Casey wearing a Rosary around neck

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You know, I was thinking about this the other. I have not lost a child so the only point of referrence i have is when my husband and I separated due to his infidelity. I was in EXTREME emotional pain (actually it was AGONY) and was a complete basket-case for at least 4 months. I was a hideous mess and could not even go to the supermarket without breaking down in tears. Now i am a little "princess-ish" as my family likes to point out, i get my hair and nails done, always wear mascara and lip-gloss even if i am home alone and cleaning out the garage, but for those 4 months - i didnt wear even a scrap of make-up, not even to work! I was a hideous, vile mess with regrowth up the yinyang. Now that was just a separation. I imagine that if i lost one of my boys I WOULD BE A TOTAL LOON. I think SHOWERING even be beyond me in situation!

She is a monster. I feel sick watching her little fashion parades to the cop shop. :furious: And I am suprised the Rosary isnt burning a hole in her chest. Like when you hold a cross up to a vampire.

I am sorry about the bad spot in your marriage. That must have been excrutiating.

KC has no soul, conscience or substance and she knows nothing else than to primp and prepare for the cat walk...ooops! I meant "perp walk"!
I am sorry about the bad spot in your marriage. That must have been excrutiating.

KC has no soul, conscience or substance and she knows nothing else than to primp and prepare for the cat walk...ooops! I meant "perp walk"!

Awwww, thanks! It was bloody awful but I came out of it stronger and less of a doormat ;) We are good now and i have the benefit of him making it up to me for the rest of our lives -teehee.

But yes, it was DIABOLICAL, I see NONE of that in KC. I know they say people handle their grief differently, and i agree with that. The people who are RESPONSIBLE for the grief react in completely different ways that those who have had the grief inflicted upon them.

I truely believe that KC is enjoying everything. In her mind, her life has improved IMMEASURABLY since she murdered Caylee. And wearing religous imagery around her neck is NOT going to distract us from that!
Awwww, thanks! It was bloody awful but I came out of it stronger and less of a doormat ;) We are good now and i have the benefit of him making it up to me for the rest of our lives -teehee.

But yes, it was DIABOLICAL, I see NONE of that in KC. I know they say people handle their grief differently, and i agree with that. The people who are RESPONSIBLE for the grief react in completely different ways that those who have had the grief inflicted upon them.

I truely believe that KC is enjoying everything. In her mind, her life has improved IMMEASURABLY since she murdered Caylee. And wearing religous imagery around her neck is NOT going to distract us from that!

I am glad you were able to get through everything with your husband. It takes a strong woman to muddle through that type of scenario.

KC has celebrity status now. Every move is caught on video or still shot, her mother, father and brother nearly come to blows with protestors, her home is practically on the stars house tour, and we all hang on her every word! What else could a sociopath ask for?

She is no amateur. It seems she has been rehearsing for this role her entire life.
You should have seen me for months after my son died..I do not remember anything and no drugs.When we lost our daughter I went dow to 98 lbs.5'4" quite thin..I still cry..Nore
I've "lost" years of my life after the losses in my life. Very little recollection of anything.

Cindy wore, what appears to be a small crucifix @ the bond hearing. The camera zoomed in on it when the questioning switched from JB.
While I agree with this I don't see her as being anywhere near rock bottom yet. I feel that she has always gotten away with things and in her mind she appears to believe, at this time, she has gotten away with this too. I am not sure if she is caring about sympathy at this point. I still see the rosary as a fashion statement.
LOL. I always tell everyone that even Psychologist don't always agree. I guess we could use Jung and Freud as perfect examples of that.
I am not actually disagreeing with you. I just think she is pure evil. I can't see her hitting bottom but I am willing to leave the door open to that sometime in the future. :)
Well, if those interviews were any indication, I don't think she'll crack or breakdown.
As a devout Catholic, I would be personally offended if someone I knew wore a rosary as a fashion statement, and would tell them so. I think anyone would/should know what they mean to a Catholic. She must hang out with people that are Catholic and know what it means to them, and to wear them in that way is disrespectful. (I know, she really does not care about respecting others.) :rolleyes:
I am also a devout Catholic. What I mean is if they do not mean anything to her, it doesn't matter to her if she wears them.
I would never wear them as an accessory because I am old school.
These lawyers seem to have no client control. In my retainer agreement, there is a clause that states my clients have to follow my rules about how they appear/dress in court or during any other time when they are subject to scrutiny of the type that could be viewed by a jury or a judge. If they don't follow my rules, contract is broken and I can withdraw as their counsel. And I hold them to it. I tell them, when I have the sense that my advice is needed, how to dress before a hearing and if they show up looking inappropriate, I make them change their appearance if I can. For example, one client I had showed up to court for a child support hearing with his shirt tucked out, a thick bicycle chain around his neck and earplug earrings. (He was in the music industry). I said, "You're kidding with that, right? Take off the necklace and the earrings and tuck in your d*#n shirt!" He did. Baez must know about Catholicism. How can he let her waltz around like that? Also, why isn't he controlling her overall appearance? I'd have her in more girlish outfits, like...Wait, I don't want to give the defense too many pointers! I erased what I started to write! Anyhow, it seems the lawyers don't know how to control their clients much - not appearance, nor behavior. If I was the Anthony lawyer, there would be no confrontations in the yard, period, or I'd quit. I'd tell them, "Call me, anytime, or call the police, but do not go out there!" There would be no puttign up signs or yellow tape and no way would there be anymore photos of the family with hammers in their hands. Client control is an important aspect of a case. At least for me!
These lawyers seem to have no client control. In my retainer agreement, there is a clause that states my clients have to follow my rules about how they appear/dress in court or during any other time when they are subject to scrutiny of the type that could be viewed by a jury or a judge. If they don't follow my rules, contract is broken and I can withdraw as their counsel. And I hold them to it. I tell them, when I have the sense that my advice is needed, how to dress before a hearing and if they show up looking inappropriate, I make them change their appearance if I can. For example, one client I had showed up to court for a child support hearing with his shirt tucked out, a thick bicycle chain around his neck and earplug earrings. (He was in the music industry). I said, "You're kidding with that, right? Take off the necklace and the earrings and tuck in your d*#n shirt!" He did. Baez must know about Catholicism. How can he let her waltz around like that? Also, why isn't he controlling her overall appearance? I'd have her in more girlish outfits, like...Wait, I don't want to give the defense too many pointers! I erased what I started to write! Anyhow, it seems the lawyers don't know how to control their clients much - not appearance, nor behavior. If I was the Anthony lawyer, there would be no confrontations in the yard, period, or I'd quit. I'd tell them, "Call me, anytime, or call the police, but do not go out there!" There would be no puttign up signs or yellow tape and no way would there be anymore photos of the family with hammers in their hands. Client control is an important aspect of a case. At least for me!

Totally agree. This case has been "tried" in the media since day 1 (well, 32 days since Caylee went missing). Appearance is very important and this family has not a clue ONE! JMHO
I wear my rosary wrapped several times around my wrist and then clutched in my hand sometimes when I fly. I'm not a good flyer! But never as a fashion statement. It's for security and so I have it close at hand for easy access.

Now that's perfectly acceptable. Your rosary is serving a religious purpose when you wear it that way for the reason you do.

Nuns/Sisters used to wear habits with their rosaries attached to their waistbands so they could use them at anytime to pray. It was a matter of convenience. They wore crucifixes around their necks, not rosaries. Never did/do they wear rosaries around their necks!

A few other religious denominations have rosaries/prayer beads too, not just Roman Catholics, and none of them wear the beads around their necks! It's just wrong. Baptists do not have prayer beads of any form. I think Casey is wearing hers because it was maybe given to her, she doesn't know any better, and she wants to appear "saintly". It's all for show. If she wants to wear beads, I can send her dozens of Mardi Gras beads, but they wouldn't make the same statement for Casey that rosary does. That's why she's wearing it.

Do I think that stone cold woman is ready to crack? Not on your life. The only time I think she could possibly come close is when they finally find poor little Caylee, but I won't hold my breath. Religious? Casey? HA!!!
Oops! Double post occurred, so I'm deleting the second one. Is there no DELETE feature here? Sorry about that!
You should have seen me for months after my son died..I do not remember anything and no drugs.When we lost our daughter I went dow to 98 lbs.5'4" quite thin..I still cry..Nore

I'm so very sorry, Nore. Losing two children must have been horrible, and still must be. I lost my son, so I can relate to only half your pain. But yes, losing a child is the most devastating thing. I do remember going to bed the night after his funeral and not wanting to speak to anyone or do anything. Nothing else mattered. I'd get my daughter off to school and be a vegetable the rest of the day. I can't remember how long it took before I accomplished things again.

This is why so many of us can't believe how Casey is acting. We've lost loved ones, dear ones, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, beloved grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin, best friends, spouses..........It's so hard to imagine how Casey and the Anthonys can pretend the way they are doing, especially how Casey has acted. If a child is missing, you make constant pleas for his/her return. You bombard the news media. You hound the police to "Do Something!". If the child has been killed, you want the person punished. The Anthonys have done so very little of this. THAT's why most everyone has turned against them. I can't say how many times I would have attempted to beat the H out of my daughter is she hadn't reported my grandchild missing for over a month!!!!! :furious:

Nothing in the case makes any sense. I've been wondering about the defense attorney issue for some time. I would have told the Anthonys to behave themselves, to refrain from confrontation, and if they must go outside, to do so when few people are around, even if it's three o'clock in the morning. If someone should confront them, I'd tell the Anthonys to get themselves inside pronto and telephone for help. Don't they know swinging hammers is dangerous? I think they do many things just because the cameras are there 24/7.
I think she is just trying to be stylish. I'm sure she hates wearing those big t-shirts everywhere she goes. Notice in those pictures that she is also wearing bracelets on her left arm. Also, if you go back to other pics of her going to various offices, she is wearing different necklaces and bracelets. She wants to look cute for the cameras, I am sure.

I think JB is not a good attorney though. Image is everything and he should have told her not to leave the house wearing jewelry or makeup. My mother lost her husband due to a negligent driver. Her lawyer told her to dress respectively but plain for court hearings. He went out and bought her dresses for the hearings. Talk about dotting i's and crossing t's. JB should know that his client is being judged by everything she does because of what a high profile case this is; however, he just lets her do the dumbest things. I do not think that I have ever seen her leave the house without a full face of makeup on. It seem that if you were losing your child, you would be too depressed to primp.

Cindy wore, what appears to be a small crucifix @ the bond hearing. The camera zoomed in on it when the questioning switched from JB.

My husband's family is not Catholic but his aunt does wear a crucifix. She said she just likes it and often gets odd looks because she is not Catholic. So I guess Cindy might have just liked it. Or she could have been Catholic at one time and is no longer.

As for Casey wearing Rosary Beads, well I have always been told you don't do that. I get that she isn't Catholic and they don't mean anything to her but still. It is just tacky to me.
...JB should know that his client is being judged by everything she does because of what a high profile case this is; however, he just lets her do the dumbest things...

I totally agree, I'm really surprised JB wouldn't help tone down the image of his client. She shouldn't be wearing anything that would allow the public to criticize her.

That aside, I doubt this girl has a clue as to the significance of the Rosary she is wearing and most non-Catholic's dont have an understanding of the traditions and practices of the church. I often see Catholic misrepresentations in hollywood, one of my pet peeves - people signing the cross incorrectly.

However, I doubt Casey is wearing the rosary as a fashion statement. There isn't much this girl doesn't purposely do without full awareness, intent and planning. My guess is in her own mind, she is a martyr. She has created this mental picture of herself as a tragic heroine of some horrible drama. She is mistakenly using the Rosary to build that perception, and in my opinion, failing miserably at her attempt.

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