Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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Going back to the beginning, and what we do know...............

On the day that Casey was arrested, July 16th, she mad a phone call home from jail. On that call she was very angry, first with Cindy, then with Lee and finally with Christine. She demanded Tony's phone number. Getting Tony's phone number was the most important thing. Casey knew Lee was at the house because she had been watching television at the jail and saw Lee's girlfriend's car parked in front of the Anthony house. If Lee had Tony's phone number, I think we can conclude that Lee is somehow connected to Tony too.

Secondly, there's the police affidavit that was released shortly after Casey's arrest. In that affidavit, Tony had already been interviewed by LE and according to that report had called Amy and urged her to call LE too.

Yes, I reply was about how LP has started bringing Tony's name up......."Casey messed up, fell in love with the wrong person...... & tonite by name".
Not a myspacer so, if a myspace is set to private don't you have to login to your own account then get the owner of the private site to accept your friend request before you can post on the page so isn't making the page private defeating the purpose of being able to get tips and leads? Unless they expect all the tips to come from people who are already accepted as friends?

I don't know that is why I am asking.
Yes, but you never know what is coming in from her "friends list". I would have to assume that Lee is still in touch with them and not all of their pages are private.
He NEVER said he was going to get anyone's pings except for Casey's!!

"It will give us the 5 people's activities that met with her. Amy, Ricardo, JP, her boyfriend, and we will track the..the..the cell phone probably even to the pizza shop where she ordered the pizza on the night of the 19th. But we are interested in who was holding the child...where she dropped off the child off until they got her up to where we believe is in New York." said Leonard Padilla.

I think I see the direction he's taking. I think I need to review the video with the Clint interview on Greta again. I had gotten the feeling that he was avoiding the topic of Tony like the plague due to (just speculation) threats. What if TL offered to help hide Caylee until Cindy cooled off about the custody threats. This might be another reason for Casey to want to talk to Tony right away during her first phone call from jail.
Didn't TL take a trip to NY early in July.
Okay. So if that's precisely what he said, then how is he going to track their movements with Casey's records. The most he will get from Casey's records are the phone numbers of the other five people. He won't have their ping information. So he won't know where they were when they were on the phone with Casey.

And even if he can get their ping records ... so what? LE presumably scrutinized those records long ago.

He can get their records. Heck, I can go pay and get their records if I wanted to, now that I know I can (NOT THAT I AM!!!!). And according to him, he is going to use those to help figure out where everyone was during the dates of the 15th to the 20th of June.
would it be the triangle? Casey---tower---person she called...back to Casey? bah! As always this case leaves my head spinning!

afk a few, going to buy a case of cracker-jacks, find me a darn decoder ring! could he *legally* track anyones phone (or the pings it makes),
*if* you are somone not suspected in any crime ???

It's even worse than you think. Even if someone is a suspect, that doesn't give Padilla the right to get those phone or ping records without the consent of the owner of the phone account. Padilla is not LE. He's a private guy.
They do, but the pings only record where the phone is located specifically. TonE's phone in NY would be doing the same thing. However, you could not receive pings from TonE's phone along the pathway to get to Casey's. Make sense? The only purpose pings serve is to locate the phone and connect the service. The triangulation specifically pinpoints what towers are being used to do this. When you move, other towers pick up the ping along your route.
I think I get it, but if what Padilla is looking for is a record of someone in that circle going to NY during that 5-day period, he could access that information by looking at Casey's cell pings.

How he could connect the fact that anyone happened to be in NY with a supposition that Caylee was brought there is beyond me. I think he's been drinking the Anthony-flavored koolaid, or he's making it look like he took a big gulp.
LP was talking about pinging Amy, and Ricardo, and JG, and that whole crew.

That's the way I read it too. It definitely says the 5 people's activity and then all the way up to NY. I don't see how they could get that info from just Casey's phone unless Casey was in contact with whoever from here to there.

Maybe I need to read it again.
I believe this is where the benefit they were supposed to attend is located and was planned ahead of no they did not "orchestrate" anything.

Not that Cindy and George orchestrated it, but that what was said on Geraldo was orchestrated timing wise (or that's what I think the person was saying...and is what I had said earlier in the Geraldo thread)

Their POI is now sitting home able to watch TV 24/7. Originally we heard Lee and Cindy would be going to WBP, now we know maybe it was both parents. In either case, one of the individuals who probably is/will question her the most, is Cindy. She's got some window of time without at least Cindy when she may be more relaxed. Going on what was said earlier about perhaps her being only home with George (though we know that doesn't seem to be the case now) and he being th e parent she seems most free with (see her far warmer response to him upon arriving home) it seemed like there may have been some method to what was said tonight on Geraldo knowing she was probably less guarded AND probably watching.

Have Casey with less family around her, plus having access to TV

+ Get LP talking about looking at the other 5 and trying to make it look like he's looking that direction

+ Get LE to make it sound like they have no evidence back or none that is useful and that perhaps they believe now that Caylee is alive

= Casey perhaps feeling more comfortable and slipping up and saying something if she thinks they're buying all she's said.
I think I see the direction he's taking. I think I need to review the video with the Clint interview on Greta again. I had gotten the feeling that he was avoiding the topic of Tony like the plague due to (just speculation) threats. What if TL offered to help hide Caylee until Cindy cooled off about the custody threats. This might be another reason for Casey to want to talk to Tony right away during her first phone call from jail.
Didn't TL take a trip to NY early in July.
According to posts from Casey and his sister...yes.
It's even worse than you think. Even if someone is a suspect, that doesn't give Padilla the right to get those phone or ping records without the consent of the owner of the phone account. Padilla is not LE. He's a private guy.

Soooooooooooo not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But looky here. Someone logged on today.


Like I said in a previous thread, Casey's fingertips may not be making contact with the keyboard, but you can bet that she's letting Lee or whoever do the typing while she's peering over their shoulder, telling them where to go.

LOL how funny, the only thing connected to casey that can exhibit concern for her daughter is her myspace mood icon.......worried....pahleeeeeeeeeeez. or maybe she is worried about herself, I'm sure it's the latter.
I saw a website or a myspace, facebook site that showed some pictures of Casey’s ex, Morales, the one connected to Amy who took a trip to P. Rico, being some type of boxer and the attorney JB just defended some guy Nilton Diaz a boxer in a child case. If I am not mistaken, this is the same couple who lived across the street from one of the places that Casey pointed out the invisible ZG lived but not sure if was SawGrass.

Check out Number 52 Gonzales,?Zemiada [spelled with a Zem] on this site. Shows Addresses in Orlando, Winter Park, Kissimmee and Altamonte Spring, Fl
I can’t access any of the actual address.

Type in Derrick William and look at Number 58 Address Oralndo Fl and Brookly NY assoicated name Daniel Williams

This ZG has an association to a Padilla




LANCASTER,?PAPossible Relatives:








Possible Roommates / Associates:

That's the way I read it too. It definitely says the 5 people's activity and then all the way up to NY. I don't see how they could get that info from just Casey's phone unless Casey was in contact with whoever from here to there.

Maybe I need to read it again.
Yes, you should read it again. He did not say that. He may have meant that...but he did not say it.

Actually, Geraldo is on right now talking to Baez. Padilla will be coming up in a bit and you can watch it for yourself.
There are services out there that I just found (and posted links to earlier in this thread) that offer to find the pings of others' cell phone pings for a fee. There are quite a few of them out there. Software you can purchase as well. So it's not just Casey's pings he was talking about and it's legal for him to get the info.

Could you link them again. I just followed up one link and while this particular company has the ability to collect pings, they won't do it without the consent of the owner of the telephone account.
What I got from LP's comments were this:

He's going to purchase the PING records (NOT CELL PHONE RECORDS) and then reconcile the locations of the people in question (Tony, Amy, Ricardo and two other people - one was not named and the other I was unsure about so won't speculate) so he can tell where everyone was during the dates of June 15th and June 20th. With this, he is hoping to find out exactly what happened logistically and find some leads that way. He can get the ping records LEGALLY and this has been proven in this thread. He has access to any of the number of companies selling the ping information as well as the PIs that he works with.

Time for me to hit the hay. Have a good night everyone.
Quick Attack, look at the date it was yesterday. If someone is online right this minute the online icon will show.
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