Casey thanked Cindy for calling 911 after first call

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Something that bugs me sometimes: Why do some posters feel they must state that they haven't even bothered to read a thread before posting on it?

I just had to try to read real fast to make sure someone hasn't said the same thing I'm about to say ...

They state that to forewarn readers that what they're about to say may have already been covered. Therefore, they are sorry for repeating a previously stated thought but want to make the point just in case.

It is not that they have not bothered to read a thread, it is sometimes near impossible to keep up but one tries and wants to participate.:)
Interesting concept, one that I hadn't thought of before. You could be 100% correct, Cindy WAS going by what the therapist told her. However, having smelt the decomp, I wonder about that. CA isn't one to go by what ANYONE, therapist, lawyer, PR person, whatever, tells her, especially after the first few minutes.

The one thing I do know, from hard experience, is this: A parent who has sociopathic tendancies does not differentiate between "right" and "wrong" behavior. Life is a "game", one long, convoluted, one-upmanship GAME.

My opinion only

No therapist would have told Cindy to go home and threaten to get custody. My guess is the therapist did no more than comment in passing that if it was that bad, she should consider trying to get custody. Or nodded their head when Cindy said she wanted to get custody.

At any rate, we know Cindy did absolutely nothing beyond make empty threats. She did nothing to actually try to get custody.
Before we found out all this information on this family and we heard the 911 and jail calls, I remember thinking how refreshing it was to have a parent that was actually going to call their child on the carpet and not be manipulated into believing their lies. But I also remember thinking, this lady is not doing this alone, this is clearly with theguidance and help of a professional, because she is staying calm and saying all the right things and stock answers. I was impressed with CA for the first few initial reports.

Then there was a distinct about face in attitude in CA and that has been ongoing topic in this forum ever since.

So, my explanation has always been that CA was trying to finally change the way she responded to KC with the help of a professional. I assume that professional told her to let KC go, kick her out,don't fight, don't do any of the things she had been doing, don't bail her out, don't argue with her, don't support her, etc. Undoubtedly she was told it would be hard, but KC would have to hit rock bottom, but CA had to stop enabling her. No matter what anyone says, kicking out your own dysfunctional child ( oe letting then leave under these conditions) has got to be incredbily difficult ESPECIALLY when they are a parent of a small child and I think it was the hardest thing CA had to do. Way, way, way out of her comfort zone.

So CA takes a shot at it. I wouldn't be surprised if a therapist suggested that CA not to even try and contact KC, but there is no way CA will be able to do that. She lets her go, she doesn't go overboard trying to find Caylee, because she does not think for one minute that Caylee has been murdered. I will never believe in a million years that CA knew Caylee was dead. I think CA was trying to apply her new approach to KC. But after a month and no contact from Caylee, CA just can't do it anymore and we know what happens after that.

But this is the kicker. CA finally does what she should, stops enabling her daughter and her worst fear comes true.
Her conclusion? She should have never stopped enabling her because what she got for her new attitude was a daughter in jail and dead granddaughter. hence, it is from there that CA has been operating for the rest of this saga. Enable, support, and deny because in her mind the alternative was a bust.
She is completely missing the bigger picture.

as always this is all my opinion.

Didn't Cindy only go to the therapist once? My guess is the therapist never told Cindy much of anything and that Cindy, like a lot of people, only heard what she wanted to hear no matter what the therapist actually said.
Didn't Cindy only go to the therapist once? My guess is the therapist never told Cindy much of anything and that Cindy, like a lot of people, only heard what she wanted to hear no matter what the therapist actually said.
I didn't evn know it was substantiated that she saw a therapist, I was only guessing that as evidenced by her behavior. IMO, there is no way she was saying the things she said in the initial jail call and making the 911 calls without guidance, most likely professional in nature. letting KC go and making the 911 calls were the first steps in CA's "rehabilitation" Just my opinion as always.
debs said:
I do not believe the therapist ever told Cindy to begin proceedings to take Caylee. IF there was a therapist, the therapist would be bound to merely get Cindy to talk about why she needs to do that and what are her plans for carrying it out.
No therapist would have told Cindy to go home and threaten to get custody. My guess is the therapist did no more than comment in passing that if it was that bad, she should consider trying to get custody. Or nodded their head when Cindy said she wanted to get custody.

At any rate, we know Cindy did absolutely nothing beyond make empty threats. She did nothing to actually try to get custody.
where are you all getting that it is being suggested that a therapist told her to get custody from Blackwatch's post? It is going right over my head.
Think about this..

Why didn't the Anthony's call 911 directly from the Tow Yard?

The car smells of death & Casey's purse is sitting in it..?

Why wasn't there any panic? Where are Caylee & Casey? Why is the Car here?

There is absolutley no reasonable explanation in the world for George to get in that Car & drive it back to the Anthony home...

The Car "Reeked of Death" -

George said to himself.."Please don't let my granddaughter be in the trunk"

I don't think the 911 call was part of any plan...Thats not what I'm saying

What I am saying is that I think it's awfully strange that Cindy had to "Find Casey" first before calling 911.

Why did she need to talk to Casey first?

To come up with a Plan...?

It's all BS & the Anthony's are in it up to their eyeballs....!!

Any normal person would have been on the phone with LE the minute they arrived at the Towyard

Boston, we don't agree on alot of things....but I think that you are spot on with this analysis!
Other than the title of this thread, I have not read through it yet.

Just one comment thus far though. I hope Cindy at least said 'you're welcome' when KC thanked her. :whistle:

Ha! No, I can hear her saying, "It's the least I can do. Afterall, I haven't seen or heard Caylee's voice for over a month."

"Sweetheart, it is time for you to bring forth Caylee or I will call child services and they will make you bring her to me. But since I've already called 911, I guess my threat did not have the affect I was hoping it would have. By the way, Sweetheart, where is Caylee?"

Interesting concept, one that I hadn't thought of before. You could be 100% correct, Cindy WAS going by what the therapist told her. However, having smelt the decomp, I wonder about that. CA isn't one to go by what ANYONE, therapist, lawyer, PR person, whatever, tells her, especially after the first few minutes.

The one thing I do know, from hard experience, is this: A parent who has sociopathic tendancies does not differentiate between "right" and "wrong" behavior. Life is a "game", one long, convoluted, one-upmanship GAME.

My opinion only

I dont think Casey thanked Cindy for calling 911 and I dont think Cindy was doing what a therapist told her to do. Casey killed the baby then took off... Cindy didnt make her leave. They were just going to continue to live like they all ways have but something awful happened to Cayle so she had to split.
I hope Casey has the opportunity to think Mom again.

"Thank you, Mom, for making that call and setting into motion this entire chain of events. I'll now spend the rest of my life in prison, and these are the appropriate consequences for killing my baby. I was having a bit of a time doing the right thing, and your call has made the appropriate consequences possible. I feel so much better about myself. You're the bestest!"

I've tried and tried again to write a coherent post, covering all bases. I can't, because I'm of two minds, although BOTH lead to the same conclusion - CA and Caysee are BOTH sociopathic and have been involved in a "dance" of one-upmanship from day 1.

Let me explain, if I can. I have a sociopathic son. He does bad stuff. I know he does bad stuff. If it doesn't affect me, I ignore it. When it affects me, we play a game. I ask for truth - he lies. I make a veiled threat - he reacts and tells me half of the truth. Now, there is NO way for me to prove the full extent of his involvement. However, I can call the police (like when he stole my jewely). He knows this and makes a million excuses. I know my stuff is gone. He knows I can have him arrested. We compromised. He DID get my "stuff" and sell it. I do KNOW he did and he KNOWS I KNOW. I don't want my son arrested and being put in jail - that in itself is a dangerous, let alone expensive, situation. He knows I can have him arrested at any time. We both walk the razor's edge. He relies on my motherlove and good will. I rely on his fear. With my socio daughter, it works differently - she will admit NOTHING, and like Caysee will clam up - PROVE I'm wrong type of thing.

There is a lot more to this but somehow, today, I can't articulate it. I believe the crux is that I'm not out to teach him right from wrong, and he isn't there to learn it. It's a game, a nasty, hurtful game. Unfortunately, in the Anthony case, a precious life was lost.

Although, and I hate to say this, this may go further, much deeper. A part of me believes Cindy was right, Caysee did NOT act alone, she did have help - just not saying whose help she had.

The 911 call was an absolute necessity, at that point. Someone, Cindy's mother, brother, Rick, someone, would have wondered where Caylee was. There had to be an alibi and Zany (however you pronounce it) was elected.

Sorry I wasn't as coherent as I wanted to be, because there is MUCH more that goes into this, just wasn't eloquent enough at the moment.

My opinion only
where are you all getting that it is being suggested that a therapist told her to get custody from Blackwatch's post? It is going right over my head.

From Blackwatch's post:
Interesting concept, one that I hadn't thought of before. You could be 100% correct, Cindy WAS going by what the therapist told her.
Also, didn't GA come home late, after Lee was there, and state, "You already called (911)? Odd, no?

He had picked up the decomp car earlier in the day, took out the battery and placed the car in the garage to air out, checked out the backyard to see if perhaps there was a dead body, went to work, called Lee to say that he should get over to the house to check on CA and then he meandered home and said, "You already called?" Ummmm:waitasec:

How long would he have waited? Does his emotional response match the situation? I'll never understand peeps softness towards GA. I guess I want to see leadership coming from a man not passivity. My guess is that KC would have benefited too.

Just look who had to do the dirty work while GA was conveniently not at home. Bye, going to work. Hope you figure out why the car smells so bad. Call me if you find KC and Caylee. Have a great day. Geesh!
I didn't evn know it was substantiated that she saw a therapist, I was only guessing that as evidenced by her behavior. IMO, there is no way she was saying the things she said in the initial jail call and making the 911 calls without guidance, most likely professional in nature. letting KC go and making the 911 calls were the first steps in CA's "rehabilitation" Just my opinion as always.

I think the only source that Cindy saw a therapist was Cindy herself.

I thought so too at first that Cindy was behaving the way she was in the jail calls, etc. because someone had advised her on how to appease Casey. But now, after seeing how Cindy manipulates, I don't believe she was following any therapist's advice. She's had pretty much the same kind of butter wouldn't melt in her mouth demeanor in all the later jail visits too and, to a certain extent, in the recent CBS interviews.
I still don;t understand how you arrived at that conclusion,there is no reference to custody but maybe I am missing something from earlier.

Unless I'm confusing this with another thread - entirely possible today LOL - there have been quite a few posts discussing the fact that Cindy's therapist supposedly told her she should seek custody.
I've tried and tried again to write a coherent post, covering all bases. I can't, because I'm of two minds, although BOTH lead to the same conclusion - CA and Caysee are BOTH sociopathic and have been involved in a "dance" of one-upmanship from day 1.

Let me explain, if I can. I have a sociopathic son. He does bad stuff. I know he does bad stuff. If it doesn't affect me, I ignore it. When it affects me, we play a game. I ask for truth - he lies. I make a veiled threat - he reacts and tells me half of the truth. Now, there is NO way for me to prove the full extent of his involvement. However, I can call the police (like when he stole my jewely). He knows this and makes a million excuses. I know my stuff is gone. He knows I can have him arrested. We compromised. He DID get my "stuff" and sell it. I do KNOW he did and he KNOWS I KNOW. I don't want my son arrested and being put in jail - that in itself is a dangerous, let alone expensive, situation. He knows I can have him arrested at any time. We both walk the razor's edge. He relies on my motherlove and good will. I rely on his fear. With my socio daughter, it works differently - she will admit NOTHING, and like Caysee will clam up - PROVE I'm wrong type of thing.

There is a lot more to this but somehow, today, I can't articulate it. I believe the crux is that I'm not out to teach him right from wrong, and he isn't there to learn it. It's a game, a nasty, hurtful game. Unfortunately, in the Anthony case, a precious life was lost.

Although, and I hate to say this, this may go further, much deeper. A part of me believes Cindy was right, Caysee did NOT act alone, she did have help - just not saying whose help she had.

The 911 call was an absolute necessity, at that point. Someone, Cindy's mother, brother, Rick, someone, would have wondered where Caylee was. There had to be an alibi and Zany (however you pronounce it) was elected.

Sorry I wasn't as coherent as I wanted to be, because there is MUCH more that goes into this, just wasn't eloquent enough at the moment.

My opinion only
Bold mine.......

Au contraire, Blackwatch, I'm hearing you loud & clear, although I am not convinced KC didn't act alone, the rest of your post is clear & I do feel for your situation with your children. Bless you, & you are eloquent enough for those that can feel your plight.

I think the only source that Cindy saw a therapist was Cindy herself.

I thought so too at first that Cindy was behaving the way she was in the jail calls, etc. because someone had advised her on how to appease Casey. But now, after seeing how Cindy manipulates, I don't believe she was following any therapist's advice. She's had pretty much the same kind of butter wouldn't melt in her mouth demeanor in all the later jail visits too and, to a certain extent, in the recent CBS interviews.
Oh maybe you are right, but I didn;t see it as trying to appease KC, but rather CA modifying her own behavior in an attempt to get KC to modify her's.
I have always pictured KC and CA's general relationship as argumentative,hostile, stressful, loud and troublesome. I never pictured CA as having the wherewithal to stay calm when being faced with irrational behavior and accusations which, imo is an essential element in dealing with dysfunctional adult children. I ASSUMED that this was more of a new method that CA was trying to use. JMHO as always.
It is hard to even imagine the fights that went on in that home. Poor baby Caylee she must have been scared to death so much of the time. Just breaks your heart.
Interesting thoughts JBean (post #178). I would just like to ask you.... Do you think Cindy followed the intructions on how to ask KC to leave her home, laying out reasons, rules, etc without the psychotic screaming behavior she's shown to have in her?

I wonder, no matter how hard it would be to ask her to leave, if KC would have responded in kind by her murderous actions if Cindy wasn't so volitile and threatening.

Just me thinking out loud...

I think there's much more to KC's final response to Cindy. As I do believe it stems back to KC planning this and awaiting the 'perfect' moment. Having your own mother strangle & threaten may have been the last straw.??

That never takes away the responsibility of KC & her horrific actions, please understand that.
Oh maybe you are right, but I didn;t see it as trying to appease KC, but rather CA modifying her own behavior in an attempt to get KC to modify her's.
I have always pictured KC and CA's general relationship as argumentative,hostile, stressful, loud and troublesome. I never pictured CA as having the wherewithal to stay calm when being faced with irrational behavior and accusations which, imo is an essential element in dealing with dysfunctional adult children. I ASSUMED that this was more of a new method that CA was trying to use. JMHO as always.

Bold mine....

Me too!

When we observe KC in court, smiling, chin protruding, in such a proud manner, I see how she learned this posture, ( from CA), that no matter what, project a haughty image of self-righteousness, it confuses people's thinking??

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