Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #112

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THis is the first time I've ever heard of alligators not eating dead meat - I hear they'll eat dang near anything.

They do like to go into the death roll, they do that to kill their prey, they do it if the meat is dead too.
Yea - they eat it if they are hungry but in the glades "food" is plentiful so its not too often. Now we have another problem out there - pythons - they are becoming so plentiful and are not indigenous to the area and are mucking up the whole food chain.
I don't think that alligators actually are going to play any role in this. I think she was buried or place inside a dumpster. I don't see Casey being that dispicable.
I don't know where it's coming from that Padilla won't be able to question Casey. Padilla and his crew can theoretically ask Casey a billion and a half things if that's what they want to do (unless there's some sort of binding agreement subject to penalties for breach to prevent this - and I'm not aware of one). Of course, Casey's not obligated to respond, but that's another issue. And in any event, this has no bearing on Padilla's real purpose in this case, which in all likelihood, is about making money, either through some book or media deal, or some other such thing that I can't think of.
The idea that Padilla's here to get the truth out of Casey is laughable. But I don't hold it against Padilla if his intentions truly are limited to financial gain. That's the way things work. In that respect, he's no different than any other bounty hunter or bondsperson; they're all in it to put food on the table and upgrade their refrigerators.

I'm also not so sure about the relationship between Padilla and Baez, and wouldn't be surprised if Padilla's people try to steer Casey to another attorney; an attorney aligned with the Padillas, either socially or professionally. It's a cutthroat world.

Just speculatin'.

Aligators won't eat "dead" meat - they have to make the kill. Occasionally IF they are starving - but that is very occasionally. Its a myth about gators.

Myth....busted!~ :)

Joe Ball
The Alligator Man

In the 1930s, Joe ran a roadside Texan honky-tonk called The Sociable Inn. The central attraction was a pit of frenzied alligators who were fed domestic animals to everyone's delight. In the oft hours Joe also fed about a dozen waitresses and two ex-wives to the hungry reptiles.

Born in the 1890's, was the owner of a tavern in Elmendorf, Texas called the Sociable Inn. Some of it's distinguishing features were pretty waitresses, and a pit of alligators in the back, that the visitors would enjoy watching get fed. Ball had a hard time keeping waitresses at his tavern, but none the less, it was still a very busy place. Not everyone liked Joe. One neighbor complained about the smell coming from the gator pit, and Joe threatened him with a pistol for it. In September 1937 relatives reported Minnie Gotthardt missing. The 22 year old woman had been a waitress at Ball's tavern.

Ball claimed she left to go to another job. Then another waitress, Julia Turner, was reported missing. Still, Ball claimed she too had left for another job. The only thing was, Turner hadn't taken her clothes with her. Balls' story: Turner got into an arguement with her roommate, she was anxious to leave, he gave her $500.00 for the trip. Soon, two more women were reported missing. One of the missing women had opened a bank account a few days earlier, and disappeared without taking the money with her. Rangers compiled a list of all of Ball's employees. Many were found alive, and more than twelve were reported missing, so was two of Joe's wives. Ball's handyman eventually cracked under pressure and admitted to helping Ball dispose of many female bodies by feeding them to the alligators.

On September 24, 1938, the Rangers had enough evidence to convict Ball, so they stopped into the Sociable Inn. Ball, stepped behind the counter, rang up a "No Sale" on the register, removed a pistol from the drawer and shot himself dead. His handyman was jailed for a few years for being an accessory, and the alligators were donated to the San Antonio zoo.

Later a handyman and a neighbor said they saw Joe feeding female body parts to the gators but they remained quiet because Joe threatened to kill them.
I don't think that alligators actually are going to play any role in this. I think she was buried or place inside a dumpster. I don't see Casey being that dispicable.
Yea me either - Miss Prissy would chit her pants if she came across a gator!!!!
I remember this case very well - I even talked about it last week some time. Alligators have to make the kill - they won't eat anything that is already dead. I live about 10 miles from the beginning of alligator alley - been around gators all my life. This myth has fooled a lot of murderers down here - drive out the alley and throw the body out - and guess what? Body found - murderer caught!

I remember this case too. It seems to me this guy just left the girl in the everglades - did he really intend for an alligator to eat the girl? Seems to me she died, then an alligator came along.

As well: zoos don't feed alligators live animals: they feed them chunks of meat.

I wish I could remember the name of the reptile place that used to be in Miami.
forgive me if this has been covered, but does anybody know if she is allowed to have visitors, not that any would come, but ...........

I'm sure Casey can have visitors, she just can't talk to them about what happened. But, I don't think there will be any visitors.
I hope they throw a towel or a blanket over her head so she can't see (and smile for the cameras) all she'll be able to do is hear all the nuts screaming "baby killer"!!!!!!!
I hope they don't! I want her to see the media crunch and watch to see if she then flashes a smile their way. It will be so very telling.
I don't think that alligators actually are going to play any role in this. I think she was buried or place inside a dumpster. I don't see Casey being that dispicable.

It may have happened just by nature.

She may have just threw her body in the water...and later the gator cleaned up.
OKOK...please don't quote every article you can find about gators. We got it.

I have to hope that Caylee's body will surface by accident somewhere. It is basically the only hope I have that this case will actually be finally over and little Caylee will see some justice.
Myth....busted!~ :)

Joe Ball
The Alligator Man

In the 1930s, Joe ran a roadside Texan honky-tonk called The Sociable Inn. The central attraction was a pit of frenzied alligators who were fed domestic animals to everyone's delight. In the oft hours Joe also fed about a dozen waitresses and two ex-wives to the hungry reptiles.

Born in the 1890's, was the owner of a tavern in Elmendorf, Texas called the Sociable Inn. Some of it's distinguishing features were pretty waitresses, and a pit of alligators in the back, that the visitors would enjoy watching get fed. Ball had a hard time keeping waitresses at his tavern, but none the less, it was still a very busy place. Not everyone liked Joe. One neighbor complained about the smell coming from the gator pit, and Joe threatened him with a pistol for it. In September 1937 relatives reported Minnie Gotthardt missing. The 22 year old woman had been a waitress at Ball's tavern.

Ball claimed she left to go to another job. Then another waitress, Julia Turner, was reported missing. Still, Ball claimed she too had left for another job. The only thing was, Turner hadn't taken her clothes with her. Balls' story: Turner got into an arguement with her roommate, she was anxious to leave, he gave her $500.00 for the trip. Soon, two more women were reported missing. One of the missing women had opened a bank account a few days earlier, and disappeared without taking the money with her. Rangers compiled a list of all of Ball's employees. Many were found alive, and more than twelve were reported missing, so was two of Joe's wives. Ball's handyman eventually cracked under pressure and admitted to helping Ball dispose of many female bodies by feeding them to the alligators.

On September 24, 1938, the Rangers had enough evidence to convict Ball, so they stopped into the Sociable Inn. Ball, stepped behind the counter, rang up a "No Sale" on the register, removed a pistol from the drawer and shot himself dead. His handyman was jailed for a few years for being an accessory, and the alligators were donated to the San Antonio zoo.

Later a handyman and a neighbor said they saw Joe feeding female body parts to the gators but they remained quiet because Joe threatened to kill them.

He threw MOST (if not all of them) in the pit ALIVE and it was sport to watch them go. I'm not going to continue with this. I have grown up on the edge of the glades and even had a friend whose father was a gator catcher. We'd go with him and once he would have them tied and taped we would get to sit on them and take pics. Its very rare for a gator to eat a dead human body. Now crocs are a whole different story - much meaner and nastier.
Yes...especially when LE is having trouble reconciling them. However, it can take a considerable amount of time to test 30 pieces of evidence on different levels. Preliminary tests are already finished, but the more complex tests could take months. It all depends on what they are testing for.

So high-profile cases like this one don't move to the front of the line in terms of priority?
Sorry I meant to "snip" that post.
Myth....busted!~ :)

Joe Ball
The Alligator Man

In the 1930s, Joe ran a roadside Texan honky-tonk called The Sociable Inn. The central attraction was a pit of frenzied alligators who were fed domestic animals to everyone's delight. In the oft hours Joe also fed about a dozen waitresses and two ex-wives to the hungry reptiles.

Born in the 1890's, was the owner of a tavern in Elmendorf, Texas called the Sociable Inn. Some of it's distinguishing features were pretty waitresses, and a pit of alligators in the back, that the visitors would enjoy watching get fed. Ball had a hard time keeping waitresses at his tavern, but none the less, it was still a very busy place. Not everyone liked Joe. One neighbor complained about the smell coming from the gator pit, and Joe threatened him with a pistol for it. In September 1937 relatives reported Minnie Gotthardt missing. The 22 year old woman had been a waitress at Ball's tavern.

Ball claimed she left to go to another job. Then another waitress, Julia Turner, was reported missing. Still, Ball claimed she too had left for another job. The only thing was, Turner hadn't taken her clothes with her. Balls' story: Turner got into an arguement with her roommate, she was anxious to leave, he gave her $500.00 for the trip. Soon, two more women were reported missing. One of the missing women had opened a bank account a few days earlier, and disappeared without taking the money with her. Rangers compiled a list of all of Ball's employees. Many were found alive, and more than twelve were reported missing, so was two of Joe's wives. Ball's handyman eventually cracked under pressure and admitted to helping Ball dispose of many female bodies by feeding them to the alligators.

On September 24, 1938, the Rangers had enough evidence to convict Ball, so they stopped into the Sociable Inn. Ball, stepped behind the counter, rang up a "No Sale" on the register, removed a pistol from the drawer and shot himself dead. His handyman was jailed for a few years for being an accessory, and the alligators were donated to the San Antonio zoo.

Later a handyman and a neighbor said they saw Joe feeding female body parts to the gators but they remained quiet because Joe threatened to kill them.

And all the while this proves another point - people DO SHUT UP. To think that because people in the Cylee case don't know anything just because they remain quiet - BS. Someone knows something and they need to talk. Most likely they are covering their OWN tahootie.
And all the while this proves another point - people DO SHUT UP. To think that because people in the Cylee case don't know anything just because they remain quiet - BS. Someone knows something and they need to talk. Most likely they are covering their OWN tahootie.
See - that's the big mystery. I think someone is being AWFUL QUIET - I just can't figure out who. Any thoughts?
I hope they don't! I want her to see the media crunch and watch to see if she then flashes a smile their way. It will be so very telling.
In my personal Casey movie, the minute she hits the asphalt in that parking lot, she'll be greeted by a chorus of boos from a large crowd of neighbors who have gathered to see her walk of shame.

That is all.
Hey you guys been on here reading different threads for about 3 hours and ran upon something interesting .I wonder how hard the media looks for people to interview about this case? do you think they look at like myspaces and stuff to try to form a friendship chain?I know on here we look from one page to another to try to form a relationship.Anyways i found Tonys phone # on this site.Dont you think the media has found that also and tried calling him.Just wondering ,sorry if that was so off the wall but having trouble sleeping thinking about whats coming in just a few hours:bang:
It doesn't really matter if it takes a few more months, IMO. Casey isn't going anywhere, and she will be found wherever she does try to run to, if she does try to run, and we aren't getting anywhere without evidence or a body.

dammit im so mad tonight. i haven't been this whole time but dammit i am tonight. this poor little girl, i hope that IF she isn't with us, it was a quick passing. i could not imagine the feeling of knowing your mother is murdering you. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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