Caylee Anthony 2 year old #19 General Discussion

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oh my god, i was censored in my last post! lol, my apologies.

great find on nanny the zanny! and that could also be on the "easy but ridiculous lies that casey created out of thin air" list. also on the nanny: according to casey, she had been nannying (new word, use it today) for one and a half to two years, but casey had been friends with her for 4 years before that. casey has known zanny the nanny since she was about 16. yet, in those wonderful six years, no one, not her family, not any friend, no one met her?? her parents never wondered, wow that nanny sure works overtime (like 140 hours/week). or maybe we should buy the nanny a christmas present. or, hey casey we have been trashed for four nights in a row, the nanny STILL has caylee? okay, so even if i buy that ignorance is bliss and no one asked any questions...

then, curiously, casey uses the excuse that zanny likes to go out, she is always at bars, so that's why casey was going out - to do her own research, to save caylee from "friend of 6 years zanny the nanny who i trusted caylee with every single day" turned "evil kidnapper for no apparent reason satan worshipper who now is targeting our family so i must remain silent or we all will be threatened." yes of course, casey, comic book super hero. and great protector of the welfare of children.

so in allllll the going out that casey does and in allll this mad drinking zanny the nanny is doing, frequenting the same clubs and such, no one has still ever met zanny??? even before she became the evil kidnapper? the person who you were friends with since you were 16 and now entrust with your toddler???? THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

THIS IS RIDICULOUS sums it up perfectly!
oh my god, i was censored in my last post! lol, my apologies.

great find on nanny the zanny! and that could also be on the "easy but ridiculous lies that casey created out of thin air" list. also on the nanny: according to casey, she had been nannying (new word, use it today) for one and a half to two years, but casey had been friends with her for 4 years before that. casey has known zanny the nanny since she was about 16. yet, in those wonderful six years, no one, not her family, not any friend, no one met her?? her parents never wondered, wow that nanny sure works overtime (like 140 hours/week). or maybe we should buy the nanny a christmas present. or, hey casey we have been trashed for four nights in a row, the nanny STILL has caylee? okay, so even if i buy that ignorance is bliss and no one asked any questions...

then, curiously, casey uses the excuse that zanny likes to go out, she is always at bars, so that's why casey was going out - to do her own research, to save caylee from "friend of 6 years zanny the nanny who i trusted caylee with every single day" turned "evil kidnapper for no apparent reason satan worshipper who now is targeting our family so i must remain silent or we all will be threatened." yes of course, casey, comic book super hero. and great protector of the welfare of children.

so in allllll the going out that casey does and in allll this mad drinking zanny the nanny is doing, frequenting the same clubs and such, no one has still ever met zanny??? even before she became the evil kidnapper? the person who you were friends with since you were 16 and now entrust with your toddler???? THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

Alter Ego/Split personality/Scizo. Baez said he was not going with the insanity plea right after he was hired. Mom Cindy says never a problem?
Blood is gotten quick the extraction and matching takes time. Thousand of cases a day come in. They are Matching dirt from the yard against what was found in the car as well.

The dirt in the back yard and in the trunk is rather baffling. If Casey did do away with Cahley, did she first start to bury her in the backyard, then thought it was a bad idea? If she was digging in the back yard, with a body nearby, why didn't anyone see her? If true it sounds like acts of sheer desparation.
Or they finally have the results of the stain in the trunk. Hair I can understand, dirt also, but the stain in the trunk will be the key!

I agree.

Hair & dirt are easily explained.

The stain will give them an answer & tell them what the next step will be.
You know with what we have heard of Casey she doesn't sound like a woman who takes any guff off of anyone. She speaks up and says what she is thinking to everyone. I can't see her being afraid of the devil himself.
Check..the MPD is an interesting theory!
Orlando Salinas said on Fox today that you could go two houses in either direction of the Anthony's and get conflicting reports on what the family was like. He did say though that the just about everyone said "The family is nice but Casey was always a problem."
don't think Tony and Casey were at all "exclusive". I think he was getting what he wanted out of it and so was she (a place to stay, partying at his club for free, etc.). He wouldn't care if she was out with friends for a weekend at the beach when he had a slew of women at the club to choose from...if he so desired.

this is from earlier, but i agree. before his myspace page went private, she left him all of these flirty messages, with hearts, etc. he didnt return them. also look at the pictures from fusion, she is clinging to him. i think casey was more into this than tony. i think tony was her big distraction for a month. all of the messages she left for other people relate to him. she asks pedro in NY for help, because tony needs to find an up and coming r&b singer (smack dab in the middle of all this drama).

and i think jesse is her go-to guy. i hate to say this, but i had one of them too. the type of guy that you know, no matter how terrible you have treated him at one time or another, he will always be there for you. you try to make yourself return the emotion, but its just never there. and then you drop him again, as soon as you're okay again. look at casey's old myspace messages, there are a bunch pertaining to jesse. and his dad said how they all loved caylee, he thought he was the dad, etc. i've read other messages that tend to imply she used him because she didn't know who the father was.

so, as far as tony caring about who she hung out with, i think it was a non-issue. but i just remembered that jesse also left around this time. he left the police force and i read somewhere that he moved to georgia (maybe his myspace page?). he could have just been getting away, of course. i tend to believe jesse is a good guy, but i also think he would have done pretty much anything casey needed him to do. whether that be lie or worse. and i really dont know what she would have asked him for...what she needed help with...or why out of the blue she wanted to go to the beach with him....

but he apparently bolted out of town soon after. like i said, i dont think he is a bad guy. i think casey is a manipulative .
I'd love more info about that call. From what I've heard, he heard both Caylee in the background, and Casey telling her to get off of a table.

- There's an eight day gap between the last confirmed sighting of Caylee, and this call. IIRC, this call is the only evidence of Caylee's presence that's popped up.

- I'm reaching here, but: Jesse seems to care for Caylee, and most children love phones at that age. It seems like there should have been a quick passing of the phone for a "hello", especially if they hadn't seen each other in a while. Again, I admit I'm reaching.

- If he heard Caylee in the background... could it have been a video? Assuming Casey was using a cell, clarity and quality of sound may not have been that great, and if Caylee sounded weird, it'd have been easy to shrug off. If somebody had upload vids of Caylee somewhere, and Casey had access to a computer, she could have been watching them when the call was made, or turned them on shortly after.

I don't know. I just don't like this call. It doesn't fit given the 8 day gap. There should be "She and her mother came into Bob's House of Burgers on the 21st", or "Yeah, they stopped by here to do laundry on Wednesday", or whatever.

When Jesse met with LE, he told them that on June 25th, he received a call from Casey who was trying to cheer him up over a recent job loss. Casey told him she was free this weekend if he wanted to get together.. Casey said that Caylee was with the "nanny" and they had gone to he beach for the weekend. The detective wrote: After Jesse learned of this incident with Caylee, Jesse immediatly called LE to let them know this and how it contradicted with what Casey had been telling everyone.

So, not sure who said Jesse overheard Casey tell Caylee to get off the table. Was this Casey, Cindy etc.???
Does anyone know the names of the clubs (Other than Fusian) that Casey frequented?
The dirt in the back yard and in the trunk is rather baffling. If Casey did do away with Cahley, did she first start to bury her in the backyard, then thought it was a bad idea? If she was digging in the back yard, with a body nearby, why didn't anyone see her? If true it sounds like acts of sheer desparation.

Yes the borrowing of the shovel and the disturbed dirt that Gpa found are a clue of some sort. For a while I thought maybe Caysee tried to bury a weapon or some other article related to Caylee's likely death there. I don't think she would try to bury a body there - too noticable - but maybe something smaller. I even thought she might have done it to incriminate someone at the house - but nothing was ever found there so I dunno. Could someone she did trust have moved it before LE arrived?
Hi I am a long time lurker of two years. You all do a great job! And inspire me. Thank You!

How long does a dead smell stay in an area for a cadaver dog to pick it up?
The dirt in the back yard and in the trunk is rather baffling. If Casey did do away with Cahley, did she first start to bury her in the backyard, then thought it was a bad idea? If she was digging in the back yard, with a body nearby, why didn't anyone see her? If true it sounds like acts of sheer desparation.

The 6ft privacy fence obstructed neighbors vision. Cindy said also they were always working in the back yard plus always digging up bamboo for Caylee's sake because when it sprouts up it's sharp, and you have to use a shovel and she acted out that portion to get it out. Same excuse she used for Casey's reason to borrow neighbors shovel for an hr. for Caylee's sake. Even though Cindy was not at home she had an explanation for the neighbors shovel. Cindy would tell neither of her kids where the shed key was either? I know the day they were moving things into the shed right after they bought it. Casey was online with Lee her Bro talking about a roast and for him to come see the lil rascal and you can avoid the guy? Dad?
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]According to Orlando Salinas, just now on FOX News, press conference by LE tomorrow.[/FONT]
The dirt in the back yard and in the trunk is rather baffling. If Casey did do away with Cahley, did she first start to bury her in the backyard, then thought it was a bad idea? If she was digging in the back yard, with a body nearby, why didn't anyone see her? If true it sounds like acts of sheer desparation.

I would love to know if any of the neighbors saw one of her boyfriends over at the house around the same time. I think she may have borrowed the shovel and started to dig and then said "forget it" The neighbor that she borrowed the shovel from reported that he saw the car backed into the drive way and thought it was odd because he had not seen that before.:confused:
The 6ft privacy fence obstructed neighbors vision. Cindy said also they were always working in the back yard plus always digging up bamboo for Caylee's sake because when it sprouts up it's sharp, and you have to use a shovel and she acted out that portion to get it out. Same excuse she used for Casey's reason to borrow neighbors shovel for an hr. for Caylee's sake. Even though Cindy was not at home she had an explanation for the neighbors shovel. Cindy would tell neither of her kids where the shed key was either? I know the day they were moving things into the shed right after they bought it. Casey was online with Lee her Bro talking about a roast and for him to come see the lil rascal and you can avoid the guy? Dad?

Has to be dad.
Can someone please correct these things about Zanny Gonzales for me - I don't know if I have it all right in my mind.

Caysee gave them the exaxt name and location of this Zanny - apt.# too? - or just apt. complex location?

Police go there and it is an assisted living fac.? or a real apt. complex? No one by that name lives in the complex but someone with that exact name has recently viewed an apt. there?

LE does locate a Zanny living in the sawgrass apt.'s? or nearby? who says she does not babysit or know Caysee or Caylee?

Coincidentally another Zanny with the same spelling who lived in Orlando had her office robbed during the month or so prior?

I'm so confused. Thanks in advance.
I never heard that Sawgrass was an assisted living facility until recently here so maybe I missed something, but here's a view online
I also thought that it was said that she knew ZFG for 4 years...1 1/2 of which she "nannied" that's confusing for me now when I read 6 years. I can understand if you leave your child with a sitter for a few days (is that even part of Casey's story? I can't remember) and when you try to locate her she's not where you thought...did she go in and ask management to direct her to ZFG's apartment or inquire if they knew where she might be? (I would have done that) But when days go by and all the numbers you have don't work for that take your damn cell phone into the police station and you make a report!!! You can explain away a few days, perhaps, even a week...but a month???
Also, I thought the ZG that had her computer stolen was out of the Orlando area.
My money is on Casey putting Cayley in a dumpster, if indeed she was killed purposely or accidently.
It’s a quick disposal, and not particularly suspicious looking. It may be worthwhile to trace what landfill all the trash in the local dumpsters are taken to, and at least give it a try. I know the one guy said it’s unlikely anything would be found, but you never know what might turn up.
Wow, reading this made my heart beat faster. Granny referred to her as Zanny, the icon on Casey's MySpace is Zanny!

for real? where?? which icon?
I agree.

Hair & dirt are easily explained.

The stain will give them an answer & tell them what the next step will be.

Hair and dirt are easily explained, but they said there is a test that can run on the hair to see if it was from a live, or dead body.

Hair from a dead body= not so easily explained.

I'm also waiting on that, and the body fluid results...
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