Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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..sumbunny's post from earlier comes into play..

..this was kc's 1st christmas in jail 2008.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's Confinement, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3[/ame]

Casey will be dining on roast beef for dinner.

Prison ministry will be giving her small presents (socks candy)
and casey decided to treat herself to 60.00$ worth of candy, and cookies this last commisary purchase..

How nice.
Great Topic Affinity! Because I am curious also - but unfortunately don't have anything to offer.

Isn't ICA still in some kind of protective custody? So she would not be able to chit chat with other prisoners during meals or recreation time I guess. Actually I don't even know if she eats in her cell or not.

And I suppose both Baez and ICA don't want either of her parents visiting, so maybe she is having the same old same old good time except she can hear a few carols on her little transistor radio.

Huh...this isn't sounding like a beautiful life to me.
..the Orange County Jail Inmate Handbook :

..makes no mention of "holidays".

..the only mail allowed: family photos, newspaper clippings, and soft cover books , magazines & newspapers ( to be shipped direct from the publisher. )
Is ICA still in solitary?
Does she have a roomy?
Well, a big change from her 'other life'
and she thought this would be 'bella'????
I started thinking about all this because last night I revisited an old Lillian Glass article about CA's letters to KC in jail. It was interesting to think that now that the press and GA is gone CA is twisting in the wind and perhaps KC has much more "support" than CA does! Perhaps this thread would be more interesting if we speculated about how CA will spend the holiday! She comes to court alone now!

Great Topic Affinity! Because I am curious also - but unfortunately don't have anything to offer.

Isn't ICA still in some kind of protective custody? So she would not be able to chit chat with other prisoners during meals or recreation time I guess. Actually I don't even know if she eats in her cell or not.

And I suppose both Baez and ICA don't want either of her parents visiting, so maybe she is having the same old same old good time except she can hear a few carols on her little transistor radio.

Huh...this isn't sounding like a beautiful life to me.

she isn't suppose to pass letters around and have extra food also...but...little princess gets what little princess wants...apparently.
Ya know, I don't remember hearing much about how they spent the holidays before Caylee was killed. Have we seen any photos of Caylee with Santa? Any talk about family coming over for dinner? Christmas morning?
I really don't care WHAT Casey is doing. She probably doesn't care either.
Ya know, I don't remember hearing much about how they spent the holidays before Caylee was killed. Have we seen any photos of Caylee with Santa? Any talk about family coming over for dinner? Christmas morning?
I really don't care WHAT Casey is doing. She probably doesn't care either.

I guess you are question may be a little like asking what does a wooden post think about Christmas in jail..on the other hand KC seemed more emotional than usual in the last hearing. I imagine all KC's days in jail (two years of them?) pretty much all seem the same.
...and funny....I don't recollect any Santa photos..maybe those are in the to be sold pile.
Dark. Cold. Lonely. At least I hope so.

On another note, I do wonder if Casey will think about Caylee tonight? How they could have been laying out cookies and milk for Santa? They could be sitting on the couch, snuggled up, watching Christmas movies? How tomorrow morning she may have awoken to Caylee giving her a gift she made all by herself at school... just for her?

I just wonder if she regrets what she did? Does she even feel sorry for what she did to Caylee?
Casey probably doesn't feel much remorse, only blame and bitterness. If she felt bad she would have confessed and wouldn't be charged with premeditation. She also would much rather be in her nice comfortable home pretending to be the mom of a missing tot and forgiven of all her thefts and frauds. She probably sits around thinking about what she should have done and not messed up like should have immediately tried to pull off an attempted car jacking or child abduction instead of hanging onto her wheels awhile longer. I imagine Cindy and George are sad and just trying to somehow heal and accept all that has happened.
I posed this question to my good friend google, and he said:
[ame=""]a bunch of stuff[/ame]

and then this:

I got this:
[ame=""]What is Christmas like in jail? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] (3rd result)
In jail and alone, stripped of all of the palpable evidence of Christmas, Casey will have to make her own Christmas up in her mind. IIRC, she has a radio so she might have heard some carols, she may have heard snippets of guards' and other prisoners' conversations about their family visitors, plans and expectations. But that's all the proof she has that it's really Christmas.

I don't know where her mind will take her. But I doubt that she will be reflecting on what Caylee is missing. I doubt that she's even recalling her own best Christmas or what she would like to give to the people who (still might) love her. My guess is that she's hoping Cindy will bring her a new blouse for her next appearance in court.

That's moo of what Christmas in jail is probably like for Casey. But before I go to sleep tonight I will pray that she will give some thought to our Christ Child and reach out to Him. *sigh* You never know when your prayers will be answered. . .
IMO the spirit of Christmas is pure and full of joy. In order to appreciate it one must open their heart.

That said.....I suspect it is just like any other day for KC.
I guess you are question may be a little like asking what does a wooden post think about Christmas in jail..on the other hand KC seemed more emotional than usual in the last hearing. I imagine all KC's days in jail (two years of them?) pretty much all seem the same.
...and funny....I don't recollect any Santa photos..maybe those are in the to be sold pile.
I was wondering the same thing about the pics, Affinity. How sad is that?!
How can she live with herself.

By this time, Caylee would probably have a new bike under the Christmas tree, new clothes, books, and plenty of stocking stuffers. I've said enough about G&C, but they loved Caylee like their own. IMHO, the A's would have terminated Caysey's rights by now, and Caylee would be living with them, while Caysey went on about her party business. IMHO - this would have been so much better than what actually happened (and trust me, I'm not a fan of G&C).

IMHO Caysey killed Caylee out of spite. Anyone who loved Caylee more than Caysey got the brunt. First Jesse, and now the A's.

How's that working for ya ICA.

she's got the good life she wanted. here's to you kc,
enjoy " la bella vida " :great:
Dark. Cold. Lonely. At least I hope so.

On another note, I do wonder if Casey will think about Caylee tonight? How they could have been laying out cookies and milk for Santa? They could be sitting on the couch, snuggled up, watching Christmas movies? How tomorrow morning she may have awoken to Caylee giving her a gift she made all by herself at school... just for her?

I just wonder if she regrets what she did? Does she even feel sorry for what she did to Caylee?

And no visitors for ICA..she's spend 3 Christmases in prison..I doubt very much that she feels remorse, she's full of spite and hatred. She has no regrets and knows she made the right decision..

Precious Caylee may be gone from this world but the world will never forget this precious child and the others like her...heartless creature that sits her third Christmas behind bars...I do hope she's adjusted in prison for that will be her bella vita for the rest of her sorry life she's a huge waste..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
IMO the spirit of Christmas is pure and full of joy. In order to appreciate it one must open their heart.

That said.....I suspect it is just like any other day for KC.

My heart is open this Christmas Day - and what did I find? Not one ray of hope or light touching the spot ICA touches. Not one.
And no visitors for ICA..she's spend 3 Christmases in prison..I doubt very much that she feels remorse, she's full of spite and hatred. She has no regrets and knows she made the right decision..

Precious Caylee may be gone from this world but the world will never forget this precious child and the others like her...heartless creature that sits her third Christmas behind bars...I do hope she's adjusted in prison for that will be her bella vita for the rest of her sorry life she's a huge waste..JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Agree, but we even care?
Agree, but we even care?

The only reason I care is that after being a drain on Cindy's bank account (which is CA's own dumb fault)-now she's draining Florida's funds. Funds that could have gone for other things like children in need because of this lousy economy.
She snuffed out Caylee's life-now she's affecting Florida's budget therefore she's affecting Florida's children!! Her victimizing hasn't stopped yet!!:furious:

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