Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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Didn't she even tell the detectives that she went to Valencia college/ university.
And so the tapes came out today but Casey didn't see the lawyer today. Does anyone know why?
With all the nuttiness, crazziness, meaness and pure hate, there is something just so sad it makes my heart just ache. A whole family torn to pieces. A baby gone. Heartbreaking. Myself, I just don't think I could take it much longer.

I'll feel sorry for them when they quit protecting KC, and stop trying to misdirect LE.
Lake Under Hill would be a place to start, she said Caylee LOVED it there.

Wherever Caylee's body is, I don't think she's mentioned it yet. She's the kind of person that doesn't care if her child lives or dies, she probably wouldn't care if Caylee's remains were in a place she liked. If she ever mentions the real place where Caylee's body is at, she'll concoct a story that marginally makes it sound like Zenaida (or whoever the flavor of the moment kidnapper is) liked that place. Within minutes, the body will be found and the case can move forward!
But see Sociopaths tend to have very high intelligence. They are great con men. These type of lies to officers show very little understanding of their ability to track down this information...something is very wrong here.

SOME sociopaths are very intelligent. Those either end up CEOs or Ted Bundy.

A lot of sociopaths are stupid. They get caught quickly.
after listening to the recordings I have to agree with you.

another thing I am positive that CA and GA lied when they said they had been hearing the name ZG for years. She almost always refered to the NANNY to all of her friends and foes, why would CA and GA be any different.

I am convinced CA and GA have lied about a few things and that is one of them.
I liked it when the Detectives confronted her with the fact that J Hopkins had not worked there since 2002.
Didn't she even tell the detectives that she went to Valencia college/ university.

Yes this was toward the end of the intero and she told the last detective she went for a year...however we know she never graduated high school so that is a lie.
She also says that this is the first time Caylee has been away from her for more than a day but at the beginning she states that ZG has taken her before. They didn't question that.
I love these detectives. God forbid if anything was to happen to any of my family I could only hope that people like them would be there for me. I can't imagine the resources that have been wasted on all the lies this woman has spewed forth. Three of them accompany her to Universal to search for clues and all they get is more lies. I believe they have a lot more than they are alluding to and I hope they nail her and all the others involved in this disgusting deception.
I only listened to the tapes one time but I discovered a discrepancy that LE has not mentioned yet. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

She said she had known ZG for almost 4 years but she also said that Jeffrey intoduced them when she was looking for a babysitter. Caylee was not even three years old yet, so those time lines don't jive.

Am I mistaken with this?
i thought I read somewhere that she was seen leaving last night and no one knows where she is today and also, JB isn't at the office today. Does anyone know anything about that?
I liked it when the Detectives confronted her with the fact that J Hopkins had not worked there since 2002.

I know and then he said so you lied about this and she said "uhhuh".
"I'm scared because I'm running out of options" what in the HE!! doe's she mean.
Well at least we know Casey can cry--too bad it was about her mom and her expectations.
Wherever Caylee's body is, I don't think she's mentioned it yet. She's the kind of person that doesn't care if her child lives or dies, she probably wouldn't care if Caylee's remains were in a place she liked. If she ever mentions the real place where Caylee's body is at, she'll concoct a story that marginally makes it sound like Zenaida (or whoever the flavor of the moment kidnapper is) liked that place. Within minutes, the body will be found and the case can move forward!

But she has already set that up with the "script" that Zanny gave her at JB park...
This is my first post so I hope I don't mess up! I have listened to both of these tapes. This girl talks exactly how my step-daughter talks who is a diagnosed sociopath!!! There is NO doubt about it in my mind now that she isn't one! My step-daughter talks in this monotone way too and just goes on and on with stories that don't even matter to what she is lying about. She can lie at the drop of a hat. As a matter of fact she will lie even when there is NO reason to lie. She is not capable of feeling any remorse and will never EVER admit the lie, even when it is proven to her face that it was all a lie!! To this day even though we have disowned her and confronted her and proven certain things, she will still be talking and throw out her original lies eventually woven into whatever she is talking about. I always wonder IF she actually believes them, or if she is just incapable of admitting to lying?

KC, like my daughter in law don't EVER feel bad about hurting or using anybody. They don't think out what will be the consiquences to their actions and they don't feel love for anybody. My daughter in law has three young children and I worry about them every day. I believe that one day she will kill one of them. She would leave them with Satan himself if it meant that she could go out running and meeting guys. KC seems to be the same way. My SD also will sleep with any number of guys and girls too. She has no morals just like KC.

I could go on and on about her sociopathic behaviors, but if you have never personally known one, you have a very hard time imagining anybody being that was. I am convinced that my SD has NO soul and I am convinced that KC hasn't got one either!

I have seen many, I was a psychiatric case manager for a long time.

I once had a 13-year old serial rapist.

Sociopaths are incapable of empathy.
SOME sociopaths are very intelligent. Those either end up CEOs or Ted Bundy.

A lot of sociopaths are stupid. They get caught quickly.

MO, KC is not one of the smart sociopaths. She's always gotten by lying by the seat of her pants. She's personable and attrative. She's a good talker. She was able to slide by without people really thinkin' confronting her. When the stakes are high, and someone does confront her, she has no GOOD lies. Lots of lies and she holds her cool, but her lies are weak and stupid, easily disproved and they make ABSOLUTELY no sense. There's no plan nor organization to them. They're just ridiculous.
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