Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

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You can see the mark on his face from the oxygen tube from yellow shirt day. Young children can be scared when they see medical equipment on the elderly. The other picture very well may have been taken on a different day or perhaps grandpa changed to go for a dinner out or walk rather a wheelchair stroll.

Possibly but he looks more frail from one picture to the other .

I could have sworn I read the same fathers day .

I thought I was on to something lol
I think Geraldo would be saving that for his live show on Saturday night. Watch for promos touting an Exclusive! With Casey Anthony's attorney! Only on Geraldo! Saturday night at 10!

thank you! i don't know if I can watch Geraldo doing this interview, i was told he is TOPLESS (lol:eek:
I think she will feel the need to 'flesh it out' a little, since not one of her original statements has proven to be true.

Besides, I think she has little impulse control and can't stop herself from lying.

Boy, DianeB, you nailed that one. I'm wondering if its hereditary, and considering what we've seen of George and Cindy, I bet it is.

Sadly, this maybe exactly what happened to Caylee, which still leads to multiple possibilities and doesn't provide any solid answers.
Without the above, Casey can always fall back on the "it was an entire accident that I had nothing to do with and then I lied because I panicked and was stressed out over the accidental and tragic death of my Caylee" theory. If LE accepts this plea, they very well can't charge Casey for Caylee's death, having agreed that her death was accidental, because accidents do happen, even unfortunate and tragic accidents.

LE needs evidence of the cause of death as well as the death itself in order to really put Casey to the screws.

They can still try Casey for her alleged responsibility in the death of Caylee, but without proof of the cause of death, their case is that much weaker. Reasonable doubt over the cause of death will go a long way in determining the possible length of Casey's jail sentence.
I agree, and I think the person chosen to prosecute this case will be someone who is very persuasive. There is an outside chance that a great litigator could convince a jury using weak evidence if he or she can sufficiently crush Casey's "accidental" credibility under the sheer weight of her lies.

I guess we shall see!
So George and Cindy went with Casey to Baez's office. I wonder why her parents are there?
I think if they have the forensics to prove death occured they don't need cause of death and the "it was an accident" ship has sailed. The other cases that didn't have a body didn't have cause of death, they had reasonable proof of death and the accused behavior/motive/lies. I would not worry too much about cause of death personally. Casey is not going to lead them to a body so there is no plea. IF they can go forward with a murder charge I would expect a death penalty case. This has aggravating factors out the yingyang... and a picture is worth a thousand words. How does the jury sit with a picture of partygirl feeling up some chick in a bar and reconcile it with anything other than coldblooded killer?

I respectfully disagree on the DP with no body without COD or a body.. How can you have provable aggravators without?

However, I agree with proof of Caylee's death they will file potential first degree with lesser includeds if they have to.. All comes to to forensics and if there were any after the fact accomplices.
I agree completely with all of the above. I do believe that Geraldo is the journalist. He has been put on the back burner when he's used to be in the limelight and so he's scraping to get back on top and will use anything he can to do so. I grew up with him and Sally Jesse with their talk shows and from that point on, he just grew sleazier and sleazier, IMO.

As far as your theory regarding what happened to Caylee, I believe that is the most plausible for me to believe, if she is indeed dead. I do believe that at least George has a hand in it. I am not convinced about Cindy at least in the beginning but George, yeah.

When I saw Geraldo and Baez on the boat this morning on Fox, I just saw red. :furious: And yes, he does get sleazier and sleazier! I dispise anyone making any money on the back of a beautiful missing (dead, IMO) child!

Baez may be afraid that someone is wired in that house, but you can bet that he is taping everything Casey says in his office. I am kind of glad that out of many, many decent lawyers, Casey chose an arrogant showboater! Arrogance is gonna bring both Baez and Casey down, IMO!
LE can go into any myspace or other account and it will NOT show them as "logging on". They use the same methods as the moderators/owners of the sites and it is all done under the wire. Just thought I would let you know that little tid bit.
True. You can see the mark from the oxygen on his face. If people are not accustomed to seeing people in a nursing center, frequent clothing changes are the norm.

That's not the case with me anyway , I was a CNA at a nursing home for many years .
I agree, and I think the person chosen to prosecute this case will be someone who is very persuasive. There is an outside chance that a great litigator could convince a jury using weak evidence if he or she can sufficiently crush Casey's "accidental" credibility under the sheer weight of her lies.

I guess we shall see!

Consciousness of Guilt, a second year law student could try this case.
Leonard Padilla could try this case.. LOL..
OK that's what I'm getting at , the oxygen tube .

Why doesn't Gramps have the oxygen on in the Caylee video ???
Why is Gramps wearing 2 differant shirts on the same day ??


Because it wasn't the same day...........
Tuesday Aug 19

Cindy and Casey were fighting the day before Casey left with Caylee. They had visited my mom and dad on father's day at the nursing home. My mom was angry that Cindy didn't do anything about Casey stealing money from their checking accounts. Thank God that the account for my father was hooked to the nursing home and wasn't allowed to be cashed by no one other than the nursing home. My mom got that money reimbursed from the bank. She asked that the bank press charges but somehow Cindy and George got Casey out of it. That is what we think the fighting was about after they got home that evening that the neighbors overheard.

Casey's grandma,(my mom) lives right around the corner from the nursing home. Casey found the checkbooks in my moms bedroom. She stole 1 from each account. My mom can write a check for my dad but it has to be for the nursing home and nothing else. Casey tried to cash and did cash it at a store for 354 dollars. I don;t know what she bought though.
Originally Posted by floridamom
Has this been posted? If so, sorry for the repeat.
Casey Anthony is talking freely with her parents and helping with new leads into whereabouts of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie, the family's spokesman said today

Glad to hear it. I am sure that she has already told them where she hid the little body. That statement from that polliwog is an insult to mainly Caylee but also her family. If I was Lee I would have lost my mind when I read that.

Also, on the interview with Baez where he said that her family was not allowed to question her without him there.... I would grab him by one of his extra chins and drag him, Al Bundy style, from my home.
I guess we shall see!

I guess we shall. The problem I see is that even if there is irrefutable scientific proof of Caylee's death, a juror might be reluctant to send Casey to prison for what might be most of her remaining life without more than circumstantial proof that Casey caused her death.
:woohoo: I concurr.

they will say things like

they all went hunting one day and they ummmmmm....errrrrrrr..ahhhhhh

they left a bird carcass in the trunk and thats why it smells

yea, thats the ticket !!

oh and about the gas cans.........WHAT gas CANS ????

there are no gas cans....



So George and Cindy went with Casey to Baez's office. I wonder why her parents are there?
You will see frequent visits to Baez for Casey to get out and about. They are probably going to have several meetings at nice restaurants, too. (Of course, they will have to eat in a private dining room and slip in the back.)
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