Casey Returned to the Disposal Site - Theories

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I just can't picture KC, in the dark, with a flashlight venturing into those woods. I can picture her driving to the site and sitting there, tho.
Can we put this thread in the general discussion thread? Might get more input there, as I just happened to see BJB had posted in this Resource Link thread.
If the post-midnight flurry calling was nothing more than Cindy's pleas to see Caylee, what would've triggered Casey to goto the disposal area @ 4:50AM 7/2? :waitasec:

Why that night?

Casey knew Tony would be back 7/5 and her freedom w/ the Jeep was fading. And the Jeep obviously gave her some 'cover' from being spotted by G&C during the daytime if all she needed/wanted to do was drive by something.

Perhaps the long phone call w/ Tony that ended before the 4AM adventure was the one we heard Tony describe when he pushed Casey's buttons and mused about not coming back to Orlando :waitasec: IIRC, he said this notion brought Casey to tears. That scenario might tee up a bit of a, WTH-have-I-done?!?! response. KC could have very frazzled nerves at this point, and was very touchy, not even realizing TL was playin with her, as they had teased each other previously. She was sulking over her Caylee (getting caught) troubles, and TL was making jokes-Made her cry because she needed consolation from him on some level and she was not in a playful mood?

Although we don't know (yet :prayer:) if Ryan was describing the specific 4:50AM call when he said Casey admitted drug use to him. IF we allow that it was describing that certainly casts a sense of Casey being of mind that she needed to confess her sins and, perhaps, was seeking some absolution.

That Casey called Ryan instead of Jesse is quite interesting too. Jesse is too judgemental and a do-gooder (that means he's a mature and well-meaning man, to the rest of us) Setting aside the notion that the 7/1 shower might've been a mission to frame Jesse - did Casey come away from that visit feeling rejected? I am not sure on this one, I don't think KC liked Jesse very much, but she needed to use him from time to time. I recall seeing messages on her MySpace indicating that she pretty much hated JG. Rejected enough that it brought Ryan to the fore? Recall the text convo 'tween Amy and Casey when Casey seemed melancholy about a relationship with Ryan? Admittedly, this could have been nothing more than a ruse Casey used w/ Amy...still :waitasec:

Need to check again on the timing of Troy's gfriend's arrival too. If she didn't arrive until the day she spent so much time w/ Casey, 7/3, then perhaps her impending visit caused Casey to see her opportunities to escape alone before 7/5 were vanishing by 7/2AM. :waitasec: Was the gf's arrival the topic of convo @ Ricardo & Amy's 7/1PM?

IIRC, Amy texted Casey earlier in the week about bbq party @ Will's 7/4. Gotta party...'nother night bites the dust.

Did Casey's world get knocked off its axis by Tony's antics that night just enough that she decided to take what might be her last bit of freedom that week to reset-Yes, goes to what I wrote above, she is the ultimate vindictive pouter....the end result being the eff-it-all resolve that yielded, "Diary of Days", and, a tattoo? "Trust no one...only youself."

I think I've reached the max allowable questions for one post :)

Red BBM: JMOs, great post that covers some key bases-thanks!
If I had just revisited by dead daughter's remains, in the condition Caylee was most likely in, I might have a "freak out" moment and need to talk to my long-time best friend to calm me down.

There are lots of pretenses Casey could have used to explain being hysterical...she told Tony her nightmares were from worry over their "relationship" and the possibility of breaking up. I guess she could have told Ryan the same thing..."I'm freaking out because I'm afraid Tony might leave me. Calm me down. The possibility of 'true love' is worth anything you've got to go through to get it, right? Tell me 'love' is worth any price?"

BBM-That makes sense, she could have provided a pretense and still unloaded some genuine emotion-She had to have been majorly stressed, not sure where to go, driving around in circles...Calling anyone to talk to because her mind was racing. Very touchy, as if she were on a hormone roller coaster. Butterflies and tight chest-Because she knew that car was not at the Amscot anymore. That triggered some panic. Not to mention, she's smoking dope, she might have had escalated paranoia when using marijuana under that kind of stress and fear.

This date is very important because it may mark the change in her attitude that shows she knew there was trouble, vs. a very casual attitude the weeks before (showing up at the A's house almost everyday in the first couple of weeks).
I am convinced she went back to the site, maybe more than once-But I am still not sure whether or not I can see her actually getting out of the truck.
p.s. I always thought the call to Ryan at that hour was probably just a flirtatious thing, if it happened after being rejected at Jesse's when she went there to "use his shower", then I do think she probably called Ryan just to flirt (but maybe I have my dates off there) :) I always thought she was probably looking to reconnect with old friends (male friends) during this time frame because of Tony not being around and also because of him being so dismissive and everything MOO. But maybe there is more to the Ryan call that we'll learn about at trial or something

Maybe trying to see if CA had called Ryan? I think someone before me wrote that here as well.
The suspense had to be killing her, the car was gone! Maybe she had to know if anyone in her family had the car that smelled like decomp, and she called the next closest thing to family-Someone, anyone, whose real phone number CA could possibly get her hands on.
Not like KC could call Lee or Mallory to get the scoop, Ryan may be next best thing. KC did not bet on the fact that the A's had Annie's contact information-But then, AD may have actually eased KC's mind when she warned her about LA's presense on the 3rd-AD, LA and MP never mentioned the car-KC knew right there they must not have it in their posession yet.
Her fears began to fade again for a little while-Until the day CA knocked on TL's door.
Fwiw there appear to be 2 prime candidates for retern trips. The first one described by JWG almost appears as a getting-her-courage-up exercise, in contrast to the second trip which was very direct & purposeful (i.e. No looping that we can see and she called Ryan and Ryan only.)

I certainly get the hesitancy to envision Casey getting out amongst the remains. Per the rainfall I posted above I suspect the area was beginning to get pretty wet if not already a little standing water. However, I've also come to see Casey as acting only when necessary for self-preservation. IOW... Casey dint drag her arse out there @ 4:50AM for nothin' IYKWIM.

Perhaps the loss of the car was a reality check that had her ueber-paranoid about her ultra-stooopid-spur-of-the-moment-outta-convenience choice of a disposal site. :waitasec: and it took a characteristically unplanned trip to the site to attempt a move for reality to smack her 'tween the eyes. 3 steps off the shoulder of the road...starting to sink in the mud...and *boom* outta there. :takeoff:
If the post-midnight flurry calling was nothing more than Cindy's pleas to see Caylee, what would've triggered Casey to goto the disposal area @ 4:50AM 7/2? :waitasec:

Why that night?

Casey knew Tony would be back 7/5 and her freedom w/ the Jeep was fading. And the Jeep obviously gave her some 'cover' from being spotted by G&C during the daytime if all she needed/wanted to do was drive by something.

** SNIP **

I'm getting to the opinion that KC's failed attempt to recover the Pontiac on the 30th kicked her into a heightened degree of concern. :nerves:

She'd already dodged a couple of bullets. When she finished pouring gas into her car on the 23rd, with Tony standing right there, she had no idea her trunk smelled of death. She popped open the trunk for the first time in :waitasec:three days to put the cans away and was assaulted with an unhealthy dose of decomposition. But by then, Tony had turned to walk away.
Similar bullet dodged the next day when George want to get into the trunk. :doh:

Maybe KC was feeling lucky or even cocky by then. However, losing the car on the 30th created a catastrophic problem. Panic on many levels probably set in. She called Special K., maybe even saw the tow signs, but one way or another she learned the car was at Johnson's. So...later that afternoon she drives by - maybe twice - and sees it locked up. She never calls them to find out how to get the vehicle, and she is never sent a notice because 1) the vehicle is not in her name and 2) no one knows where she is anyway.:bang:

So she had rapidly built up great concern about the car that she cannot reach. What about the body? Has its secret location been compromised? :waitasec:

I believe this latter thought is what motivated KC to visit the assure herself things were OK.
Interesting, JWG.:waitasec: That kinda takes on a similar modus operandi to the escalating events described in, "The fight...part deux", thread that culminated in Caylee's death.

And, just for grins...maybe Casey just wanted to pull the Kindercare sign outta the ground so as not to call attention to the spot ;)
I'm getting to the opinion that KC's failed attempt to recover the Pontiac on the 30th kicked her into a heightened degree of concern. :nerves:

She'd already dodged a couple of bullets. When she finished pouring gas into her car on the 23rd, with Tony standing right there, she had no idea her trunk smelled of death. She popped open the trunk for the first time in :waitasec:three days to put the cans away and was assaulted with an unhealthy dose of decomposition. But by then, Tony had turned to walk away.
Similar bullet dodged the next day when George want to get into the trunk. :doh:

Maybe KC was feeling lucky or even cocky by then. However, losing the car on the 30th created a catastrophic problem. Panic on many levels probably set in. She called Special K., maybe even saw the tow signs, but one way or another she learned the car was at Johnson's. So...later that afternoon she drives by - maybe twice - and sees it locked up. She never calls them to find out how to get the vehicle, and she is never sent a notice because 1) the vehicle is not in her name and 2) no one knows where she is anyway.:bang:

So she had rapidly built up great concern about the car that she cannot reach. What about the body? Has its secret location been compromised? :waitasec:

I believe this latter thought is what motivated KC to visit the assure herself things were OK.

You took the words right out of my fingertips-Exactly the scenario I began to put together, too. I am sure she looked for her car at Johnson's, I don't think she just drove by that way on a pleasure cruise.

And if she drove by Johnson's twice, the second go round was with a clearer head, and maybe scoping out a way to get to the car or observing to see if police or the tow yard guys were looking at it.

You may have begun to persuade me that she did get out of the car-You are right when you note that she had to look to make sure Caylee's location had not been breached. I don't think she took anything from the site, and I am leaning against the possibility that she planted anything at the site.

The trip to Jesse's may have been an attempt to look around for money or valuables at his place. Going back to some of the early conversations KC had with her family, I don't think KC immediately jumped on JG as a suspect anyway. Matter 'o fact, I think initially she sorta blew off the notion that he was involved, but I would have to go back and listen to verify her exact non-truth truthiness.
*snipped.... "she learned the car was at Johnson's"

My question, How do we know she knew the car was at Johnson's? Respect.
Allowing that we don't know the DEGREE to which Casey interacted with the disposal site - (IOW, ranging from drive by w/o stopping, to stopping nearby to observe/reflect w/o getting outta the Jeep, to tossing/dropping/planting evidence, to full-on interaction with the remains to recover some incriminating evidence) - after kicking this around w/ everyone and reviewing the discovery info...

... I'm convinced Casey revisited the disposal site in some capacity at least once.

Show of hands...any skeptics to make this interesting and challenge the thinking?

Otherwise, I appreciate everyone mulling this over. Thanks for your contributions. :thumb:

P.S. I'm still in awe of Shadow & AZLawyer who hit on this BEFORE the remains were discovered. :bowdown:
*snipped.... "she learned the car was at Johnson's"

My question, How do we know she knew the car was at Johnson's? Respect.

On June 30th

*1:22pm Target video shows Amy and Casey purchasing a 2-gallon gas can for $4.25. Casey uses Tony’s car. They return to JP’s. Amy leaves for work at 5pm.

(pg. 19 Amy Huizenga July 23 transcript)

* 4:45pm, Casey leaves Amy’s and heads east toward Amscot probably to pour gas in her car only to discover the Pontiac was no longer in the lot. Simon Burch stated Johnson’s signs are up at all the Amscots, she may have noted one of the signs and wondered/figured her car had been towed.

* 5:35:01 PM returns call to Cindy- maybe a call to check and see if her parents had the car by chance.

* 9:09:38 PM returns call to Cindy

The evening of July 1, pings indicate she is driving in the area of the tow yard.
On June 30th

*1:22pm Target video shows Amy and Casey purchasing a 2-gallon gas can for $4.25. Casey uses Tony’s car. They return to JP’s. Amy leaves for work at 5pm.

(pg. 19 Amy Huizenga July 23 transcript)

* 4:45pm, Casey leaves Amy’s and heads east toward Amscot probably to pour gas in her car only to discover the Pontiac was no longer in the lot. Simon Burch stated Johnson’s signs are up at all the Amscots, she may have noted one of the signs and wondered/figured her car had been towed.

* 5:35:01 PM returns call to Cindy- maybe a call to check and see if her parents had the car by chance.

* 9:09:38 PM returns call to Cindy

The evening of July 1, pings indicate she is driving in the area of the tow yard.

Also, I believe someone mentioned Special K, which I had read worked at Amscot (maybe not that location)-I do not have a link at hand to demonstrate SK worked at Amscot, though.

Being familiar with the area-I know the tow companies that come through my village-she could have narrowed it down and went by Johnson's first, or perhaps she used Johnson's when her car was towed courtesy of AH.
OT: Harmony, I can only aspire to be so fact-based and ready-referenced. I've gotten so lazy and crutch up on, "IIRC". You set such a great example. Thanks for taking the extra time to do what you do so well! :clap:
Thank you Bond!!

* Casey sent Cindy to Universal while Casey went into the Anthony house, driven there by Sean after getting her tattoo.

Does anyone recall when Cindy noticed Caylee's teddy bear was missing? TIA
Thank you Bond!!

July 2

* Casey sent Cindy to Universal while Casey went into the Anthony house, driven there by Sean after getting her tattoo.

Does anyone recall when Cindy noticed Caylee's teddy bear was missing? TIA

Maybe she was after the car title? In my city, you must present the title or registration to claim a towed car.
Can we put this thread in the general discussion thread? Might get more input there, as I just happened to see BJB had posted in this Resource Link thread.

Good Idea!
But I don't know how.
Maybe she was after the car title? In my city, you must present the title or registration to claim a towed car.

I wondered about that too...but then realized it would do her no good to get the car title if it didn't have her name on it. Unless she didn't mind committing a little forgery and signing it over to herself...hmmmm :waitasec:
I wondered about that too...but then realized it would do her no good to get the car title if it didn't have her name on it. Unless she didn't mind committing a little forgery and signing it over to herself...hmmmm :waitasec:

:waitasec: Hmmm...
Bwahahahahhahaha :floorlaugh:
Thank you Bond!!

* Casey sent Cindy to Universal while Casey went into the Anthony house, driven there by Sean after getting her tattoo.

Does anyone recall when Cindy noticed Caylee's teddy bear was missing? TIA

I found the answer to my question about the teddy bear. Page 68

It was the day she got the tattoo. WOW!!


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