Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #63

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Flbeachdawg it was registered, you have to sign for it.

:waitasec: hmmm I not sure then. definitely not a sunday then. I mean I go pick up my mail from the Post Office on Sundays...but if I needed to pick up something that needed to be signed....I would have to wait.
Interesting, so like "Zanny" (Xanax) was the "nanny" who would 'watch' the kid when she needed? Kind of like 'retail therapy' only now it's Zanny therapy for the kid?
well ya im kind of wondering .. cuz if she is partying so much but has no sitter mabey she drugged the kid .. they turn ya into a zombie and you relax and sleep mabey i know it sounds far fetched but .. parents do horrid things to thier kids all the time mabey while she was gone for that month that is what happened ..
Well that was VERY interesting so...basically THE Zenaida that looked at the apartment at Sawgrass ON June 17th has spoken with Orlando local news and has never met Caylee or Casey Anthony and has "No idea how she got dragged into this mess" VERY BIG NEWS. I have to agree with the reporters that The million dollar question now is how did CASEY anthony know that Zaneida G. looked at an apartment at Sawgrass on that day. Was Casey there?
I wondered if Amy was going to be moving in with Casey at the Anthony's. It almost looks like that's the way this was directed.

I was reading backwards to catch up and wanted to share something that I have been mulling over in my head.

Could it be possible that George was planning to move from the house? There was so much disconnect in communication between George and Cindy during the time that Casey was gone. For example, Cindy didn't seem to know that George had filed a report about the gas cans. What about him calling Lee to see about his mother when the car was found? It seems that George and Cindy have separate (not necessarily conficting) accounts of what happened early on. Maybe Casey was planning to get Amy moved in with she, Cindy and Caylee. Not making accusations, and it has nothing to do with Caylee being missing, but there is something there...

What do you all think?
Usually you have to sign for a registered letter, that is what makes me think they either oicked it up on Sat or Mon. Not that it matters anyway. I was actually trying to figure out how long George had to clean that car out before leaving for work the day Cindy picked up Casey.

I brought this up before as well,when did they get the car. I could have been tuesday morning, how many vehicles do the Anthony's have. I have only seen 1 minus Casey's.
Mendara wrote:
Also - why would she have a nanny for three years while living with her mother? And why didn't Cindy show concern for her granddaughter and ever WANT to meet this nanny?

Not that I'm the norm Grandma by any stretch of the imagination and lawdy knows I've made some grandma-type mistakes but what you said hits home with me.

I have 8 grandchildren and all live within 52 miles from my home.
At one time or another, for whatever reason I wasn't able to babysit while a parent was working, my grandchildren had a babysitter or caregiver.
You can bet my husband's next paycheck on it that I met every single one of those babysitters!
You can bet your life that we did background checks on each of them.
When my adult child was about to interview a new babysitter she/he would call me and ask me to come to their home and sit in on the interview.
I had/have landline numbers/cell phone numbers, addresses, next of kin information on babysitter and the real kicker, I took pictures with my digital camera of babysitter.
I know, I know, maybe a bit overboard but if your grandchildren are in the area and have a babysitter, how in the heck does a grandparent NOT come in contact with or have pertinent information on babysitter at one time or another?
*scratches head in wonderment*

Exactly - My mom would NEVER let me leave her grandchildren with just anyone and if CINDY claims she heard this name used for three years it is absolutely ridiculous that she didn't ask more questions at the time about Zanny the CRAZY NANNY.
what kind of car did the baby sitter have ?

no car cause there was no freaking baby sitter

If I leave my youngest child with anyone, I leave the carseat with her, even if there are no plans to drive anywhere that day. If there was ever an emergency, I would most definitely want my daughter riding in her own safe carseat.

If Casey left Caylee with a babysitter, why was Caylee's carseat still in the car? I guess that ZG had an extra carseat to use for Caylee because she spent so much time with her? :rolleyes:
Okay done with video today. Waiting on Mr. Gigi to get home with the wine.
Well that was VERY interesting so...basically THE Zenaida that looked at the apartment at Sawgrass ON June 17th has spoken with Orlando local news and has never met Caylee or Casey Anthony and has "No idea how she got dragged into this mess" VERY BIG NEWS. I have to agree with the reporters that The million dollar question now is how did CASEY anthony know that Zaneida G. looked at an apartment at Sawgrass on that day. Was Casey there?

OR- Does she know someone who works there? Maybe someone from the club?
I really hope Caylee is alive, and I really DO hope she gets back home before her birthday.

I'm just wondering, if something DID happen to Caylee, and let's just say it was related to Xanax, that if it was either from Cindy, or a forged script from Cindy done by Casey, would that explain some of the defensiveness and denial on Cindy's part (aside from the fact that she seems TOTALLY delusional?)
Everyone understands that there are several Zeneida's but those have been checked out and are not "THE" Zanny the Nanny that Casey has said to have baby sat for Casey.

Maybe not the Nanny but she did look at the apartment on the 17th.
From Kathyn2
HE IS A MISSING PERSONS/SEX CRIME INVESTIGATOR. He is investigating a missing person hence he is the type of investigator assigned to this case. It has nothing to do with sex crimes that anyone knows about at this time.

I'm with you on that! It would not look good for LE if they don't exhaust every avenue. Of course they are not going to tip their hand to say we have the evidence that its not missing persons, etc. Also, I'm guessing some of what they took yesterday was crap they didn't want to take & the know will not help - say receipts - they would already have the records, they don't need the actual paper receipt, and some other things.
If this girl has an alpha personality as someone said and is extremely convincing and is surrounded by gullible people therefore is very confident in her lies and in her power over people -if she didn't break with the LE either than SURELY now she must be starting to break in that jail?? It's a whole other world in there{AD575B0E-5FA8-447E-B8CE-432A446BF855}&BookNumber=08034750&ID=4173114669954
Well that was VERY interesting so...basically THE Zenaida that looked at the apartment at Sawgrass ON June 17th has spoken with Orlando local news and has never met Caylee or Casey Anthony and has "No idea how she got dragged into this mess" VERY BIG NEWS. I have to agree with the reporters that The million dollar question now is how did CASEY anthony know that Zaneida G. looked at an apartment at Sawgrass on that day. Was Casey there?

Maybe she was standing in front of her in line somewhere talking about renting an apartment, Casey was behind her waiting to purchase, bags, tape, shovel and clorox. JOKE here.
OR- Does she know someone who works there? Maybe someone from the club?

Well, there is still that tie in with the entertainment company that promoted Fusian whose former address was at Sawgrass right?
Good...Now we can put to rest the whole conversation about it being Casey pretending to be ZG.

Well, I think it highly unlikely for Casey to just come up with a name that just happens to be the same name as someone who looked at an apartment at the same complex where she said she left her. I understand it is a common name, but I bet money no John Smith has looked at an apartment there in the last couple of months. I would like to figure out how Casey got this woman's name.
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