Casey is indigent? Now what?

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You are so right. I am so tired of nauseating legal beagles on those talking head shows. They start out as credible legal experts and wind up as publicity addicted, opinions for hire. I can hardly make myself watch anymore and if JB winds up doing the circuit I will ask my kids how to make the channels not show up on my tv anymore.....

I'm the same way. I think Baez will try to turn this into a new career, but I doubt Nancy Grace will have him on. He's no expert on anything.
Good points, one and all. It is pretty common in the jail house scuttlebutt IF you have to go with a PD, a female fresh out of law school will fight as if you were a high paying client. Mythos? Maybe. The female part may be attributed to some sort of maternal instinct stirred up, as opposed to sexism. I think any PD is a great deal more skilled than the public at large ever gives them credit for. I was blessed with one of the region's best criminal defense attorneys, but it was a bone thrown to me by God. I had little to do with it. The 'YouTube' post was most helpful in putting this entire thread in focus for me. Woulda, coulda, shoulda notwithstanding, I think she should of stuck with the PD. IMO she would of never ended up on E!'s most notorious list, among a hundred other things. 'nuff said :angel:

I pick door B- some huge deal down the line...say writing a book

OMG! They are banking on a movie or book deal!!

Of course! How many people trademark/copyright their grand daughter's name so as to exploit it financially. The $$$ signs came on pretty quickly for GA and CA. Ironic isn't it that they are selling Caylee so as to fund the defense of her murderer.:banghead:
Good points, one and all. It is pretty common in the jail house scuttlebutt IF you have to go with a PD, a female fresh out of law school will fight as if you were a high paying client. Mythos? Maybe but I think any PD is a great deal more skilled than the public at large gives them credit. I was blessed with one of the region's best criminal defense attorneys, but it was a bone thrown to me by God. I had little to do with it. The 'YouTube' post was most helpful in putting this entire thread in focus for me. Woulda, coulda, shoulda notwithstanding, I think she should of stuck with the PD. IMO she would of never ended up on E!'s most notorious list, among a hundred other things. 'nuff said :angel:

The Public Defender we saw at Casey's first court appearance seemed to have her act together - specially if you compare her behavior to Baez' bumbling appearances.
Does anyone remember the Caylee Doll? It was pulled because everyone was outraged.
Did KC or the A's have anything to do with the production of that doll?
Could they have been counting on that doll to rake in millions to help defend KC?
Remember this little gem? I believe the prosecution called it the Pauper to Princess motion. You just can't make this stuff up!!

[ame][/ame] "There is a minefield in this is in the distance...but it is coming, and I am sure the court sees this too, " Mr. Ashton said.


Mr. Ashton: " Defense's spokesperson has acknowledged that indeed Mr. Baez has been selling items related to the story in this case."


"Mr. Baez's motion does not have any legal basis" Mr. Ashton continued. "We want this on the record right now, get Mr. Baez on the record. We need to make sure the record is clear, and Ms. Anthony knows exactly what the situation is what the financial arrangements are and that Ms. Anthony waives any possible conflict of interest. We are doing this so that five years from we aren't coming back on this case, having to retry it." [ame][/ame]

Baez: "Everything they are talking about is post-conviction. Mr. Ashton should be more worried about their conviction, moreso than their post conviction. I am trying to try this trial."

The Judge: "I have to deal with it. I have to protect the record. I do have to worry about in the event there is a conviction that I covered this."

Mr. Baez: "Then I would request that this inquiry be done in camera, it deals with information that is of a highly confidential nature." [ame][/ame] Boy oh boy, Baez and Ashton are really going at it!!!!!

The judge reading from Casey's affidavit: There are no agreements for the sale of my story or that of my daughter.

Whatever happened to this lawyer sitting second chair with Baez?
Does anyone remember the Caylee Doll? It was pulled because everyone was outraged.
Did KC or the A's have anything to do with the production of that doll?
Could they have been counting on that doll to rake in millions to help defend KC?
Nah...I just think it probably angered them that someone "else" was trying to capitalize on poor Caylee.
this is from the date of the Pauper to Princess hearing
Maybe that's why Linda Kenny Baden hasn't been around.
No (blood) money = no more videos/pics to sell. And that's fine by me.

Nancy: "Baez is making mistakes left and right!!!!"

[ame][/ame]Can you believe this was a year ago?!!!

[ame][/ame] LP: They did sell a full photo album. It was full of pictures. I do not know who the check was written to, but it was sold for upwards of two hundred thousand. [ame][/ame]
[ame][/ame] Dr. Dale Archer : "In my opinion she is a sociopath"

Vinnie Parko, Private Investigator: "Of course I have a theory. She has a family. The deal was made with them, then she can be kept out of it. We have been hired to get close to a family on high profile cases, so that a production company, or literary agency can then have an "In" with the have a foot in the door so to speak when it is time to make a deal. So I think they should get the mother and father in there to find out if they have made a deal!"
[ame][/ame] [ame][/ame]

ps: The narrator is not me.....
I had a thought today. I wonder if they aren't declaring her indigent just yet because if they do, they can't complain about costs anymore and that's half of their motion power going out the window. The case would have to get moving faster because they wouldn't be producing as many motions, and maybe they're not ready to get it moving any faster just yet.

That coupled not wanting financial information or anything making Jose Baez look worse than he already does says to me that they probably won't declare her indigent unless they absolutely have to.

I also wonder if the A's have finally cut them off. They're not making much money anyway, and about the only thing they can do to show their displeasure with the defense is not pay them anymore. It's also a way to let Casey sink totally on her own. And I'm not saying they would say "We're cutting you off," but "Sorry, we just don't have the money to pay you anymore."
I had a thought today. I wonder if they aren't declaring her indigent just yet because if they do, they can't complain about costs anymore and that's half of their motion power going out the window. The case would have to get moving faster because they wouldn't be producing as many motions, and maybe they're not ready to get it moving any faster just yet.

That coupled not wanting financial information or anything making Jose Baez look worse than he already does says to me that they probably won't declare her indigent unless they absolutely have to.

I also wonder if the A's have finally cut them off. They're not making much money anyway, and about the only thing they can do to show their displeasure with the defense is not pay them anymore. It's also a way to let Casey sink totally on her own. And I'm not saying they would say "We're cutting you off," but "Sorry, we just don't have the money to pay you anymore."

I was thinking that most of the experts are pro bono.....what other expenses do they need to pay? They haven't really don't lots of depos or anything....just appear in the media....and try to write/submit arguments....
I know of criminal cases where so much $$ was allowed by the court to be paid to the atty in fees and the lawyer had to eat the rest. IOW< they had to see it through and were not allowed to quit.

My guess is, if a substantial ammount of money did in fact change hands, from the sale of pictures etc, then the Judge will hold JB, LKB and AL feet to the fire. They will have to perform and provide for those services they contracted to perform. ie the defense of KC Anthony.

Now KC herself can probably dismiss the entire current defense team and then claim inident status for public defense. She will probably have to justify to a judge why she wishes to do that at this point. But financial mismanagement on the part of her attorneys is a legitimate beef.

But the judge will not look well on any other claims of indigency nor of attorney incompetance as a reason for appeal or reversal. He has taken great pains to insure that KC has every piece of information she needs to make informed and reasonable personal decisions regarding the quality and capabilities of her privately hired legal team. This is precisely why she must be present for each and every hearing on JS's order. So she can see, witness and evaluate her attorneys antics and get a clear understanding of everything that she is involved in. A defendant has the right to hire a lousy lawyer, should they knowingly choose to do so. Knowingly selecting a bozo does not make it an appealable issue after conviction. To appeal it you pretty much have to have been sadled with the bozo with no choice of your own.
VIDEO REPORT: Casey's Team Short On Cash?

This video is priceless. GA was always against Baez defending KC, he mentions it quite a few times when he was being interviewed by the police.

Then I bring myself back to the fraud sentencing day when CA greeted Baez with a huge hug..but they don't like him and want him replaced. Does KC feel the same way or is this more of the controlling, dominating parents idea. Don't you see how transparent these folk are? CA is so manipulative but so is KC and proves that apple didn't fall far from that tree!

I never thought CA would "share" her portion of the pie with KC, she seems to be greedy and all about the money. Only SHE can "prostitute" Caylee. Do you remember that statement she made???Horrendous, IMO for a grandmother to use that word when speaking about Caylee and who is marketing her. Now I have this strange feeling, they are paying the cost of this defense or at least giving a share to the defense. When the money ran dry, how will they live? GA/CA do not work, they get tatts, go on cruises so I wonder how they are paying their bills. Something is being kept hidden, IMO.

Seems someone will soon sell their soul to the devil, or has already. I only pray this doesn't complicate this trial. I do not want to see a mistrial, in any way, shape or form.

Justice for Caylee
Reading this about money issues, etc, I think about the Susan Smith case, and how she saved millions of tax payers dollars by just pleading guilty.
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