Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #116

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1. If he hadn't resigned yet, then I would think he4'd have fairly good alibis for the period up until he resigned. Wouldn't he have worked most of those days?
2. I've wondered if he registered for college for his Justice degree before he resigned.

1. His alibli would prolly have to align to an unknown as of yet lie from Casey. God forbid he watched Caylee for even just an hour on the 16th. Even seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th would be bad at this point. She would be his alibi.

2. I do not think so.
:bedtime: Heading to bed. Head is spinning tonight.

Hope you all sleep well. Say your prayers and I'll talk to you folks in the morning. Be Well
:blowkiss:g'nite katie! your thoughts are refreshing and centering...and truly what I wish for the outcome (facts so far, imhoo, sweep me the other way...but this place is about finding the vicitm...and i would much rather see an alive Caylee. And we must all look no further than Elizabeth Smart to know that this could be so). I soooooooo very much soooo hope that my own opinion is proven wrong in this case!!!
I don't think Casey ever thought of herself as a mother. She didn't have to support her daughter in any sense of the word. I think she became jealous of the fact other people were willing to support Caylee..GP'S, JESSIE AND HIS FAMILY, while she was clueless how to support herself, let alone a child, while still living at home. Her means of support was manipulating others, lying and stealing from friends and family. As hard as that would seem to me, it's like a job would be easier in my mind, to her it was the way to her she is entangled in her deceptions..and she is no longer free..not even in her family home....karma is a b8tch!

LOL, my dear DD, open up and share when you can!! LOL
I think what you said is key... she never saw HERSELF as a Mother as day one, more like Caylee was a pawn for more attention. Sick.
Or..and it pains me to say this, they got nada. It's a possibility I don't buy into, but it is there nonetheless.

agreed! I think that too and it kills me to think she was smart enough or whatever to do all this without leaving a trace of crime somewhere. Nonetheless, the child is missing and she didnt report it. Very big crime to start with.
Tater, guys, come on. I'm TRYING to sit here in a chair with wheels on a hardwood floor...GET IT? I'm gonna look really REALLY stupid when I wind up on the floor. Ya'll are killing me.....


We'll pick you up!

Ooh, I forgot one
Good night peeps..tomorrow will be another day in the family saga that Casey is home. But where is Caylee resting her little body tonight?
ok she is out .. why give her a week to have her tell where Caylee is?? a normal person even if didn't trust le and got out would say right away if they cared at all and were innocent.. jmo can't get past the dogs and casey waiting so long before anyone knowing of that missing sweet baby.. oh the lies too . jmo
You called the New York thing days ago. Now back up a sec here, meaning the plot is changing yet again and the 'one of their own' has since done a hand-off?
didn't you hear Potato? She was moved five times between 15 different Zeneida's on the East coast and than moved back "CLOSE" to home.

Someone stick a marshmellow in me....this case has me done....
LOL, my dear DD, open up and share when you can!! LOL
I think what you said is key... she never saw HERSELF as a Mother as day one, more like Caylee was a pawn for more attention. Sick.

or an accessory like a small dog....I'm surprised she didn't carry her around in a louis vuitton bag.
g'night to all going to bed .. sleep well and sweet dreams for Caylee ...
LOL, my dear DD, open up and share when you can!! LOL
I think what you said is key... she never saw HERSELF as a Mother as day one, more like Caylee was a pawn for more attention. Sick.

So Blink...she's free. When do you think she's gonna have to go back because LE's got the goods? I bet Friday , but I'm prolly gonna be wrong
Okay this mommy is turning into a pumpkin' I'm out. Have a fabulous evening everyone...sweet dreams.
:blowkiss:g'nite katie! your thoughts are refreshing and centering...and truly what I wish for the outcome (facts so far, imhoo, sweep me the other way...but this place is about finding the vicitm...and i would much rather see an alive Caylee. And we must all look no further than Elizabeth Smart to know that this could be so). I soooooooo very much soooo hope that my own opinion is proven wrong in this case!!!

My dearest NBM, you know the drill. (heh heh, pun intended). Is what it is . Lets find her. Nice to see you.

God Bless Caylee.
Ya know, the court date or trial doesnt start until November.........IMO, I think they should of set the date much sooner....convict her of the felony, give her time, and then place her as usual in normal population with other inmates and watch her talk then...after all she'll have to buddy up with someone there. She isnt gonna talk with her family, I can almost bet that, as long as she has them to enable her as they always have......she's not going to do jack.
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