Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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I just can't fault the SA here.

Never have *I* seen a case where the defendant does so little to help herself. Pretending to (and failing badly) to help the investigation, lying when the truth would sound better, failing to hire competent lead counsel, taking her family through the most horrific turmoil imaginable, showing inappropriate emotion, being the picture of narcissim, and dumping the body of her little girl not just like trash, but with trash.

The Sunshine laws certainly haven't helped her, but the defense and KC herself has done an abominable job with their counter PR. The way the media has been in a lather over this story, there would be no lack of opportunity to get KC's story out there. The problem? She doesn't have one! You know the rest of the defense team is in a frenzy right now, because they know their client is guilty as hell and KC is cooperating with them just as well as she cooperated with LE. They're likely desperate to get a non- NDI defense out there and KC is still all "I dropped her off with Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, along with a laundry bag of her things, a pack of stickers, and the duct tape she had asked to borrow. She said she had a leaky pipe..."

It's laughable, and the evidence is all but tap-dancing to a song about her undeniable guilt. I've followed a lot of cases over the years, but never have I seen such a weak attempt at a counter-argument.

The SA was required to release all this to the defense, and the State of Florida was bound by law to release it. Where is the defense statement about the journal? Has there been one? I may have missed it. But neither you or I or Zanny know when that entry was written, and it's very possible LE does. And we can't accuse them of demonizing her unless it's known she's not a demon.

I see pages missing. I thought so before; the nice blowups of the ink helped. A journal can be one of those things you get for Christmas one year and put in a drawer until which time you think you need one. I think the stuff on the cover was written in '03--the misspelling, etc. I don't think the red pen means anything--I'm a bit nuts that way--if I started something way back with a red pen, I'd use a red pen again because it looks better. Even if no one else reads it.

I'm don't mean to put my own nuttiness on KC though. Lord knows she has enough of her own.

I distinctly remember a TV interview on the Anthony's lawn with Cindy. I ca't remember the reporter who asked her about the hairbrush incident. She told the reporter about the detectives asking for Caylee's hairbrush. She said she went into Casey's bathroom and found the one she gave them and told them that it was also used by Casey. She also mentioned having a comb and barretes of Caylee's, but there was no hair on any of them. They told her that was no problem because they already had samples of Casey's hair and could differentiate between hers and Caylee's. The toothbrush was of course exclusively Caylee's.

There would be no reason on earth, imho, for Cindy to try to deceive the detectives about a hairbrush. If I recall correctly, a DNA test had already been performed on Caylee when JG requested the paternity test. Cindy was aware of that having been done.

People have intimated that a toothbrush was hidden in a toolbox in the garage. Toothbrushes are frequently used for cleaning purposes in the house and car by many of us, so that bears no incrimination to me.

There is plenty of circumstantial evidence that screams that Casey did cause Caylee's death. I admit that I was one of those in the beginning that really thought she had given the baby to someone for adoption, to spite her mother. I am so sad that I was so wrong. But I still do not see anything that indicates the Anthonys tried to coverup for Casey. I do see parents, especially a mother, who flew in the face of all logic to find an alternative to her daughter being a murderer. I truly believe I would have done the same, God forbid I ever found myself in that tragic situation.

On post 1115 you'll find a link for it.
Im a little lost are you talking about upper left corner ? with her name written on the side (really norty to do that btw ;) LOL)

Thats not a Diary ? Thats a year book of some sort. Its not the one that the photographed written entry was found in anyway..

ETA I just realised that you meant the thing sitting on top of the year book :doh:

But I still don't think that is THE Diary that she wrote in.... The colours are wrong

AS per here Photo 13

Solid piece of blue then a line of white then red then blue going around the corner

And here the theme is more tropical

But this photo that you have posted is more floral

IMO its not the same diary / book / journal

I just happened to be going through some photos and found the diary on the upper edge of this pic below. This gives us an idea of how many pages were left. Looks like quite a few. I would imagine that she could have ripped 10 pages out and it wouldn't looked like any were missing.


I don't know if this is the diary or not.
In comparison with the yearbook pictures, the pages of the "diary" book are much thicker. They almost look like photo album pages to me. The separation between the pages is notable. It could also be a diary, with many entries, written with a heavy hand.:waitasec:
Im a little lost are you talking about upper left corner ? with her name written on the side (really norty to do that btw ;) LOL)

Thats not a Diary ? Thats a year book of some sort. Its not the one that the photographed written entry was found in anyway..

ETA I just realised that you meant the thing sitting on top of the year book :doh:

But I still don't think that is THE Diary that she wrote in.... The colours are wrong

AS per here Photo 13

Solid piece of blue then a line of white then red then blue going around the corner

And here the theme is more tropical

But this photo that you have posted is more floral

IMO its not the same diary / book / journal

Jane, you are correct. Found another pic that shows a little more of that book. It looks more like a photo album in this one, so it is not the diary. So we are back to square one on the diary other than the fact that it doesn't show up on the 12/11 search warrant property form.

Firstly, the duct tape was not 'wrapped around' Caylee's head - it was recorded as a piece covering the mouth area. Secondly, there is no evidence as yet as to whether the duct tape was placed there ante or post-mortem, or why. There is also no evidence that the duct tape contributed to Caylee's death since no COD can be determined.

I'm still searching for literature or prior cases where duct tape was placed over a dead child's mouth for any reason - much less one where the child's own parent managed to do it, and then was still able to keep putting one foot in front of the other as time went on.

No luck yet.
Regarding the writing, I think it is old....if it were current and usable, I think the state would pass on it. It is vague and dramatic and reveals nothing but her happiness. She has already demonstrated her happiness in photographs taken on the 20th of June, thus journal not important.
Vague, and yet not vague. She is "a little worried" She thinks she made the right decision. (This all fits if it implies she's worried she will get caught and thinks she made the right decision to kill Caylee- definite premeditation!) She's also so much happier without her little snothead. It's all implied and coded, yet reassuring herself she did the right thing.
Might already be mentioned but, Casey would have been pregnant with Caylee June21, 2003. Her mom found out when she was 7 months, right? I think she is talking about her decision to keep her baby, etc. What do guys think?
Might already be mentioned but, Casey would have been pregnant with Caylee June21, 2003. Her mom found out when she was 7 months, right? I think she is talking about her decision to keep her baby, etc. What do guys think?

Casey would have gotten pregnant in Nov. '04, Caylee was born in Aug. '05.
I'm still searching for literature or prior cases where duct tape was placed over a dead child's mouth for any reason - much less one where the child's own parent managed to do it, and then was still able to keep putting one foot in front of the other as time went on.

No luck yet.

lol! been there done that, i couldn't find a sodding thing either.
I'm still searching for literature or prior cases where duct tape was placed over a dead child's mouth for any reason - much less one where the child's own parent managed to do it, and then was still able to keep putting one foot in front of the other as time went on.

No luck yet.

JonBenet Ramsey. Investigators found a perfect lip print on the sticky side of tape, leading them to believe the tape was placed post mortem for staging purposes.
I have a strong suspicion that the diary in question was not from 2003, but was in fact brand-spanking new. It was bought on or after June 16, 2008 and was in KC's possession while at Tony's. It was taken to the Anthony's along with all of KC's other belongings when Lee collected them from Tony.

I came to this conclusion when using Photoshop to determine if pages had been ripped out. I used a filter to remove the JPEG artifacts and enhanced the brightness and contrast, shadows and highlights, etc. My conclusion is that no pages were torn out. What we are seeing is the JPEG compression adding a lot of noise to the seam on a "glue bead" used to bind the pages to the book. On top of that, the camera flash adds two distinct levels of shadowing, giving the appearance of pages being torn out.

Here are two enhanced images, one from the left page and one from the right page, that illustrate my point. Using the Photoshop measure tool I find that the glue bead is approximately twice as wide as the pen tip KC used to write with.


I tried next to see approximately how many pages into the book this entry occurred. It was pretty easy to see that the left page with the '03 was likely the first page in the book, based on how it lined up with the inside cover backing. Also, it is unlined while the facing page is lined. So the left page is a blank cover page for the diary, and the right page is the very first entry. So far so good.

As I was looking at the page edges to see if there was any sign of a page behind the one in view, I noticed how pristine the cover is. There is not a single nick, dent or scratch. Here are four perspectives of the cover (I apologize that I can only upload a low-quality image here):

  • The photo frame. If the book was removed and replaced from a shelf or drawer, this raised frame would very likely show some wear, especially on the corners. But here, there is nothing.
  • The inside corner - no dent or crushing as frequently happens with books. No peeling of the book cover from the inside.
  • Outside corner - same thing. No dents, nicks, scratches, crushing.
  • Binding - none of the scratches or cracking along the spine one would expect to see of a book that has been opened and closed a lot. Note that in the image of the yearbook just below are two distinct scratches.

Wow. How does a 5 1/2 year old diary get to look so good? Answer: When it really is about 9 months old and has hardly been used. :rolleyes:

So what about the '03 on the left page? :waitasec:

Notice that there is no specific date on that left-facing page, just a year abbreviation. The right page has a specific day and month, but no year. I am beginning to think, looking at that left page, that the '03 has nothing to do with the current year.

I believe the "03" is recent, and is a "class of '03" reference and not a reference to the current year. My speculation is that KC was flipping through high-school yearbooks reminiscing about her life before Caylee and how she was now back to that life, and ran across the phrases "Everyday is a brand new beginning" and "Carpe Diem - Sieze the day" in her or Tony's 2003 high school yearbook. :eek:

These would likely have come from one of two sources:

  • 2003 senior class motto
  • Something a friend wrote in her yearbook when signing it (I think now this is more likely)
KC sees this, squeals to herself "this is exactly how I feel", and writes it into her journal with a little '03 notation in the top corner so that she remembers which yearbook inspired her.

Then, she goes to the right page and spills her feelings about how things have gone full-circle for her.

So if there are any sleuthers out there planning to go to a Target, Wal-Mart, the mall, a Hallmark, Barne's and Noble, etc. this weekend...check out the diary's and journals to see if maybe, just maybe, KC's is still on the shelves.

utoh- now what? Is this really not the right one?! I hadn't even bothered to doubt you, ya know!! LOL
JonBenet Ramsey. Investigators found a perfect lip print on the sticky side of tape, leading them to believe the tape was placed post mortem for staging purposes.
I never knew that. Why couldn't they use that to rule out suspects, such as the family that was crucified by the press.
I never knew that. Why couldn't they use that to rule out suspects, such as the family that was crucified by the press.

Loooong story and don't want to get OT and get a time out. There are sure to be lots of threads here on the subject in the JB forum. Garden gloves were no fingerprints.
I'm still searching for literature or prior cases where duct tape was placed over a dead child's mouth for any reason - much less one where the child's own parent managed to do it, and then was still able to keep putting one foot in front of the other as time went on.

No luck yet.

I think LE got it wrong. I believe it was wrapped around her head which would cover her mouth too. They had to cut her hair to get the tape off from around her head. I doubt a piece alone would have stayed covering her mouth. MOO
I think LE got it wrong. I believe it was wrapped around her head which would cover her mouth too. They had to cut her hair to get the tape off from around her head. I doubt a piece alone would have stayed covering her mouth. MOO

nope, it's my opinion too and for the same reason. a single strip of duct tape, even though it's strong, wouldn't stay there through all that ( i won't explain 'all that', it's too graphic)
You may be right, Mac. It certainly seems like Casey to lose interest in things.

I'm wondering if we should all do an exercise to put this in perspective. Here's our assignment. Go back and read the entry again and instead of the murder being the big life changing event, insert in your mind that she's talking about losing her virginity.

Everyone report back when you're done.

Also, one more thing. These pics are from the Dec 11th search warrant. No where in the property forms does it list this diary/book/notebook. If they didn't take it from the home, it probably didn't have any value as evidence. They probably just photographed it to document it's existance. to do your homework!

Actually, to be precise, the pictures of the journal are from the Dec. 20 warrant.
I don't know if this is the diary or not.
In comparison with the yearbook pictures, the pages of the "diary" book are much thicker. They almost look like photo album pages to me. The separation between the pages is notable. It could also be a diary, with many entries, written with a heavy hand.:waitasec:

BINGO That was my initial thought tooo !!!
Excellent work

See this is what annoys me, too many photos and docs spread all over diff parts of the internet !
Why cant they put the WHOLE LOT In one place !!
Jane, you are correct. Found another pic that shows a little more of that book. It looks more like a photo album in this one, so it is not the diary. So we are back to square one on the diary other than the fact that it doesn't show up on the 12/11 search warrant property form.

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