Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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She was too quick to offer that she didn't abandon the car. I think she left her purse and keys in the car with the intention of taking off but Cindy thwarted her plan when she found her at Tony's. She figured she could make it look like something happened to both of them.

I totally agree with you, I think she wanted to go to California to meet up with her other boyfriend that has been mentioned. I seriously think this was her plan, she was using Tony for a place to stay and was jetting very soon once she figured out how to get money for a plane ticket or steal a car to get to Cali.
Do multiple personality types speak about their other personalities like this - like they are real separate people - or do they even know about the other personalities?

I don't know about multiple personalities, but I have a VIVID memory of first grade (what is that? Like 6 years old). In first grade my teacher would say, "Mrs. Joyce is going to take your lunch money now." "Mrs. Joyce is going to take you to the lunch room now." "Mrs. Joyce will be reading now." And I remember thinking to myself "Where in the heck is Mrs. Joyce and when is she going to get here and do this stuff" for like weeks and weeks!!!! Turns out... she was calling herself Mrs. Joyce. It took me a month to catch onto that. Really - sad, huh? But perhaps Casey called herself Zanny, like it was an adventure every day for Caylee with "Zanny".
If it helps, my two year old screams and tries to shut the computer every time he hears Caseys voice. They say children are good judges of character, I guess it must be true.

funny that is my hubby's reaction to NG.
This is the confusing thing for me -- about the second interview. They now know that KC doesn't work at Universal. I didn't hear them ask if she worked any where else. Toward the end of it, they are going over her story again, i.e so you dropped her off when you went to work, etc. they kept referring to her working. Working where? Did I miss something? Why didn't they ask her why she had a need for a babysitter if she wasn't working? Is it me? or did they drop the ball? Maybe my audio cut off before it should have and I missed something. Help!?

I don't get either! It seems they missed an important discrepancy. If she wasn't working at Universal, where? Doing what? If not working, how often did she need a sitter?
Something which really bugs me........she keeps talking about meeting the nanny at Christmas through Jeffery Hopkins because this was nanny. She talks about dropping Caylee off at his house at Avalon Park where the nanny kept both children. She also said she told HIM and Juilett about Caylee being missing............

In the documents he says has NO children never has had a child. He said she also did not tell him Caylee was missing.

WHY would she tell that unless she wanted to get caught or did she think he would lie for her?

She's not a smart sociopath. Why would she take the cops to her Universal "office?"

Besides, if she can convince her nurse mother that she's a virgin, when she's seven months gone,,, ANYONE will believe her (she thinks).

I think maybe if they'd let her sit in jail the FIRST time she stole, some of this might not be happening.
This is my first post here on Websleuths & man, I LOVE this forum already just from reading these threads on the Caylee Anthony case! I heard the recordings that were released today and all I could think about was "busted!" She fumbled around with all her lies... her sim card, her stolen phone, her zanny nanny or whatever she made up, her :boohoo: lies, lies and more lies. If only they could charge her with felonies for EACH and EVERY single lie she's told them! Casey is such a worthless piece of..... well, nevermind. :furious: I want to see her :behindbar forever and ever....amen! :) Thanks for having me, looking forward to posting more in the future. By the way, my name is Sara in case you were wondering. And I've had the nickname Sara Barracuda longer than Sarah Palin! :crazy:
I don't think they had that information yet, they only knew that he did not work at universal as she stated. He worked there in 2002 not 3 to 4 months ago as she originally stated or 10 months ago as she said later.

understood, but was she ever asked that since, then and do we know what her reply

it seems unless you back her up against the wall, like the part of the made up office, where they LE pushed her until she admitted yeah I lied.
This is my first post here on Websleuths & man, I LOVE this forum already just from reading these threads on the Caylee Anthony case! I heard the recordings that were released today and all I could think about was "busted!" She fumbled around with all her lies... her sim card, her stolen phone, her zanny nanny or whatever she made up, her :boohoo: lies, lies and more lies. If only they could charge her with felonies for EACH and EVERY single lie she's told them! Casey is such a worthless piece of..... well, nevermind. :furious: I want to see her :behindbar forever and ever....amen! :) Thanks for having me, looking forward to posting more in the future. By the way, my name is Sara in case you were wondering. And I've had the nickname Sara Barracuda longer than Sarah Palin! :crazy:

Welcome. :)
When my son was 18 months old, he fell asleep inside his tpy box with the lid closed, plenty of air, but he couldn't be seen from the outside, I was hysterical after 5 minutes. I felt extremely dumb when the cops found him in his toy box, but still, I had them there 10 minutes after I couldn't find him. That's why this woman baffles me. When your kid goes missing, you call the cops, period. Even if they happen to be missing in their own bedroom.

And, in those few minutes (that seemed like hours), how many horrible scenarios ran through your head?
This is my first post here on Websleuths & man, I LOVE this forum already just from reading these threads on the Caylee Anthony case! I heard the recordings that were released today and all I could think about was "busted!" She fumbled around with all her lies... her sim card, her stolen phone, her zanny nanny or whatever she made up, her :boohoo: lies, lies and more lies. If only they could charge her with felonies for EACH and EVERY single lie she's told them! Casey is such a worthless piece of..... well, nevermind. :furious: I want to see her :behindbar forever and ever....amen! :) Thanks for having me, looking forward to posting more in the future. By the way, my name is Sara in case you were wondering. And I've had the nickname Sara Barracuda longer than Sarah Palin! :crazy:

Welcome Sara, hold on for the ride.
Given the amount of time that transpired between the period that Caylee disappeared and this interview with LE, I feel we would have witnessed a completely different outcome in these audio tapes and documents had it occurred the day of, or relatively soon after, the disappearance. The tone of KC's voice indicates to me the amount of confidence she gained as time went by without having been seriously confronted as to the whereabouts of her missing child. The poorly crafted lies indicate to me she is not of great intelligence especially since she had so much time to prepare a more convincing story. I imagine that she would have spilled the truth under the pressure presented by these detectives if she had not gained so much traction in her own mind. Her and her family fly by the seat of their pants IMHO.
She lies because she is a pro - she is a career liar. She then turns into the victim at the end about being a single mom and starts being a martyr, her mother is right about her and she brought this upon herself. She is sniffing and tears and keeps talking about herself and her problems with her mom and since the detective is being nice to her toward the end she turns into a softy, but her tears absolutely stop once she has to think and answer questions about the car. She can't cry while she is thinking of details.
She will not let harm come to THAT CHILD.

That's right. Remember she told her friend Kristina on the jailhouse call that she can't sit there and cry because she has to talk to detectives and answer questions? (don't recall her exact words but something to that effect.)
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