Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #41

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The telling factor in this is NO - ABSOLUTELY NO - searches being done. Why is that? Have they already found her?
I do not have the link handy, it was on one of the local channels, that LE are conducting searches unbeknownst to media or to the family and the public as to not give away the location. LE is not as stupid as we think LOL... they are trying to maintain case integrity in a very difficult and strange situation in lieu of family members, lying, stealing, etc, etc...makes my head explode like a hotdog in a microwave LOL...:crazy:
Yep - that's right - no death penalty. AND we are fstly approaching the critical time of when (and if) they do find a body - that the body will be skeletal remains and impossible to determine cause of death. With no cause of death - manslaughter
There was a case on AMW just tonight about a guy being convicted of murder without a body. They had him on tape using the missing man's credit card. They found the van with blood. Don't even know if they had his DNA present there because he cleaned the van. That was pretty much it. They didn't find the body for 5 years (father wanted to find his son's remains to bring home)...he'll be sentenced next week.
I'm surprised she didn't lose the battery too.

:waitasec: From what I understand LE can still get the records up until the time she made or received her last call on it.

Unless she was telling a whopper (I can't imagine that :rolleyes:) she told Lee the phone(s) came from an AT&T store..
Everyone in the family seems to be saying that they know who has Caylee, in all honesty they keep saying it outright. Yet at the same time, they say that that person will hurt Caylee if they give names. But if that was true, then Casey was set up to take the fall, (not FULLY buying that) and them saying that Caylee is still alive might lead to her death anyway. And I keep hearing that the FBI is involved. If so, then someone must have very credible evidence that Caylee was taken across state lines or that there is more to this than there appears.

That's the biggest bunch of BS. If it were true, Casey would have told LE that from the get-go. Not driving around BFE looking for non-existant out fake names....Casey's attitude's gone...let's party! It's just the latest bs coming out of Casey's mouth...She is turning the music box, and they are the dancing monkeys. I think that is why this is stalled, the Anthony's want to run the investigation based on casey's bs and the LE aren't buying it.
I agree, why isn't the family being held on charges for obstruction?
Facts are facts. Sometimes it makes it hard. George picked up the car, drove it home (now you know he smelled that "smell") yet when he got home he cleaned out the car - meaning he found the gas cans and put them back - he also threw away the infamous pizza. Being ex-LE he NEVER should have done that - but emotion got the better of him - plus he knew he could tell LE that - AT THAT TIME - he didn't know Caylee was missing thus not obstructing because he has now "come clean" and turned them over. How he is explaining that smell - well we don't know that.
I find it interesting that Amy came up and Jesse and Tony - but there was no talk or even a mention of Ricardo - who is now Amy's bf
I don't think Ricardo has ever made a public statement. He isn't even quoted/paraphrased in the arrest affidavit, and it was his house at which Casey was staying.

I do not have the link handy, it was on one of the local channels, that LE are conducting searches unbeknownst to media or to the family and the public as to not give away the location. LE is not as stupid as we think LOL... they are trying to maintain case integrity in a very difficult and strange situation in lieu of family members, lying, stealing, etc, etc...makes my head explode like a hotdog in a microwave LOL...:crazy:
EXACTLY - LE's highest priority is to find this child - alive or dead. But with all this media coverage - and you know it has to be a media circus (frenzy) if you will. You can see the canopies set up on nieghbor's lawns and all - so there are "eyes" everywhere. I have been purposely watching and waiting to see SOMEONE report they saw people "looking" - or dogs somewhere - or helicopters or something. Yet, still they keep saying no one is looking.
I do not have the link handy, it was on one of the local channels, that LE are conducting searches unbeknownst to media or to the family and the public as to not give away the location. LE is not as stupid as we think LOL... they are trying to maintain case integrity in a very difficult and strange situation in lieu of family members, lying, stealing, etc, etc...makes my head explode like a hotdog in a microwave LOL...:crazy:

That was said on NG I think Thursday.
That's the biggest bunch of BS. If it were true, Casey would have told LE that from the get-go. Not driving around BFE looking for non-existant out fake names....Casey's attitude's gone...let's party! It's just the latest bs coming out of Casey's mouth...She is turning the music box, and they are the dancing monkeys. I think that is why this is stalled, the Anthony's want to run the investigation based on casey's bs and the LE aren't buying it.

Obviously, they are buying some of it or they would have put her in general pop. after charging her with one of the multitude of charges that they could hit her with. It's also possible that Caseys family is choosing to believe her, and they really do think that they know where Caylee is.
LE needs to have an undercover agent apply.

You know, I commented earlier about this whole assistant thing, but the more I think about it, the more telling I think I find it.

They are asking for some incredibly personal help, and are looking for someone, a stranger, essentially, who will be in their home and potentially working very closely with them in a time that will probably forever change the direction of their lives (even more than it already has thus far). It's also an incredible risk having a total outsider.

The fact that they apparently are needing this degree of help (for not one, but two members of the family) and are reaching for total strangers to do it, even with the risks of it, nevermind just someone unknown being that intimately tied to them for some length of time.

Do they live in such an isolated state that there is no one around them to help in this capacity. I understand some outside help, but this extent for two people? That to me says they're really getting very little from those around them. Is that because there is no one they're that close to to either ask or that has volunteered? Is that because those around them aren't really rallying around them because they don't buy all this? Either case is sad, because I think that probably speaks to their outside support system.

We've had just the one friend Holly speaking out on NG, and other than that, there's been virtually no one coming forward who claims to know them as a family. In every other case I've followed, and it's been a lot, family, friends and neighbors often put their lives on hold to help, be there, just be faces helping put the face of the missing person forward. Here there's been none of that. Not a single neighbor (that I've seen) coming forward telling cute stories about Caylee, no family members sharing recollections of holidays and saying how much they want her back unharmed, etc. And surely there are those people, but they're not out there making Caylee even more real to the public (something which I think often goes miles in getting the public to get out and search, etc.)

All of that, combined with looking for complete strangers to be this much a part of their lives, just...makes me hope there really is more of a support system than it seems ::somewhere:: because I really fear they're going to be needing a heck of a lot of it down the road, even more than they probably do now.
Everyone in the family seems to be saying that they know who has Caylee, in all honesty they keep saying it outright. Yet at the same time, they say that that person will hurt Caylee if they give names. But if that was true, then Casey was set up to take the fall, (not FULLY buying that) and them saying that Caylee is still alive might lead to her death anyway. And I keep hearing that the FBI is involved. If so, then someone must have very credible evidence that Caylee was taken across state lines or that there is more to this than there appears.
There was a little girl who had been kidnapped by her father, that Rockefeller guy, that was found and was still safe. The FBI was involved in that and they handled it well.
WHY don't the Anthony's trust that if they give the name the FBI will handle this well.
The Anthony's need to knock it off. I understand the pain they must be going through, but this denial of what is REALLY going on isn't helping them.
I don't think there is anything they need to worry about IF they really know who has Caylee.
Sadly, I think she's in the arms of the angels.
The psych concluded her mental state was hard to sum up. (Can't remember the term they used). Since they couldn't come to the conclusion she wasn't a clear threat to her self they probably put her on suicide watch as a precaution or formality.
I believe the word was "indescribable".

WTH does that mean?
Wish they would investigate so they could put things in proper perspective, the toilet pictures are over a year ago o her 21st birthday!

Geraldo: "She was slutting it up at the Fusian club."

He's showing the girl-on-girl dancing and toilet-leaning photos. Nice.
If George has names then why hasn't he gone in search of these people??? Or why haven't they given the names to LE??? Those Anthony's make no sense at all!!!! You mean they have names and think she is alive but they are pokin around trying to raise money for something??? They don't give the info to anyone? They let the child stay in harms way with these un-named people?? Those people are unbelievable. Yes, I feel sorry for them but they are way weird.
he claims he has been making phone calls (the same with big bro)
Yep - that's right - no death penalty. AND we are fstly approaching the critical time of when (and if) they do find a body - that the body will be skeletal remains and impossible to determine cause of death. With no cause of death - manslaughter

Logan Tucker's mother was convicted of first degree murder in Oklahoma, but they never found his body. He disappeared in 2002, when he was 6 years old. She never confessed, and never told what happened. There was physical evidence, blood in the basement that turned out to be Logan's, but no body. Very sad case, reminds me of this one.
Obviously, they are buying some of it or they would have put her in general pop. after charging her with one of the multitude of charges that they could hit her with. It's also possible that Caseys family is choosing to believe her, and they really do think that they know where Caylee is.

They wouldn't want there only witness to be beaten to death! I have no doubt the family truely believes her, the other choice they have is unbearable.
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