Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

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"First created in 1886, these prong settings quickly became the signature design of Tiffany & Co., the noted jewelry design company that focuses on the stunning clarity and precision of beautiful gems rather than overwhelming the eye with elaborate styles and settings.

The Tiffany mount is simple: four or six prongs securely hold the diamond around its girdle (the thickest portion of the stone), elevating it above a plain metal band. The prongs are spaced equally around the circumference of the stone, mimicking the symmetry of the diamond’s cut. "

Tiffany has a sterling silver ring set with a pink sapphire - $695, and a .25 diamond in a gold Tiffany setting at $1520. A .50 is $3240. The site did not discuss color or clarity of any diamonds they were advertising. Pricy. (The consumer is paying for the name, not the diamond).

And on Walmart's website is a half carat diamond in a six-prong Tiffany type setting for $798. It's a J (very nice color) I2 (most engagement rings fall into I1 or I2 clarity).

It is my opinion that the ring in question is a Tiffany-style ring of unknown metal, with a white (clear) stone.

Respectfully submitted,

Accredited Jewelry Professional, GIA
ITA. Why is this jewelry item so important when her precious granddaughter is missing and her daughter is in jail? Because someone noticed that it was missing and asked CA about it since her daughter (thief and murderer) was already in jail.

Maybe LE asked. If she always wore the ring and then lost it, she probably had a tan line making it noticable she usually wore a ring. (Does that make sense?)
Good description. I think Kio may possibly have put a slightly bitter/jealous spin on the number of boyfriends, as she does with some things, she also said "I never thought she'd be with a guy, she had a kid for God's sake!" so in Kio's estimation Casey should not have had any boyfriend apparently... (Kio seemed quite bitter about Casey not letting her adopt the baby and Cindy supposedly not liking Kio to be in the house because she was Latino and so on. Of course all of that is Kio's word only and she's said some interesting things and changed her story on some things, and face it, wanting to adopt the baby when she herself was just a teenager is unusual, and she still tells the story as if it were perfectly normal, apparently doesn't even know it was unusual. So Kio's opinions are just that, her opinions, which she has a right to of course.)
Probably some truth in your statement about George not liking guys that Casey had a sexual relationship with, not too abnormal for a father I guess. As far as George "hating" JG-- it sounded to me like they didn't like him trying to sleep with Casey in their house when they were just engaged, not to mention his bossy attitude toward them in their own home, arguing with them etc. I wouldn't blame them for hating that.

BBM-CA, GA and JG all acknowledged that JG was fully dressed, over the blankets and not doing anything wrong.
It was KC they did not trust, IMO, though they'd never actually say that in public.
It is perfectly fine for them to not want their house to be KC's lovenest, but CA's behavior toward JG that night was not really about Jesse. In fact, it was KC that got the verbal lashing from CA in front of JG, prompting JG to support his woman and pizz CA off further.
They didn't like JG in their house during the day by himself, yet he was there babysitting their grandchild. That is an issue to take up with KC, not JG.
Since GA did not live there at the time, I am sure that CA, being ticked at JG for daring to question her, was the one to fill in GA as to how the night ended-She probably told GA what an a-hole JG is and from then on out, GA could not get over that evening.
At any rate, it seems that the A's knew little about any of KC's boyfriends-Surely if the ring was a gift from a boyfriend that CA knew, KC would have boasted and showed it off to her mom. Since CA could not make any connection to a boyfriend, friend or family member that gave KC that ring, she had to ask about it. She may have been suspicious that KC stole it-But why ask about it in the jail visit so randomly?
Perhaps LE did show CA a pawn slip, as LE (at least here in my area) get a copy of all pawn slips and have easy access to pawn records. Once LE discovered KC's financial situation, it would have been a logical next step to see if she had been visiting any local pawn shops-They probably would not be looking for a ring, but maybe something to help pindown a timeline or looking for other evidence/a weapon she may have dumped at the pawn.
I'll post Nate's interview on another thread. Nate mentions it but TL was asked a direct questions regarding this iirc.

I don't think it was in a taped interview with TL either. I think, along with Nate's info, that it might have been in one of the investigative reports that LE put together early on-We have to remember that a lot was said from all of the witnesses that did not make it on tape-Often, LE would start the tapes by indicating that the witness had told them something that they wanted to get on the record.
Will go through them to see what I can find-Will post info on the appropriate thread, though, not here.
I'm sorry to be OT but I wanted to agree with one portion of seagulls post. I have yet to see any confirmation as well that Tony said he didn't want Caylee around (sleeping over).
And I feel like I've went over his interviews with a fine tooth comb.
I've asked repeatedly in other threads where this information came from, but never received an answer. *shrug*

I could be wrong but I thought Casey sent a text message to Tony saying something like...'guess you don't want me to bring the snot head'. That implies he told Casey before to quit bringing her around so much. Anyone else remember that text message?

As for the Tiffany ring, I think it was a fake and she stole money and bought it for herself. No proof...just judging by her prior behavior. She probably sold it at a pawn shop when she was getting desperate for money.

I could be wrong but I thought Casey sent a text message to Tony saying something like...'guess you don't want me to bring the snot head'. That implies he told Casey before to quit bringing her around so much. Anyone else remember that text message?

As for the Tiffany ring, I think it was a fake and she stole money and bought it for herself. No proof...just judging by her prior behavior. She probably sold it at a pawn shop when she was getting desperate for money.



Different Tony. The snot head message was in the texts between Casey and Tony R. I think Tony R. was the cop.
Florida loacations that I am familiar with are Orlando Mall at Mellinia, Boca raton, and Tampa International Plaza I also saw a listing in Jacksonville - but it didn't say Jacksonville FL so I am not sure.

I can only find 1 in or near Atlanta... anyway my point is it would be hard to steal anything from a store like this with high end jewelry and more than likely armed guards... MOO
I do believe that it is the real deal... but why pay $500 for something that doesn't even fit you (or the girl you plan to give it to)
I will agree she could have stolen it from a "friend" of hers...

I've been to many a Tiffany stores, and it's almost impossible to steal from them. Rings and bracelets behind glass cases. The salesperson will take them out if interested. She certainly wouldn't walk away and let KC just walk out of the store with them. Very high security (here in CA anyway).


Having a toddler visit for a few hours is one thing, having her live there knowing they were college kids who party a lot, even that they smoke inside the apartment, cigarettes and let's not forget weed..of course are two wholly different things!

When mom and pop did not camp out on Tony's door and talk to him until he told them exactly what was going on with Casey on a daily basis ( Tony and Nate said they were never, not once even phoned by them, or..hold on to your seat their would be investigator Dom ) that indicated to me they already knew the baby was dead. No way in the world would any one not have a list of things to do in getting answers with the place your daughter was living at, and with whom, being number one through 99.
They never went up to Fusion to talk to the manager or shot girls. They already knew, imo.
IIRC...and it was a very long time ago so forgive me if I can't provide a link...Cindy said LE asked her not to go to Sawgrass so perhaps the family was instructed to leave the searching to the police. Now from a parental viewpoint, I personally could never understand how she left it to others to get off their a$$es to look while doing absolutely nothing (except appear on national tv) around Orlando. I know the gathering of friends was her attempt to piece things together...but TL was not at that pow-wow. However, George was of the mindset that Casey's new friends were her undoing...could be that's why they (the new friends) were never approached by anyone but Lee. I guess I understand, but I don't really. LOL
Not for one minute do I believe that the jewelry was real. I also think it was Cindy's way of trying to track down the truth...good luck with that!
IIRC...and it was a very long time ago so forgive me if I can't provide a link...Cindy said LE asked her not to go to Sawgrass so perhaps the family was instructed to leave the searching to the police. Now from a parental viewpoint, I personally could never understand how she left it to others to get off their a$$es to look while doing absolutely nothing (except appear on national tv) around Orlando. I know the gathering of friends was her attempt to piece things together...but TL was not at that pow-wow. However, George was of the mindset that Casey's new friends were her undoing...could be that's why they (the new friends) were never approached by anyone but Lee. I guess I understand, but I don't really. LOL

Totally agree. LE would never want a family member around a crime scene. Just an opportunity to contaminate evidence.
Was re-reading this thread and found this post to be "most interesting".........

Could this be what the prosecution has in their back pocket?

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?[/ame]
Totally agree. LE would never want a family member around a crime scene. Just an opportunity to contaminate evidence.

Not just to "contaminate evidence" but the absolute horror of a "fresh" crime scene could send a family member or friend/supporter over the edge to do "something". :twocents: Crime scenes are not for the faint of heart or stomach! :twocents: I've:innocent: shared with some that I had the misfortune to be part of a search group where the direct family members participated in the line & grid search and a nightmare of unbelievable proportions :maddening: occurred when an interested party "discovered" the corpse. The chaos and overwhelming emotional devastation was of monumental proportions :sick: and yes, this happened many years ago before grief counselors became commonplace resource utilized by LE et al.

PS: to satisy curiosity: yep, the perp :loser: WAS the "discoverer"...............and eventually sentenced to LWOP but WHAT A MESSY TRIAL!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Was re-reading this thread and found this post to be "most interesting".........

Could this be what the prosecution has in their back pocket?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

:twocents: From that post: IF any item is recovered from a scene, it must/should :innocent: be photographed "in situ", then removed and INVENTORIED!

:twocents:IIRC the list of all items inventoried has been released.:twocents:

Now just for discussion: had either item been discovered at the dump site, the laboratory staff :rocker: definitely would have attempted to get DNA from the jewelry since these types of items have fantastic "nooks & crannies" where epithelial cells might "hide":woohoo:. Again I :innocent: remind all of the caveat that science can only work with what the environment allows to remain! :banghead::banghead:
Was re-reading this thread and found this post to be "most interesting".........

Could this be what the prosecution has in their back pocket?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

I really don't think that the SA could have this info in their pocket as it would be a HUGE discovery violation to keep that from the defense.

IMO the reference that CA made to the " missing" jewelry was likely her attempt to create evidence to support the theory that someone else took it so they must have taken Caylee too.

KC seemed annoyed that her mom was making an issue about the ring. She probably realized that CA was trying to "help"...but that particular "help" was unwanted and could perhaps contradict another "story" that KC and JB agreed upon.

I really see no value in the Tiffany jewelry....I really believe that CA was trying to create things that she thought might support SODDI.

I am not at all bashing those who think there is significance to the ring and bracelet, I just don't see much value unless we are missing some important info on the subject.
also... if casey says that jeff gave her a ring.. then there must be a jeff..
just like caylee talked about a white dog.. so that must mean zanny's real because casey said she had a white dog.
Thanks Sleuther for explaining. I'm sure you are right. I just keep thinking after going back and listening to the early days of ICA just how much of a "diabolical" liar she really is looking for that one thing that will assure justice for her act(s).
It could be, couldn't it, that Cindy was concerned that if Casey lost the ring, it might be found in some incriminating place. . . Like, with Caylee?
Remind me please, who was supposed to have given ICA the Tiffany ring?

She probably hocked it long ago
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