problem was none of them called her out on it. They just dumped her.
I got that part by now - (born that way, not all bad enough to kill, sneaky, self-serving, etc.) but how can a young sociopath who is capable of killing a fellow human being find FOUR followers in her own neighborhood? That's scary.

We know about Jim Jones, Hitler and Charles M., but how does a young girl get four other girls to partake in something so life altering, not only for the victim but for their lives as well? It boggles my mind.

I like to call it emotional blackmail! FWIW
You just answered your own question with your three examples. :)

Manipulation, peer pressure, being a bully are all tactics of a sociopath. Not all sociopaths kill, but with the right ingredients of those who follow, the sociopath seeks and finds the weak ones.

Those girls were teens. Who knows what their needs were at the moment they came into contact with the sociopath. Who then took full advantage of her "targets" to do her bidding. Unfortunately, they paid the price of prison as well as the sociopath.

CA had KC; we know this. How many others had CA sought out. KC we know flitted from girlfriend to girlfriend. Social group to social group. Because each one of them figured out earlier what and how KC operated. Problem was none of them called her out on it. They just dumped her.

I guess all moms and dads better make sure they're having the conversation about if your friend jumps off a bridge don't you do it too, etc. And often.

"They just dumped her." A babysitter or two said they got mad when they realized KC was using them and stated she had lied to them. But KC seemed to go back and forth between different groups of friends. She had invited her old friends to Fusion but they did not go. KC was not adamant about keeping them separate.

Annie claimed that she and KC were "friends in passing" by June 2008 but why would she visit her when KC was out of jail (Annie said she was going through something and needed her friend - huh?).

I'm not trying to be contrary, just trying to keep/get a clear picture of KC in her life before June 2008. The Lake Vaj group, Jesse, Ricardo and friends (wanted KC to accompany them to PR) and TL's group all seemed to like her and didn't tell awful stories regarding their friendships with her.
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