Caylee Anthony 2 years old #4

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Jose Baez doing the news conference. PRobably trying to do damage control over Cindy. I want a conference to the police!!!!!!
Those who can watch the press confenece please keep those of us at work up to date.

I have a feeling something big is going to be announced......

Ditto on this post, I'm at work and can't open video links!

Please please please...
FOX News reporting now. Press conference with the attorney coming up.
When I watched the video of Casey in court and the judge said: It appears to the court that you care so little about your daughter,Casey shook her head YES. unbelievable.
it is casey's lawyer doing this press conference, i dont think there is any announcement.

probably just him stumping for his client's release.
That might be one of the messages coming out of the jail. "Get me out of here and I will tell you where she is".

Ohhhhhhh, reading some of the new press releases, I think you are SPOT ON.

And yes, I'm having some concerns about Gma also.

I think this stupid lawyer wants the public to get behind getting Casey out of jail by claiming she can help find the kid if she is out. What baloney. I hope Casey never sees the light of day. I think grandma needs to join her there.

OK! This GMA is crazy. On this video at the prayer vigil last night, she says that alot of people have puzzle pieces to this case, and if they would just give them to her she can piece them together and figure this case out!!! Isn't that why she called the police????????

can't wait to see Jose's press conference. He is as nutty as the rest of them.
Oh BTW, earlier this morning Cindy was on MSNBC news arguing with that woman anchor too. She was almost just as nasty and arguing. Cindy just wants to talk with her own spiel and doesn't want anyone else to talk to get to the bottom of this case. Cindy doesn't want her and Casey's fight out to the public. I wonder if she has told the police why Casey left her home?
I think gma is starting to become delirious. She needs to be brought back down to reality.

Watching the video where Grams & Gramps are on the couch with the
brother, he is acting all shifty-eyed too.
This is one odd bunch.
No she's not refusing to talk to the police,she is lying to the police,why would she tell the truth now.
This lawyer really believes Caylee is out there somewhere.
Lawyer has responsibility to protect client.
I'm having a hard time with anything related to this case. As I'm sure many of you are as well. I just don't know what to believe. The grandmother's reaction to all of this is just bizarre. She is argumentative with reporters but seems to like all the media attention. The lawyer seems clueless but he too is basking in the spotlight. Casey is totally off her rocker. And neither the grandmother nor Casey are bright enough to be using code. That's just unbelievable. This was a spoiled party girl who was pretty involved with only herself. The whole family is questionable and I think they are just taking all of us for a ride. You can't get a straight answer out of anyone involved. This grandmother is playing a game and we don't know the rules yet.
Watching the video where Grams & Gramps are on the couch with the
brother, he is acting all shifty-eyed too.
This is one odd bunch.

They should not be acting this way. They are more prepared for than most people would be given their professions. She's a former nurse and he's a former Sheriff's deputy.
it is casey's lawyer doing this press conference, i dont think there is any announcement.

probably just him stumping for his client's release.

Exactly what is going on!

"She is cooperating."
"We want to help.'
"I'm wonderful cause I'm protecting my client."
blah, blah, blah

Nothing learned about Caylee.
If the lawyer knows the child is dead, he would not say the things he just said, or when the truth came out he would be going to jail.
In no appearances today have they mentioned the 50k fliers they got or the $5000 reward that is now posted. How is this about Caylee?
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