Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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What we are seeing is the face she puts on for her public. She is taking her messages from JB. If you watch carefully if JB is smiling, KC is smiling, if JB gets tense during the hearing, KC gets subtile little signs of tension too. She will fidget more, play with her hair and clothing.

The day KC was arrested in Oct, she sat in that little interrogation room laughing and talking sports. Again she reflected the up beat mood of the officers. They had just heard from the Grand Jury that the SA could go ahead with murder charges. What did she have to be up beat about? If you watch the video, while she is alone for the most part her face is a blank slate, she gets up, she stretches, she fidgets with her clothes and her hair, all the while her face is a blank slate. Where were the tears for her daughter? Where was the concern over her loss? There is none. The day Caylee died, KC put her out of her mind, no longer her problem. I don't think she has a clue that very likely she will never be a free person again. DP or not, her life is over.

What you described of your hospital stay should be against the law. You may as well have been incarcerated, you would have been treated better.

I don't know enough about KC's mindset to truly grasp how she will behave when found guilty. Will she be surprised? Is it going to come as a complete shock to her, that a jury of her peers (and 99.99% of the rest of the world over) doesn't believe her? I thought the picture of her way back when she was denied a lower bond, after telling Jose to get her out or get her a new attorney was great. (If looks could kill!)

I remember KC telling Cindy she needed to be released because she wasn't learning anything by being locked up, after the first week or so. So I guess in KC's world once she learned the schedule at the jail, what her meals would consist of, what time she would be fed and how things in general worked she was good and no longer needed to be locked up. :crazy: It made me wonder if KC had any clue what jails are for or if that reasoning only applies to her?


I think she believes she will get out.

Jails apply to OTHER people. Sociopaths feel entitled. The laws do not apply to them.
No updates on any visitors or how she is entertaining herself with all this time on her hands? Sorry for the dull inquiry. I simply find it rather facinating how someone like KC could go from her lifestyle before to what it is now with hardly a blink and few complaints that I have heard about. I guess a socio can adapt to any situation to suit their own needs huh?

In fact, socios often do quite well in jails.

Within a couple years, she'll be RUNNING the place!
If you would like to discuss the family dynamics and psychological profiles of KC and family in a constructive way, please do so here.

[ame=""]Casey's psychological profile - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey and Family... Psychological Profile #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey and Family... Psychological Profile #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Psychological Profile of Casey and Company #4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Psychological profile of Anthony Family #5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Insanity Plea and Complete Family Psych Profile #6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity and Related Psych Profile #7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Family Psych profile #8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Question (and forgive me if it has been asked and answered, I can't find it)....does Casey ever get to go outside---for exercise and/or for fresh air (aside from any trips to the court house)?
Question (and forgive me if it has been asked and answered, I can't find it)....does Casey ever get to go outside---for exercise and/or for fresh air (aside from any trips to the court house)?

It has been reported that Casey does get a scheduled time to go outside for exercise.
Wow, after revisiting this thread, it's no wonder why KC has bacne! All that junk food and cake and pudding with every lunch and dinner! I'd be a greasy, potholed thing too.

The Orlando Sentinel has Casey's Commissary stats. It's no wonder she's growing and her back is such a mess! QB, thanks for the link!

Deposits in Casey Anthony's bank account.

•Commissary purchases: $2,229.47.

•Current balance: -$7.45.

Types of Anthony's favorite jail snacks:

•Chocolate-chip granola bars (118 bars).

•Jalapeño dip (58 cans).

•Hot peanuts (43 bags).

•Spicy Cajun chips (41 bags).

•Skittles (39 bags).

•Beef jerky (34 sticks)."

full article:,0,5235640.story
You can bet someone will be depositing more money into her account now that the balance is negative.

The Orlando Sentinel has Casey's Commissary stats. It's no wonder she's growing and her back is such a mess! QB, thanks for the link!

Deposits in Casey Anthony's bank account.

•Commissary purchases: $2,229.47.

•Current balance: -$7.45.

Types of Anthony's favorite jail snacks:

•Chocolate-chip granola bars (118 bars).

•Jalapeño dip (58 cans).

•Hot peanuts (43 bags).

•Spicy Cajun chips (41 bags).

•Skittles (39 bags).

•Beef jerky (34 sticks)."

full article:,0,5235640.story
It would appear that her funds have been drying up huh? Who would even deposit money into her account (other than her own parents)? That is a lot of deneros for one year in jail...she is an expensive little inmate isn't she?
maybe she can forge a deposit in her account... or steal a check from JB...

she's so good at it AND he doesn't want it to be admissible as evidence of poor character...

It's very refreshing to see that Casey's commissary account has dwindled into the negative range, it's a slight indicator that her "popularity" is decreasing, even if only slightly. I look forward to the day when the media attention is gone and Casey realizes that the world has moved on.
How is her account in the negative? Do prisons really allow that?
Also, where does she store all the items she buys? In her cell?

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