Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #112

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Hey - maybe he could disguise it as a piercing!!!!! ROFLMAO - oh man I'm tired can't ya tell?
On the evidence, some evidence does take months to process. It depends not only on the type of tests to be done, but also on how busy the lab is. And I believe that Fla. labs are plenty busy. Yes, some tests might get bumped up due to the fact that there is a missing child.

Also, waiting on evidence reports is a convenient excuse for LE when they don't want to release the info to the public. Remember, if the testing is negative, they can still tell the suspect the test is positive if they are trying to get her to talk. Of course the attorney will probably push for them to show proof of the result.

Baez telling Padilla's that they couldn't talk to Casey implies a previous agreement with the Padilla's. As someone pointed out, Casey can talk to anyone she wishes to talk to. And of course the attorney would prefer that she not do so. Also, the Padilla's could theorically talk to anyone they wish to, including Casey as long as she agreed to talk. The only way that Baez could tell the Padilla's they couldn't talk to her would be if they had a previous agreement, or if he prevented the two from ever being in physical proximity/conversation together. So I am going with a previous agreement.
Who is left to visit her?! I think she burned everyone who she would consider a "friend". Tony won't be dropping by. Amy is out. Ricardo, JP, and the rest aren't going to rush right over. I think the Judge could safely leave it in that she would be able to have visitors because it will be a cold reality check for her when no one shows up.

I think there's going to be a lot of realities for Casey tomorrow and in the coming days.

Tonight Justin Wells, On The Record, was at the jail and gave the typical jail schedule. He said that while in jail, Casey is only allowed one hour of television a day, and there's no cable, so she only has access to local channels. So Casey may be unaware of the national news media interest. It's going to hit her square in the face when she arrives home and finds her street is lined with national news media trucks and reporters.

Who is Casey going to call? She has no friends left. She's been exposed for what she is, a liar and a thief. Few people outside her immediate family believe her stories.

She can't go anywhere, and even if she could, where is she going to go? If she so much as steps outside to retrieve the newspaper she will be hounded by reporters asking, "Where's Caylee?" She can't go clubbing anymore, and even if she could, the clubs don't want her. She's bad for Fox reporter said business at the Fusian is down by a lot since the pictures of Casey became public.

The computer? When Casey gets online, she'll find out that no one wants her as a friend on their MySpace or Facebook page. If she Googles her name, she's going to find plenty of blogs and forums discussing the disappearance of Caylee, and she's going to find out what people think of her.

Casey is stuck with only her immediate family. It won't be long before there's an argument between Cindy and Casey, and they better keep it quiet because there's dozens of news media outside their front door to report any disturbance.

I predict that sometime in the next few days, there will be an altercation of some sort between the media camped outside and the guards that are there to protect Casey.
LOL, Leila, I think within a few days LE will be called due to an altercation between Casey and Cindy.
IMO there is going to be a serious altercation between family members in the next few days. They are going to place her in a very volatile situation - caged, caught and trapped. I kinda think that the little social call yesterday by the detectives were to make sure there were no guns or other weapons in the house.
Yea but tonight Rob "private" Dick said he would be running security at the house as well - what's he gonna do? Sleep in a tent in the front yard?

Ya never know! Maybe in the playhouse out back.
IMO there is going to be a serious altercation between family members in the next few days. They are going to place her in a very volatile situation - caged, caught and trapped. I kinda think that the little social call yesterday by the detectives were to make sure there were no guns or other weapons in the house.

Agree...this will get wild quick
Can anyone that has been a member of WS for a while remember a case like this where forensics results took this long to receive?

It's usually 2 - 3 weeks, sometimes less. But this is now almost 5 weeks.
What in the world kind of emotions will show up when she sees her baby girl's room? Her room with all the pictures. If cindy and george don't already know what happened, then they are going to walk her right in caylee's room and corner her with WHERE IS SHE!?

Even if the "presence" of caylee is enough to evoke anger in casey then crap will hit the fan and it's all good.
This is kinda O/T but not. There is this doll company called "My Twin" . They make dolls that look just like your child or whoever. You have to send them pics and pick out the hair color and eye color and all. I want to have one made for my daughter. They are amazing!!! Just goggle my twin doll and you'll find their web site. I would love to have one made of Caylee and sent to this house - it would probably push Cindy over the edge tho.
Who is Casey going to call? She has no friends left. She's been exposed for what she is, a liar and a thief. Few people outside her immediate family believe her stories.
I think Miss Casey is about to learn that she has become a pariah on a global scale.

No friends, no money, no squeeze, no nothing.

Casey's new BFF's are her family, her security guys, the bond dude, her lawyers, their investigators, various administrative staff, and multiple divisions of local, state and federal law enforcement. And maybe that Patrick dude.

It's a powder keg!
Casey can say whatever she wants to say, to whomever she chooses to speak to. Of course she can also say nothing, but whether or not she speaks is all voluntary - a matter of her own personal choice. There are no legal conditions imposed on her right to speak.

I'm sure her lawyer Baez would advise against it, but if Casey is out on bail for long enough, I wouldn't be surprised to see her granting interviews before the national media.

I should have said she's been advised. Jose Baez stated that he's already told Casey not to talk to anyone about the case, except for her own immediate family. But, that's all it is, advise from her attorney. Casey can decide for herself if she wants to remain silent. She just might grant an interview. :)
I do not think she will get out.

I think she will be found to be unstable in the head....and so...she stays in Jail.

But this news does not come out until erly afternoon...after hours of delay.

The news of this will break after 2 pm est.

I do not think she will get out.

I think she will be found to be unstable in the head....and so...she stays in Jail.

But this news does not come out until erly afternoon...after hours of delay.

The news of this will break after 2 pm est.

Interesting. I figure the odds at 50-50.
I think she will get out. The money has been paid and unless they come up with additional charges...I don't think the last "hold" will hold her. She is entitled to this bond and they have to work within the boundaries of the law on both sides of the equation.
This is kinda O/T but not. There is this doll company called "My Twin" . They make dolls that look just like your child or whoever. You have to send them pics and pick out the hair color and eye color and all. I want to have one made for my daughter. They are amazing!!! Just goggle my twin doll and you'll find their web site. I would love to have one made of Caylee and sent to this house - it would probably push Cindy over the edge tho.

I'm sorry, but I would find it totally creepy if someone invested money into having a Caylee "twin" doll made, and then sent it to the family's house as some form of playing taunting games with them.

(reason why: as it officially stands, Casey is the one under suspicion by LE... not the rest of her family. As much as we have issues with things Cindy and George say and do, until LE makes them official suspects, they are considered victims. One really should steer clear of taunting victims... )
IMO there is going to be a serious altercation between family members in the next few days. They are going to place her in a very volatile situation - caged, caught and trapped. I kinda think that the little social call yesterday by the detectives were to make sure there were no guns or other weapons in the house.

The fur may really fly after awhile if Casey still blames Cindy for calling the police in the first place.
Can anyone that has been a member of WS for a while remember a case like this where forensics results took this long to receive?
Great question. IMO i just don't buy it has taken this long. IMO the results are back and are inconclusive. I can't imagine LE would know there was a match and let her out on bail.I do think LE should not have arrested her so quickly. IMO
I do not think she will get out.

I think she will be found to be unstable in the head....and so...she stays in Jail.

But this news does not come out until erly afternoon...after hours of delay.

The news of this will break after 2 pm est.

If she is found "unstable in the head" I think they would have to move her to the jail's psych ward if they have one or to a psych ward. She would have to receive mental health services
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