Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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And .... I wonder if mitigation specialist Jeanene B was telling Inmate Anthony GOODBYE on June 26th???
ALyon officially left the case on June 30th.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
July 26, 2010


A doctor who specializes in therapy for sexually abused children visited Casey in jail on Friday (for about THREE HOURS). Dr. Steven N. Gold ....

New DP qualified attorney, Reginald Moss visited Inmate Anthony on July 2, 2010.

Looks to me like Mason will be leaving .... and the new, younger highly qualified DP attorney steps in.
Also looks to me like they are coming for George BIG TIME on the sex abuse allegations. They are either going to make George the murderer, or make George the reason that Inmate Anthony snapped and killed Caylee. All in my own opinion.

Either that or the Doctor nixed the whole abuse concept........
start paddling George and Lee, your canoes are heading into the rapids and Casey's defensive team are drilling a holes in them. Whether or not George molestered Casey, we do know she accused Lee of it many times in the past via comments to her friends, at this point it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it only matters that a jury hears it and gives her life.

You'd think the family who created the monster would be the first to protect themselves from it. They know Casey, this shouldn't surprise them at all.
start paddling George and Lee, your canoes are heading into the rapids and Casey's defensive team is drilling holes in them.

Whether or not George molestered Casey, we do know she accused Lee of it many times in the past via comments to her friends, and at this point it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it only matters that a jury hears it and gives her life.

You'd think the family who created the monster would be the first to protect themselves from it. They know Casey, this shouldn't surprise them at all.
Have I got my times right for the Saturday visit from Baez and Mason? They both spent almost an hour and a half with her?

And she spent three hours with an abuse specialist the day before?

To me - just IMO - but that sounds like a pretty long conversation for a discussion that could have gone like this - "Yup, the good Doc confirmed it - what you've told us about George is true in his professional opinion, so we're going to move ahead with our SODDI and George accusations as our line of defense."


Or did they say - okay ICA, the good Doc says you are full of Balarney and the whole poor molested you isn't going to fly. So now it's time for you to try and plea bargain, cause we got nothing.

Now that sounds to me a bit more like an hour and a half discussion.
I'm thinking they are going to say that something happened to Caylee (accident, kidnapping, whatever) and KC "dissacociated" and that's why she could party and act fine. That this is a defense mechanism that evolved as a result of being traumatized by molestation as a child.
Have I got my times right for the Saturday visit from Baez and Mason? They both spent almost an hour and a half with her?

And she spent three hours with an abuse specialist the day before?

To me - just IMO - but that sounds like a pretty long conversation for a discussion that could have gone like this - "Yup, the good Doc confirmed it - what you've told us about George is true in his professional opinion, so we're going to move ahead with our SODDI and George accusations as our line of defense."


Or did they say - okay ICA, the good Doc says you are full of Balarney and the whole poor molested you isn't going to fly. So now it's time for you to try and plea bargain, cause we got nothing.

Now that sounds to me a bit more like an hour and a half discussion.

Or, JB and CM could have taken an hour to tell her that the new DP qualified atty Moss was taking over (Moss visited her two days after ALyon officially left the case), and telling her that Mason would be leaving soon, and telling her that they have it all sewed up for her with the sexual abuse claims and the doctor who specializes in that area. IMO
I'm thinking they are going to say that something happened to Caylee (accident, kidnapping, whatever) and KC "dissacociated" and that's why she could party and act fine. That this is a defense mechanism that evolved as a result of being traumatized by molestation as a child.

Could be .... my thinking leans toward their recent serious digging for dirt on George during the suicide attempt event ... and using the evidence against George to paint him as the murderer. Seems to me they are using more recent dirt on George, rather than going back to childhood sexual abuse of the Inmate. But it all goes together into a nice reasonable doubt package. IMO
Or, JB and CM could have taken an hour to tell her that the new DP qualified atty Moss was taking over (Moss visited her two days after ALyon officially left the case), and telling her that Mason would be leaving soon, and telling her that they have it all sewed up for her with the sexual abuse claims and the doctor who specializes in that area. IMO

Yes, I think you could be right - it bothers me it has taken this long for Moss to show up - didn't he see her early in July?

I'm concerned someone who is well respected in his field would get involved in this mess of a case. I guess because I think this case is pretty straightforward, except for a duffus of a lawyer and a family who don't know to keep their thoughts to themselves. Plus some maybe molestation and a maybe suicide attempt - geez!
I'm thinking they are going to say that something happened to Caylee (accident, kidnapping, whatever) and KC "dissacociated" and that's why she could party and act fine. That this is a defense mechanism that evolved as a result of being traumatized by molestation as a child.

I think JB is trying to get his name entered in the "Guinness Book of World Records" for Defense Attorney that changed tactics/strategies the most times in one case.
This case is enough to drive a normal person to drink!
Could be .... my thinking leans toward their recent serious digging for dirt on George during the suicide attempt event ... and using the evidence against George to paint him as the murderer. Seems to me they are using more recent dirt on George, rather than going back to childhood sexual abuse of the Inmate. But it all goes together into a nice reasonable doubt package. IMO

Yikes. How are they going to splain KC not coming right out and saying Daddy did it? Seems she would take the first opportunity to pin it on him if he did. Did she see him do it and go crazy and imagine the imaginanny??
When did we find out about this Moss guy? It's the first I've heard of him. I thought Cheney was DP qualified. (Just an assumption on my part....)
Yikes. How are they going to splain KC not coming right out and saying Daddy did it? Seems she would take the first opportunity to pin it on him if he did. Did she see him do it and go crazy and imagine the imaginanny??

I think it's going to go more along the lines of "I wanted to save her from what happened to me and then once I did I went into one of those trances where you sleep around, drink, and dance even though you really don't want to ... Lindsey Lohan syndrome"

but it won't work because no matter what rabbit Baez pulls out of his ..............hat... 31 days, duct tape, and imaginanny will put an end to the "I didn't do it the nanny did but if I did it wasn't my fault" defense
When did we find out about this Moss guy? It's the first I've heard of him. I thought Cheney was DP qualified. (Just an assumption on my part....)

Mason is DP qualified ... and IF CM is leaving the case .... the Inmate MUST have a DP qualified atty to take his place. Enter new attorney Moss ....

We learned about the new attorney Moss when got the visitor log for June and July and we see that the new atty visited the Inmate on June 2, 2010 (along with JB) for about an hour. ALyon (who was DP qualified) officially quit two days earlier on June 30th. And mitigation specialist Jeanene B. visited with the Inmate on June 26th for about 3 hours - was she saying Goodbye?
Yikes. How are they going to splain KC not coming right out and saying Daddy did it? Seems she would take the first opportunity to pin it on him if he did. Did she see him do it and go crazy and imagine the imaginanny??

The Inmate (with the prodding of Cindy) said that she was "protecting the family".
Hence, the Inmate could not tell LE what really happened because she was protecting PaPaJoe.
So, she had to make up the elaborate Zanny nanny story to protect the family.
She was in fear of him, after all, from all the childhood sexual abuse, don't ya know ....
The Inmate (with the prodding of Cindy) said that she was "protecting the family".
Hence, the Inmate could not tell LE what really happened because she was protecting PaPaJoe.
So, she had to make up the elaborate Zanny nanny story to protect the family.
She was in fear of him, after all, from all the childhood sexual abuse, don't ya know .... because of her(ICA's childhood abuse, she lets PapaJoe play with Caylee until she is almost turning three, then she kills her to protect the family?

Could you rephrase that for me because I didn't "get" it but this old brain of mine....
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
The Inmate (with the prodding of Cindy) said that she was "protecting the family".
Hence, the Inmate could not tell LE what really happened because she was protecting PaPaJoe.
So, she had to make up the elaborate Zanny nanny story to protect the family.
She was in fear of him, after all, from all the childhood sexual abuse, don't ya know .... because of her(ICA's childhood abuse, she lets PapaJoe play with Caylee until she is almost turning three, then she kills her to protect the family?

Could you rephrase that for me because I didn't "get" it but this old brain of mine....

In my opinion .... they are gunning for George as the murderer, who the Inmate was protecting from going to jail for life or the death penalty for George. I do not believe the sexual abuse for mitigation theory .... I believe the sexual abuse angle is to make a jury believe that George also sexually abused Caylee and may have killed her.
I'm thinking they are going to say that something happened to Caylee (accident, kidnapping, whatever) and KC "dissacociated" and that's why she could party and act fine. That this is a defense mechanism that evolved as a result of being traumatized by molestation as a child.

Exactly....and if they want to walk away from the Zanny the Nanny story completely they can say that because Casey was so traumatised by whatever happened to Caylee that she went into complete denial and soothed herself by thinking that 'Caylee's fine, she's with the nanny'. I think we're back to an 'accident that snowballed out of control' here, possibly a drowning in the pool.

Not so easy to explain the duct tape though, but its possible Casey could have put it on in Caylee after she had died to stop the corpse purging from the nose and mouth, but I don't think that's really plausible either, because it wouldn't have worked.

So George sexually abuses Casey all of her life, she grows up with a loose grip on reality and the ability to disassociate at the drop of a hat at the first sign of trauma, Caylee drowns in the pool (or similar) while Casey's on the phone (or otherwise distracted), Casey finds her, at first tries to call her parents in desperation, then when she can't get help becomes overwhelmed and disassociates, wraps her up in the blanket and puts her in the trunk of the car, and tells herself that everything's OK because Caylee's 'with the nanny' and trots off to blockbuster, and her grand tour of Orlando.

Not quite sure how she moves between disassociating and reality as she removes Caylee and places her in the woods a couple of days later, but perhaps the good doctor can help out there.

I wonder if Casey would be willing to go along with something like this, or if she still wants to deny all responsibility. I think the major problem with this kind of scenario is that it doesn't explain the two kidnapping stories, or the theft from Amy that was going on at the same time, which the prosecution could use to show that Casey did not dissociate, that she is psychopathic.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
The Inmate (with the prodding of Cindy) said that she was "protecting the family".
Hence, the Inmate could not tell LE what really happened because she was protecting PaPaJoe.
So, she had to make up the elaborate Zanny nanny story to protect the family.
She was in fear of him, after all, from all the childhood sexual abuse, don't ya know ....

In my opinion .... they are gunning for George as the murderer, who the Inmate was protecting from going to jail for life or the death penalty for George. I do not believe the sexual abuse for mitigation theory .... I believe the sexual abuse angle is to make a jury believe that George also sexually abused Caylee and may have killed her.

My apologies ThinkTank! I meant to quote the post below yours!!!:blowkiss:

Which seems to have disappeared!
We all know that it is not impossible that Casey was sexually molested by either/or Lee, George or both. I personally have not made up my mind about this.

BUT, even if true, the question becomes would this get her off a first degree murder charge?

Unless the defense is going to go for an insanity defense against the murder charge, the only place I can see the molestation info coming in would be as a mitgating factor against the death penalty?

I would like to see Attorney Richard Hornsby address these issues.

And as for another death penalty qualified attorney entering the fray - who in their right mind would want to voluntarily step into the bucket of shyte this case has become?

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