It seems to me that in FL inmates are allowed way more money and things to buy than in other states? Does anyone know.
Last year a good friend of mine had to spend 3 days in Jail in Alabama(Montgomery). Neither of us had ANY knowledge of the court system, rules about jail, etc...Neither of us had ever been exposed to that which seems so common for a lot of people..Anyway, sentence was passed and friend leaves courtroom for jail with no communication with me. Both of us were shocked and scared..Did not know to leave money for an account for the comissary...Friend had to buy socks underwear toothbrush..all toiletries..So upset was friend that following a tearful phone call later that day, an inmate did give him a new pair of socks, and a bag of chips because he had missed the meal at dinner. SO, if Fla is like Ala, she has no choice but to buy what they offer as ya cant take inmates anything..and I imagine they jack the prices up so they can make money off that,,,,
I believe we learned at the beginning KC can have up to $500. in her acct. Or something very close to that. If she hits her max the jail then returns anymore funds to the sender.
I don't think the prices that KC is paying are outlandish. Usually the mark up is used to keep the commissary open and if faced with paying the difference or not having a commissary I think most inmates would say it's worth it.
If KC were my daughter I wouldn't have been putting any money in her acct until she co operated with LE. Until she came clean about where her daughter is.
I would have let her know before she went in, anytime she wanted to start acting responsible I would be there. In the mean time, she would have been on her own. I know that sounds harsh, but it is less harsh than KC leaving her baby in a swamp all those months. It is way less harsh than duct tape on her face.