Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #122

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I just can't shake the feeling that her family is using every possible reason to get her out & about so LE sees what a good little prisoner she is & how she always returns home on time....

and then one day.... she'll suddenly disappear.

How long does LP plan on keeping her under surveillance anyway?

I wonder how many people are bailed out & then get their very own team of babysitters to follow them & make sure they don't run? LP is smart NOT to trust her but oh brother.... not a good investment of money. And what a waste of time when there are so many missing children whose parents actually WANT THEM TO BE FOUND.

The whole thing is just too weird for words.
I agree it's to make her look good and that no way did she do anything to harm Caylee. After all, Cindy said she's a 'good mother'! The more outings she has, I agree, the greater chance she'll try to slip away since it'd be almost impossible to do while she's at home. I don't think any of it will lead to finding Caylee though.
Is there any link to that. I would love to verify that. seems like a bad soap opera plot.

Please not the cult theory again................ There is absolutely no proof of a cult. Please, if you are going to post theories like that, have some kind of proof to back it up.
I said "I believe" as a disclaimer...did you miss that?
As in "I could be wrong". I believe I heard somewhere along all this that Tony was across the street. Anyone else remember something like that?

I'm not so sure of all the locations... but I think Tony lived VERY close to the check cashing place where Casey left her car.
I'm not so sure of all the locations... but I think Tony lived VERY close to the check cashing place where Casey left her car.
It was nice of Casey to make it so convenient for him to come pick her up, wasn't it? Considering the price of gasoline n all. :p
There was SOMETHING strange about that first telephone call with Casey and her mother when she said "You don't KNOW mom, you say don't know what my involment is in stuff?" Are you kidding me? (or something to that effect)

I listened to this again and still heard it the same way. She heard her mom say in her "cameo" that she didn't know what Casey's involvement was. IMO, Casey saying "You don't know what my involvement is?" sounded like "How dare you insinuate that I had any involvement in this!!"
I listened to this again and still heard it the same way. She heard her mom say in her "cameo" that she didn't know what Casey's involvement was. IMO, Casey saying "You don't know what my involvement is?" sounded like "How dare you insinuate that I had any involvement in this!!"

That's the way I took it.
My theory is that I don't think Casey had any intention of moving out until Something happened to Caylee. I think the only reason she started staying with Tony was that she couldn't stay home because Cindy & George would be wondering where Caylee was. So I think she made up some kind of lie (whatever it was) & moved out of her parents house.

Casey, according to MySpace posts, was planning to move out for a while before Caylee disappeared. I personally think it possible there was a house already rented. May be where Caylee disappeared from thus Casey saying " I haven't even been in the house in the past nine days" May even be the Oveido house.
OT that just cracked me up. My son (now an honors student) didn't talk for the first 2 1/2 years. I was standing at the stove and he said " Wow, that soup sure is good." FIRST words and sentence ever. I made soup all week long.:)

Awwww!!!!! Thanks for lightening up the board!
I said "I believe" as a disclaimer...did you miss that?
As in "I could be wrong". I believe I heard somewhere along all this that Tony was across the street. Anyone else remember something like that?

Oh lol I thought yet another Tony popped up that I haven't heard about . I think JP & RM live across the street from the elderly condo Casey said ZG mother lived at.
Failing a polygraph doesn't connote guilt. And if you ask me, I'd say that polygraph results don't mean a thing. It's hunk of junk science.
It is only junk science when your guilty client fails....

Ted Bundy passed a polygraph.


Okay. I'll give you two pages worth of posts counting from this post, to discover the contradiction in your post.

Ready. Set. Go.
Have you seen the terms for Casey lined out? I haven't. I don't know what her restrictions allow or do not allow.

This is a good question. Acording to some oral reporting, Casey cannot meet with Baez in a public restaurant. Still others are reporting that she may leave her house provided she receives LE permission. This last phrasing leaves this question unresolved.

I haven't seen the actual document either, but suspect that there would be a clause in there with enough vagueness and flexibility to allow for almost anything. This is not necessarily a knock on the parties involved, but honest recognition that unanticipated situations do occur in life and that neither side wants to be locked into a situation prematurely. My hunch is that LE does not like Casey, and would like to stick it to her as much as they can. But they are not stupid enough to violate her Constitutional rights, especially in a case that is proceeding under the magnifying glass of the entire nation. We shall see.
One of the things that has come to my mind and heart over this last month has been how the break up of a marriage or relationship involving children hurts so many people. When Caylee was an active part of our lives we began to gather toys, playpens, strollers and things that made her time with us more comfortable and easier for us to take care of her. For months after the break-up we would see those things around the house and it would hurt our hearts for the loss of her presence.

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