Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #110

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There are 65 more posts as well. They all tie together pretty well and don't leave much out.

The story of Casey being pregnant at his wedding and everyone knowing it and Cindy being or pretending to be clueless, well if Casey said she hasn't had sex then how could she be pregnant sounds like she has been eating the bs for a long long time.
Casey is a product of her environment, we want them also raising Caylee, to turn out like mom?

I whole heartily agree with that. Mom and Dad have allowed her to be the person is is today.
There are 65 more posts as well. They all tie together pretty well and don't leave much out.

Thanks - I will definitely be checking out those other posts.

Didn't Rev. Grund have a beef with this specific poster - Duh - also?
Casey is a product of her environment, we want them also raising Caylee, to turn out like mom?

I don't think this is an entirely fair assessment-I have 1 sibling who has never been functional and had serious mental issues (diagnosible), and 1 sibling who has been incredibly successful in career / children / marriage / life in general.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I also recall they waited 31 days to call in LE to find their grandchild. :x

I am not into Blame slinging for the sake of it- but these people are HUGE ENABLERS and Caylee paid the price for it, there is no getting around that.
Casey is a product of her environment, we want them also raising Caylee, to turn out like mom?

If Caylee is found alive and well and happy, available to be raised by her grandparents, then Casey is not as bad as we think. That's a big if.
How many acronyms do you think we could come up with for SIM??

Kidding- let's assume in 2008 with an FBI field support team to assist there is nothing they wont know.. imo
EXACTLY! (on both counts) :blowkiss:
I don't know why or where, but that is not the first time I have heard they didn't know until the 8th month, and therefore the shower after she was born... off to go digging

That would make sense. What a shock to them it must have been! So I guess she was planning on just showing up at home one day with Caylee if her uncle wouldn't have said anything?
I don't think this is an entirely fair assessment-I have 1 sibling who has never been functional and had serious mental issues (diagnosible), and 1 sibling who has been incredibly successful in career / children / marriage / life in general.

understood, but I think Christine is drawing the paralell between the Mom and the daughter, not siblings..

He actually had to sign off as of now. He comes back frequently though.

Here is another post of his.

Karen: I am sorry i didn't get to answer you questions last night. I was trying to load some pictures and get the on the photo bucket that someone set up. My computed crashed and i had to reboot and find this site again. I missed a lot of questions. I was very tired also. my spelling got worse as the night went on. I didn't proof read what I had typed. I believe you asked why i wanted to talk to Greta and Nancy. Because there was a lot of misinformation out there and I wanted to help clear it up. I was stunned after hearing what had happened. My mom filled me in just before it broke on TV. Cindy left out a lot of why Casey left in the first place. My mom was visited by the sherrif's dept. and she filled them in.

I will be posting from time to time. My wife thinks I am obsessed with all that is going on. She says I need to focus on some other stuff to get my mind off of this. She yelled at me last night for being on the computer so long. I don't want to make her angry. She is the best cook in the world. lol. anyway, i will check in from time to time to answer questions. If Greta contacts me you will either hear me VIA phone or in person on her show. I don't know how my wife feels about me being on TV on Greta. We are private people. Thanks for your support.
Some guy on this Topix board claims to be Cindy's brother. Here is one of his posts.

Good find, if it's him, which sounds like someone was doubting..

Why does this entire family think that posting on this case is a good idea for anyone?

Who lets an 85 year old stroke victim take sedatives?

If it is him and he wants to come here and post I would have to confirm it is him first. Feel free to invite him but I will have to talk to him.

Believe me, we have had many a poster "claim" to be someone in the know. In reality, these posters are just pathetic wannabees.

This is why we have to have a chat first :)
1. Caylee's carseat was in the Pontiac, stated by Jose Padilla, Information officer OCSO.
2. Not many people have figured out how Cindy could not know Casey's job status.
3. George has remembered the same outfits for 3 dates that I can count.
4 If I recall Correctly.

Do you mean Carlos Padilla? I remember his saying he didn't know if the car seat was in the car or not.
Hello everyone.
Let me make sure that I am caught up.
Casey still in jail, DNA still not released, Caylee still missing...that about say it?

I think so but I don't know.LOL!!


This had been going on for a period of time. My mom told me that Cindy told her that she had to withdraw all of her 401K to cover all that Casey stole. She said she had $45K in her 401K account. I know my sister can exagerate a little and it could have been less. We think Casey stole at least $25K. That could be a little low if Cindy was telling the truth about having $45K in there.
SNIPPED FROM SERIOUSLY --- let's assume in 2008 with an FBI field support team to assist there is nothing they wont know.. imo

If thats the view point - then why are any of us here if the FBI is going to have all of the answers?

Not trying to be a B*tch ---- just wondering.......
Lee turned out all right. Besides, just because one child turned out bad doesn't mean that the parents have DONE something wrong.

I agree.

I think you can be a product of your raising, but it also has a lot to do with genetics. My aunt has two daughters - not even 2 years apart - like night and day: one is a high school drop-out, liar, diagnosed bi-polar recently, runs the roads and has 5 kids by 4 different men; the other is a college graduate, has a good job, and is a single mom of a little girl she is adopting from the State foster system.

ETA: I do think they could have "realed" her in a bit though growing up. Somewhere they let her begin to tell them what she was going to do, IMO.
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