Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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mybrokenwings: Your sentence, "she has to have something horrible happen to her as a child", that was what I kept thinking. I would be afraid to know what life with the Anthony's, esp. Cindy was like for KC and Lee. I'm by no means excusing any behavior or actions of KC, but I can't help but feel growing up in that house must of been hellish. There really is a very odd relationship btw. all of them.
Lake Under Hill would be a place to start, she said Caylee LOVED it there.
She's not a smart sociopath. Why would she take the cops to her Universal "office?"

Besides, if she can convince her nurse mother that she's a virgin, when she's seven months gone,,, ANYONE will believe her (she thinks).

I think maybe if they'd let her sit in jail the FIRST time she stole, some of this might not be happening.

She's a liar, but she's not a good liar, and she certainly isn't a smart liar.
Good Point Maybe indeed she is Zenaida, she had a psych evaluation in jail I think, I guess they would have put her in an institution or on drugs but maybe she fooled the psych too I don't know- she definitely is not of this world

Sociopathy isn't successfully treatable.

I don't think she has multiple personality disorder. That shows up in childhood, and is very, very rare.
Lake Under Hill would be a place to start, she said Caylee LOVED it there.

I think KC is definitely setting up for Caylee to be found there or JB park.

She has mentioned it way too many times. How big is that area?
Given the amount of time that transpired between the period that Caylee disappeared and this interview with LE, I feel we would have witnessed a completely different outcome in these audio tapes and documents had it occurred the day of, or relatively soon after, the disappearance. The tone of KC's voice indicates to me the amount of confidence she gained as time went by without having been seriously confronted as to the whereabouts of her missing child. The poorly crafted lies indicate to me she is not of great intelligence especially since she had so much time to prepare a more convincing story. I imagine that she would have spilled the truth under the pressure presented by these detectives if she had not gained so much traction in her own mind. Her and her family fly by the seat of their pants IMHO.

Now we know why from the first, LE (starting with the 911 operator) knew there was more than a "kidnapping" going on concerning Caylee. No one wait a month, actually Casey would have never notified LE, if their child is missing no matter what.
She was making stuff up on a whim - this was NOT a story she thought through, because had she, she would have realized most of it would have been found out. When Cindy Anthony walked in on her at Tony's and found her lazy arse, she began to think things up. This in no way was a planned tale.

after listening to the recordings I have to agree with you.
Sorry if this has been discussed but did anyone ever ask Casey why she needed the nanny in the first place if she didn't even have a job??? And if her answer was "I was looking for a job" couldn't they verify that by checking the so called places she would say she looked? I really curious about this.
are we allowed to have threads on what we heard? I have 5 sheets of chicken scratch from listening. I read the typed stuff, but it didn't garner me 5 sheets :p
She has no soul and there is a void where her heart should be. There is nothing caring or loving in her voice when talking about her child.

I would hope that the tapes being released is the beginning of the end for her.
I think cops are throwing the public a bone. I think more will be coming down soon!

Me, too! I think they are hiding their cards.

I also think they found something significant on Monday.
Yes, I just to that point in the tapes. The 2 cops who are being hardest on her leave the room, and she starts opening up to the "good cop".

Of course, she's still lying, but in longer passages.

I think they should put her with a young, good-looking detective.
This is my first post here on Websleuths & man, I LOVE this forum already just from reading these threads on the Caylee Anthony case! I heard the recordings that were released today and all I could think about was "busted!" She fumbled around with all her lies... her sim card, her stolen phone, her zanny nanny or whatever she made up, her :boohoo: lies, lies and more lies. If only they could charge her with felonies for EACH and EVERY single lie she's told them! Casey is such a worthless piece of..... well, nevermind. :furious: I want to see her :behindbar forever and ever....amen! :) Thanks for having me, looking forward to posting more in the future. By the way, my name is Sara in case you were wondering. And I've had the nickname Sara Barracuda longer than Sarah Palin! :crazy:

I love you nick! Welcome!
Sorry if this has been discussed but did anyone ever ask Casey why she needed the nanny in the first place if she didn't even have a job??? And if her answer was "I was looking for a job" couldn't they verify that by checking the so called places she would say she looked? I really curious about this.

Can't put too much stake in that. My ex-wife used to take her daughter to daycare because she "needed her space" while she sat on her butt at home.
mybrokenwings: Your sentence, "she has to have something horrible happen to her as a child", that was what I kept thinking. I would be afraid to know what life with the Anthony's, esp. Cindy was like for KC and Lee. I'm by no means excusing any behavior or actions of KC, but I can't help but feel growing up in that house must of been hellish. There really is a very odd relationship btw. all of them.

I think that is why they hiding the truth from the cops. Their family is used to hiding secrets, so what is one more little secret between family members?? Those kind of people teach their kids that they are family and it is MOST important and that they are to stick together no matter what!

If my daughter killed my grandbaby, I would turn her in. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
She's not a smart sociopath. Why would she take the cops to her Universal "office?"

Besides, if she can convince her nurse mother that she's a virgin, when she's seven months gone,,, ANYONE will believe her (she thinks).

I think maybe if they'd let her sit in jail the FIRST time she stole, some of this might not be happening.

Don't forget, she has lied her whole life and no one ever called her on them. Maybe they did at first but she was eventually able to keep lying enough that the person either believed her or just dropped it. In her mind, she is thinking that LE will do the same thing. I thouht I heard her say that the reason she lied is because they weren't satisfied with her leaving the baby at the apartment. She just kept going with the lies hoping that she would finally be able to convince them. She's never been called out like that before.
If LE didn't want this stuff released, it wouldn't be. They have some tricks up their sleeves. I too think they've got some significant evidence.
understood, but was she ever asked that since, then and do we know what her reply

it seems unless you back her up against the wall, like the part of the made up office, where they LE pushed her until she admitted yeah I lied.

Le did not interogate her again, she lawyered up and LE said they had nothing else to discuss with her because she was obviously purposly trying to confuse thema nd everything was a lie.
I also think they found something significant on Monday.[/QUOTE]

Hi, can I ask what makes you think they found something on Monday? I haven't been able to keep up as much so I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.
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