Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #111

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For victims of horrific abuse or trauma denial can be a way of survival.

I am not a doctor either. But life experience has taught me it is possible to pretend (even to yourself) that something never happened even when it is still going on.

Ask anyone who was/is beaten by a parent or spouse, was a prisoner of war etc.

I think denial can very well go on for a lifetime.

it can, but it shouldnt

certainly not in cases like this :)
Here's a question:
My Bounty Hunter doesn't seem like the most easy going fella in the world. What do we think he is going to do if/when Casey doesn't say a word except "Pass the potatoes"?
Going back to earlier today and the whole long discussion about the SIM card... there was also some questioning about Casey's use of the term "after the fact" in her call to Lee on July 29th. That has been bantied about a few times on different threads. I just found this definition of after the fact
Law: after the commission of a crime.

Now, it strikes me as very interesting that Casey would use such a precise term, given her and the other Anthony's strikingly contrived and obtuse lexicon. Was it a slip? I am really fascinated by how they communicate. It would be swell to hear from a forensic linguist on the peculiarities of Anthonyspeak.
Going back to earlier today and the whole long discussion about the SIM card... there was also some questioning about Casey's use of the term "after the fact" in her call to Lee on July 29th. That has been bantied about a few times on different threads. I just found this definition of after the fact
Law: after the commission of a crime.

Now, it strikes me as very interesting that Casey would use such a precise term, given her and the other Anthony's strikingly contrived and obtuse lexicon. Was it a slip? I am really fascinated by how they communicate. It would be swell to hear from a forensic linguist on the peculiarities of Anthonyspeak.

And she was reading law books as well. Could be something that stuck in her mind from her reading material.
Hi. I'm new here & am having a hard time finding the thread/threads where info relating to Myspace is posted. I found something on a myspace pg. that may or may not mean anything (just kinda creepy) and don't want to post it in the wrong place.
Going back to earlier today and the whole long discussion about the SIM card... there was also some questioning about Casey's use of the term "after the fact" in her call to Lee on July 29th. That has been bantied about a few times on different threads. I just found this definition of after the fact
Law: after the commission of a crime.

Now, it strikes me as very interesting that Casey would use such a precise term, given her and the other Anthony's strikingly contrived and obtuse lexicon. Was it a slip? I am really fascinated by how they communicate. It would be swell to hear from a forensic linguist on the peculiarities of Anthonyspeak.

Lot's of people use that phrase. I don't think there is any hidden meaning in it.
Hi. I'm new here & am having a hard time finding the thread/threads where info relating to Myspace is posted. I found something on a myspace pg. that may or may not mean anything (just kinda creepy) and don't want to post it in the wrong place.

Welcome to WS :)
Going back to earlier today and the whole long discussion about the SIM card... there was also some questioning about Casey's use of the term "after the fact" in her call to Lee on July 29th. That has been bantied about a few times on different threads. I just found this definition of after the fact
Law: after the commission of a crime.

Now, it strikes me as very interesting that Casey would use such a precise term, given her and the other Anthony's strikingly contrived and obtuse lexicon. Was it a slip? I am really fascinated by how they communicate. It would be swell to hear from a forensic linguist on the peculiarities of Anthonyspeak.

And she was requesting IMMUNITY in the very beginning . . . what is up with that!?
almost like she would testify against someone else - even though she had a hand in this mess, its like she was the getaway driver in a bank robbery and is willing to testify against the other robber that pulled the trigger :behindbar
almost like she would testify against someone else - even though she had a hand in this mess, its like she was the getaway driver in a bank robbery and is willing to testify against the other robber that pulled the trigger :behindbar

What gets me is that the immunity offer was the main subject of convo for like 3 days and then it just disappeared. Was anything ever resolved as to the immunity issue? Did they say no across the board, or are they still considering it pending more tests or what?
Lot's of people use that phrase. I don't think there is any hidden meaning in it.

I agree that lots of people use it but it seems odd that this 22 year old party girl would have this phrase fresh in her vocabulary. I agree that it's probaby from's like when you hang out with someone you pick up their verbage...well when you're in jail ALONE with no one to talk to you read.
The DA said he was not ENTERTAINING IMMUNITY TO this case.
What gets me is that the immunity offer was the main subject of convo for like 3 days and then it just disappeared. Was anything ever resolved as to the immunity issue? Did they say no across the board, or are they still considering it pending more tests or what?

i think she might have talked about it for 3 days but the police were NOT interested in a deal at all

which to me is a good thing,

i think the police will have plenty of evidence against her
and i mean BARRELS of evidence :)
Hi. I'm new here & am having a hard time finding the thread/threads where info relating to Myspace is posted. I found something on a myspace pg. that may or may not mean anything (just kinda creepy) and don't want to post it in the wrong place. us when you post have me curious.
Anyone else notice that the bounty hunter has mentioned the reward and suggested that anyone who has Caylee should DROP HER OFF AT A DRUG STORE, then come in later to claim the reward? Drug store? He said it more than once. What's up with that?
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