Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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Outside of a romance novel, I think if your daughter, even if you love her, goes out and kills somebody, you are entitled to go off her a bit?

If ANYBODY kills your infant (grand)daughter, it would be normal to want that person to be punished, perhaps you might be angry at that person? You should not be wanting to make sure she gets cheesy puffs and choccies!! Even if it is your daughter. You should want her to be punished at least to the extent of the normal unsubsidised jail conditions.
Does anyone know if Casey has recieved any visits recently. The last time I heard even Jose hadn't visited her since the memorial ??? TIA
What you see as "unconditional love" is part of what got us into this mess.

Perhaps "unconditional" is not at all healthy!

If GA's "love" means he wants to lessen Dopey's hardship as much as possible, then by extension he would like to see her free altogether? Wonder if he'd want her to baby sit his new grand daughter to be?

Not really. A parent doesn't punish their child because they stopped loving the child.

Conditional is what got us into this mess.

Just because GA loves his daughter, wouldn't mean that he wouldn't expect her not to be punished for her crimes. It would not mean that he wouldn't want her punished for her crimes against Caylee.

I don't know a parent that loves their child that avoids punishment in totally for their child. I love my kids and I have no problem setting them straight. When it comes time to punish them, it doesn't mean that I stopped love them. And when they do something that deserves punishment, that doesn't mean that I should stop loving them. The very idea, is well.. Aghm...

The situation is, you think that GA should punish Casey. You want CAsey to hurt, by her loosing her Parents love. You want her to be all alone, etc. That is cool. But unrealistic. For that to happen, then everyone who knows her, has to forget their life history with Casey. Their life bonds, hopes and dreams. GA is a person too. He did not harm Caylee. He doesn't deserve to be punished any more then he all ready has and will be.

He doesn't need to punish Casey. The courts will do so. He knows this. They can set a more stricter punishment then he could ever set.

Just because he Loves Casey, doesn't mean the rest of us have to do so.
What you see as "unconditional love" is part of what got us into this mess.

Perhaps "unconditional" is not at all healthy!

If GA's "love" means he wants to lessen Dopey's hardship as much as possible, then by extension he would like to see her free altogether? Wonder if he'd want her to baby sit his new grand daughter to be?

I'll have to agree with you. The A's unconditional love was toxic to KC, IMO.
I'll have to agree with you. The A's unconditional love was toxic to KC, IMO.
If you don't have conditions and boundaries towards another person, especially someone who you are "bringing up" then it is not necessarily helping or in anyway a possitive interaction with them. That is hardly love in any rational sense. It is blind acquiesence to another's ego! No doubt that could be largely how GA treated Dopey throughout her childhood and up to now. Commonly refered to as "letting her get away with murder" Sadly in this case the throw away popular non-literal line is all too very literal. That is NOT LOVE unconditional or otherwise.
I'll have to agree with you. The A's unconditional love was toxic to KC, IMO.

The family is toxic all ready. But I believe it's because it runs on 'conditional'. Cindy running around doing her best to respond the way she thinks Casey wants her to respond and to make sure Casey knows she is responding correctly.. is an example of the need to met the 'conditional.' She is afraid of 'loosing' Casey's 'love' if she doesn't do what Casey wants.

Casey has made statements that also points to 'conditional love' upbringing. If your raised with it, you also set the same expections with others. Hence, Cindy's situation with Casey. It's toxic.

Expecting someone to believe your lies, or else they don't love you.. To support you no matter what you say or do....

Gosh, I see folks act like that alot now days. But that is all 'conditional' love/friendship, etc. You only love me, your only my friend, etc.. If you allow me to do/say/act anyway I want. If you 'call me on it', then you do not like/love me, your not my friend, your against me.

It's all conditional. It's toxic.
There's **love** for your child, and then there is PAMPERING.

I kinda feel like Casey is being pampered by being able to order up a whole bunch of treats. It's one thing for an inmate to need underwear, socks or some lotion but quite another to be able to order almost off a room service menu!
There's **love** for your child, and then there is PAMPERING.

I kinda feel like Casey is being pampered by being able to order up a whole bunch of treats. It's one thing for an inmate to need underwear, socks or some lotion but quite another to be able to order almost off a room service menu!
I agree with your point. But just in Dopey's case alone, I would hold back on socks, underwear and lotion as well. I regard her as an oxygen thief comes to that.
Not really. A parent doesn't punish their child because they stopped loving the child.

Conditional is what got us into this mess.

Just because GA loves his daughter, wouldn't mean that he wouldn't expect her not to be punished for her crimes. It would not mean that he wouldn't want her punished for her crimes against Caylee.

I don't know a parent that loves their child that avoids punishment in totally for their child. I love my kids and I have no problem setting them straight. When it comes time to punish them, it doesn't mean that I stopped love them. And when they do something that deserves punishment, that doesn't mean that I should stop loving them. The very idea, is well.. Aghm...

The situation is, you think that GA should punish Casey. You want CAsey to hurt, by her loosing her Parents love. You want her to be all alone, etc. That is cool. But unrealistic. For that to happen, then everyone who knows her, has to forget their life history with Casey. Their life bonds, hopes and dreams. GA is a person too. He did not harm Caylee. He doesn't deserve to be punished any more then he all ready has and will be.

He doesn't need to punish Casey. The courts will do so. He knows this. They can set a more stricter punishment then he could ever set.

Just because he Loves Casey, doesn't mean the rest of us have to do so.

I so agree with this. You said it perfectly.
Don't forget all the paper she can blow through writing:

:rose: Casey Marie Baez:rose:

:blowkiss: CMB :blowkiss:

:) :) :) Casey and Jose Baez:) :) :)

:heart: :heart: :heart: Mr and Mrs Jose Baez :heart: :heart: :heart:

I'll bet she's on her 3rd box of crayons by now. GA should send that money to replant a few trees to make up for all the paper she's wasting.

When I was a child I spent every summer at my Grandparent's farm. Every year there was a chain gang working on the road or the swales out front. I recall it being like a scene from Cool Hand Luke. There were a couple of trucks of prisoners chained together at the ankle. The guards had shotguns. One year the prisoners repaved the road, every other time I saw them they were cleaning out the ditch or cleaning up the common area. Thinking back, this was an excellent pasttime for criminals--hard labor. IMO, if hard labor still existed, there would be far fewer criminals in detention.

They still work on the roads here where I live though they don't chain them. They are out there all the time picking up trash, filling pot holes, etc.
Very interesting that they have now gotten rid of their dark green SUV. Does this ring any bells for anyone else? :waitasec:

OT but what kind of car did they buy? Anyone know? Thanks!

O/T- I love your girl in your avatar, she is adorable!
based upon reading some of the post here, i would say that some of that money was given by those who believed her innocent.

As far as how i feel about it... I feel sad. She isn't the only woman in that jail who needs funds. Many who, just like her, are waiting for their court date. Who might not have the money, funds, etc.. To bond out. Such folks will have no money in their accounts. Yet, there casey sits.. Not only does she have family donating, she has strangers.

No matter what she is accused of doing, george is still her father. I would expect him and ca to still care what happens to casey. Love should be unconditional.


ETA- I'll love my son no matter what he does in life.. though if he commits a crime I will see to it he is held accountable for his actions. .. I won't stop loving him though.
I think GA, CA and LA have stopped visiting her in jail because they know the jail conversations are recorded and released to the prosecutor and the public. They don't want to do anything that will further increase the probability of convicting KC of the crimes or provide information that would would help prove the case for the plaintiff in the civil suit. They also do not want enhance the probability that any of the three of them might be charged with criminal acts. The only way they can assure that is not to visit.
The family is toxic all ready. But I believe it's because it runs on 'conditional'. Cindy running around doing her best to respond the way she thinks Casey wants her to respond and to make sure Casey knows she is responding correctly.. is an example of the need to met the 'conditional.' She is afraid of 'loosing' Casey's 'love' if she doesn't do what Casey wants.

Casey has made statements that also points to 'conditional love' upbringing. If your raised with it, you also set the same expections with others. Hence, Cindy's situation with Casey. It's toxic.

Expecting someone to believe your lies, or else they don't love you.. To support you no matter what you say or do....

Gosh, I see folks act like that alot now days. But that is all 'conditional' love/friendship, etc. You only love me, your only my friend, etc.. If you allow me to do/say/act anyway I want. If you 'call me on it', then you do not like/love me, your not my friend, your against me.

It's all conditional. It's toxic.

What an excellent post!! It''s going on everywhere too!! It's scary, really!!
You can love your children forever, but that does not mean that the relationship is unconditional. They do not have to provide her support, money, letters, or anything else, yet still love her.
You may not be able to change your heart of love, and shouldn't I suppose, but an abusive relationship is not mandatory.
Casey's relationship with her parents, and her child is/was abusive.
oh yeah, it's...
I certainly do not think that GA giving her money to ensure she has extra snacks etc. shows "Unconditional love". It shows that he is just carrying on rewarding her (in a small way in this instance) for bad behaviour. Rewards regardless of what the person does (so called unconditional love) shapes up the bad behaviour and makes it more likely to occur. (1.01 Operant Psychology). Sadly the new age child rearing ideas that claim and practice unconditional love, are more and more in vogue with society's bleeding heart types, and is the root cause of more and more extreme bad behaviour.
It seems to me that in FL inmates are allowed way more money and things to buy than in other states? Does anyone know.
Last year a good friend of mine had to spend 3 days in Jail in Alabama(Montgomery). Neither of us had ANY knowledge of the court system, rules about jail, etc...Neither of us had ever been exposed to that which seems so common for a lot of people..Anyway, sentence was passed and friend leaves courtroom for jail with no communication with me. Both of us were shocked and scared..Did not know to leave money for an account for the comissary...Friend had to buy socks underwear toothbrush..all toiletries..So upset was friend that following a tearful phone call later that day, an inmate did give him a new pair of socks, and a bag of chips because he had missed the meal at dinner. SO, if Fla is like Ala, she has no choice but to buy what they offer as ya cant take inmates anything..and I imagine they jack the prices up so they can make money off that,,,,
In the prison system, there are inmates with very large accounts. They are adults and believe it or not, have responsibilities. Some of the money they have is mailed by the prison at their request to attorneys, landlords, wives, children, parents, friends, victims. This thought has not crossed kc's mind. She didn't even mail flowers to her child's memorial...I expect nothing of her and I expect her parents to continue taking care of her and not making her responsible for anything. From my observation, no one in that household have behaved as a responsible adult. They behave as entitled children. George is a wuz and a dependent. Cindy is the leader and controller of all monies. Lee is also a wuz and doesn't think he is....he possesses traits of narcissism and is very angry. We will see tomorrow how he behaves. If he walks....he is a wuz who is trying to control other people just like his mother and sister.

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