Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #114

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she has been telling lies and getting away with it so long

thanks to her parents

it is programmed into her

she probably thinks the public is on her side :eek:
She said she was innocent? She wanted to walk out of there with her head held hight because she was INNOCENT?

Yeah Casey hold your head up high, so I can see your face when I punch you right in the mouth.

Don't you know? Everybody in jail is "INNOCENT"!! "FRAMED" is the other half!

OMG! I just choked on my french fries! Well said... I am innnocent, and yet all th while your child is still get home and start talking and tell where she is! UGHGHHGH

Forget ZG.... I think she might want to teach Tony a lesson now. How dare he NOT 'wait' for her?

Tony might not even live in Florida anymore. New york anyone. Jose was there yesterday. Padilla I believe added it to the list today.
yes ive heard that too.

The bruishes we are painting with a re getting very broad here. My entire group of friends have knicknames that may sound nefarious unless you know the inside sotry, which only the folks in our group know. In fact We have an E and an EZ, neither of them has anything to do with Xtasy.
Last night on Greta, her producer, Justin Wells, said that while in jail Casey only had one hour of television a day, and there's no cable channels, so all she could watch is local channels. I doubt she really knew the national media interest in the case. But after that run for the car this morning, she knows now. In the next 24 hours I think she's going to learn that her life as she knew is over. She's a prisoner in her own home. I wonder if she'll be watching Nancy Grace and Greta tonight?

Leila, that is what I was thinking. I bet she is glued to the news coverage about her. Especially NG and OTR. I hope that these shows blast her tonight! I want her to know that American buys NONE of her lies. None.
Odd, Casey's first words to her mother are "I want a hot shower". Not, let's find my daughter.
Last night on Greta, her producer, Justin Wells, said that while in jail Casey only had one hour of television a day, and there's no cable channels, so all she could watch is local channels. I doubt she really knew the national media interest in the case. But after that run for the car this morning, she knows now. In the next 24 hours I think she's going to learn that her life as she knew is over. She's a prisoner in her own home. I wonder if she'll be watching Nancy Grace and Greta tonight?

think about as they know it is different from now on. i am sure she never thought what the consequence of her actions would be. i think she thought it would all go away. or mommy and daddy would make it go away. poor caylee
So have I....exactly, so "all white parties" and the label associated with them can not be clinically deduced to clothing/decor only. Obviously, I am not the only person who has heard of "white parties" and the correlation of drug involvement. This is exactly why I'm trying to track down pics from the "all white party". It sure would be interesting if nobody is wearing white and there is no white decor based on the dates of Casey's e-mails.

Let us know when you find the pics..I haven't seen any from that party.
So have I....exactly, so "all white parties" and the label associated with them can not be clinically deduced to clothing/decor only. Obviously, I am not the only person who has heard of "white parties" and the correlation of drug involvement. This is exactly why I'm trying to track down pics from the "all white party". It sure would be interesting if nobody is wearing white and there is no white decor based on the dates of Casey's e-mails.

Just curious: Even if no one was wearing "white" what exactly would that prove? That there were drugs present? I can tell you right now that there were drugs in that nightclub. There are drugs everywhere. Okay. So there are drugs....what does that have anything to do with Caylee?

If drug dealers or this supposed underworld were going to kidnap anyone it would have been CASEY....a pretty 22 year old girl. Not a 3 year old.
I know..I ma getting a real kick out of all the uninformed stements made re: the bar scene, clubber, underground scary things. It's a joke. People have no idea and stements like these show it.

And I must add, in my not so distant younger years, I've had a "past"...I have NEVER seen a drug dealer want to hold a 2 year old as collateral for unpaid debt! Sorta puts a damper on things...:)
Odd, Casey's first words to her mother are "I want a hot shower". Not, let's find my daughter.

well, she wants to look good and clean for the boyfriend

she probably thinks he is interested in her still
If the information we learned yesterday is true and accurate (Rick), there's been a life-long pattern of believing Casey's word, even when it was obvious that her word was a lie.

I have real difficulty wrapping my mind around a parent who has obviously never parented and turns a blind eye to reality. Cindy and George are responsible for the monster they created. :eek:

1. I am not sure it is a matter of believing her (if Rick and the pregnancy story are true) or more of a matter of not wanting to admit to ''outsiders'' that their family is anything than perfect. I think it is the second. And perhaps the move from Ohio to Florida was something like that....not wanting others to see they were financially ruined? etc? I think Casey is very very similar with her mother in terms of wanting to present a different reality to others. Casey = saying she had a big job - event planner, that she had a nanny (that shows a financially secure 22 year old right?) - telling her boyfriend and roomates how cool her parents were taking care of Caylee while in fact they were fighting.

2. And similarly I don't think the grandparents BELIEVER HER but rather CHOSE TO BELIEVE HER. Two different things. And the stress that stems from that is too much. The only thing to see what the grandparents REALLY know and think is Cindy's first 911 calls and her first call with Casey from prison. Those were REAL. And she did say to Casey it is her fault she is in jail because of all the lies she said. Again I don't think they don't know what is going on, they just don't want to go down that road.

Can you imagine the grandparents sitting at home with Casey being all unresponsive? Can you imagine their HORROR behind closed doors that this person who screamed to the world and the press that is innocent and she is not able to tell LE where Caylee is, now just sits there and only speaks when Baez visits her? Can you imagine how they will go to bed every night and sleep next door? :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Tony might not even live in Florida anymore. New york anyone. Jose was there yesterday. Padilla I believe added it to the list today.

I think Casey Anthony probably will cause a whole lot of people to leave Florida.

Imagine learning you slept with & shared laughs with such a MONSTER as Casey? Ick.
1. I am not sure it is a matter of believing her (if Rick and the pregnancy story are true) or more of a matter of not wanting to admit to ''outsiders'' that their family is anything than perfect. I think it is the second. And perhaps the move from Ohio to Florida was something like that....not wanting others to see they were financially ruined? etc? I think Casey is very very similar with her mother in terms of wanting to present a different reality to others. Casey = saying she had a big job - event planner, that she had a nanny (that shows a financially secure 22 year old right?) - telling her boyfriend and roomates how cool her parents were taking care of Caylee while in fact they were fighting.

2. And similarly I don't think the grandparents BELIEVER HER but rather CHOSE TO BELIEVE HER. Two different things. And the stress that stems from that is too much. The only thing to see what the grandparents REALLY know and think is Cindy's first 911 calls and her first call with Casey from prison. Those were REAL. And she did say to Casey it is her fault she is in jail because of all the lies she said. Again I don't think they don't know what is going on, they just don't want to go down that road.

Can you imagine the grandparents sitting at home with Casey being all unresponsive? Can you imagine their HORROR behind closed doors that this person who screamed to the world and the press that is innocent and she is not able to tell LE where Caylee is, now just sits there and only speaks when Baez visits her? Can you imagine how they will go to bed every night and sleep next door? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

evil happens when people do NOTHING

And how could they order PIZZA - first thing?? Every bite they are thinking of that giant lie and the true harsh reality ... I would think that pizza would be forever ruined for all of them ... it almost is for me!

Maybe Cindy is making chili..........Caylee's favorite.
Except that it doesn't in any way shape or form.

In your opinion maybe, but opinions are not facts. Others have heard of white parties and the correlation mainly to cocaine. Just as I can accept I may be wrong here, I am looking into it to find the answers. If your that concerned about proving your statements as true, you should research some more as I am. Stating an opinion prooves nothing unless its backed up by facts. Is it possible that the term "all white party" is a convienent cover for drug use? Yes! If nobody is wearing white in the pics and the decor is not white, then your theory is flawed. Not saying your wrong, just saying further research is obviously needed here.
I think Casey Anthony probably will cause a whole lot of people to leave Florida.

Imagine learning you slept with & shared laughs with such a MONSTER as Casey? Ick.


that could be hundreds of people

1. I am not sure it is a matter of believing her (if Rick and the pregnancy story are true) or more of a matter of not wanting to admit to ''outsiders'' that their family is anything than perfect. I think it is the second. And perhaps the move from Ohio to Florida was something like that....not wanting others to see they were financially ruined? etc? I think Casey is very very similar with her mother in terms of wanting to present a different reality to others. Casey = saying she had a big job - event planner, that she had a nanny (that shows a financially secure 22 year old right?) - telling her boyfriend and roomates how cool her parents were taking care of Caylee while in fact they were fighting.

2. And similarly I don't think the grandparents BELIEVER HER but rather CHOSE TO BELIEVE HER. Two different things. And the stress that stems from that is too much. The only thing to see what the grandparents REALLY know and think is Cindy's first 911 calls and her first call with Casey from prison. Those were REAL. And she did say to Casey it is her fault she is in jail because of all the lies she said. Again I don't think they don't know what is going on, they just don't want to go down that road.

Can you imagine the grandparents sitting at home with Casey being all unresponsive? Can you imagine their HORROR behind closed doors that this person who screamed to the world and the press that is innocent and she is not able to tell LE where Caylee is, now just sits there and only speaks when Baez visits her? Can you imagine how they will go to bed every night and sleep next door? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

i can only imagine - i hope the grandparent finally hit rock bottom and realize that their daughter that they have enabled is a monster.
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