Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #129

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I wonder how LE feels about TP saying there is no attorney-client privilege in their jail? How LE was listening to Caylee and Baez and even attempting to video them?

Perhaps I'm naive, but is that even legal? An inmate can't talk privately with their attorney?

Personally think this is all "smoke & mirrors"?? IMO
It might be better if the media quit covering this case, it's turned into a circus which is detrimental to finding Casey either alive or dead. (very likely her body).

And just in time, the Dems are in Denver
maybe this has been asked before Huizenga her maiden name...or has she been married?
Most of this stuff we are wondering about will come out at the trial. No matter what other details we are curious about, it all goes back to one registered nurse, one former detective, current detective(s), and two trained cadaver dogs smelled identified the smell of human decomposition in the car. The dogs also ID'ed it in the back yard. All we need now is NG to ask her source "Deep within the dept." if the lab results are back and what they say.
I really can't believe the BH is buying the "I sent her away with friends" story. I mean come on. 5 days to return her? Um no - NOW. What is wrong with these people?

Exactly, I think BH and Baez are cooking this up for defense or Casey's just spinning more yarn for everyone to keep the heat off her a little.
I've seen thousands of resumes from kids over the years...not once did I see a social security number on a resume. Resumes are nothing but scraps of paper once they get to the potential employer. It would be a treasure trove for identity thiefs. Just not a common practice.

Was it an employment application rather than a resume? That would have ssn on it as well as other information.
I think George opined that Casey could have run over an animal....Cindy brought up the dead squirrel in the car fantasy on GMA...IIRC.

I had heard the ran over a squirrel, missed the dead squirrel in the the heck would you explain driving around with a dead squirrel?
*if* Amy was one of these two, since she seems concerned about Caylee,
why wouldn't she tell Cindy right away ?? when Cindy called her or while they were in the car ??

Maybe she did. We aren't privy to to whatever bombshell testimony Amy and Tony might be harboring. Or maybe Amy was skeptical at first, and then came around to the possibility that Caylee could be missing, a few hours after.

There are too many possibilities to consider without having heard Amy's version. But Amy's myspace post does confirm that she learned about Caylee's disappearance sometime prior to Casey's arrest.

By the way, there is another odd post from Casey to (I believe) Amy where, in the middle of LE's initial investigation, Casey is concerned enough about her plans with Amy to message Amy that "life is on hold until tomorrow", as if to suggest that whatever plans the two might've had for the following day would have to be delayed for a bit, while Casey addresses this minor police investigation thing.
It might be reasonable to assume that Ricardo met Amy through Casey and that they were more recent friends since Tony called Amy to tell her about Caylee, Casey, and his visit from LE. This would indicate she was a friend of Tony's and that Casey met her around the same time as she met him.

It was he that contacted Amy Huizenga and had her call me regarding this case. Anthony said while the defendant lived with her since June 9th, she mentioned several times that Caylee was with the “nanny” at Disney, Universal Studios, or the beach. She never gave him any indication that the child was endangered or missing.
Here is the video of Amy. It was shot on July 18. She says she found out about Caylee missing "when everybody else did" and that she is "very close" to Casey and the Anthony family, and that she has spoke "a lot" to investigators.
NOTE: The audio is low.
I have a question. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else, but what reason did Casey have to borrow Amy's car?

And why would she lend it to her when she already suspected Casey had stolen from her?? And if they were living together, how did Amy not know Caylee was missing? If I had a friend/roommate with a 2 year old that I hadn't seen in a month, I'd be asking questions.
Originally ....apparently Cindy told the vigil last night that there was nothing her or Casey could do to find Caylee and they were calm about that.


In other words they don't care!!!!! :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
Another question concerning Baez and his role in this:

I have always heard that defense attorneys never ask their client an answer that they don’t already know the answer to (same as to a witness during a trial) or don‘t want to know the answer…. because, as an officer of the court, Baez is bound by law to report any crime that is admitted to him.

Am I wrong? Am I confused? Any one know this?
But she was a good enough friend that they were moving in together and allowed her to borrow her car. So, she must have known about Caylee's existence and they must have discussed where Caylee would be sleeping when they moved in together??? I just find it odd that none of these people thought it weird when Caylee disappeared....they should have been the first ones to notice???

I was involved in a murder case once where the co-accused had only met a few days before. So, their recent friendship doesn't mean to me that she necessarily doesn't know anything.


My understanding is that Casey lied to every person who asked. She lied to Tony, Clint, more than likely to Amy, too. I just don't think that everyone who was close to CAsey, who was lied to by Casey, should be treated with suspicion.

I don't know the exact plans on Amy moving in with Casey. Perhaps she let Casey borrow her car because Casey phoned her and told her that her own car was broken down, and Amy needed her to pick her up at the airport. Amy obviously trusted Casey--it's sad that her baptism into Casey's lies was the theft of a lot of money and the loss of Caylee.

Did you read Amy's rant on facebook after she found out that Caylee was missing? She was righteously pissed. Mad about Casey stealing from her, just as mad about Caylee being missing.

I can't exactly put a finger on why I think this, but I think that Amy's a good kid. I just don't think that she played any role in this, except to be yet another person suckered by Casey that playah.
I thought I read that Amy was 18/19 years old......

But from her post of 7/15, it sure seems odd that someone called her *after* the last 911 call (9:30PM) with alot of details....

I am trying to catch up this morning ... so forgive me please if someone has already posted something similar ...

IMO - Casey told Amy about Caylee first (before 911 call - before even seeing her mom) ... I think she did so in an attempt to keep Amy at bay ... Amy was pissed when she got back and had time to find out about Casey's thieving ... I am sure she confronted her promptly ... Casey then told Amy about Caylee ... From the posts it seems that everything went pretty quickly from that point ... Amy confronts Casey - Casey tells Amy about Caylee or at least her version (she may have even used it to explain why she needed money) - Amy gets a call from Casey's mother ... possibly all happened in the same day ...

It's just the scenario that I can imagine playing out with what little we know.
I agree. Sometimes, it's pretty obvious. :)

If I remember correctly there were law students who were coming to WS Scott Peterson forum in the parking lot at one time. Maybe some of them still post or came back.
I'll bet Cindy got an earful as she drove with Amy to get Casey at Tony's, and I'll bet Amy got an earful listening to the two of them as she was driven home.

There are some interesting possibilities here. If Amy knew that Caylee was missing when she was riding around with Cindy on their way to pick up Casey, and told Cindy as much before they got to Casey --- well this would blow a lot of holes into Cindy's version of what she knew and what she was feeling while she was making those three 911 calls.
And why would she lend it to her when she already suspected Casey had stolen from her?? And if they were living together, how did Amy not know Caylee was missing? If I had a friend/roommate with a 2 year old that I hadn't seen in a month, I'd be asking questions.

Amy did NOT find out that Casey had stolen from her until AFTER she had lent her car to Casey.

I'm not going to throw stones at Amy until there's some evidence of her involvement in all this. She got suckered by a master manipulator. Of all the people in this story, I feel sorry for Amy...she seems like a generous, kind person whose trust was misplaced.
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