Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

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thinking about her questions to casey in this video, i wonder if cindy herself didnt know the answer to the where the jewelry was. maybe cindy found it in a place she hadnt expected and asked casey her version of where it was. idk i always wondered why the parents ran into the backyard looking before the cops did. i always felt that at a previous time they saw something off in the yard but could never explain it, until caylee went missing. maybe it was the ring, bracelet or both. at the bottom of the pool, maybe?? Wow, would that just answer soooo much for Cindy! But I guess the smart follow up question should have been "When were you last swimming in my pool?" and that one was never maybe she does have both items and really did find them at the house-the house KC "hadn't been to" in months-makes a lot of sense for Cindy's interest.
Please forgive me if this has already been posted, but i ran across the attached pic that I thought looks really similar to the "Tiffany" ring:

If it's actually a Tiffany bracelet, it probably cost around $500.00. I found one similar on the Tiffany page. The ring - maybe $200.00. Still a pretty penny for a gift from someone that doesn't exist (right)? I wonder who gave her the items and where they are. You just don't lose stuff like that. One or the other - but both?

Just my opinion.

tiffany bracelet.jpg
Please forgive me if this has already been posted, but i ran across the attached pic that I thought looks really similar to the "Tiffany" ring:


So the ring looks like a heart in the middle with 2 rounds on each side. Something like this?

heart ring.jpg


Where did the idea of a tiffany bracelet come from? CA only asked about a ring. Can someone point me to a credible link that discusses a bracelet? I'm confused....

I think IIRC Cindy only asked about the ring but we saw the ring and bracelet together in the Globe photos (the photos taken at JP's townhome where Caylee is wearing the big trouble T-shirt, Casey is playing the guitar with bracelet and ring on), and we'd seen the ring (and maybe bracelet, I can't remember) in other photos, and began wondering....where are they? Gone at the same time as Caylee, etc.

sorry just saw others had answered your question :)
Plus the ring does not fit KC. It is on her middle finger. One would guess since KC JH gave her the ring that the ring belongs to someone else. I think Cindy went through her credit card bills and did not see it as purchased and that is why she asked. KC's so bold how easy would it have been to walk away from a counter with them on her. Have not heard anyone come forward to claim them or say she "borrowed" them. jmo
Because her parents did not want to confront KC's sexuality and the fact that she did have boyfriends. Although I think they had a pretty good idea that she had a healthy sexual appetite-and they took an approach of avoidance and blame (as usual): CA avoided the fact that KC even had boyfriends-she tells LE that KC did not really even like TL, CA didn't know about RM, thought they were friends.
CA told her brother Rick that KC was not even sexually active-But during/post high school friends say she had a lot of different boyfriends, went through guys like candy (I believe Brit S. or Kio talked about this).

George, on the other hand, is the blamer-Every guy that LE brings up in the interviews, GA hates, with the exception of Ryan, prolly cause GA does not think KC had sex with Ryan (I don't know if she did, either)...Though he does not know Tony, he hates him-he tells LE he'd never met Tony and doesn't want to meet him. As if TL did anything wrong, he was the one that had to tell KC that a pot filled room is not appropriate for Caylee to sleep in.
GA didn't like JG from the moment he met him (IIRC, he met JG after KC got pregnant). So to GA, all these guys are to blame for taking pure KC's innocence.

They gave up on meeting boyfriends, cause they would come and go, and cycle above would repeat. CA may have figured JH was another one that would stay platonic, and she would meet him if it actually was serious at some point.

Good description. I think Kio may possibly have put a slightly bitter/jealous spin on the number of boyfriends, as she does with some things, she also said "I never thought she'd be with a guy, she had a kid for God's sake!" so in Kio's estimation Casey should not have had any boyfriend apparently... (Kio seemed quite bitter about Casey not letting her adopt the baby and Cindy supposedly not liking Kio to be in the house because she was Latino and so on. Of course all of that is Kio's word only and she's said some interesting things and changed her story on some things, and face it, wanting to adopt the baby when she herself was just a teenager is unusual, and she still tells the story as if it were perfectly normal, apparently doesn't even know it was unusual. So Kio's opinions are just that, her opinions, which she has a right to of course.)
Probably some truth in your statement about George not liking guys that Casey had a sexual relationship with, not too abnormal for a father I guess. As far as George "hating" JG-- it sounded to me like they didn't like him trying to sleep with Casey in their house when they were just engaged, not to mention his bossy attitude toward them in their own home, arguing with them etc. I wouldn't blame them for hating that.
can we see if she was wearing it in her Pregnant picture? (the bracelet anyway)
Where the ring is is less important to me. IF it is a Tiffany ring, which I would bet my life it is not, the question is who did she steal it from? I have often wondered if she shoplifted from stores too. It is not outside of her moral compass to steal from her own family, so surely it would not be beneath her to steal things in the JC Penny dressing room. Most of those men in her life were just hooking up with her for sex. The only one I can imagine buying her any jewelry is Jesse. I don't think any man bought Cindy Jr. in stripper boots, anything from Tiffanys. She stole it, likely from some girl who truly did have a guy that adored her. There is no other explanation for it not fitting her. When a man buys you jewelery he takes you to the jeweler to have it sized once you have opened it.
Where the ring is is less important to me. IF it is a Tiffany ring, which I would bet my life it is not, the question is who did she steal it from? I have often wondered if she shoplifted from stores too. It is not outside of her moral compass to steal from her own family, so surely it would not be beneath her to steal things in the JC Penny dressing room. Most of those men in her life were just hooking up with her for sex. The only one I can imagine buying her any jewelry is Jesse. I don't think any man bought Cindy Jr. in stripper boots, anything from Tiffanys.

"Tiffany" jewelry isn't readily available where I live. It has to be bought off the internet from the dealer... from e-bay... or from a jeweler about 60 miles from me. Orlando may have more locations that sell it tho. MOO
Florida loacations that I am familiar with are Orlando Mall at Mellinia, Boca raton, and Tampa International Plaza I also saw a listing in Jacksonville - but it didn't say Jacksonville FL so I am not sure.

I can only find 1 in or near Atlanta... anyway my point is it would be hard to steal anything from a store like this with high end jewelry and more than likely armed guards... MOO
I do believe that it is the real deal... but why pay $500 for something that doesn't even fit you (or the girl you plan to give it to)
I will agree she could have stolen it from a "friend" of hers...
It was probably given to her by one of her john's in trade for services rendered. MOO
...Though he does not know Tony, he hates him-he tells LE he'd never met Tony and doesn't want to meet him. As if TL did anything wrong, he was the one that had to tell KC that a pot filled room is not appropriate for Caylee to sleep in.

As far as George "hating" TL, I could understand him being concerned about the influence of some of the later friends, the JP/RM/AH crowd and especially the TL crowd there at the end, I think I would have been very concerned too, she suddenly wasn't coming home, was giving a lot of weird stories for not coming home, etc, his shed was suddenly broken into and his gas can stolen all of a sudden, he's probably wondering does she have Caylee staying with this guy... I don't know what pictures the parents may have seen on Casey's facebook during the time frame, etc, who knows. Most parents I think would have been questioning this new guy or this crowd, maybe they even thought she was starting to use drugs, maybe they'd seen weird icons like the "Gangster girlfriend" type stuff or other weird things appearing on her websites, or maybe they knew she was going to Fusian now and may have heard from Lee what the place was like, who knows? I think GA probably felt better about some of her old friends like Ryan, local guys that she'd known for years and that he also knew, I could sympathize with his point of view. After finding out Caylee was missing on top of all this stuff, what parent would not be extremely worried/suspicious about this new boyfriend? For a parent/grandparent, wouldn't it be normal for the concern to verge toward hate at this point?
As far as Tony not doing anything wrong, or having been the sensible person, the saint, who told Casey you'd better not have Caylee staying over here, not an appropriate place, etc, we have no verification of any of that. I always saw a mismatch of statements made by TL and the roommates in various interviews. In earliest interviews TL suggests Caylee was only there once, at the pool. Then his roommate mentions maybe more than once, at the pool and in the apartment. Then TL says, anytime she was here, I was not alone with her, everyone was in the house. In later interviews out of the blue Nate mentions about himself and Cameron spending time with Caylee while Tony and Casey were sleeping for example, that they enjoyed teaching her to play drums and "teaching her new words". In earliest interviews Clint (described only as "the DJ friend and business partner of TL") told reporters that he'd seen Caylee over at the apartment and played with her a lot. In most interviews the roommates act like they were very happy to have Caylee there and in fact they claimed that when Casey stopped bringing Caylee over they'd asked "hey, why haven't you brought Caylee over lately, we haven't seen her in a while" etc. I remember Nate referring to how their schedule was crazy there, but if one of them actually claimed to have told her not to bring Caylee to stay there because it wasn't a suitable place, it doesn't make sense that they were later asking why they hadn't seen more of Caylee. Direct contradiction/dichotomy. I don't really think Caylee was ever forbidden from being brought there, or else they wouldn't have been asking, personally, it doesn't make sense. But who knows. But we have only Tony's own word for him never having done anything wrong. Well, actually, he admitted breaking into her father's shed, but the police glossed over this and made him into a quasi-hero of the investigation LOL

Anyway, it does seem like Casey stuck with the Jeff story to account for staying with any current boyfriend, because her just being single and having a sex life would not be acceptable to them. I was the same at her age, I also came from a culture where my parents would not find it acceptable for me to be sexually active at all even at the age of 22! Many young women in the U.S. still live with that despite the sexual revolution having happened decades ago! LOL. (I didn't talk to my parents about my sex life that's for sure but granted, I didn't go so far as to lie elaborately about being with someone else, etc. Although, how much was Casey lying at the end vs. actually starting to have some kind of breakdown and mixing up past and current events in her life, that I'm not sure either.) About the jewelry, probably couldn't tell her Mom if a casual boyfriend had given it to her, or if she'd spent money on it heaven forbid (Cindy seemed to disapprove even if she'd spent money on a haircut for herself or Caylee, for example.) Or maybe she had stolen the jewelry or something weird, for example.
Unless the "other" Jeff Hopkins (I haven't completely eliminated him as a possibility) really had given it to her way back when, I guess the jewelry did appear as far back as Casey's 21st birthday photos, wonder if we've seen it any earlier pictures than that....I have to think.
Cindy's question, that's an interesting idea posted earlier by that maybe Cindy had found the ring and was trying to put together why it was where it was (backyard? Pool? Shed? Garage? found it broken or squashed somewhere? thrown in the trash? I wonder), or was she just looking at old pictures in a new light now, trying to figure out where the pictures really were taken, trying to piece together which photos were really at the nanny's place or were they really other people's places, etc

Wonder where that jewelry is!
...Though he does not know Tony, he hates him-he tells LE he'd never met Tony and doesn't want to meet him. As if TL did anything wrong, he was the one that had to tell KC that a pot filled room is not appropriate for Caylee to sleep in.

As far as George "hating" TL, I could understand him being concerned about TL , I think I would have been very concerned too, she suddenly wasn't coming home, was giving a lot of weird stories for not coming home, etc, his shed was suddenly broken into and things stolen, he's probably wondering does she have Caylee staying with this guy... I don't know what pictures the parents may have seen on Casey's facebook during the time frame, etc, who knows. Most parents I think would have been questioning this new guy or this crowd, maybe they even suspected she was starting to use drugs, maybe they'd seen weird icons like the "Gangster girlfriend" type stuff or other weird things appearing on her websites, or maybe they knew she was going to Fusian now and may have heard from Lee what the place was like, who knows? I think GA probably felt better about some of her old friends like Ryan, local guys that she'd known for years and that he also knew, I could sympathize with his point of view. After finding out Caylee was missing on top of all this stuff, what parent would not be extremely worried/suspicious about this new boyfriend? For a parent/grandparent, wouldn't it be normal for the concern to verge toward hate at this point?

As far as Tony having been the sensible person or saint who told Casey you'd better not have Caylee staying over here, not an appropriate place, etc, we have no verification of that. I always saw a mismatch of statements made by TL and the roommates in various interviews, not necessarily anything sinister of course, but just doesn't match up. In earliest interviews TL suggests Caylee was only there once, at the pool. Then his roommate mentions maybe more than once, at the pool and in the apartment. Then TL says, anytime she was here, I was not alone with her, everyone was in the house. In later interviews out of the blue Nate mentions about himself and Cameron spending time with Caylee while Tony and Casey were sleeping for example, that they enjoyed teaching her to play drums and "teaching her new words". In earliest interviews Clint (described only as "the DJ friend and business partner of TL") told reporters that he'd seen Caylee over at the apartment and played with her a lot. In most interviews the roommates act like they were very happy to have Caylee there and in fact they claimed that when Casey stopped bringing Caylee over they'd asked "hey, why haven't you brought Caylee over lately, we haven't seen her in a while" etc. I remember Nate referring to how their schedule was crazy there, but if one of them actually claimed to have told her not to bring Caylee to stay there because it wasn't a suitable place, it doesn't make sense that they were asking why she wasn't being brought there any more. Direct contradiction/dichotomy. I don't really think Caylee was ever forbidden from being brought there, or else they wouldn't have been asking, personally. It doesn't make sense. But who knows.

And we have only Tony's own word for him never having done anything wrong. Well, actually, he admitted breaking into her father's shed, didn't he, but the police glossed over that and made him into the quasi-hero of the investigation LOL

But I agree, it does seem like Casey stuck with the Jeff story to account for staying with any current boyfriend, because her just being single and having a sex life would not be acceptable to them. I was the same at her age, I also came from a culture where my parents would not find it acceptable for me to be sexually active at all even at the age of 22! Many young women in the U.S. still live with that despite the sexual revolution having happened decades ago! LOL. (Granted, I never went so far as to lie elaborately about being with someone else, etc. Although, how much was Casey lying at the end vs. actually starting to have some kind of breakdown and mixing up past and current events in her life, that I'm not sure either.)
About the jewelry, probably couldn't tell her Mom if a casual boyfriend had given it to her, or if she'd spent money on it heaven forbid (Cindy seemed to disapprove even if she'd spent money on a haircut for herself or Caylee, for example.) Or maybe she had stolen the jewelry as has been mentioned, for example.
Unless the "other" Jeff Hopkins (I haven't completely eliminated him as a possibility) really had given it to her way back when, I guess the jewelry did appear as far back as Casey's 21st birthday photos, wonder if we've seen it any earlier pictures than that....I have to think.

Cindy's question, that's an interesting idea posted by Belle3 that maybe Cindy had found the ring and was trying to put together why it was where it was (backyard? Pool? Shed? Garage? found it broken or squashed somewhere? thrown in the trash? I wonder), or was she just looking at old pictures in a new light now, trying to figure out where the pictures really were taken, trying to piece together which photos were really at the nanny's place or were they really other people's places, etc

I do still wonder where that jewelry is, and I agree that it seemed like a very pointed question from Cindy, like it was important
Does anyone remember if there were any indications to finding "medal" or "chain" or "circular item" , oddly listed items in discovery at the remains site?

wow, I'm going to have to go look again now. We always wondered about it being found there.....

what if that's the smoking gun and just hasn't been released officially yet
I thought I saw it in a picture of the remains site. BUT I saw a lot of things that were not really there so I do not trust my judgement in that arena...
As far as George "hating" TL, I could understand him being concerned about the influence of some of the later friends, the JP/RM/AH crowd and especially the TL crowd there at the end, I think I would have been very concerned too, she suddenly wasn't coming home, was giving a lot of weird stories for not coming home, etc, his shed was suddenly broken into and his gas can stolen all of a sudden, he's probably wondering does she have Caylee staying with this guy... I don't know what pictures the parents may have seen on Casey's facebook during the time frame, etc, who knows. Most parents I think would have been questioning this new guy or this crowd, maybe they even thought she was starting to use drugs, maybe they'd seen weird icons like the "Gangster girlfriend" type stuff or other weird things appearing on her websites, or maybe they knew she was going to Fusian now and may have heard from Lee what the place was like, who knows? I think GA probably felt better about some of her old friends like Ryan, local guys that she'd known for years and that he also knew, I could sympathize with his point of view. After finding out Caylee was missing on top of all this stuff, what parent would not be extremely worried/suspicious about this new boyfriend? For a parent/grandparent, wouldn't it be normal for the concern to verge toward hate at this point?
As far as Tony not doing anything wrong, or having been the sensible person, the saint, who told Casey you'd better not have Caylee staying over here, not an appropriate place, etc, we have no verification of any of that. I always saw a mismatch of statements made by TL and the roommates in various interviews. In earliest interviews TL suggests Caylee was only there once, at the pool. Then his roommate mentions maybe more than once, at the pool and in the apartment. Then TL says, anytime she was here, I was not alone with her, everyone was in the house. In later interviews out of the blue Nate mentions about himself and Cameron spending time with Caylee while Tony and Casey were sleeping for example, that they enjoyed teaching her to play drums and "teaching her new words". In earliest interviews Clint (described only as "the DJ friend and business partner of TL") told reporters that he'd seen Caylee over at the apartment and played with her a lot. In most interviews the roommates act like they were very happy to have Caylee there and in fact they claimed that when Casey stopped bringing Caylee over they'd asked "hey, why haven't you brought Caylee over lately, we haven't seen her in a while" etc. I remember Nate referring to how their schedule was crazy there, but if one of them actually claimed to have told her not to bring Caylee to stay there because it wasn't a suitable place, it doesn't make sense that they were later asking why they hadn't seen more of Caylee. Direct contradiction/dichotomy. I don't really think Caylee was ever forbidden from being brought there, or else they wouldn't have been asking, personally, it doesn't make sense. But who knows. But we have only Tony's own word for him never having done anything wrong. Well, actually, he admitted breaking into her father's shed, but the police glossed over this and made him into a quasi-hero of the investigation LOL

Anyway, it does seem like Casey stuck with the Jeff story to account for staying with any current boyfriend, because her just being single and having a sex life would not be acceptable to them. I was the same at her age, I also came from a culture where my parents would not find it acceptable for me to be sexually active at all even at the age of 22! Many young women in the U.S. still live with that despite the sexual revolution having happened decades ago! LOL. (I didn't talk to my parents about my sex life that's for sure but granted, I didn't go so far as to lie elaborately about being with someone else, etc. Although, how much was Casey lying at the end vs. actually starting to have some kind of breakdown and mixing up past and current events in her life, that I'm not sure either.) About the jewelry, probably couldn't tell her Mom if a casual boyfriend had given it to her, or if she'd spent money on it heaven forbid (Cindy seemed to disapprove even if she'd spent money on a haircut for herself or Caylee, for example.) Or maybe she had stolen the jewelry or something weird, for example.
Unless the "other" Jeff Hopkins (I haven't completely eliminated him as a possibility) really had given it to her way back when, I guess the jewelry did appear as far back as Casey's 21st birthday photos, wonder if we've seen it any earlier pictures than that....I have to think.
Cindy's question, that's an interesting idea posted earlier by that maybe Cindy had found the ring and was trying to put together why it was where it was (backyard? Pool? Shed? Garage? found it broken or squashed somewhere? thrown in the trash? I wonder), or was she just looking at old pictures in a new light now, trying to figure out where the pictures really were taken, trying to piece together which photos were really at the nanny's place or were they really other people's places, etc

Wonder where that jewelry is!

Having a toddler visit for a few hours is one thing, having her live there knowing they were college kids who party a lot, even that they smoke inside the apartment, cigarettes and let's not forget weed..of course are two wholly different things!

When mom and pop did not camp out on Tony's door and talk to him until he told them exactly what was going on with Casey on a daily basis ( Tony and Nate said they were never, not once even phoned by them, or..hold on to your seat their would be investigator Dom ) that indicated to me they already knew the baby was dead. No way in the world would any one not have a list of things to do in getting answers with the place your daughter was living at, and with whom, being number one through 99.
They never went up to Fusion to talk to the manager or shot girls. They already knew, imo.
If it's actually a Tiffany bracelet, it probably cost around $500.00. I found one similar on the Tiffany page. The ring - maybe $200.00. Still a pretty penny for a gift from someone that doesn't exist (right)? I wonder who gave her the items and where they are. You just don't lose stuff like that. One or the other - but both?

Just my opinion.

View attachment 9365

I had no idea it was in that price range. Those are expensive items for Casey.
I agree with you.
I do wonder how she actually got them and how she would lose them. I guess it would be unlikely for both the ring and bracelet to just get lost/fall off, maybe they were taken back by someone.
Or maybe she sold them or pawned them.
Or I guess if she noticed she'd lost one of them at the site she might dispose of the other part of the set? Oh, she knew pictures were out there, so more likely she would retrieve the lost item in that case.
Hmm, it is mysterious.
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