Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #38

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i am confused about something. When the LE took the car away, was there a carseat in the back? Reason i'm asking ( that CSI bag looking like a carseat is bugging the heck out of me, although I think the seat may be to big if its the same one that picture was taken in, or Cindy could have taken that pic in her car, who knows)Anyway, thinking they moved the carseat into back yard and that is what the dog hit on. ( of course this would make no sense since LE would have taken the seat) UGH! I don't know, this is just crazy. IMO

Really that bag did not look like a car seat. The bottom "seat part" would have been jutting out more. Whatever is was it was symmetrical and while big it was smaller and less bulky than are car seat would be.
My personal opinion is that Cindy and George were not physically involved in a crime other than maybe trying to cover up things that may find their daughter guilty of the unthinkable.

That is the most rational conclusion to such an irrational case.
The bag did look like a car seat, but you have to notice how the lady was carrying it. One handed and in front of her. Have you ever tried to carry a car seat? I have to carry it beside me and single handed would be awkward. I don't think that's what it was.
Interesting. I saw it as Casey testing her mom. Casey was almost belligerent (maybe too strong of a word) when she made the comment to her mom. Cindy really sounded exasperated in her response to Casey. But then it just seemed like something "clicked" in Casey. Like it was her clue - mom is not blaming me, I can run with this.

I think maybe if Cindy had been a little more on her toes, she might have been able to "exploit" this moment with Casey. Alas, there was no push and Casey got the message that she was believable and that her family, at least, was in fact believing her. I really wish Casey would have said this to Lee because I think we would have had a different outcome. Oh well....... who knows? Can't go back.

I have never thought that the Gma was involved. I really believe that she wants Caylee back and that's all she ever wanted. Any doubts I might have had were abolished with the first 911 call. Listening to her tell Casey that she would take court action if necessary pretty much summed it up for me.


Cindy sounded very panicked in her last 911 call.

George pulled LE aside the next day and told them he and his wife were afraid Caylee had been harmed.

I don't think any parent or grandparent believes the worst has happened to a beloved child if there is any room what-so-ever for hope.

There is a saying, "You get more flies with honey".

Cindy already called LE on Casey trying to get the truth out of her. THAT didn't scare Casey. Whatever the truth is Casey would rather go to jail than tell it. (I do think she needs to be in jail.)

"We know whatever happened wasn't your fault, we'll be here for you and stand by you no matter what the truth is" has been known to work. But, it has more of a chance to work when defenses are down.

Whatever has happened to Caylee, she needs to be found.
If you make a list, starting with the first day we all heard about this case, of all the lies that Cindy has told the press, and in a couple of cases changed her mind on, it makes no sense at all.
Get your facts straight, or get a family spokesperson. It seems to me she lies as much as her daughter. Why??
She should have met her granddaughter's babysitter at least once in 4 years. Should have pictures of her with Caylee, they have pictures of her with everyone else.
Why now, is she choosing to believe this lie.?
I can tell you that when I lived in the same town with my grandchildren there were times when I had to pick them up sick from daycare because of their parent's schedule. It happens in 4 years.
The bag did look like a car seat, but you have to notice how the lady was carrying it. One handed and in front of her. Have you ever tried to carry a car seat? I have to carry it beside me and single handed would be awkward. I don't think that's what it was.

Yeah i have carried one and they are awkward, I still think the shape was too symmetrical lacking the bottom seat that juts out as well as a bit to small. Not nearly bulky enough. iMO
The bag did look like a car seat, but you have to notice how the lady was carrying it. One handed and in front of her. Have you ever tried to carry a car seat? I have to carry it beside me and single handed would be awkward. I don't think that's what it was.

I actually carry mine just like the lady in the picture. But, the brand of carseat Caylee has is Eddie Bauer and I looked it up and found a similar one and they are pretty bulky and large compared to the size of that item/bag.
Did we hear Cindy say "a court orde to take Caylee away from Casey" I ask because I always thought that part of the 911 call was inaudible. Correct me if I'm wrong with that. It's been known to happen!

Sorry took me a minute to find it. Here is the snippit:

Cindy Anthony: 'Cause my next thing will be down to child (inaudible) thing and we'll have a court order to get her. If that's the way you want to play, we'll do it and you'll never. . .

A piece was inaudible but it says that they will get a court order to get Caylee. I don't think they knew they were recorded at that time so I believe that gma believed Caylee was alive and that Casey was refusing to tell her where the baby was. In my opinion if Cindy had finished the last sentence it may have been and you'll never see her again??
when they showed video of the yard, the ladder was in the pool. Cindy said the ladder was always put away

Maybe they forgot and put it away after the pulled the body out? Just a thought. Isn't it frightening how everything can be twisted?
Cindy sounded very panicked in her last 911 call.

George pulled LE aside the next day and told them he and his wife were afraid Caylee had been harmed.

I don't think any parent or grandparent believes the worst has happened to a beloved child if there is any room what-so-ever for hope.

There is a saying, "You get more flies with honey".

Cindy already called LE on Casey trying to get the truth out of her. THAT didn't scare Casey. The old, "We know whatever happened wasn't your fault, we'll be here for you and stand by you no matter what the truth is " works better after showing support than after degrading.

as much as Cindy's antics boggle my mind at times I do NOT think she was involved in whatever Casey did...the sorrow in her voice was almost too much to bear. It didn't sound put on, it sounded genuine. Her actions and defense of Casey after the fact however are questionable at best.
I also do not think Cindy had in her mind that Casey may have killed Caylee when she made the first 911 call. She was playing a bluff card and her mind wasn't able to perceive such a horrible thing. It wasn't until the last 911 call that she was in a state of panic. That was after Casey told her that Caylee was missing and her mind started to process it all.
With all the woods and pond(lake) close by, it would seem productive to search those areas, if they haven't already. People who commit murder usually dump their bodies in places they know well, where they know it is private and the access is easy.
Sorry took me a minute to find it. Here is the snippit:

Cindy Anthony: 'Cause my next thing will be down to child (inaudible) thing and we'll have a court order to get her. If that's the way you want to play, we'll do it and you'll never. . .

A piece was inaudible but it says that they will get a court order to get Caylee. I don't think they knew they were recorded at that time so I believe that gma believed Caylee was alive and that Casey was refusing to tell her where the baby was. In my opinion if Cindy had finished the last sentence it may have been and you'll never see her again??

Darn it! I'll have to put that theory to bed! ;)
At that time she believed it. Now she is in cover-up mode IMHO. She is circling the wagons around Casey, the only thing she feels she has left.
She also said at first "The car smells like a **** dead body was in it" Now she says "It was pizza with maggots"
My theory is that Casey overdosed Cayley purposely on Xanax, (least violent way of committing murder). I don't think it was an accident by a long shot.
i am confused about something. When the LE took the car away, was there a carseat in the back? Reason i'm asking ( that CSI bag looking like a carseat is bugging the heck out of me, although I think the seat may be to big if its the same one that picture was taken in, or Cindy could have taken that pic in her car, who knows)Anyway, thinking they moved the carseat into back yard and that is what the dog hit on. ( of course this would make no sense since LE would have taken the seat) UGH! I don't know, this is just crazy. IMO

The car seat was in the car and LE already said Caylee did not die in the carseat.
I gotta agree with the Anthony's a little on this police dept. Just what are they doing? They have been investigating 2 weeks and don't even do a grid search for the child. They arrested Casey and just let her sit in jail and rot. They release these phone calls and now no one says anything at the jail. It is like once they didn't get any info on the baby sitter they are sitting around twisting their fingers wondering what to do. LOOK FOR A BODY for goodness sakes! Call in some search teams. There are lots of professional ones that I know would help. I have been saying this from day one.

Gosh, there must have been someone that saw Casey during the days and evenings every day since her daughter went missing. Where has she been? Why was she stealing gas if she has a big credit card to charge on? Gosh, for 45,000 they charged p she could have put a brand new car on the card. I am so frustrated with this case because it seems like they aren't doing much. Why hasn't any one come forward???

You definitely have a valid point, there really should have been some sort of search conducted at least in the vicinity where the car was left.

I don't believe that they are searching because in reality you really need lots of help with that, you can't just send a couple of officers out to do this alone. And besides with all the press hanging around down there surely someone would come across this information by now.

With today's weird PC of no news and praising the Anthony's...I think it's safe to assume that LE hasn't been able to get any real useful/usuable evidence. It's sad but I fear we will never know what happened to this little girl, and no way to find out. Casey will never confess....
The bag did look like a car seat, but you have to notice how the lady was carrying it. One handed and in front of her. Have you ever tried to carry a car seat? I have to carry it beside me and single handed would be awkward. I don't think that's what it was.

yes it did look like it and i've carried many carseats to know you don't carry it like its a feather.

Shannon, I was asking if the carseat was in the car when the LE took the car, I did reference that the bag that "looked like a carseat" was bugging me. Anyway, I was just asking a question sorry if i wasnt clear. My mind is running faster then I can type.
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