Casey Speak ~ Casey Talk ~ Casey Code

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this isn't gonna be a popular or thanked post, you may want to skip ahead to the next one .... ok but i warned you - i don't think they're talking in code. i think that the weird, vague, convoluted style of speech used by these two makes us think they must be using it to convey hidden messages b/c we can't imagine speaking in this fashion w/o there being something meaningful behind it. i think that if they're speaking any differently from the normal anthony doublebabble they're actually being even broader and more obscure than usual in order to avoid asking or answering anything too directly while still maintaining a comfortable facade of co-operation, helpfulness and openness w/ eachother. there's a whole page of dialogue there but in truth, they managed to say nothing at all.

It is strange the amount of verbiage to answer/not answer a simple question. Lee seems that way. Just postulating and thinking out loud and speculating...when it's simple info LE is after.
I think that Casey did want Caylee found, by her family or the PI's so noone else would find her. We all know that a psycic did not send DC Casey out to the woods, it was a member of the Anthony family, most likely Cindy, she got the directions from Casey and I beleive these jailhouse tapes prove it. DC knew Caylee was out there he just didn't find her, and maybe they thought either Casey was lieing to them, or she did a good enough job at hiding her that they didn't need to search again.
KC is common to other mothers of fillicide, so distorted but easy to figure out once the cards are all laid out. She wished she had rich secret clandestine friends at this point but she has never had anybody but mommy and daddy to run to, lie and fix her wrongs as she proceeds on to her next con. CA has always appeared to know her daughters life behaviors as we have discussed. My goodness her daughter drove her to leave the compound of secrets which said to me she new what her daughter was capable of. My whole being feels they felt compelled to fix this as before. The shock was they never believed she would follow through in the most vile way. You bet they wanted Caylee found if not for pathological selfishness after the fact of what their daughte did. IMO they proved this by their snotty :snooty: attitude at the news little baby Caylee was found in those same woods. Was this the rant thead? I'm sorry :innocent:
I agree. However, I think Casey gets a perverse thrill out of being able to be completely unhelpful while still TELLING THE TRUTH in a very technical sense of the word. IMO, this is why many of her answers sound so strange, or she "reasks" people's questions slightly differently before answering, because she is trying to use "technically true" answers whenever possible so she can say, "I didn't lie. You just weren't listening carefully enough."

So, while I don't think she's speaking "in code," I think her desire to be ultimately vindicated as having told the truth for as many statements as possible does justify looking at each of her weirdly worded statements very carefully.

One example: I can't recall the exact quote, but early on someone (maybe Cindy) asked her about some lie and she instead asked herself a different question and answered it: "That I have no idea where my daughter is right now? Yes, that is the truth." I got the feeling she was thinking, "Hmmm. What can I say about this that is true? Well, I know where I put Caylee's BODY, but I haven't actually LOOKED at it lately to make sure it's still there...and I believe "she" (her SOUL) might be somewhere else and I can't really say from personal first-hand experience where THAT that I don't know where she is right now? Yes, that's the truth."

It's like a much can I mislead people before I actually tell a lie? Not that she was against lying, but when she lies the lies come out so much more smoothly: "Oh yes, I work at Universal and so does my friend Juliet." When she's playing the "truth game," she sounds like English is her second language.
Exactly! Yes, I think you've hit the nail on the head! Great insight into that diabolical mind ... it's a good explanation of why KC speaks in rather awkward riddles when she's playing the "truth game" ... something, no doubt, Cindy and she have played for years ...:clap:
This adult spoiled child KC, can't even conjure up a poor me acting skill let alone remember her lines to speak appropriatly to people who hold her life in their hands. Once again are spitefull witch comes off as "stupid girl. All the while I'm giving her words so much thought that I found myself having conversations with the computer forensics gal in the sheriffs office. Don't laugh as this was late July 08, when everyone was scatching their heads with KC/Anthony family language. I posted about Quantico Behavior Science Unit possibly using psycholinguistics to figure out KC mode of speech. I thought of this from my psych days remembering how schizophrenic episodes cause some to have different speech patterns unlike those without the diagnosis. I actually took her sentences (the best I could) in her jail recordings figuring out her placement of verbs and nouns. Now you can laugh at me all you want as she made me feel like a dunce!!!! Nothing special about her as we know now she appears to be a common wanna be child killer like others before her who sit in jail grooming their new sexual assigment. Maladjusted is as maladjusted does leading to a life of maladjusted moments with other maladjusted mothers behind bars. KC really did have an idea of where her maladjusted thoughts might lead. "I need to be institutionalized" Most honest words spoken needing NO explanation!
One example: I can't recall the exact quote, but early on someone (maybe Cindy) asked her about some lie and she instead asked herself a different question and answered it: "That I have no idea where my daughter is right now? Yes, that is the truth."

That was from the first jailhouse call home. She was talking to Kristina K.

I don't think she, or lee for that matter, are smart enough to talk code either. I just don't give them that much credit.

A lot of people got concerned over lee saying "I’ll try get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies." I think he was simply talking about the cell connection, as they were discussing the bad reception at the A's house right before that statement.
This thread is a blast from the past, long before I became a member. I am 5 pages into it and wanted to share.
"It's not a very well marked neighbourhood."
What the @#%$? Just what does that mean? Everyone there does not put house numbers where they can be read? Is it a place that has border issues with surrounding places so you do not know where one neighbourhood starts and another ends?
OK, back to reading the rest of the posts...
I think the whole family has watched way too movies and tried to act like they were getting something past LE. There was no code, just terrible playacting worthy of a raspberry award, lol.

I have to say, though, reading that short exchange between Lee and Casey made my head hurt. I just want to slap them both and say "Talk like NORMAL human beings!"
I think the whole family has watched way too movies and tried to act like they were getting something past LE. There was no code, just terrible playacting worthy of a raspberry award, lol.

I have to say, though, reading that short exchange between Lee and Casey made my head hurt. I just want to slap them both and say "Talk like NORMAL human beings!"

one raspberry award coming up............:razz:
Well, this is my 2 cents. Everything Casey ever says s a lie. Everything, anyone of the Anthonys say is a cover up. They don't care about Caylee. They never did. If they cared so much, they wouldn't be lying for Casey. Cayleee was always a prop for Casey and a leverage tool uesd between Cindy and Casey.
Well, this is my 2 cents. Everything Casey ever says s a lie. Everything, anyone of the Anthonys say is a cover up. They don't care about Caylee. They never did. If they cared so much, they wouldn't be lying for Casey. Cayleee was always a prop for Casey and a leverage tool uesd between Cindy and Casey.

I don't agree with you that they never cared about Caylee.
See July 3rd Myspace post. Cindy loved that little girl.
I think when they realized their own monster daughter killed their granddaughter, they went into some sort of preservation mode.
They just can't accept their daughter is a killer.
It isn't that they don't love Caylee...they are just totally in some sort of denial or something.
George even said he "couldn't go there" in regards to believing Caylee was dead, despite KNOWING the smell in the car was from a dead body.

Unfortunately, you see this ALL OF THE TIME. The dead person is forgotten and the family rallies around the accused. Generally, many years down the road when the appeals are exhausted, do they come to grips with the reality. The Peterson's haven't posted on their blog since December and all of their "featured facts" have not been updated in a long time. They really are running out of things to say. Now I think it is all just part of the game, but I think they know their son is a murderer. Now it is about getting him off death row, not finding the real killer, because they know the real killer is Scott.

The lack of action (finding the real killer, being scared that the real killer is "out there") by the Anthony's speaks volumes, whether they have come out publicly or not. Note the lack of Zanny the Nanny speak, the lack of pointing fingers at other people any more (instead of all of the Jesse, Ricardo, RK, etc)....the writing is on the wall.
Well, this is my 2 cents. Everything Casey ever says s a lie. Everything, anyone of the Anthonys say is a cover up. They don't care about Caylee. They never did. If they cared so much, they wouldn't be lying for Casey. Cayleee was always a prop for Casey and a leverage tool uesd between Cindy and Casey.

I think it isn't that they didn't love Caylee, but they didn't love her they way they should have. Casey was always number 1 in their eyes, and Caylee always came in second. If they really had loved Caylee, they NEVER would have let the games continue with Casey they way they did. Anyone who loves a child does not just let someone destroy that child's life, but they did.

It could be because they were so afraid of Casey. Maybe they feared Casey more than they loved Caylee, which is sad, IMO. That does not excuse letting a helpless child be treated as nothing more as an accessory to be fought over, and even then, they always let Casey win. Still, to this day, Casey is winning with them. It's inexcusable and unforgivable.

I've always wondered if Casey killed Caylee because she knew they loved Casey more and would just clean up Casey's mess and go on like nothing bad had happened. I mean, really, with the way her parents treated her, why wouldn't Casey resort to murder to get her way? I wonder if that thought ever bothers CA and GA.
I think it isn't that they didn't love Caylee, but they didn't love her they way they should have. Casey was always number 1 in their eyes, and Caylee always came in second. If they really had loved Caylee, they NEVER would have let the games continue with Casey they way they did. Anyone who loves a child does not just let someone destroy that child's life, but they did.

It could be because they were so afraid of Casey. Maybe they feared Casey more than they loved Caylee, which is sad, IMO. That does not excuse letting a helpless child be treated as nothing more as an accessory to be fought over, and even then, they always let Casey win. Still, to this day, Casey is winning with them. It's inexcusable and unforgivable.

I've always wondered if Casey killed Caylee because she knew they loved Casey more and would just clean up Casey's mess and go on like nothing bad had happened. I mean, really, with the way her parents treated her, why wouldn't Casey resort to murder to get her way? I wonder if that thought ever bothers CA and GA.

which is scary because if they'd never had called the cops, most likely, Caylee would never have been found and laid to rest because no one would be looking for her.
Remember in Amy's statement that Casey "sounded like a 16 year old that got caught at something"? (Paraphrasing, but close) How about when Casey gets snotty with the cops. First when she "has an ID" (referring to Zenaida), then "I used to have an office" and especially "It can't just be I dropped her off. Everyone is like 'then what happened?', it can't just be it". Again, all paraphrased but a reasonable facsimile. Anyhow, it sure did sound like a teenager when confronted by obvious BS.
I don't want to 'bogart'* the thread, but I have all the interviews on me Zune, so I hear them fairly often, using the shuffle feature. There are probably hundreds of 'Casey speak' moments, let alone 'Anthony speak' moments to comment on. 3rd times a charm, so this will be it for a bit. I may search on an 'Anthonyspeak' thread.

Anyhow, This is not meant as a dig or a low blow. Does anyone in the family allow a person to complete a sentence? Seriously, take a listen to any of the interviews, let alone the now infamous 'depos'. I was in the throes of opiate withdrawal when being questioned and I was as civil as possible. Especially considering the circumstances. I had a very strict but loving set of parents. Eliminating rudeness, as in what you are saying is not as important as what I am saying, it sure seems to betray a certain pre-planning of answers. Think about it.

Also, there can not be enough said about her deadpan delivery. Granted, we all react differently to stress. I have never (God willing never will) be in a position of looking for a lost child of mine. That being said, there are what seems to be pretty lame attempts at sounding emotional at key times. Its no comparison but I have a fixed cat who got out. Living next to a major highway, I was besides myself looking for him. When my sponsor called, he asked me what was wrong just from the sound of my voice when I answered the phone.

Next, I think the SIM card explanation, highly reminisce of 'Who's on first?', was one of the crucial moments when the police knew she was the key to the mystery. It reminded me of a helpdesk tech who did not want to escalate to level II so tries to bamboozle the non-tech on the other end of the line. For fellow armchair sleuths who have only read the transcripts, take the time to download the interviews and her first call home from jail. Couple those with the fact she NEVER called the cops, it was her mom, and there is a hole the defense will NEVER be able to climb out of with a jury.

Finally, at least for now :wink:, when she does show emotions, it seems a little (ha) askew. Yelling "I don't know what to do anymore!" and goes on about running out of options, driving around, etc. at the cops makes one think. Anyone who really did try to 'have their own investigation' would of felt that way after the first night. OK, I am not going to re-hash all the hinky stuff in the case. This thread is about "Casey speak' in all its forms. I am starting to ramble, so its time to pull the plug. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Maybe I need to pull the audio off of the Zune for a while. :alien:

*As in 'Don't bogart that joint, Humphrey'
One of my favorite Casey-speak moments was an exchange she had with Lee on the first phone call home.

Lee - You can tell me what's going on. Kristina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you would tell her what's going on. Casey, we're gonna find out. Something. Whatever's going on, it's gonna be found out. So, why not do it now so---

Casey - There's nothing to find out. There's absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.

Lee gets irritated with Casey and hands the phone off to Kristina.

Kristina - Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee... if anything happens to Caylee, Casey, I'll die. Do you understand? I'll die.

Casey - Oh my God. Calling you guys... a waste... a huge waste.

Seconds Later -

Kristina - So how come everyone's saying you're lying?

Here Casey complains that no one is listening to what she has to say. Saying that detectives are getting all of their information from her. That they're twisting stuff.

But, just a few moments earlier, Casey just told Lee that there was nothing to be found out. Not even what she told detectives.

A few minutes later -

Kristina - Okay. Casey, don't yell at me. I'm on your side. Nobody is saying anything bad about you. Your family is with you 100%.

Casey - No they're not. Because I just watched the news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody, in my own family, is on my side - They just want Caylee back. That's all they're worried about now. Is getting Caylee back.

Sure, immediately she catches on that she better hurry up and say she wants Caylee back too... but, the damage is done.

The jury is going to hear 31 days and listen to this first phone call home and she's toast. Everything else is icing on the cake.

I love Casey speak.

Just wish they had waited to let on that all of this was being recorded. We may have had many more incriminating phone calls. I so wish that Tony would have answered his phone when she tried to call him.
Casey - No they're not. Because I just watched the news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody, in my own family, is on my side - They just want Caylee back. That's all they're worried about now. Is getting Caylee back.

Sure, immediately she catches on that she better hurry up and say she wants Caylee back too... but, the damage is done.

The jury is going to hear 31 days and listen to this first phone call home and she's toast. Everything else is icing on the cake.

I love Casey speak.

Just wish they had waited to let on that all of this was being recorded. We may have had many more incriminating phone calls. I so wish that Tony would have answered his phone when she tried to call him.

Snipped for length. ITA! That one line, by itself, is going to sink her ship. She OBVIOUSLY didn't care about Caylee one freaking BIT, only herself. If that doesn't scream guilty to me, I don't know what does.

It's just amazing the amount of talk and text messages and other things conversationally related to this case FROM CASEY HERSELF, much less her family. Can you imagine what this case would be like if Casey had just shut her mouth and not texted anyone? I guess that's pits of growing up in the information age - you have no idea how much it's going to bite you in the butt until it does.

So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Casey for being so profilic with your mouth and texts! I don't think I've ever seen a person sink themselves more than she has!
One of my favorite Casey-speak moments was an exchange she had with Lee on the first phone call home.

Lee - You can tell me what's going on. Kristina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you would tell her what's going on. Casey, we're gonna find out. Something. Whatever's going on, it's gonna be found out. So, why not do it now so---

Casey - There's nothing to find out. There's absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.

Lee gets irritated with Casey and hands the phone off to Kristina.

Kristina - Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee... if anything happens to Caylee, Casey, I'll die. Do you understand? I'll die.

Casey - Oh my God. Calling you guys... a waste... a huge waste.

Seconds Later -

Kristina - So how come everyone's saying you're lying?

Here Casey complains that no one is listening to what she has to say. Saying that detectives are getting all of their information from her. That they're twisting stuff.

But, just a few moments earlier, Casey just told Lee that there was nothing to be found out. Not even what she told detectives.

A few minutes later -

Kristina - Okay. Casey, don't yell at me. I'm on your side. Nobody is saying anything bad about you. Your family is with you 100%.

Casey - No they're not. Because I just watched the news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody, in my own family, is on my side - They just want Caylee back. That's all they're worried about now. Is getting Caylee back.

Sure, immediately she catches on that she better hurry up and say she wants Caylee back too... but, the damage is done.

The jury is going to hear 31 days and listen to this first phone call home and she's toast. Everything else is icing on the cake.

I love Casey speak.

Just wish they had waited to let on that all of this was being recorded. We may have had many more incriminating phone calls. I so wish that Tony would have answered his phone when she tried to call him.

I wish he would have answered too. Same with the guy Chris she tried to call, but I can definitely understand why they didn't. Everyone was disgusted with her at that point. There were a lot of things I wish LE did differently. Like if they didn't arrest her so quickly, they could have followed her and I bet she'd be dumb enough to lead them to the remains. Nonetheless LE still did a phenomenal job and the state has a solid case.

I know this has been brought up before, but what is with her using the sets of 3's with things? Is it an OCD thing or is it just so her story seems more believable?
For example, she'll say things like: jose said so, mom said so, and even therapist said so. I can't think of the exact context but I know she's said things similar to that several times.

Also what is with the whole..."they get their info from me but at the same time they twisted stuff" (A very ignorant statement considering we all heard the recording in her own words)
I want Caylee home but at the same time I want to be home when she gets there. I know she's said 'but at the same time' many a times.

Of course there are also the 3 things like:
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales
Jeffery Michael Hopkins

P.S One of my favorites has got to be when she's talking about her two cells and not using the one that doesn't keeps charge because "for me, it's just not practical".

The A's have the weirdest way of speaking, but KC and lee are by far the worst. If they're all trying to come across as intelligent and well spoken, it has the opposite effect. I forget which poster said this, but they were right on the money when they said that when KC talks, she speaks as if english is her second language.

Anywho, sorry for the long post.
P.S One of my favorites has got to be when she's talking about her two cells and not using the one that doesn't keeps charge because "for me, it's just not practical".
The A's have the weirdest way of speaking, but KC and lee are by far the worst. If they're all trying to come across as intelligent and well spoken, it has the opposite effect. I forget which poster said this, but they were right on the money when they said that when KC talks, she speaks as if english is her second language.

Anywho, sorry for the long post.

BBM-This line leaves me in stitches everytime...what? Did she have to get some work done? Hahaha

I wish he would have answered too. Same with the guy Chris she tried to call, but I can definitely understand why they didn't. Everyone was disgusted with her at that point. There were a lot of things I wish LE did differently. Like if they didn't arrest her so quickly, they could have followed her and I bet she'd be dumb enough to lead them to the remains. Nonetheless LE still did a phenomenal job and the state has a solid case.

I know this has been brought up before, but what is with her using the sets of 3's with things? Is it an OCD thing or is it just so her story seems more believable?
For example, she'll say things like: jose said so, mom said so, and even therapist said so. I can't think of the exact context but I know she's said things similar to that several times.

Also what is with the whole..."they get their info from me but at the same time they twisted stuff" (A very ignorant statement considering we all heard the recording in her own words)
I want Caylee home but at the same time I want to be home when she gets there. I know she's said 'but at the same time' many a times.

Of course there are also the 3 things like:
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales
Jeffery Michael Hopkins

P.S One of my favorites has got to be when she's talking about her two cells and not using the one that doesn't keeps charge because "for me, it's just not practical".

The A's have the weirdest way of speaking, but KC and lee are by far the worst. If they're all trying to come across as intelligent and well spoken, it has the opposite effect. I forget which poster said this, but they were right on the money when they said that when KC talks, she speaks as if english is her second language.

Anywho, sorry for the long post.

Yes - instead of answering questions, they try way too hard to sound thoughtful. Casey is barely literate judging from her written communications with people. Maybe she can take an English course at Valencia? Correspondence, though, naturally.

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