Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #59

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Nancy Grace states that Casey is now stating from jail that Caylee's life is in danger. Now how would Casey know this locked up in jail??? No one can call her. She's ridiculous. I bet she thinks that the cops are going to find a dead Caylee soon and she wants to blame it on this fictitious person that has her.

I thought of this too, because everything is taped regarding her conversations....but her lawyer is probably taking information back and forth.
Since I wasn't home during the CSI visit to the house today, I was still thinking about the entire case at the doctors, Wal-Mart and on the way home.

As I was driving home, I was trying to figure out how to do a kick-butt type of pressure on Casey. I figure she is not getting or sending mail, but I could send her a letter, as well as all of us, drop her a note and put some pressure on her.

What are your thoughts about sending a letter?

I think Casey would LOVE the attention..... she'd feel like she's bigger than Britney!!!

it would also be proof to her that she's the victim..... poor party-girl.... has her baby kidnapped & people are being mean to her.
I've really tried to give the family the benefit of the doubt...

But... maybe Casey is saying Caylee's life is in danger because the LE are closing in on her lies.
What date did the grandparents get back from vacation? Sorry, it's all jumbled together in my little mind... ;)

i've wondered that too, but i don't think anyone has the answer to that bit of info yet....if it's been posted, i missed it, anyway...:)
What I wonder is, why was Casey sooo obsessed with calling Tony? Why did she want to talk to her new bf more than finding her daughter? I know they say he was cleared and not involved... but it still haunts my memory of her phone calls with family. "just get me tony's number". I know this is a question asked before. But, it seems to be forgotten and asked less.

BPD's disassociate under stress and don't remember what they did/said. More common in women - often 1st manifests in women Casey's age, they can totally "live" in an alternate universe" of their own. And they are good liars because they honestly believe their own lies, it's "real" to them. They also have the ability to "move on" from someone (even their child) once they are disillusioned by them. It's as if they never existed, or exist only in a black (MalignedHated) or white (Idealized/Perfect) way. They are scary. High risk for suicide too. Trenton Duckett's Mom comes to mind.

Casey is a classic case - and after seeing her parents, I can see WHY.

Caylee died and Casey disassociated and doesn't remember - so she creates her own reality from past experiences and that's what she believes. Caylee remains alive and idealized in Casey's mind - in the alternative universe she has created for herself. The reason her parents believe here is that BPD's are scary good at reading people and doing and saying what they want to hear/see. They can literally mold themselves into someones ideal child, spouse, girlfriend etc...well until reality intrudes and the fear of separation sets in - and then they begin with the rapid cycling from needy dependant to cold and distant - often changing hourly. Casey isn't playing a game here, she is saying exactly what she believes to be true and when presented with FACTS that it can't be true she just disassociates again back into her own reality.

Un-medicated and un-challenged (by someone who knows how) Casey is unable to tell what REALLY happened to her child. In her mind, everyone else is wrong and only she knows the "real truth". Her family doesn't see Casey's problem, many parents of BPD's are as in denial as their kids are sick....that's because they WANT to believe their child (they are masterful liars) and get kinda trapped in the cycle of attraction-repulsion with their child controlling the relationship and it's terms. Cindy is unable or unwilling to accept (or confront) that Casey is sick and possibly dangerous to herself and others. She'll keep making excuses so long as Casey keeps manipulating her love for her. Cindy will keep repeating "poor Casey, it's not her fault, she didn't do anything wrong" until her last breath unless George gets HER (and himself) some help dealing with their daughter and what their daughter has done to them and their sweet truly innocent Caylee.

Read up on BPD.....Casey's picture is probably there.

My Opinion
You'd be surprised. Drowning is the number one cause of death for children in FL. Dh is firefighter/paramedic. I could tell you stories you don't even want to hear of all kinds of "never could have happened" child drownings.

I really thought drowning was a possibility... but why this web of lies?

AND what we suspect to be luminol testing.
As far as the decomp rate in water, it depends on a lot of factors. Besides temperature of the water there is also animal life to consider not just gators (who have on occasion been known to eat dead prey that they have not killed themselves). We also have lots of animals that have keen senses of smell and will (dig up) food (meat). The colder the water the slower the decomp however water causes bloating which in turn causes body fluids to fluctuate inside. ( I am so trying to put this delicately--I'm completely failing so I will quit now!)
Greta must be hoping for another exclusive interview with the Anthonys......or Lee....or Casey....she's soft peddling their lies. spit!

She is showing part two of the interview tonite at ten

Guys if you want or think anything needs to be added, or that I am missing something please pm me. I am still on thread 58, trying to get all the pertinent info.
NANCY NEEDS TO SHUT HER TRAP. She keeps interrupting the reporter. She is driving me crazy.
Even though they specifically mention the family being cooperative with the searches the search warrant is in place so the evidence they took today can't be challenged easily by Casey's attornery.

Yep, that's what I was thinking too. I'm glad the LE are making sure that every step is covered. Having a search warrant was great and shows that the obviously know more then we do (amen for that!). :woohoo:
Cindy said in one her interviews today. The one where she is coming home from the limo ride, Casey would have told them if there was an accident.
She would not be that stupid, to hid an accident, or words to that effect.
I think it is safe to assume that the formal search warrant issued the day after the test results came back is a good indication they have Caley's DNA in the trunk. Even though they specifically mention the family being cooperative with the searches the search warrant is in place so the evidence they took today can't be challenged easily by Casey's attornery. I think a murder charge is coming soon, they are building their case.

I agree and I wonder if Cindy knows this and this is why her question to LKL the other night? She is trying to figure out the hair in the trunk too. I strongly feel that George, Cindy, and Lee are in denial. I think when it comes down to yes Caylee is gone and never to return all of them will be so hurt. I would not want to be them. Casey has tormented this family for a long time I feel.

ETA: when was the LKL clip where she called in? Was it Tues or later since they got the test back Tues? Maybe this is why she didn't go see Casey in jail also. They are trying to pull away from her?
Originally Posted by Litig8r
I talked about the pool and the drowning lots of threads ago - and I asked about forensic evidence availablilty in the water - no one ever answered me. Anyone have any ideas?

Pools have chlorine which might rid any type "evidence". Most drownings are accidental and reported, witnessed etc... No need to test the water. If there is doubt about drowning then they can test the body for signs of that.
I really thought drowning was a possibility... but why this web of lies?

AND what we suspect to be luminol testing.

I'm with ya - it doesn't add up with all of the other factores - but then again, no one thing in this case adds up with all the other factors.
I thought of this too, because everything is taped regarding her conversations....but her lawyer is probably taking information back and forth.
The same goes with the line Caylee will be home for her birthday. The only way Casey could provide this type of info is if its being provided by her personal Atty's Baez or Walsh. After all they are the one's who speak with her daily. What's the odd's the Atty's know where Caylee is, with whom and when they plan on bringing her back? :rolleyes:
As far as the decomp rate in water, it depends on a lot of factors. Besides temperature of the water there is also animal life to consider not just gators (who have on occasion been known to eat dead prey that they have not killed themselves). We also have lots of animals that have keen senses of smell and will (dig up) food (meat). The colder the water the slower the decomp however water causes bloating which in turn causes body fluids to fluctuate inside. ( I am so trying to put this delicately--I'm completely failing so I will quit now!)

I highly doubt Caylee could have drowned & been in the pool LONG ENOUGH to leave evidence.

But nothing at all would surprise me concerning Casey.
I have only made a few posts here.....but I wanted to share the following.

The reason this case is driving everyone so crazy is because we are all trying to figure out what is the truth that Casey is saying, and what is not the truth. In our hearts, we can see certain things happening, and then some things that make no sense.

I have a daughter that is a clone of Cassey.....that's what drew me to this case. I keep saying "there but for the grace of God would I be".

This girl lives in her own little world. A world she has developed in her mind, and only she knows the rules. She really believes what she is saying, and what she knows is a lie, she does not care about because she justifies it to herself. She only thinks of herself, not her daughter, not her parents, not her brother and not her friends.

She is detached from reality and from the feelings of others. She has never been able to hold a job because people like this despise rules. They hate being told what to do. They only have friends for a couple of months, because as time goes on, the friends catch them in so many lies that they move on to the next group of friends that they can use. Nothing, and I repeat nothing is ever there fault.

They don't think like normal people. They go with the flow of whatever group they are hanging out with. They are like cameilians.....until you get to really know them.

My guess is that Casey has a very, very long history of getting into trouble. It does not necessarily have to be legal trouble because they are very good at talking there way out of stuff. They are experts of making a sane person doubt themselves. They can be approached about one issue, and by the time you are done you have forgotten what in gods name you were scolding them about. A person like this only thinks of the moment, that one second in which they are speaking. They have no reference to how it will come back to haunt them later, because later does not exist for them. Even if that is one hour later.

Did she love her daughter? In her own sick way. But make no mistake, this child was never her priority, it was her grandparents priority and they forced her to take care of this child. Casey has no idea the cost of raising a child. How could she, she has never held a job.

Could she have killed her child? yes, without a question, but more than likely is was due to her not watching her appropriately. It could be because of the people she was hanging around with. Whatever happened to this child, only Casey knows and I doubt you will ever get the truth from her. She is incapable of telling the truth. I am very shocked at how the family is acting. They know more and more negative information will surface. There is no way around it. They are impeding the investigation, and they should be arrested for it. This little girl deserves to be found and laid to rest. This case will only get more confusing each time the family speaks or the mother speaks. In our minds we are trying to come up with scenarios of how something could happen. It's more than likely it was something very simple, IE: she left the child in the car, the child drowned in a pool, the child got a hold of some type of drug and overdosed.
Nancy Grace states that Casey is now stating from jail that Caylee's life is in danger.

Maybe Casey is delutional again... it's HER life that's in danger because the LE are closing in. Or I think she must be getting the names confused like the media has sooo many times (Casey/Caylee). Caylee's life was in danger, past tense... IMHO. :(
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