Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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I just can't fault the SA here.

Never have *I* seen a case where the defendant does so little to help herself. Pretending to (and failing badly) to help the investigation, lying when the truth would sound better, failing to hire competent lead counsel, taking her family through the most horrific turmoil imaginable, showing inappropriate emotion, being the picture of narcissim, and dumping the body of her little girl not just like trash, but with trash.

The Sunshine laws certainly haven't helped her, but the defense and KC herself has done an abominable job with their counter PR. The way the media has been in a lather over this story, there would be no lack of opportunity to get KC's story out there. The problem? She doesn't have one! You know the rest of the defense team is in a frenzy right now, because they know their client is guilty as hell and KC is cooperating with them just as well as she cooperated with LE. They're likely desperate to get a non- NDI defense out there and KC is still all "I dropped her off with Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, along with a laundry bag of her things, a pack of stickers, and the duct tape she had asked to borrow. She said she had a leaky pipe..."

It's laughable, and the evidence is all but tap-dancing to a song about her undeniable guilt. I've followed a lot of cases over the years, but never have I seen such a weak attempt at a counter-argument.

The SA was required to release all this to the defense, and the State of Florida was bound by law to release it. Where is the defense statement about the journal? Has there been one? I may have missed it. But neither you or I or Zanny know when that entry was written, and it's very possible LE does. And we can't accuse them of demonizing her unless it's known she's not a demon.

I see pages missing. I thought so before; the nice blowups of the ink helped. A journal can be one of those things you get for Christmas one year and put in a drawer until which time you think you need one. I think the stuff on the cover was written in '03--the misspelling, etc. I don't think the red pen means anything--I'm a bit nuts that way--if I started something way back with a red pen, I'd use a red pen again because it looks better. Even if no one else reads it.

I'm don't mean to put my own nuttiness on KC though. Lord knows she has enough of her own.

in starting to think she has given up trying to deny it.
i don't mean by this that we are going to get a confession, ever.
or the real story.

but since remains were found KC has totally clammed up.
wouldn't the KC we know from the beginning take this diary entry thing to the max, giving an overly detailed and possibly fabricated story explaining what the journal entry was referring to?

not that i am encouraging her to step back into the public light to bask in more undeserved fame.. but her silence is deafening sometimes.

From another post that has a link to this:

Thursday, Casey's attorney said it's not in her best interest to tell what she knows about where Caylee is. "It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," Jose Baez said.

That's why nothing is being said. It's the first smart thing Baez has done so far, :cow: By coming forward with a story for those things now it would give the prosecution a lot of time to do research and have an answer back before the trial.
(bold above by me)

Not that it particularly matters, but I decided she was guilty when I first heard the story in the news in July last year. I got as far as "31 days" and "the nanny did it".

I didn't start reading here until 6 months later when I stumbled across WS while researching Caylee for a friend's radio program. Nothing since has changed my opinion.

On the bright side, I am glad I discovered this group of good people.
Ditto to almost all.

None of my friends have a radio program. I came here when the first remains photos came out. Intrigued by the photo blow ups and "skulls". Also saw article about Yuri popping up here and I read his posts. Gave the place huge CRED in my eyes.
I wish we knew how many more pages were in the book! If there were only 10 pages, then it would be a given that some were torn out. If there were 25 - 30 pages, it would be more difficult, for me, to say whether some had been torn out or not. I am still up in the air about whether the spine shows ripped pages or just rough edges from where the glue stuck.

I just happened to be going through some photos and found the diary on the upper edge of this pic below. This gives us an idea of how many pages were left. Looks like quite a few. I would imagine that she could have ripped 10 pages out and it wouldn't looked like any were missing.

Just a hypothetical thought here....

Who's to say that CA might have possibly torn out the missing pages? Since she was so geared toward neatness i.e. washing clothes out of the car, giving LE the WRONG hairbrush, not giving credit card statements when asked, and I'm still wondering about the toothbrush hidden inside 2 ice chest on a shelf in the garage. Maybe the missing page(s) were pertaining to something that happened in 2003, maybe the page opposite the diary entry did have the date as 2008.

I understand what you mean, but why would Cindy rip out a few pages only to leave a seemingly incriminating one(s)? If she was truly trying to hide something, why not throw out or burn the whole diary?:waitasec:

Same thing with the toothbrush...why "hide" a freakin toothbrush in the garage when she could easily chuck it?

That said, I do believe pages were ripped out, for whatever reason-ripped out by Casey.
Wouldn't that infer that she wants to see KC prosecuted?

Which is an interesting thought; try to stay on KC's good side through the press while sending her up the river to Starke in private.

Anyway CA could throw a monkey wrench at LE to keep KC from getting convicted.....sure she would do it. IF she removed the pages following the '03 date, left a large gap between it and the entry we're discussing......I feel like in her mind she knows that LE would have a hard time explaining it, and that JB would have an easier time convincing a jury that it was actually written in '03. CA will do ANYTHING to save her "princess". This is just something I've kicked around since I noticed that it appears that there are some of the pages missing from the journal/diary.
Just a hypothetical thought here....

Who's to say that CA might have possibly torn out the missing pages? Since she was so geared toward neatness i.e. washing clothes out of the car, giving LE the WRONG hairbrush, not giving credit card statements when asked, and I'm still wondering about the toothbrush hidden inside 2 ice chest on a shelf in the garage. Maybe the missing page(s) were pertaining to something that happened in 2003, maybe the page opposite the diary entry did have the date as 2008.
I'm not a CA fan, so don't misunderstand what I'm about to say, please.

I think she gets a pass on the hairbrush. I seem to remember that at the time she went to get it she made it clear to Det. Melich that it had not been used only by Caylee, and he told her that was okay.

The toothbrush doesn't really catch my attention either. For one thing, getting the relevant DNA was going to happen one way or another, so of what other use could it be as evidence? Why hide it? For another, if someone didn't want it to be found there are much easier and more permanent ways to lose it than sticking it in nested coolers. Unless they wanted to get it back later?

Mostly though, it occurred to me that the only time I've ever used a folding toothbrush was when I was camping or backpacking. Finding one left in a couple of coolers seemed not too much of a reach.
Just a hypothetical thought here....

Who's to say that CA might have possibly torn out the missing pages? Since she was so geared toward neatness i.e. washing clothes out of the car, giving LE the WRONG hairbrush, not giving credit card statements when asked, and I'm still wondering about the toothbrush hidden inside 2 ice chest on a shelf in the garage. Maybe the missing page(s) were pertaining to something that happened in 2003, maybe the page opposite the diary entry did have the date as 2008.

Okay, why didn't she tear those pages out too?
Will you please explain the basis for your statement? Not necessarily asking for links, just the reasoning you used. TIA

Okay... a couple of examples (for which I'll have to go OT) -

We have seen the narrative of a report that includes some selected titbits from AD's testimony - but where is her witness statement?

We have a photo of one page from a book that appears to be a journal, but where is the request for forensic/handwriting analysis and the results of that?

A witness statement from DC has been released that seems to fuel the speculation that someone from the defence or A family camps had some inside info. on where Caylee's remains were, but where is Mr H's statement? DC's phone records? the psychic's statement? The full video that Mr H took? Why has this particular witness statement been released so soon after it was taken, when we still haven't seen statements/forensic reports etc that are well overdue?
Okay... a couple of examples (for which I'll have to go OT) -

We have seen the narrative of a report that includes some selected titbits from AD's testimony - but where is her witness statement?

We have a photo of one page from a book that appears to be a journal, but where is the request for forensic/handwriting analysis and the results of that?

A witness statement from DC has been released that seems to fuel the speculation that someone from the defence or A family camps had some inside info. on where Caylee's remains were, but where is Mr H's statement? DC's phone records? the psychic's statement? The full video that Mr H took? Why has this particular witness statement been released so soon after it was taken, when we still haven't seen statements/forensic reports etc that are well overdue?
The only duct tape we can be sure has not been listed/itemized in the released evidence reports is the tape associated with the remains.

Maybe we should start a list.
"Sources within the police department tell PEOPLE that they have not yet authenticated when the diaries were written. "The investigation is continuing and there are ways to tell when this was written," says a police source. "At this point, we can't definitively say when this entry was written."

When asked whether the entry could have been from 2003, the source responded, "That's entirely possible. No one should jump to any conclusions yet.",,20260231,00.html
Okay, why didn't she tear those pages out too?

I have no idea IF she's even the one that tore them out or not, it was just something that entered my mind when I noticed that it appears there are pages missing between the '03 page and the next written page. CA has tried to toss so many monkey wrenches in the direction of LE, that it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this isn't just one more.
Not that it particularly matters, but I decided she was guilty when I first heard the story in the news in July last year. I got as far as "31 days" and "the nanny did it".

I think it was the same day that HLN started the story with a little blip like "Why did this Florida mother wait 31 days to report her daughter missing?" and showed the neglect arraignment. They hadn't even gotten all the juicy details about the fake nanny/life out yet and I was fascinated.
"Sources within the police department tell PEOPLE that they have not yet authenticated when the diaries were written. "The investigation is continuing and there are ways to tell when this was written," says a police source. "At this point, we can't definitively say when this entry was written."

When asked whether the entry could have been from 2003, the source responded, "That's entirely possible. No one should jump to any conclusions yet.",,20260231,00.html

KC is charged with the premeditated and intentional murder of her child. This dairy entry, if from 2008, would be a HUGE piece of evidence for the purpose of showing intent. I would have thought that the journal would have been sent off for the required testing and analysis post haste! Are we to believe that 2 months after it was taken into evidence, there is still no answer as to when this page was written?
I just happened to be going through some photos and found the diary on the upper edge of this pic below. This gives us an idea of how many pages were left. Looks like quite a few. I would imagine that she could have ripped 10 pages out and it wouldn't looked like any were missing.


Whoa! Great picture ecs! You are right, that looks like quite a few pages left. Now that makes me think the journal was written in 2003. she started it, left it in her nightstand so she could write in it every night just before she went to sleep, and then got bored with it and never even looked at it again. So I am back to thinking the ragged part we see is just from where the extra glue oozed up and when the book was pressed flat, it tore away.
I think it was the same day that HLN started the story with a little blip like "Why did this Florida mother wait 31 days to report her daughter missing?" and showed the neglect arraignment. They hadn't even gotten all the juicy details about the fake nanny/life out yet and I was fascinated.

Right there with ya!!:twocents:
Whoa! Great picture ecs! You are right, that looks like quite a few pages left. Now that makes me think the journal was written in 2003. she started it, left it in her nightstand so she could write in it every night just before she went to sleep, and then got bored with it and never even looked at it again. So I am back to thinking the ragged part we see is just from where the extra glue oozed up and when the book was pressed flat, it tore away.

You may be right, Mac. It certainly seems like Casey to lose interest in things.

I'm wondering if we should all do an exercise to put this in perspective. Here's our assignment. Go back and read the entry again and instead of the murder being the big life changing event, insert in your mind that she's talking about losing her virginity.

Everyone report back when you're done.

Also, one more thing. These pics are from the Dec 11th search warrant. No where in the property forms does it list this diary/book/notebook. If they didn't take it from the home, it probably didn't have any value as evidence. They probably just photographed it to document it's existance. to do your homework!
You may be right, Mac. It certainly seems like Casey to lose interest in things.

I'm wondering if we should all do an exercise to put this in perspective. Here's our assignment. Go back and read the entry again and instead of the murder being the big life changing event, insert in your mind that she's talking about losing her virginity.

Everyone report back when you're done.

Also, one more thing. These pics are from the Dec 11th search warrant. No where in the property forms does it list this diary/book/notebook. If they didn't take it from the home, it probably didn't have any value as evidence. They probably just photographed it to document it's existance. to do your homework!
(bold above by me)

Excellent! Excellent!! Excellent!!!

This is exactly the sort of approach to data we need to see more of.

Not what fits our preconceptions or wishes, but what plausible alternatives exist.

All of them. Whether it helps our favorite theories or not.

I think we get much closer to the truth much more quickly when we do this.
Okay... a couple of examples (for which I'll have to go OT) -

We have seen the narrative of a report that includes some selected titbits from AD's testimony - but where is her witness statement?

We have a photo of one page from a book that appears to be a journal, but where is the request for forensic/handwriting analysis and the results of that?

A witness statement from DC has been released that seems to fuel the speculation that someone from the defence or A family camps had some inside info. on where Caylee's remains were, but where is Mr H's statement? DC's phone records? the psychic's statement? The full video that Mr H took? Why has this particular witness statement been released so soon after it was taken, when we still haven't seen statements/forensic reports etc that are well overdue?

Why would they reveal the GOOD stuff this early in the game?

I don't think JH's full video, the psychic or DC's phone records will help Casey.


P.S. We've only seen 500 pages out of the 1,100 recently released. So far the document dumps haven't been exculpatory.
(bold above by me)

Not that it particularly matters, but I decided she was guilty when I first heard the story in the news in July last year. I got as far as "31 days" and "the nanny did it".

I didn't start reading here until 6 months later when I stumbled across WS while researching Caylee for a friend's radio program. Nothing since has changed my opinion.

On the bright side, I am glad I discovered this group of good people.

Yes, 31 days did it for me. Although I admit, initially I assumed a tragic accident.
I'm not a CA fan, so don't misunderstand what I'm about to say, please.

I think she gets a pass on the hairbrush. I seem to remember that at the time she went to get it she made it clear to Det. Melich that it had not been used only by Caylee, and he told her that was okay.

The toothbrush doesn't really catch my attention either. For one thing, getting the relevant DNA was going to happen one way or another, so of what other use could it be as evidence? Why hide it? For another, if someone didn't want it to be found there are much easier and more permanent ways to lose it than sticking it in nested coolers. Unless they wanted to get it back later?

Mostly though, it occurred to me that the only time I've ever used a folding toothbrush was when I was camping or backpacking. Finding one left in a couple of coolers seemed not too much of a reach.

I thought the hairbrush incident involved FBI? And I don't recall her qualifying the submission. Do you remember any more about this so I can try to look it up? TIA
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