Caylee Anthony 2 year old #19 General Discussion

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from my post on the nanny thread;

"By not pursuing the creation and distribution of a sketch of this "suspect", the nanny, Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the police are effectively saying that they do not think any such person with that name exists that is relevant to this case.

Remember, virtually everything else she told police that day was proven false. And now Casey claims that she cannot be completely truthful because of threats made against Caylee and the entire Anthony family.

So why should we believe that the one fact that she was truthful about that first day would have been the name of the person who supposedly had her baby, when all other facts about this person (such as where she lived and worked) were proven false?

And especially, if we are to believe that threats of harm to Caylee and the whole family were in fact made, WHY would Casey offer up the correct name of someone involved in Caylee's kidnapping? Wouldn't that be one of the most likely things to make these "kidnappers" follow through with their threats?

I would submit that the only logical conclusion is that there is no Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez involved in Caylee's disappearance."
Amen to that!

To add though...I thought LE was working on a sketch?!? I'd think it would be in everyone's best interest to produce one.
I agree Zanny exists just wish we could figure out how and where she is.

I can't get Zanny's name out of my mind..that just flowed off her lips with the correct spelling and even an address, although Zanny didn't live there..she had looked at apartments in that complex.

So what are the chances of all that just being made up ? Zero. There is some connection between Casey and this person Zanny or someone who represented herself that way. It could be stolen ID or it could be anything. But a Zanny exists who visited that apartment complex in April that Casey lead them to.........what is the connection?
I'm just checking in to see if there is anything new... nothing huh, except a press conference tomorrow?
Exactly! This is a good catch. I think that Cindy "rationally" knows that Casey has done something to Caylee, but her heart just won't let her believe it. If it's true she has lost both her daughter and her beloved grandbaby! That's a lot for any woman to handle.
...and remember at the time that she went into the whole shovel thing she hadn't been "corrected" about the date discrepency (IIRC).
What about the report that this person was a "gf" of one of those people and she also watched another man's son? A guy named Jeff...wasn't it? We don't know who Jeff is and if it is the man listed in the affidavit at all.

Yes, Jeff Hopkins.

"A strange twist regarding the mother of a missing Orlando two year old.
Turns out, Caylee Anthony's mother took a vacation right here in Jacksonville after police say Caylee disappeared.
Casey Anthony's mother testified at a bond hearing yesterday that her daughter and a friend, Jeff Hopkins, were here sometime between June 16th and July 15th. Caylee was reported missing last wednesday, a month after she went missing."
I think Casey was very clear on the 31 days, I then think her mom said no it was June 9th and Casey just went with it. The fact that Casey was so clear on the 31 days on the 911 call tells me Casey has been counting the days, she could of just said a month like Cindy initially did.

For the record, I don't think it is suspicious at all that the grandmother might have mixed the dates up. I can easily see that happening.

What I find suspicious is the "31 days" that Casey claimed, then when talking to police a few hours later on July 15th told police June 9th. That's more like 37 days...six days off. I find it odd that Casey wouldn't know that. She stated 31 days like she was sure of it, in the 911 call. It's not like she took a minute to think about it.

Hope that cleared me thoughts up:)
There is not one shred of evidence that "Zanny" exists. Not one of her friends has ever seen her. No one in her family has talked to her or seen her. In six years or 4 1/2 no one has seen her or met her.
I need facts. Zanny is just a figment of Casey's sick imagination. With a controlling mother like Cindy, who wanted to be in the middle of Caylee's life, why does she not know "Zanny"????
I'm betting they've made a DNA connection between Cayley and the car trunk, and possibly the dirt in the trunk and the backyard.

The real question is, are they going to make murder charges, or do something else?
I agree Zanny exists just wish we could figure out how and where she is.
It is a strong possibility which they have not ruled out, imo.

She may be from Puerto Rico. Other women (young and old) I saw on Facebook listed PR as their home.

I wonder if LE bothered to take the photos off all those Zenaida Facebook sites for her to look at in jail?
And until they can prove to me by releasing that sketch that no woman who could have stolen that identity could be using that name exists or no woman exists who matches that sketch...I am willing to say maybe LE did not go far enough to investigate her claims to begin with. Yes, we do know Casey lied to them. However, we don't know these claims are entirely bogus yet and neither do they.

At this point, LE probably knows a whole lot that they are not talking about. Even if Casey gave them a bum address for "nanny" - if she really existed they would have found cell phone records from Casey to the nanny. I'm thinking that they haven't found verification that she even exists.

In one of the 911 calls, Casey states that she got a call that very day from the "nanny" and that she talked to Caylee and then got cut off and the nanny's phone number after that was disconnected. That sounded like she was just making it up on the spot. LE would be able to look at her cell records and know right away if that was true or a lie.
Yes, Jeff Hopkins.

"A strange twist regarding the mother of a missing Orlando two year old.
Turns out, Caylee Anthony's mother took a vacation right here in Jacksonville after police say Caylee disappeared.
Casey Anthony's mother testified at a bond hearing yesterday that her daughter and a friend, Jeff Hopkins, were here sometime between June 16th and July 15th. Caylee was reported missing last wednesday, a month after she went missing."

I think this rings like the job in tampa and the mini vacation.
The 6ft privacy fence obstructed neighbors vision. Cindy said also they were always working in the back yard plus always digging up bamboo for Caylee's sake because when it sprouts up it's sharp, and you have to use a shovel and she acted out that portion to get it out. Same excuse she used for Casey's reason to borrow neighbors shovel for an hr. for Caylee's sake. Even though Cindy was not at home she had an explanation for the neighbors shovel. Cindy would tell neither of her kids where the shed key was either? I know the day they were moving things into the shed right after they bought it. Casey was online with Lee her Bro talking about a roast and for him to come see the lil rascal and you can avoid the guy? Dad?

Thing I'd like to know is if Gma & the family was so concerned about the bamboo in the yard & Caylee getting hurt on it...........why didn't they take it all out?
On page two Casey has a make shift Zanny icon towards the bottom, lots of pgs to dig through. Its on the left aways bk.

um. seriously, i know it sounds so far-fetched, but this could clear up something sort of big. am i reading too much into this? i just think there are tooooo many coincidences in all of casey's lies...

so let me get this straight. ironically, by circumstance and her lucky lucky stars, casey has a friend, who she has known for quite some time, who then becomes a full-time babysitter, that has the same unique name as a children's book, that is in fact famous for being about a nanny. named....zanny.

did caylee ever talk about zanny?! i am assuming that casey and zanny are the same age, or close to it, and maybe i am wrong about that - but what twenty-something-year-old decides to become a full-time nanny, for someone who hasn't had a job in 2 years? casey doesnt even know where zanny lives! doesnt she drop her off there on her way to work? work being universal or tony's apartment or wherever?? what has she been telling people all this time.

and notice, it was cindy who called her zanny. not casey. so this must be what casey referred to the nanny as when talking with cindy. not zenaida. which she says so confidently and surely...

someone make sense of this for me!!!!! it seems so f-ing convenient.

also: i think her phone records will be vitally important here. because it will trace where she made every call and to whom she made it. was there a zanny in her phone? what about all of the phone calls from months before zanny "stole" sure, that over the course of 2 years of nannying your two year old (mind you, this was basically caylee's whole life), there must have been some calls here and there. i want to see casey explain this (which is why she will never testify). does LE know about zanny the nanny? am i overreacting to a children's book?
...and didn't he report the phone call then? I thought that's what he told them the morning of the bond hearing. Sorry, my head swims with all these crazy dates.
Naw I think it was just prior to that. It's hard containing all these facts which have changed several times, its swirling in my head. I know he went to LE on his own. Good point. Maybe someone will be kind enough and correct one or bth of us, so we don't have to look it up. Maybe
I'm betting they've made a DNA connection between Cayley and the car trunk, and possibly the dirt in the trunk and the backyard.

The real question is, are they going to make murder charges, or do something else?

How could they pin this on Casey if that's all they have. I mean, I wish they could. Wishes don't get convictions though. How would they know for sure that it was Casey or someone else who killed her. One of her friends, for of her male friends???
They have to have more then what we know, I would think.:confused:
And until they can prove by releasing that sketch that no woman who could have stolen that identity could be using that name exists or no woman exists who matches that sketch...I am willing to say maybe LE did not go far enough to investigate her claims to begin with. Yes, we do know Casey lied to them. However, we don't know these claims are entirely bogus yet and neither do they.

you have completely missed my point.

and additionaly, they investigated everything that they could that day as far as we know and NOTHING turned out to be truthful.
Yes, Jeff Hopkins.

"A strange twist regarding the mother of a missing Orlando two year old.
Turns out, Caylee Anthony's mother took a vacation right here in Jacksonville after police say Caylee disappeared.
Casey Anthony's mother testified at a bond hearing yesterday that her daughter and a friend, Jeff Hopkins, were here sometime between June 16th and July 15th. Caylee was reported missing last wednesday, a month after she went missing."
How convenient! Now, this is what I'm talking about. I understand this woman's need to protect her daughter, but not at the EXPENSE of finding Caylee. It serves no purpose in my mind for her to try and subjugate this investigation. Stay back, GM...please!
Caseys "31 days", contradicts Jesse's statement of hearing Caylee in the background on the 24th of June. How could he be certain it was Caylee he heard in the background, and not a video- like suggested, a childrens program, or another young child? Unless Caylee had a distinct voice, such as a speech impediment or an unusual way of pronouncing words -other than "Antony", I don't know how he could be absolutely certain it was Caylee he heard in the background. Plus 2.5 year olds have not yet mastered correct pronunciation of all sounds.

Yes, Jeff Hopkins.

"A strange twist regarding the mother of a missing Orlando two year old.
Turns out, Caylee Anthony's mother took a vacation right here in Jacksonville after police say Caylee disappeared.
Casey Anthony's mother testified at a bond hearing yesterday that her daughter and a friend, Jeff Hopkins, were here sometime between June 16th and July 15th. Caylee was reported missing last wednesday, a month after she went missing."

Sure would like to know if Casey and Jeff drove to Jacksonville or flew to Jacksonville or if it is true at all?
It was in one of her photo bucket albums...
you can see them all listed on the left hand side about 12-14 albums.
She had a-z on there a is for adorable (or something)- z is for zany.
I think its just a weird coincident

no, HERE is a weird coincidence-


ahhh, hell- the bandwith was exceeded. Well, it was an icon that said

"Mystify people with your intelligence...and if you can't do that, mystify 'em with your "
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