Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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What tonight proves to me is any of us on Websleuths could live in the RV out front of the Anthony home, eat pizza with Casey, Cindy, George, Lee and Jose. Spend hours on TV, spend hours with principals in the case, and be exactly where we were on these boards 3 and 4 weeks ago. Even before the partial phone record release.

This tells me 1 thing. Occums razor should prevail in this case as well.

So true.
I posted this a while ago. But it doesn't make it legal just cause he said it.

I guess we will know on Monday when he is on Greta telling us he has the 2500 pings. Or he is just lying like everyone else in Orlando. Apparently the water is bad there or something.
Legal, schmeagal. If he can get 'em, he's gonna get 'em. He's probably already got 'em.

The question is what good it's going to do.

On the off-chance a bounty dude buying pings helps to locate Caylee, I say Go for it, dude.
I was wondering the same...What was the source confirming that Ricardo went to Puerto Rico
I don't feel like going back to find it now on the two million pages we have here. Sorry. (Guess some things are going to be lost in that abyss for good!)
OMG OMG I just listened to the phone transcripts again....

One thing that sticks out to me is during the 911 call that Casey made home (the call where Kristina was at her house and she talked to her), Kristina asks her: "DOES Tony have anything to do with Caylee?". The word DOES is used in the present tense.

When Casey answered, she replied: "No, Tony HAD nothing to do with Caylee!" The word HAD is past-tense.

Why didn't she answer that Tony DOESN'T have anything to do with Caylee? Wouldn't that be a more appropriate way to answer?

Casey changed the tense when directly talking about Caylee. The question was asked about Caylee in the present tense........Casey answered the question about Caylee in the past tense.

Freudian slip?

I listened to them twice today and did not catch that.........good catch!
Amy "could" prosecute..........but it is taken out of her hands when the bank pays her back her money. She would sign an affidavit that she did not sign the check and at that point the federal bank investigators take over the case. Even if Amy does not prosecute they most likely will. That is where it takes time. If Amy's story is true, I expect those charges to be filed before her court date.
There was cash involved and that theft happened at a residence so yes Amy could prosecute. I don't know the usual turn around time to file such charges against someone as far as the bank goes, but this high profile case I would think those charges would have been filed - it has been almost 2 months now. And I think Amy could have pressed charges on the cash theft with or without the bank.
Remember "news time" for this story is about to be squeezed a lot. DNC is next week. All politics all the time. So unless we want our breaking news from NG it is gonna be pretty thin without leads.
if BH doesn't look for the dead...and pings will locate where Caylee was dropped off, to some babysitter, friend whatever.

Why doesn't Casey just tell the location Caylee was dropped? Why the Sawgrass/nanny story.

She's home now, certainly she didn't like jail.
Something that has me wondering now. Amy. Ok - we know Casey was a thief - that's a given. I don't remember seeing that she stole from anyone OTHER than family before. All her theft came from family. Yet the minute Amy gets back from PR she accuses Casey of serious theft. We have talked that to death. I do believe that Amy's police report would have been with Orlando PD and not Orange County Sheriff. At that, Orlando PD - if Amy (or her bank) wanted to press charges - they would have. They wouldn't have waited for anything. Now I kinda remember saying Amy wasn't going to press charges as "she was in enough trouble" or something to that effect - but why do that? Amy's myspace that night eminated a tone of that she was PO'd royally. Why not press charges? What diff does it make if "her kid is missing" or not? Now she is playing the sympathy card - with not pressing charges? Being that it is with a different LE agency altogether - why wasn't something charged? It would have added to her bail at the very least? If she was stealing from "friends" why haven't other friends and acquiantances come forward saying "Yea, she stole from me too?" I don't think she was stealing from friends - she had an image to uphold. I think that's why she used the term "nanny" rather than babsitter or day care - the term nanny implies "class - wealth - affluence". My hinky meter always went off when thinking about this theft around Amy. I'm not saying she didn't - just that from all we have uncovered - we have never found where she stole from her friends - it was always family.

LOL....I've wondered about that thing, Casey never lived anywhere but home before & the 25K (?) she took from her parents might have been over a year or two. (no need to steal from friends)

I think Casey made quick plans to move in with Tony, then she had no qualms about stealing from Amy (she wouldn't need that roomate anymore).
But Amy must be very gullible herself, to fall for the sleepwalking/money moving story.
WE know that the dates are June 16-19th. WE know that he was discussing ONLY Casey's phone pings (where the every two minutes DOES come into play in the conversation!). And obviously, Leonard Padilla et al CAN get the records legally or he would not have said it on National television!

Honestly, WE know nothing, when it comes out of Leonard Padilla's, Cindy Anthony's, George Anthony's, Jose Baez', or Casey Anthony's mouths.


My opinion about Leonard Padilla? All bragadacio. All hat, no cattle, as I said in the previous thread.
Remember "news time" for this story is about to be squeezed a lot. DNC is next week. All politics all the time. So unless we want our breaking news from NG it is gonna be pretty thin without leads.
Ugh! That is soooo true! Wall to wall coverage of the convention. Gee...I can hardly wait!
Do we have any confirmation of when Tony left for NY? What day? We know he was back before or on the weekend of the 4th as it has been confirmed that Casey cooked dinner for him and CH - also I found it funny that CH said he moved out on the first but we know she cooked for Tony and "the roommate" during the 4th of July weekend. Guess he could have just come over for dinner tho. When did Tony go to NY?
But Amy must be very gullible herself, to fall for the sleepwalking/money moving story.

Or perhaps they could have been partying, and partied regular enough, to make them doubt themselves?
Honestly, WE know nothing, when it comes out of Leonard Padilla's, Cindy Anthony's, George Anthony's, Jose Baez', or Casey Anthony's mouths.


My opinion about Leonard Padilla? All bragadacio. All hat, no cattle, as I said in the previous thread.
Well...I certainly know the dates he was talking about! I certainly know that he was discussing the pings only on Casey's phone every two minutes. And I would bet you a dime to a donut that he can legally get those records!

That has nothing to do with Leonard or anyone else lying, stretching the truth, or him being "all cattle".
FWIW I think there is a whole lot more to Miss Amy than anybody realizes. JMO
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