Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #131

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RE: NG show: I don't care if Kermit the Frog hosts the show! As long as they have new info!!! News of an arrest would be even better!!
You know that shiny green top of Nancy's does tend to lend itself to a rather "Kermy" look. Hmmm...
I think the "protect Casey mode" started right after she picked Casey up from Tony's........& progressed after every 911 call after that....MOO

How is calling 911 and mentioning the dead body smell protective of Casey? If the GPs were in on it and truly don't seem to care where Caylee is why call at all? Or why not have a story that makes sense?
Casey is not allowed to make any stops on the way to and coming from wherever she is permitted to go, barring some unforeseen emergency.

Do the police have someone following her. I think she has wound the BH around her little finger. I don't think there is any security on her at all. Without LE to see it, how would they KNOWO that she didn't stop somewhere.
I pondered that this weekend as to why Casey was not at the vigil. It may have been discussed but why wasn't she there? I mean she was at home and since the vigil was held at the home, attending wouldn't be against the rules would it? I wonder how she felt as people prayed for Caylee. I hope it tore her apart. IMO of course.

This is one of those things that's hard for most of us to comprehend.

There was video of Casey leaving her lawyers office the other day - she was getting into the PT Crusier with the "Find Caylee" signs all over it. Then she has to sit at home at watch her parents dance around the truth for her - all day - everyday.

Normal people would want to put them out of their misery. On some level she must know that her life will never be the same again.

It doesn't matter if she get life in prison - she has already destroyed her life.

Her very best case scenario would be to end up like Joran Van Der Sloot - a free pariah.
She admitted that something was amiss which is why she dragged Casey out of Tony's to begin with. I have always taken it that there was a huge family break and Casey was withholding Caylee out of spite. Cindy practically writes this out in her blog.

Then when the car turns up and smells like a cadaver she finally acts (after laundering the smelly pants of course). Coupled with the fact that Casey always had an excuse as to why she couldn't put Caylee on the phone. Way too late in most of our opinions but the dysfunction in this particular family could fill I don't know how many books.

Cindy has clearly handled Casey like a princess and has excused her behavior away for 22 years.

"Denial of pregnancy for 7 months although it was painfully obvious
Getting her out of any kind of trouble from stealing from her OWN grandparents

And now Caylee.....:furious::furious::furious::furious:

Cindy *says* she went looking for Casey (@Tony) because the car had been towed.........Amy is prolly the only one to be believed about any conversations in the car........hopefully we'll read her statement one day...;0)
I just went to the new documents released thread. The only difference between what I reported from WESH 4pm news and what another poster reported was that the info about Cindy calling Casey a sociopath and about no mention of ZG but a babysitter possibly named Christa, Christy, Jenny was attributed to Casey's friends, not Tony. This is probably correct because I have no steno skills. I don't want to put out any bad info.
Amy knew information before everyone else because she is the one that led Cindy to Casey at tony's that very night.

She suffered a very informative yet i'm sure uncomfortable car ride back home with casey and Cindy in the car.

That is why she was privvy on 7/15. Cindy was grilling Casey as to where Caylee was or has been for the past month.

How do you know this as a fact or is it just your theory?
People are speculating it was out of fear for her own safety... :rolleyes:

Her own saftey? BLEH... figures. Her safety? Ha. What about Caylee and her safety? If it were me, I would risk my own safety if it were to get my daughter back. But we all know Casey is all about herself.
"If I have to go out myself, door to door, and look for this child, until the day I die, I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door everyday and I will look in every nook and cranny," Cynthia said.

I was looking at site and saw this quote. She lies just like her daughter. Tell me when she has been out searching for her granddaugther - nook and cranny - I don't think her shoes are dirty - what do you think?
Link didn't work for me....what is it about?

Okay I think I got it... Orlando Sentinel did an article titled "Casey Anthony will spend daughter Caylee Marie's 3rd birthday in jail. Is she a doting mom, party girl or both?" on August 9.,0,7879578.story?page=2

"Ryan Pasley, a longtime friend in Jacksonville, said Anthony is likable but tends to exaggerate. For example, she told him she was an event planner at Universal Studios and a student at a community college."
Just curious... Anyone have a clue which friend he is referring to? I am having a hard time thinking any of the friends in this twisted case would have her. And now it seems these "kidnappers" could be someone in her circle of friends? I am not sure I am buying that theory.

I would guess they will go with whichever one doesn't have a great alibi. They don't know what friend they are talking about.

Are you a man? Lol. I just find your statement odd....are you saying that unless a guy adopts his partner's child, he shouldn't care or ask questions when that child is not around for a month??? I mean really, Caylee was 2, not 21.

...maybe because a whole month had passed with these sorts of excuses.

IMO, it gives them both motives. And his relationship with her, and desire for it to continue, might also be motive in helping her to cover it up. IMOO

I don't know if I'm getting jumped on because you think I am blaming her friends and exonerating Casey in the process...I'm not...I think Caylee missing is Casey's fault. I'm just not convinced, on the limited evidence before us, that we can conclude that not one of her friends could have possibly known anything, and don't understand how you can all be so adamant that they didn't.

all above is IMOO.

I'm sure this has been answered by now but, IMO, Casey had only been dating Tony for a few weeks. Why would he be laying awake at night worrying about her child? If they had actually built a relationship where he was actively involved with Caylee as apposed to just being around his gf's kid, then I could understand that.
From dunlurken:
"I don't think they are liars, they are in denial.

Which one of us on this board could believe our child killed our grand child? If you think so, stand up and be counted. JMO."

Snipped for Space

I had this conversation with both of my Grown Daughters since this story broke. If either of them came to me with a story like Casey's (lost my Child 31 days ago), they could count on me to kick their butts until I had the truth about my GRANDCHILD!!! I would still love them no matter what but the Child would come first!
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