Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #51

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Then Casey gets the tattoo "Bella Vida" in reference to where Caylee is. She also says Caylee is "close by" or "close to home". Now 15 miles to the Anthony's could be taken as close by, or it could mean that if Casey was looking at houses with the fiance a while back, she felt that Caylee should be there.
Maybe the psych reasons were being told he was no longer the real daddy and dealing with Casey

He knew that a few years ago, I think when Caylee was 10 months old, IIRC.. I do wonder if the psych reasons are really if he may have "left his post" to help Casey around that time.. I hope I am wrong, I think this poor kid was duped to the hilt by this girl. If he did help her move Caylee as I suspect, I hope he comes clean so she can be found, I can't believe I am saying this, but for some reason, him I could forgive if that is the extent of his involvement. Be nice, Im not all that forgiving of a person
Reverse speech

I have been watching all the available youtube videos on this case and I stumbled upon this youtube video of speech reverse of Casey's and Lee's conversations. I think it is interesting whether your believe in reverse speech or not. Sorry if it was posted before, it was the first time I saw it and it is my understanding it is something recent

This was discussed at length yesterday and the day before. There is a thread for this already. It's called Backward State Site. You may want to remove yours as it's a duplicate of that one.
I have checked the Media link thread and all media links listed there and I am unable to locate what I THINK I am looking for.

I thought I remembered that LE brought the cadaver dogs back to Anthonys house a second time. Is that accurate or not??? If so does anyone know where I can locate a link about that??

I also thought that I read from a media link that the dogs and or LE had identified some sort of inconsistency with the soil removed from the yard. Does anyone else remember anything like that.

The reason I am asking is that yesterday I read this statement in a media link:,2933,396826,00.html

WATTS: Well, from speaking to investigators, what I understand what they would be doing is they would be taking soil samples from the back yard and comparing it to soil samples they would pull from the car, from perhaps the shovel that they're testing, as well, tire tracks in the car, mats in the car, in the back seat.

What they can tell from soil samples is -- it's a very different type of soil in Florida that you would have in a swamp area, different types of plants, different types of soil, than would be in the back yard of a house like this that would be landscaped with, you know, the typical kind of soil that would be around a house. So there's a very big difference in those two types of soil, so that's what they would be looking for.

This has my mind wondering about something I posted yesterday regarding the unsolved murder in Blanchard Park,2933,396826,00.html

WATTS: We're here in Blanchard Park, in the middle of Orlando. This park is about 15 minutes from Casey Anthony's home. And the reason we're here is because Casey Anthony, in a phone conversation from jail with her brother, Lee Anthony -- Lee was questioning her about a cell phone she had mentioned she had. And they were trying to locate the cell phone. In that conversation, she said she had come to this park with some friends and believed this is where she lost the cell phone.
We would hope that investigators came here to check it out, maybe not just for the cell phone, but for any signs -- maybe perhaps she brought little Caylee here.

Now, if the name of the park sounds familiar, it is because June 10 of this year, another young woman, her name was Nicole Ganguzza, was murdered here. She went jogging, and her body was discovered the next day. Her killer's never been found.


COLBY: Now, we're not saying there's any connection necessarily between the two cases, but boy, it sure is interesting, Steph, that this park was the location of a murder investigation previously, and now Casey brings it up in this phone conversation with her brother about her phone.

Considering the alledged request/offer of immunity, the potential inconsistencies in the soil samples, LE not releasing the DNA results and the theory that Caylee was either taken or given to someone I wonder if someone in the Anthony or Grund family could have been involved with the murder in the park somehow. Maybe Caylee was given up to protect the family or taken to silence the family. I don't know maybe I am grasping at straws here.....:confused::confused::waitasec::waitasec:
Bobby do you know of any new homes being built close by the home of George and Cindy?

The south side of that wooded patch has Covington Cove Way and Cheshire Cove Terrace. Both appear to be under construction with homes and have a large retention pond between them. I am thinking she would have put her in the woods between there and Suburban. By the way, these woods are where the Sherrif's helicoptor was searching last week. Later reports said they were looking for an 80 year old man that had wondered off. Any news of him disappeared like a three named nanny
I remember we were talking about this the other day, speculating whether Jesse's "earwitness" account was said to help or harm Casey's case.

Now that Jesse is backpedaling a bit, I'm wondering if it's because Walsh went on the attack (he has inside info on Jesse's employment records?) and Jesse doesn't want his laundry aired out in public.

"earwitness" you kill me, putting that on the list..
I actually think Walsh went on the attack because he knew already Jesse was changing his story or they have info it is about to change ALOT..
press keeps reporting things you guys find like two days later
He knew that a few years ago, I think when Caylee was 10 months old, IIRC.. I do wonder if the psych reasons are really if he may have "left his post" to help Casey around that time.. I hope I am wrong, I think this poor kid was duped to the hilt by this girl. If he did help her move Caylee as I suspect, I hope he comes clean so she can be found, I can't believe I am saying this, but for some reason, him I could forgive if that is the extent of his involvement. Be nice, Im not all that forgiving of a person

I think she played him. When a lot of men never step up to the plate he did. He thought that baby was his. So did his parents. You can see in the pictures from when Caylee was born how much in love Jesse, and his parent's, were with the baby they thought was his child and their grandchild. Imagine the hurt when the paternity test comes back 0%!!!
I too think he may be involved in this.
I find it odd that Jesse would continue a relationship with a person that he refers to as a (habitual Lair). If I were a fella and found out 2 years ago that the child is not mine I think that I would have let the relationship/friendship fall to the way side. But then again that's me.
I remember we were talking about this the other day, speculating whether Jesse's "earwitness" account was said to help or harm Casey's case.

Now that Jesse is backpedaling a bit, I'm wondering if it's because Walsh went on the attack (he has inside info on Jesse's employment records?) and Jesse doesn't want his laundry aired out in public.
I said earlier Jesse may have not made the 1st initial cut if he had to take a test from being a reserve to a sworn. Abuse, sometimes its just people ticked with cops making phony beefs. Arrests are not always cooperative. I would take it with a grain of salt. Plus its coming from Walsh/Baez mouth to discredit the witness. If Jesse could not b 100% certain it would not hold up so well in court, He would be a weak witness's, that simple. Your correct though Baez would make him look bad under cross examination.
The south side of that wooded patch has Covington Cove Way and Cheshire Cove Terrace. Both appear to be under construction with homes and have a large retention pond between them. I am thinking she would have put her in the woods between there and Suburban. By the way, these woods are where the Sherrif's helicoptor was searching last week. Later reports said they were looking for an 80 year old man that had wondered off. Any news of him disappeared like a three named nanny

Are any of them large mediterrean style homes? I know this is totallly off the wall but last night after I went to bed I had a very graphic dream. In the dream I saw Casey carrying Caylee into a vacant new home She laid her down and walked away. The home was two story, brownish stucco with white trim. A two story portacal(sp) covered the front door. Because I know that dreams are symbolic this could mean many things. But it was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. I had to ask:)
I find it odd that Jesse would continue a relationship with a person that he refers to as a (habitual Lair). If I were a fella and found out 2 years ago that the child is not mine I think that I would have let the relationship/friendship fall to the way side. But then again that's me.

Some men, as well as women can't let go of a relationship even when there is no hope of getting back together again.

We were discussing the map above last night in thread #50; isn't there construction going on on Bella Vida Rd? (Casey's tatoo.)

That is actually very close to where I construction on Bella Vida's just townhouses, neighborhoods with homes piled on top of one another...NO a culdasac.

The construction is being done on Lee Vista Blvd which is a few miles from Bella Vida Rd. It's a road that is being extended to reach Alafaya Trail (another road) and LOOKS like it has been completed (I suppose part of the road could be unfinished in the middle where we can't see), but access is not allowed yet...HOWEVER...the entire area is wooded. It WOULD technically be the fastest way to drive from the Anthony's home to Bella Vida Rd IF the road was open to the public....not to say a car couldn't just drive down there at night tho. You could go around the blockades I suppose.
Some men, as well as women can't let go of a relationship even when there is no hope of getting back together again.
That's exactly what I think in this case. I have even wondered if he stalked Casey and saw her partying with her new friends and wondered what she was doing with Caylee while she was out partying. He bonded with that child.
"earwitness" you kill me, putting that on the list..
I actually think Walsh went on the attack because he knew already Jesse was changing his story or they have info it is about to change ALOT..
If the story changes that much, I'd expect that the person offered immunity wouldn't be Casey, if you know what I mean.

I found those two phone calls out of the blue in late June to be a little odd, since they'd both moved on and Casey had found a whole new crowd to grace with her presence.

If what Cindy says about JG being the one to take Casey to the hospital earlier this year is true, maybe he's the go-to guy who gets called when there's a problem.
I was wondering earlier how they will differentiate between the dirt in both yards since they are next door to each other. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but wouldn't soil so close in proximity have pretty much the same makeup? So how will they be able to tell where the dirt on the shovel came from?

Just a wild guess here (and forgive if I am WAY late), but it's entirely possible that one neighbor uses one fertilizer and the other neighbor something else, or some such difference. Perhaps it's possible to find traces that way to differentiate even if the soil's actual composition is quite similar.

Like I said, just a guess, though.
I find it odd that Jesse would continue a relationship with a person that he refers to as a (habitual Lair). If I were a fella and found out 2 years ago that the child is not mine I think that I would have let the relationship/friendship fall to the way side. But then again that's me.
The Grund family were led to think Caylee was Jesse's, she was with them in a close relationship for her first yr. a frequent visitor. Jesse was involved with Caylee like his family. Jesse apparently walked from Casey but kept up a relationship for Caylee, or so it appears. Jesse is not the issue here.
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