Caylee Anthony 2 year old #19 General Discussion

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At this point, LE probably knows a whole lot that they are not talking about. Even if Casey gave them a bum address for "nanny" - if she really existed they would have found cell phone records from Casey to the nanny. I'm thinking that they haven't found verification that she even exists.

In one of the 911 calls, Casey states that she got a call that very day from the "nanny" and that she talked to Caylee and then got cut off and the nanny's phone number after that was disconnected. That sounded like she was just making it up on the spot. LE would be able to look at her cell records and know right away if that was true or a lie.

Just thinking out loud here...but, if Casey did talk to the nanny on the phone, could there be a way for LE to trace that number or find which phone company the number belonged to, even if it was disconnected and then get the mailing address and billing name for the bill from that phone company?
you have completely missed my point.

and additionaly, they investigated everything that they could that day as far as we know and NOTHING turned out to be truthful.

Yeah, she kind of got off on a bad foot with the detectives. Taking them to Universal and then saying "My bad, I am just kidding, I haven't worked here in two years" That did nothing for her believability. Just think of the nerve that took!! This girl is really something else. I don't think I can ever remember hearing of one of these cases where someone did that!!:furious:
um. seriously, i know it sounds so far-fetched, but this could clear up something sort of big. am i reading too much into this? i just think there are tooooo many coincidences in all of casey's lies...

so let me get this straight. ironically, by circumstance and her lucky lucky stars, casey has a friend, who she has known for quite some time, who then becomes a full-time babysitter, that has the same unique name as a children's book, that is in fact famous for being about a nanny. named....zanny.

did caylee ever talk about zanny?! i am assuming that casey and zanny are the same age, or close to it, and maybe i am wrong about that - but what twenty-something-year-old decides to become a full-time nanny, for someone who hasn't had a job in 2 years? casey doesnt even know where zanny lives! doesnt she drop her off there on her way to work? work being universal or tony's apartment or wherever?? what has she been telling people all this time.

and notice, it was cindy who called her zanny. not casey. so this must be what casey referred to the nanny as when talking with cindy. not zenaida. which she says so confidently and surely...

someone make sense of this for me!!!!! it seems so f-ing convenient.

also: i think her phone records will be vitally important here. because it will trace where she made every call and to whom she made it. was there a zanny in her phone? what about all of the phone calls from months before zanny "stole" sure, that over the course of 2 years of nannying your two year old (mind you, this was basically caylee's whole life), there must have been some calls here and there. i want to see casey explain this (which is why she will never testify). does LE know about zanny the nanny? am i overreacting to a children's book?
Well, if they read here they do.
you have completely missed my point.

and additionaly, they investigated everything that they could that day as far as we know and NOTHING turned out to be truthful.
You don't know that. We don't know that. We only know they investigated it to the point of calling her a liar.
I think this rings like the job in tampa and the mini vacation.
Except. Casey was racking up charges on Cindy's credit card during this period of time, and Cindy by now was aware of it if she had "bank records" she told the 911 dispatcher about, so her assumption that at some point Casey was in Jacksonville may be based on that.
How convenient! Now, this is what I'm talking about. I understand this woman's need to protect her daughter, but not at the EXPENSE of finding Caylee. It serves no purpose in my mind for her to try and subjugate this investigation. Stay back, GM...please!

All that article says is that Cindy stated what she had been told by Casey. By now we know that most of what Casey has told her mom (and her friends and LE) has turned out to be lies.
Just thinking out loud here...but, if Casey did talk to the nanny on the phone, could there be a way for LE to trace that number or find which phone company the number belonged to, even if it was disconnected and then get the mailing address and billing name for the bill from that phone company?
There sure would be!! Even if the woman was no longer around, usually with utilities there is a forwarding address.
How could they pin this on Casey if that's all they have. I mean, I wish they could. Wishes don't get convictions though. How would they know for sure that it was Casey or someone else who killed her. One of her friends, for of her male friends???
They have to have more then what we know, I would think.:confused:

I didn't say they were, however, they could certainly have more evidence than we know about - statements from boyfriends, unknown witnesses (to us), etc. We'll find out more tomorrow I guess.
um. seriously, i know it sounds so far-fetched, but this could clear up something sort of big. am i reading too much into this? i just think there are tooooo many coincidences in all of casey's lies...

so let me get this straight. ironically, by circumstance and her lucky lucky stars, casey has a friend, who she has known for quite some time, who then becomes a full-time babysitter, that has the same unique name as a children's book, that is in fact famous for being about a nanny. named....zanny.

did caylee ever talk about zanny?! i am assuming that casey and zanny are the same age, or close to it, and maybe i am wrong about that - but what twenty-something-year-old decides to become a full-time nanny, for someone who hasn't had a job in 2 years? casey doesn't even know where zanny lives! doesn't she drop her off there on her way to work? work being universal or Tony's apartment or wherever?? what has she been telling people all this time.

and notice, it was cindy who called her zanny. not casey. so this must be what casey referred to the nanny as when talking with cindy. not zenaida. which she says so confidently and surely...

someone make sense of this for me!!!!! it seems so f-ing convenient.

also: i think her phone records will be vitally important here. because it will trace where she made every call and to whom she made it. was there a zanny in her phone? what about all of the phone calls from months before zanny "stole" sure, that over the course of 2 years of nannying your two year old (mind you, this was basically caylee's whole life), there must have been some calls here and there. i want to see casey explain this (which is why she will never testify). does LE know about zanny the nanny? am i overreacting to a children's book?
Wow that is a lot to take in. How could she be dropping her off, where no where, on the curb in front of a vacant apt? Cindy never ever meets Zanny, ever! Did Caylee speak of her, ever? Did Cindy ever inner act with Caylee over Zanny? Its amazing what you can get out of very small children through play acting. You let them lead, they tell it all through their voice and inner action during the play time. I always used this tool and it was very telling. Kids are smart.
Amy might know if her car was used to drive to Jacksonville by checking the mileage, should this be the timeframe of the "alleged" trip to Jacksonville.

Orlando to Jacksonville is around 130 to 140 miles, about 2 hours but much less by plane. Gee, maybe this was one of the things Casey may have charged.
"im so scared that virtually everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie, my family and friends call me a liar or "habitual liar", and i admit i cant tell the truth about these things because there are threats against my BABY and whole family, oh but wait, hey, here is the exact truthful name of the person that took my child. im sure the people that are threatening me wont mind if i tell you that."

please, just stop. there is no reason at all to think that anyone named zenaida fernandez-gonzalez has anything to do with this case.
There sure would be!! Even if the woman was no longer around, usually with utilities there is a forwarding address.
Not if she were an illegal perhaps and staying with other people. She would have no utilities listed, no forwarding address, etc. The phone could be disposable listed in another bogus name.

However, LE would have records of a call or calls just no way to trace them.
I'm sorry, I may be having a blonde moment, so excuse me if that's the case. But, how does a MISSING child not meet Amber Alert criteria? :confused:
Is it because it had been so long since she went missing?
Nothing about this case makes any sense. :mad:

Time is part of it, but Florida has 5 requirements before activating an alert:

1 - child under 18
2 - CLEAR indication of abduction
3 - LE's investigation must conclude the child's life is in danger
4 - Detailed descrip of child and/or abductor/vehicle to broadcast
5 - Activation must be recommended by the LE agency of the jurisdiction

2 + 4 are big problems in this case. Delay in notification + casey's demeanor, IMO, make abduction anything but clear, and then you label the abductor a nanny nobody's ever met... who lives in an apartment that's been vacant for 5 months and doesn't exist in databases?

and 3... it seems LE thinks this is well past the 'in danger' point, IMO.
You don't know that. We don't know that. We only know they investigated it to the point of calling her a liar.

yes actually, i do know that. i was very careful how i worded it and it is factually correct from what we know so far.

how did you miss the part where she has ADMITTED that she has been lying and that she is doing so because threats have been made?
you have completely missed my point.

and additionaly, they investigated everything that they could that day as far as we know and NOTHING turned out to be truthful.
Yeah, but that was before the "I'm afraid to tell local LE anything" and the "I'm keeping quiet to protect my family". I still think it would be in everyone's best interest- Casey's and LE- to get a sketch of the sitter. Perhaps, Casey has refused, I don't know.
I think, at first, Cindy thought that Casey was playing a game with her. She thought that Casey was jealous of the bond she had with Caylee and was trying to pull her chain and make her worry.
When she finally realizes that Caylee is gone she panics. You can hear it in that second(?) call.
Except. Casey was racking up charges on Cindy's credit card during this period of time, and Cindy by now was aware of it if she had "bank records" she told the 911 dispatcher about, so her assumption that at some point Casey was in Jacksonville may be based on that.

In the bond hearing it was asked if Cindy talked to Casey during the month away, she said they communicated everyday vm, text, directly. Except when Casey had told her that her and Jeff Hopkins had gone to Jacksonville for a couple of days.

I figure that was Cindy grilling her about a 2 day gap of communication and Casey says mom, Jeff Hopkins and I headed to Jacksonville.
Has anyone read or heard if Caylee spoke of Zeny to the grandparents or uncle? I know my, just turned 3, grandson tells me all about his daycare providers. Yet I haven't heard the grandparents say that Caylee shared stories of Zeny with them.


Sorry, It takes me a while to read and to post so I see missed the above posts dealing with this question.
"im so scared that virtually everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie, my family and friends call me a liar or "habitual liar", and i admit i cant tell the truth about these things because there are threats against my BABY and whole family, oh but wait, hey, here is the exact truthful name of the person that took my child. im sure the people that are threatening me wont mind if i tell you that."

please, just stop. there is no reason at all to think that anyone named zenaida fernandez-gonzalez has anything to do with this case.

I don't believe for a second that there are threats against her or her family. I think she is too self centered to care, if there were. I think she is just protecting herself and giving any excuse she can as to why she's not talking.
Just thinking out loud here...but, if Casey did talk to the nanny on the phone, could there be a way for LE to trace that number or find which phone company the number belonged to, even if it was disconnected and then get the mailing address and billing name for the bill from that phone company?

Absolutely. LE can get all of that from her cell records. Most 22-year olds do all their calling on their cell phones. They would be able to figure all this out - plus track where Casey was every day based on which cell phone towers her phone was pinging off.

I read somewhere that her mom was paying the cell phone bill. I wonder if Casey's phone was one her mom's account? When I had my teenage son on my account, I could go online and look at all his calls - every number he called.
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