Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

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C'mon, you can't believe that Baez and Casey are getting snuggly can you? That's just reaching too far for a story or discussion don't you agree? If not, I'll drop it. It keeps coming up and it pisses me off.

We can see it upsets you.
But yes, i do see and feel something inappropriate may be going on. I've said everything I was going to say about this yesterday on the Baez and Casey's relationship post so I am done :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
put me down as 100 PERCENT that the police will get anyone and everyone involved in this case and the guilty will do a lot of time...

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I do anything you say now Robot, you got a .44:blowkiss:
Ok, random question - does anyone know if Jesus Ortiz had a brother?
Not to beat a dead horse about the whole "Casey/Baez thing", but I just read that Jose Baez has a 21 year old daughter who is a senior at the University of Florida. I think he was being protective as a father. JMO
You know, another scenario of this story could be that when Casey was making all those wild calls on the 16th, 17th etc that these 'drug friends' took off with Caylee as some sort of payback to Casey and she was wildly calling her mother, etc. Maybe 2 or 3 days later she got a big warning not to talk or they would do away with Caylee. It is a feasible situation. IF you want to believe the family. But dumping the car still makes no sense to me, the smell in the car and the cadaver dogs. This into the mix makes no sense. She had no reason to dump the car if Caylees body hadn't smelled it up. Also, how do these drug dealers expect anything from Casey since she is locked up and can't get them anything. You would think they would want to dump Caylee asap. I guess the only reason to keep her would be to keep Casey quiet. IF you believe this type of story. BUT I keep going back to the smell, the car dumping and the dogs..... I wish LE would get their act together and get those tests back. I really want to know if there is any evidence in that car.

People who use drugs do not want talkative little children around. It is clear to me from the video of Caylee at the nursing home that she is a talker. Her mouth was moving constantly as she played with the book. If it was payback to Casey, they would have demanded a ransom or turned her in for the reward. I think Casey is involved in this up to her eyeballs.
Guys - we have to move away from this "they are nuzzling and cuddling". This is being blown out of proportion. They were being attacked; he is her attorney. Please don't make it what it isn't. Especially for the sake of starting a thread that drags Baez's wife all over the place. That is not fair.
thanx Katie.
Guys - we have to move away from this "they are nuzzling and cuddling". This is being blown out of proportion. They were being attacked; he is her attorney. Please don't make it what it isn't. Especially for the sake of starting a thread that drags Baez's wife all over the place. That is not fair.

Actually I was thinking it was inappropriate as well as others. Everyone is fair game in this case. How do you know what it was or wasn't?
I think the Scott peterson approach would have been much better. They had the boyfriend tony and all of her other friends they could have used as spys. She would have felt safe and would have said so many lies to so many different people....
She may yet. There's still mom, dad and Lee. And maybe a listening device.
If it keeps coming up then not everyone shares the same view. It is by far not the most ridiculous thing I have seen come up over and over again on here, but people seem to want to discuss theories I think are just made up out of nothing as well. I stay out of those conversations. Makes my day less annoying.

Hmmm lol my version of made up theories:
zanny code name for giving Caylee drugs
drug dealers having Caylee
Casey 'handing' off the child
Casey being afraid to go to the police because she can't trust them.
Beating the jesus ortiz angle to death.

LOL I could go on and on. Do I complain or try and shut them down, NO.
You can't take other's posts personally. And after yesterday I will not be bullied on keeping silent on an observation I have.
put me down as 100 PERCENT that the police will get anyone and everyone involved in this case and the guilty will do a lot of time...

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Why do say this, robotdog? I'm not challenging you, I want this to be the way it comes down and it should!
Just why are you so confident that it will happen like this?
Actually I was thinking it was inappropriate as well as others. Everyone is fair game in this case. How do you know what it was or wasn't?
I am in agreement with you. We all use different skill sets to come to conclusions. Maybe some folks pick up body language clues differently then others.
Thats all I am saying.
put me down as 100 PERCENT that the police will get anyone and everyone involved in this case and the guilty will do a lot of time...

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Oh I hope that get each and everyone of them. The one that caused it and then the ones that set the wheels of confusion in motion. :furious:
LOL Thanks. I guess that's just how I feel, annoyed. I'll just ignore.

Unfortunately it is going to go for another 10 pages while people read the first post and respond. Someone suggested a drink earlier, might be a good time to grab one ;)
Casey Anthony is talking freely with her parents and helping with new leads into whereabouts of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie, the family's spokesman said today.

"She is being cooperative and is sincerely worried about the well-being of her child. There is no doubt that this child has been kidnapped," said Los Angeles-based spokesman Larry Garrison.,0,1083299.story

I guess he hasn't been listening to Baez? They are doing worse with this guy representing them than when they were talking to the media themselves LOL.

Wow Larry, can we fly Dianne Sawyer down and do a little sitdown interview with Casey?
Maybe all those people were sitting in the living room and he was peeved that he couldn't watch his cooking show.

Some radio personalities here were saying (as a joke) that George probably left when he found out that Cindy only ordered a med pizza!

George: Did you order pizza?
Cindy: yes dear is on the table for everyone
George: how many did you get?
Cindy: just one med pizza
and george storms out

from real radio 104.1
My husband who could care less about this case and is not following it saw the video of them leaving the jail yesterday and said "Come check this out! She is nuzzling him!"

I know people disagree but many others see something askew there.

Set off my "hinky" meter too
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