Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

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I agree about the wife but the rest of it I think is open to peoples opinions. Many think what was said about ZG is unfair. JG being drug through the mud is unfair in some peoples eyes. JO's family has been drug into the middle of this, same thing. Baez put himself out in the limelight, people are going to comment on what they see.

C'mon, you can't believe that Baez and Casey are getting snuggly can you? That's just reaching too far for a story or discussion don't you agree? If not, I'll drop it. It keeps coming up and it pisses me off.

Better to be pizzed off than pizzed on! just kidden LOL.
actually, Geraldo mentioned, which I was surprised, fusian as a shady business...
I missed Geraldo. I know a lot of folks dislike him, but I grew up with Geraldo. He can be really a straight shooter, and so am I.
He will get to the bottom of stuff. IMHO

The guy that owns Fusion has a lot of "shady" businesses. IMHO. They remind me of so called businesses where I grew up that were "fronts" for other things. In addition they cover a wide variety of enterprises in that area that work hand in hand, so to speak.
Now there could be any number of reasons for George taking a walk. Perhaps he just needed to escape for a while. Or, he needed to make a phone call and feared the home phone was bugged. The fact that Lee went and picked George up is sort of strange. Did George get angry and storm out of the house and Lee later went to get him?
Maybe all those people were sitting in the living room and he was peeved that he couldn't watch his cooking show.
Guys - we have to move away from this "they are nuzzling and cuddling". This is being blown out of proportion. They were being attacked; he is her attorney. Please don't make it what it isn't. Especially for the sake of starting a thread that drags Baez's wife all over the place. That is not fair.

I have no interest in that thread so cant speak to that, but I agree that on here let's move on. No facts to support it, and I dont know about you, but I expect to enjoy a professional courtesy from others when appropriate. He walked into a mob in a hurricane- that's it.
Just because you "don't" see something doesn't mean others shouldn't and vise versa. Just saying...

I give up. I just see that it was a very normal reaction to the crowd they faced. I think some people read way into things but JMO. Feel free to carry on. I just disagree and I think it's grasping.
After seeing the LIVE report of Geraldo infront of the Anthony home at 2:00 PM with all of the "security" sitting in the truck, I would have to believe Casey was home otherwise, one of the clan would be following Casey.
You have more faith in them than I do. I doubt Baez would allow them to come along - since he has told Casey NOT to talk to them, Baez wwouldn't want them in the office with them. Being with her lawyer would mean she was accompanied.
There is none. That is my point; there shouldn't be. I just think these comments showing up about how close Baez and Casey look are ridiculous. People have to stop making a story when there isn't one. JMO

I think these thoughts and these comments are nuts!
Casey may fantasize that Baez is " her knight in shining armour " but this man has a good career, and he has a wife!
WTH could he possibly see in Casey Anthony, except one sick, pathetic lying girl who has harmed her child???
I'm just stating because the reporters were all over them, under the umbrella pushing them, microphones in their face, wouldn't you try to cover. Casey didn't know nor did Baez if they were being attacked. There are many angry people at her. That's all it was - protection, not an affair as some are insinuating.

That is one opinion, and I respect that is your opinion.
Others feel they would cover their face with their hands or the big envelope they were carrying. Different strokes for different folks.
I'm just stating because the reporters were all over them, under the umbrella pushing them, microphones in their face, wouldn't you try to cover. Casey didn't know nor did Baez if they were being attacked. There are many angry people at her. That's all it was - protection, not an affair as some are insinuating.

How can you be so sure?
some of us got that "creepy" feeling in the gut yesterday when we saw that and we were just commenting on it. that's all.
I have no interest in that thread so cant speak to that, but I agree that on here let's move on. No facts to support it, and I dont know about you, but I expect to enjoy a professional courtesy from others when appropriate. He walked into a mob in a hurricane- that's it.

Thank you!!!!!!!!
I give up. I just see that it was a very normal reaction to the crowd they faced. I think some people read way into things but JMO. Feel free to carry on. I just disagree and I think it's grasping.

I would just recommend that it gets taken to that thread, which is what it was created for, I agree
i can tell you what else is coming down the pipe

it will be a "tip" as to where the baby is. she will be found dead

but at least with the "tip" - they can give her a funeral

i also am most disappointed in the grandmother, of all the people involved in this...

what a horrible person to sit there and defend the person that killed her grandaughter..............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Kinda O/T---Is anyone else going to need a good chiropractor when this case is finally over?? My neck has been killing me for a week now since I found this site and became obsessed!! I sit down "for a few" and before I know it, the day is almost over!! I am soooo sore from sitting here everyday all day.....:eek:

I know the feeling!!!!!!!!!!:crazy:
If anyone knows about Baez wife and/or has a picture of her I would love to find out more about her.

Our wireless got hacked yesterday and I spent some time today when it got back up researching Jose Baez.

He is 39, has a 21 yo daughter who is an assistant in his office. That would make him 18 when she was born.

I also found information that before he got his act together he was arrested for some small felony. He then straightened out his life. He wanted to be a cop and then changed directions midstream and became a lawyer.

Prior to this case he wasn't that will known and has a small office in a strip mall.

I have yet to find a bit of information on the "wife"

Anyone that has a link I would appreciate it.

Strip mall lawyer.....hmmm. Most people who want to be cops are more interested in prosecution than in defense imo
He is not a public defender.
I do think that Casey worked as an escort for a company with their hands in "many pots" sometimes those companies "take care" of their girls. They have a lawyer on standby.
That's as far as I want to go with this for now, but it's very interesting when you start to research it. Trust me!

Very interesting . . . Do you think that's why Baez is offering his services to Casey when she has no money? And why they seem cozy? And that some "business" that has been mentioned here might be involved, even putting up some reward money? Just trying to connect the dots. :waitasec:
We can all agree to disagree but it's unfair to silence or judge because you do not see the same things. I disagree with quite a bit but I'm not constantly telling people to 'move on', 'stop', 'it's inappropriate' all of which I have seen on here.

Most of what we discuss is speculation. We don't have many facts yet. And we would not be up to thread 118 without speculation and observations.
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