Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #72

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yep......which is now why she is refusing visits.......IMO

never did buy the grandmothers story of why she did not visit this week.

Let me tell ya'll casey is throwing a fit....much like my two year old grandson does when he does not get his way.

How to solve it?

walk away!

is the call listed on this site ?

ty very much
And if Caylee simply drowned in the family swimming pool, why wouldn't Casey admit to that. Even if the drowning were due do criminal negligence, she could have just as easily spun a story to explain how Caylee had wandered off (while she was in the bathroom for example). It is an unfortunate fact that many children drown in their own swimming pools, Casey could have in fact even elicited tons of sympathy if she had claimed this had happened to her daughter.

My theory is Caylee took her last breath on the 16th of June, based on the flurry of phone calls. Casey went back to the house on the 17th of June and in an attempt to make it look like an accidential drowning. Casey put the ladder in the pool, but based on the length of time that had past, the accidential drowning was not going to work because there would be no signs of water in the lungs.

I feel Casey put Caylee down on the ground where the dogs alerted, and then she moved Caylee to the other spot where the dogs alerted.

I also feel Casey borrowed the shovel on June 17th.

Casey's words "she is close to home" still haunt me.
A little child like Caylee prob takes a nap mid afternoon. I wonder if she fell asleep during the ride after leaving the house around one and was left in the car. Thus the frantic phone calls after 2 thirty. Panic took hold and Casey made a move to cover what happened. Knowing right then, she would end up in jail she went through the motions of life for one whole month not caring what other crimes she commited because it was already a done deal-jail.
I really do think whatever happened took place that July 16th afternoon.

Anything is possible. This could have happened and she staged the pool incident to make it appear that there was a possible pool drowning.

The problem is........the time delay.........and she knows it!

Unless the child died of obvious's going to be hard at this point to tell what happened.
Do you prefer to think of it as skating on thin ice, or swimming in deep water?

LOL, I think I need to know what the burning issue may have to do with it, and what I came up with as possible scenarios does not make sense to me. Trying to rule out if the burning might be ceremonial in nature or strictly evidentiary.. They so not have the right emoticon on this one :)
I dont think they are "affixed" to any theory yet, but I do think someone close is talking, and may be giving the story they "were given" by Casey to get their help to move Caylee.. I think it is more they are working through the most logical possibilities as they relate to the evidence and then exclude from there.

Btw, why do we suppose the clothing came from Tony's? She had been living at Amy's prior to 7/15, and no explanation as to why she moved out ot Tony's really, which his roomate had stated she used as a "remote event planning office.." Point is if the clothes were in her car in duffle bags, is there a duffle bag missing anyone is aware of? And why she driving around with dirty, smokey clothes for a few weeks?
She was more or less living out of her car, going back and forth between Ricardo's and Tony's (and maybe home when no one's around?).

I'm picturing Cindy battleaxing into Tony's apartment that day and marching out with Casey and whatever "Get your stuff, we're going home" the three of them (don't forget Amy) could carry.

Casey must have been in total shock, unless someone called to give her a heads up. How humiliating, if Tony and his buds were there at the time.

On the other hand, Casey may have been traveling with an entire wardrobe on wheels and prefer to keep a lot of ensembles in the car. A girl on the go.

What I think LE is using as bait is the suggestion of an accidental death, whether by drowning or heatstroke or something else that isn't murder.

They need to end this, and may be betting that if Casey believes they think she isn't too much at fault for Caylee's death, she'll give up the truth.
Well, they made a special visit escorting George to the house, in the MIDDLE of an FBI interview, to retrieve the cans - around 7/31. Common sense says they didn't know until then. Again, had to be grilled for it to come out apparently!

Blondi, that was actually with the detectives with OCSD, not the FBI, they met with the FBI the day before.
My theory is Caylee took her last breath on the 16th of June, based on the flurry of phone calls. Casey went back to the house on the 17th of June and in an attempt to make it look like an accidential drowning. Casey put the ladder in the pool, but based on the length of time that had past, the accidential drowning was not going to work because there would be no signs of water in the lungs.

I feel Casey put Caylee down on the ground where the dogs alerted, and then she moved Caylee to the other spot where the dogs alerted.

I also feel Casey borrowed the shovel on June 17th.

Casey's words "she is close to home" still haunt me.

I am trying to rack my brains on the "she is close to home".........I can't remember, has casey said this in a call we have heard, or did Cindy and George say this.

My mind is playing tricks on me with all that has gone on
I am trying to rack my brains on the "she is close to home".........I can't remember, has casey said this in a call we have heard, or did Cindy and George say this.

My mind is playing tricks on me with all that has gone on

Yes, she said it in a call to her brother.
Blondi, that was actually with the detectives with OCSD, not the FBI, they met with the FBI the day before.

Thank you. That's right. That's when George knew they weren't messing around. I remember. Thanks for that clarfication.
A little child like Caylee prob takes a nap mid afternoon. I wonder if she fell asleep during the ride after leaving the house around one and was left in the car. Thus the frantic phone calls after 2 thirty. Panic took hold and Casey made a move to cover what happened. Knowing right then, she would end up in jail she went through the motions of life for one whole month not caring what other crimes she commited because it was already a done deal-jail.
I really do think whatever happened took place that July 16th afternoon.

Could be, that is why she was partying like a rock star!
I am in Florida and based on a recent incident regarding a friend of my son's, the person in jail NEEDED a prepaid calling card in order to call my cellphone or my son's cellphone. The call has to be paid "upfront" .

This friend of mine paid the charges herself. No calling card. I think she had to set it up with her cell phone company. Not sure. Will ask her when I see her this afternoon, but I know she paid for them....and no home phone.
I don't know that I believe the drowning story....but anything is possible.

I don't believe she drowned
It was 71 degrees, raining and overcast on the 16th with thunderstorms
I think they left the house -no idea where they went
I'm wondering if she accidently ran her daughter over
That is VERY true! The media has spun so many false leads on this case.

I posted this yesterday, but the media is posting theories and leads based on what these threads discuss first. I swear, we have such good mystery writers on this site, the media only wishes they could think this up on their own! Like Ortiz being the father, someone on here started that theory, ZG being impersonated by Casey, WS posts started that too. The drowning, the mention of gangs, cars, blah blah blah...

The media can spin for weeks based on what people come up with on here. I wont be suprised if the media takes to the incest possibility from this site too.

I think we need to calm down on the theories here, and stick to the facts.
And why would that be? Because they didn't know the whole story. George said the neighbor had stole them and stuck to that for a while!
I don't recall an affadavit showing George said that and I don' t recall hearing George say that at the hearing or on the interviews..but that certainly is the perception everyone got isn't it?

Well they waited until the 17th to take the car..they could have taken on the 15th. They waited until this week to get the clothing and other items, inbetween these times they took very little..earlier. I would have thought all this evidence woould have been taken from the home atleast by the 17th...but they were still collecting things this there you go.
Could be, that is why she was partying like a rock star!

About her being in the car and dying of heat or being in the pool and drowning I think it's not likely considering the weather conditions
A little child like Caylee prob takes a nap mid afternoon. I wonder if she fell asleep during the ride after leaving the house around one and was left in the car. Thus the frantic phone calls after 2 thirty. Panic took hold and Casey made a move to cover what happened. Knowing right then, she would end up in jail she went through the motions of life for one whole month not caring what other crimes she commited because it was already a done deal-jail.
I really do think whatever happened took place that July 16th afternoon.
Naptime. Of course. Very interesting observation, and it can be fit into the timeline.

That would make it George and Cindy's fault for not returning her calls, because if only they had little Caylee would still be alive.

If some people believe that George must have smelled and identified the decomposing smell since he was a LE for 10 years, if we accept that, if we argue that he is lying about the pizza, then we have to accept that as a trained LE for 10 years, he could also be very good in remembering the clothes his daughter and his grandaughter were wearing and give a detailed description.

Otherwise we are exercising double standards when judging George's behavior. We can't say he must have known what a decomposing smell since he was an LE, but think it is weird that he was able to remember what his daughter and grandaughter were wearing. If we bring forward the argument George have to have known what the smell was, then we have to accept the same argument that he could remember their clothes. If we want to be fair

I'd be inclined to think that he's spent a whole lot of time trying to remember every single detail about those minutes since it was the last time he saw Caylee. I'm sure his cop skills do work overtime, too -- those things usually don't just go away when one leaves the occupation. But in that kind of situation (the last time he'd seen her) I can see it as being something that would almost haunt someone. Or at least I know it would me - along with the zillion what-ifs...
Sorry if this has already been addressed--

It seems to me that if a person is innocent, they would be willing and even offer to take a lie-detector test, but what is the legal process to be able to force someone to take the test? And do you think/know if that is in the works?
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