Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #37

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The below in bold must not have gone well.

It is not clear what was removed from the backyard, but investigators say they must talk with George and Cindy Anthony before they release any new information on the case.
Investigators are expected to release their DNA results from items pulled from a car trunk driven by 22-year-old Casey Anthony, mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee.

Yep. She's doing just like her daughter does when she's about to be busted in a lie. Lashing out! Remember how Casey acted on that first phone call home from jail. She didn't want to talk about it, she just wanted Tony's phone number. This seems to be the same type of attitude Cindy is showing now.
I totally agree raine. I can tell you there has been zero news about a missing 80 year old since they announced last night that's what the sky coverage was for. I call shenannigans. I think LE was just trying to divert attention.
I don't think the police have enough to arrest her on murder. I just read a report and they had a quote from Padilla. He said they don't have enough evidence to arrest Casey yet. They need more. Either thru forensics or more information or new evidence. Pray they can find it thru whatever they brought in today. I don't want that witch to get away with this.
could you post a link to that report? I'd like to read that also

Pretty please and thank you.
I don't think the police have enough to arrest her on murder. I just read a report and they had a quote from Padilla. He said they don't have enough evidence to arrest Casey yet. They need more. Either thru forensics or more information or new evidence. Pray they can find it thru whatever they brought in today. I don't want that witch to get away with this.
I just heard him on Fox, about an hour or so ago. He didn't say that at all on that show. Do you have a link to that? It's odd that he would say that before the forensics are announced??:confused:
I think many people here have been following this case quite closely.

It's unfortunate (for Caylee's sake) that there isn't more public sympathy for the Anthony family, but most of the negativity is directed at Casey, with some reserved for the parents who appear to be protecting their daughter at the expense of their granddaughter.

It's certainly an emotional situation all around, whether you believe the family or not.

In what way do you feel they are protecting their daughter at the expense of their granddaughter? Are you privvy to their conversations with LE? They turned in their own daugher. They refused to lawyer up. They gave LE full access to whatever searches they want and documents they want and came to all meetings and answered all questions LE asked them.

Just because they are not saying what you want them to on TV does not mean they are not cooperating. The ONLY reason for them to be on TV is convince people to keep their eye out for CayLee (or possibly convince thier to daughter she can trust them to tell them things). Unfortunately for them that means having to defend crazy statements by their daughter to convince people there is a reasonable possibility Caylee is alive and to look out for her. LE has never indicated they think the Anthony's are lying to THEM.
I think Cindy is just very upset that LE is looking for evidence to charge Casey with murder and that they don't believe the kidnapping theory. Whatever Cindy's theory is the authorities do not agree with it at all. Of course most of us think her theory is bogus too and a wild goose chase. Casey has bamboozled her for so long Cindy can't think straight. I think Cindy is seething on what is going on now with LE.

With Cindy's new outburst it does kinda lend itself that something is "about to go down". Wonder if that event schedule for late this afternoon in Daytona will be cancelled? Have to watch that one - if it is cancelled - well that would be telling. I'm kinda surprised that the anthonys came home - thought maybe Cindy (or even George) might have been charged with obstruction or withholding - since they came for that "stuff" this morning. That might still happen - they let them go home to "tie up some loose ends". Don't know - but I think all are right - there is going to be a big break and huge press conference probably later on today.
In what way do you feel they are protecting their daughter at the expense of their granddaughter? Are you privvy to their conversations with LE? They turned in their own daugher. They refused to lawyer up. They gave LE full access to whatever searches they want and documents they want and came to all meetings and answered all questions LE asked them.

Just because they are not saying what you want them to on TV does not mean they are not cooperating. The ONLY reason for them to be on TV is convince people to keep their eye out for CayLee (or possibly convince thier to daughter she can trust them to tell them things). Unfortunately for them that means having to defend crazy statements by their daughter to convince people there is a reasonable possibility Caylee is alive and to look out for her. LE has never indicated they think the Anthony's are lying to THEM.

You're kidding right? Cindy Anthony admitted to LYING to LE. It's on the Larry King interview. She has backtracked over her statements more than a lost hiker in the Grand Canyon. Sorry, Cindy is not a credible person period.
Casey keeps telling Lee that Caylee is close to home> She does know something.........:mad:
I think I understand Cindy's actions. She's been in denial. Who wants to think that their own child could kill their own child. Cindy has possibly lost two people she really cared about. There has been lots of tearing into this family in the media and online. People are digging up things about them and it's made national news! There have been quite a few speculations that I have to admit, must really hurt the family. This whole situation is very bizarre and it's easy for us as outsiders to question everything they are doing. But can you imagine the pain and confusion they are all going through? I'm sure she wants to be alone right now and doesn't want the media anywhere near. Usually when people are grieving, they don't want to be in the spotlight. I had really hoped for a different outcome for Caylee, but as of right now, things don't look good at all...
The court summary for Casey now shows Baez and office of public defender as attorney. Maybe it was there before but I missed seeing the public defender?

Also shows 7/31/08 motion to withdrawal - wonder if Baez is getting ready to be taken off this case?
my complete speculation, that just sitting down with LE, even if there were no "bombshells" dropped, but just sitting and listening to their complete opinion on things at this point, and where the evidence is leading them, that must have been very hard for the anthony's but in the long run will be a good thing.

it also could have taken the wind from their sails so to speak and they will need some recovery time. in the end, assuming i am the least bit correct, this may lead to them changing their approach with casey and i think we all agree that that would be a very good thing. There's the link the to story that that comment is in.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office will not say how close they are to finding 2-year-old Caylee Anthony, but according to one investigator they need more hard evidence.

"Anything that we can get, any new information at all, whether it is from the lab or tips, that helps us find Caylee that much quicker," said Carlos Padilla of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

I just heard him on Fox, about an hour or so ago. He didn't say that at all on that show. Do you have a link to that? It's odd that he would say that before the forensics are announced??:confused:
I sincerely hope that your rant is not directed at me specifically as is indicated because that is against the TOS here.

Secondly, before you attack somone's knowledge or "following of a case" you should review their posts and contribution to it. Had you actually done that, you would know that your post is way out of line. I welcome you to do it now and please feel free to point out where almost every subjective, unresearched line of your rant is refuted by the known facts that are substantiated in this case. If you will notice, I only post on cases or threads where I feel I CAN CONTRIBUTE TO PROGESSING dialog, in a hopeful effort to, in this case, find a child most of us believe is dead, and support a successful prosecution at the end. Meaning, you will not find me on a thread that I have no background, experience or knowledge of, interjecting subjective opinions; I would implore you to "try that on"..

I would note we should probably all expect to see some emotional viewpoints on here as it appears LE is very close and things are happening quickly. There are going to be people who support scenarios that belie all finding of fact (remind you of anyone) and in some cases, logic.
I support that, just don't be rude to others who do not agree while you are stating your opinion, and of course make sure your knowledge base of the subject matter matches that of the poster you are disagreeing with. You can always expect that courtesy from me-

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy to press: "Why don't you get off my property! Why don't you just leave!"

I think she knows this is over.

We'll know something by tonight.

I partially agree with you. I think George has known what time it is for a while. I think the FBI bought Cindy a clock yesterday. I also think Lee is working with LE to try and get some truth from the lie fairy. I think the only reason they are fooling around now is to try and get a location on the small body.

We will get more bits and pieces for about a week and then Casey will be charged. Put me down for August 8th at 10:37 am. They have to re-test and dot some i's and cross a few t's first. The DA cannot afford to lose this one on a technicality.

How long can Lee talk to her without puking?

What happened to the tapes from her visit with Lee and Gma and Gpa? They exist but have not been released.

Last, I think Gma, Gpa, and Lee are as innocent as Calee.
In what way do you feel they are protecting their daughter at the expense of their granddaughter? Are you privvy to their conversations with LE? They turned in their own daugher. They refused to lawyer up. They gave LE full access to whatever searches they want and documents they want and came to all meetings and answered all questions LE asked them.

Just because they are not saying what you want them to on TV does not mean they are not cooperating. The ONLY reason for them to be on TV is convince people to keep their eye out for CayLee (or possibly convince thier to daughter she can trust them to tell them things). Unfortunately for them that means having to defend crazy statements by their daughter to convince people there is a reasonable possibility Caylee is alive and to look out for her. LE has never indicated they think the Anthony's are lying to THEM.

telling everyone to call THEM instead of LE doesn't help the matter. i'm not saying they're involved or anything. i believe they are in a no win situation and don't know how to handle it. but i DO believe that some of the things they did have helped to hinder LE. probably out of ignorance and frustration but still didn't help any.
I noticed a change in Cindy last night. Something big happened today and I think after the interview with the FBI it helped Cindy put things in perspective.

Cindy has reacted like someone who wants her gd back. Someone who is frustrated and worried. I think she has been coping with all this by truly trying to keep Caylee's story at the top of the medias focus. And let me just say, Cindy has done an excellent job with that! (Just look at all the other developments in the news and theirs is still generating a huge buzz!)

The whole mess can be blamed on Casey's lies. Her parents unconditional love for her has clouded their logic. My heart aches for them. They need empathy and compassion. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone!
In what way do you feel they are protecting their daughter at the expense of their granddaughter? Are you privvy to their conversations with LE? They turned in their own daugher. They refused to lawyer up. They gave LE full access to whatever searches they want and documents they want and came to all meetings and answered all questions LE asked them.

Just because they are not saying what you want them to on TV does not mean they are not cooperating. The ONLY reason for them to be on TV is convince people to keep their eye out for CayLee (or possibly convince thier to daughter she can trust them to tell them things). Unfortunately for them that means having to defend crazy statements by their daughter to convince people there is a reasonable possibility Caylee is alive and to look out for her. LE has never indicated they think the Anthony's are lying to THEM.

Would you be kind enough to provide the resources/links to the information that you are refuting? There are 35 threads here which are loaded with actual, verifiable information that any one of which (pick one)
contain numerous facts that do not support your opinion. Have a read already, or start your own thread for support of the Anthony's-
Your opinion is noted, let's move on
snipped... LE has never indicated they think the Anthony's are lying to THEM.

Well, today I do think I heard exasperation about the Anthonys from Padilla. I am trying to find his statement on Fox about an hour ago. The anchor (don't remember who) played a tape of Cindy saying something and Padilla said something like "yeah, this is what we've been dealing with".

Anyone else catch it?
I think that is why I am holding out hope that they were not involved or covering up for their daughter.

What do you make of the comments grandmom has made on TV?

I think she is stuck in an impossible situation. Her role in being on TV is to convince people to look for Caylee. To do that she needs to convince people that Casey's stories make sense and Caylee is alive regardless of any doubts she has. They (gma, gpa, lee) have been told so many conflicting things from Casey (often refuted by others) about what happened, where she was, etc. that it is impossible for her not to sound like she's contradicting herself.

Of course she's going to blame the media, try to get sound bites, focus on Caylee. She has clearly told the media everything useful she's heard from Casey - I don't think there's a lot to add. Her admitting to Casey's faults doesn't help anything - I'm sure her husband knows that the more sympatheitic casey seems, the more likely people will think Caylee is alive and look for her.
Remember over 300 people are reading this thread and while you may have a gripe with another poster not all the other 300 people want to read about it.
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