Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #55

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Only problem with this is Puerto Rico is a U.S. posssesion, they would have nabbed Ricardo and Caylee a long time ago. I'd say a no go on this one.
so maybe she is not in Puerto Rico
Some on here have been saying that they thought might go a whole lot deeper than just a missing child. This circus is turing into a "world's fair". Do you really think they would just come out and say "oh - so and so has Caylee because of such and such and they already know she is at whatever place?" Um - NO! So what better way to work this than let the media circus continue - let the nation keep razing on the GP's and hating the mom. Rumors take on a persona of their own and therefore create the perfect smokescreen to operate under.

I'm starting to buy into this. It's been so strange and absurd all along that I feel like it has to go deeper. As for the dogs, is it possibel that this was false information released by LE? I know they often hold back details in high profile cases in order to catch the really killer, but is false information a possibility?

I figured out something meaningful to do until Greta comes on. I'm going to send GP an email and apply for the PA job. Here's my application:

Dear George;

I would like to respectfully submit this application for your posted opening for a PA. Let me just say that I don't expect payment for my hard work, however I do smoke, so you'll just have to overlook that little item. Also, I am free to travel whenever and wherever, however you will have to pay for the gas, as it's almost 4 bucks a gallon here in Florida. I do not have the ability to lift 50+ pounds though, as I injured my back earlier today while I was trying to get the 80 pound load of BS off my back. I am very good with reading and responding to emails and can post updates on most any website, however I WILL NOT LIE FOR YOUR FAMILY. As for doing "anything" the family may require, well that requirement just flat out scares me, so you can just forget that requirement. If I do this job for you for free, you can expect to give me ALL INSIDE info that you have on my first day, as I always expect to be "brought up to speed" on all details anytime I start a new job. Plus I have to relay that information to all my buddies on WS.

George if you are interested, please contact me at: FloridaKatz for


Think he'll take me up on it?

i think it is hysterical..but i laugh at anything!:clap:
OK, so anderson cooper is having something the same time is greta so we will have to bounce back and forth.
Well I said on the other thread that Cindy was starting to make sense, how casey was a great mother and she wouldn't leave her in the car etc and how only 1 dog hit on the trunk (I thought it was 2 tho) and how this unethical person took Caylee and they know who it is.

HOWEVER, AND THIS IS A BIG HOWEVER, 2 dogs hit on the trunk. If Cindy told the cops who has Caylee as she states she did, I think they would have found her by now. BUT, I also heard that LE does think others are involved in caylee's disappearance so I wonder what the MO is on this case and what LE thinks. I feel that the dna thing didn't turn up anything or they would have charged her with murder today. Half of me wants to believe Cindy and believe Caylee is alive. On the other hand, I think if someone really had caylee, they would have dumped her off in some mall and taken off for some other state or something with the attention this case has gotten. How is this mysterious person living? doing their shopping? Eating? earning a living? with a baby around?

I also think Casey would have told LE in secret who had her child if the child was alive and this story had any merit.

Truth be told..if someone else ever had Caylee, with all the heat on in this case, but very few searches that we have heard of..they would be long gone with Caylee to pass her off to someone else. Do I wish that were true, yes. Do I think that is true no.

I think Cindy and George are now playing a different game with Casey. George saw her the other day, he wasn't worried about the visit. Today Cindy said she thought about rather or not to go today all night last night, didn't get much sleep. I think that is because LE told them what they have and have requested they start to play hardball with Casey. Meaning, she now has no friends visit- her request, but could have George or Lee put that in her mind? Lee missed the hearing last week, Cindy didn't show today....she must be thinking she is on her phone calls lately, no visits..and now she is charged formally...that may just start to break her..or make her mad enough at Cindy to start talking.." I did this to Caylee just to hurt you Mom, and Dad and Lee because I hate your guts!"
OMG....what sick people! Greta! Go get em!!
I'm passing on Greta, I can't stand watching the Cindy and George lie-a-thon.
would like to know what time the greta interview was taped.....maybe thats why she cancelled the visit

There was an interview posted today on a local channel. At the end, Cindy said she had an appointment. In the background you can see Greta and her two assistants. This was AFTER Cindy missed her appointment to see Casey today. Hope that helps narrow it down!
I'm starting to buy into this. It's been so strange and absurd all along that I feel like it has to go deeper. As for the dogs, is it possibel that this was false information released by LE? I know they often hold back details in high profile cases in order to catch the really killer, but is false information a possibility?

Oh no - I do believe there is a body and there was a murder.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Geragos or some other high profile lawyer take this case.

Can Gloria 'Vampira' Allred be far behind? Let's see, I picture her standing next to Cindy...
ok....George saw Casey and Caylee leave on the 16th.....had backpacks....Casey was going to work and was dropping Caylee with the nanny. OMG....
ok....George saw Casey and Caylee leave on the 16th.....had backpacks....Casey was going to work and was dropping Caylee with the nanny. OMG....

Yes all of a sudden we have an exact time and date, 10 to 1 I believe.
Now the father is saying he saw Casey leave with Caylee on the 16th. He said he saw them leaving with backpacks. Why have we never heard this before?
ok....George saw Casey and Caylee leave on the 16th.....had backpacks....Casey was going to work and was dropping Caylee with the nanny. OMG....

Why would Casey need to pay a Nanny when George is sitting at home unemployed on this date?
ok....George saw Casey and Caylee leave on the 16th.....had backpacks....Casey was going to work and was dropping Caylee with the nanny. OMG....

WOW, another New Story!
Will it ever end?:bang:
ok....George saw Casey and Caylee leave on the 16th.....had backpacks....Casey was going to work and was dropping Caylee with the nanny. OMG....

Yes George, would that be the job that CASEY DOES NOT HAVE?
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