Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #132

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I wasn't around the first dozen threads or so, but did LE ever mention that Casey described (Imagi-Nanny) Zenaida as not just Hispanic but mixed race of black and Puerto Rican? (A multi-cultural Susan Smith.)
Originally Posted by gigi2009
Here are all the Docs in order.

You do not need any pdf software to view them. You can flip through the docs in full screen. You can also download the docs to your own computer. These files can be viewed from any computer.

The first link PART 1 Pgs 126-153 were not loaded correctly. So the second link corrects that. Sorry :)

I'm still reading but if anyone encounters any errors please PM me and I will correct them so everyone can read the complete docs.

I'm a newbie here and haven't posted to a forum in nearly 8 yrs, so I hope I'm doing this right. I have worked for 17+ yrs counseling adolescents and am a clinical psychologist. I have been lurking for wks here and love reading all the posts and theories from everyone. As far as a diagnosis for Casey, that would be impossible to say for sure without some sessions with her and many tests; however, I can say one thing for sure and that is: whoever has sessions with her will spend approximately 3-5 yrs wading through all the lies and that is no lie. There is no way one or two sessions will break her and bring forth the truth. Wish I could say that a professional could "break her", but her entire life is one huge web of lies and she herself can't wade through them all.

Welcome. I hope you will be able give some insight as this goes along about problems in adolescence and how it can lead to something like this.
Really? Have I missed something about them stopping her from having an abortion or being involved in her getting pregnant? I thought it was only adoption that was considered?? That would be very sick if that happened, and though I don't like G & C, can't imagine they'd be involved in anything like that. Nor would I have imagined any of this.

IMO of course.

No... I just mean that they saw the baby as "theirs" and could not have her giving it away...
Sure didn't seem so on NG tonight, and sure doesn't seem so from what he just said in his thread.

He basically said there was nothing there that surprised them and they knew what they "were getting into"

Welp, I guess it's best I stay away from that thread tonight, because 1) I'd tell him that there's no way that he's read all this documentation since it was released, and 2) I'd get banned for telling him what I think of him and his client.
Quick Attack did you make those maps ??
Mark Hawkins...Marine stationed in California. About a week before July 17th, she told Mark that she wanted to come to California to tell him something, that she had already told her mother and brother, and she did not know how he would take it.

Also, earlier in the second batch of papers, someone said that he thought that Casey got pregnant by someone through a one-night-stand with someone in the military.

Anyone want to bet that Casey was about to drop the bomb on Mark Hawkins that he was the father of Caylee???

Damn. Curiouser and curiouser.

I hate to see more innocent bystanders dragged into this, but if more info about this Marine comes about and there's a photo it will be interesting to see if there's physical resemblance with Caylee. (Not that it will prove it, she looks like she could be related to JP, too.)
Quick Attack did you make those maps of the car at check cashing place???


Sorry for taking a moment to get back to you. I'm still reading.

Yeah, I made them with Google maps Street View and Photoshop.
Really? Have I missed something about them stopping her from having an abortion or being involved in her getting pregnant? I thought it was only adoption that was considered?? That would be very sick if that happened, and though I don't like G & C, can't imagine they'd be involved in anything like that. Nor would I have imagined any of this.

IMO of course.

Her longtime friend Brian said basically that her family wouldn't agree with that sort of thing and danced around their politics and stance on social issues, seeming to say that they are on the conservative side.

Her from school friend Kio wanted to adopt Caylee and had the money, etc. and said her folks wouldn't let her (this is the friend that also wasn't allowed there when Cindy was home, only George, because of Cindy not liking her ethnicity, so who knows if it was an 'adoption in general' or 'adoption by Kio' that apparently they objected to)

Both of the accounts are in part 3.

So I think that might be a thought forced her to have Caylee if abortion and adoption were not permissable options? Not sure.

I'm a newbie here and haven't posted to a forum in nearly 8 yrs, so I hope I'm doing this right. I have worked for 17+ yrs counseling adolescents and am a clinical psychologist. I have been lurking for wks here and love reading all the posts and theories from everyone. As far as a diagnosis for Casey, that would be impossible to say for sure without some sessions with her and many tests; however, I can say one thing for sure and that is: whoever has sessions with her will spend approximately 3-5 yrs wading through all the lies and that is no lie. There is no way one or two sessions will break her and bring forth the truth. Wish I could say that a professional could "break her", but her entire life is one huge web of lies and she herself can't wade through them all.

Welcome Bobbie and thanks for your insight.
Could be. I was more interested in George's statement that he had called Lee and told him about Casey again.

Me, too.
I am also thrilled to see that George turned over the Pontiac on the night of the 16th for forensics. Cindy has stated several times, that if the car was a big deal why did the police let is sit for days?
No... I just mean that they saw the baby as "theirs" and could not have her giving it away...
Indeed, I think once they acknowledged the pregnancy (by which time it was probably too late to terminate it, should Casey have chosen to do so), that baby became Cindy's. She was well aware her daughter was in no position to care for a child, let alone an infant.

My question is why Casey chose to have the child in the first place? Was she so unthinking as to not realize how it would profoundly change her life, or was she planning on having a happy marriage with Jesse and the baby? I'll have to check to see when she and Jesse started dating.
Just got on, had to watch convention. So do we have access to those documents???? Is there a link, please, please:crazy:?
Her behavior may have worsened since she gave birth, but it seems the lying has gone on for a lot longer.

Is there a defense she could mount for being severely mentally abused by her parents? (Not that she was, but Jose is going to have a very tough row to hoe here.)

I wonder if Cindy is even really a nurse, or if she's just like Casey & making it up...I wonder if she covered for Casey's lack of job. Did she know as early as July 4th, when they did the pavers? If so, that might explain a bit of her lack of apparent sadness over it all...maybe she started grieving weeks ago and the rest was all a game from then on.

And I think back to Casey saying "you don't know my involvement mom" and can't help but wonder if Cindy's involvement goes back well before July 4th...I always thought that call was possibly Casey indicating her mom knew very well what had happened, because she had been involved.

IMO of course.
I hate to see more innocent bystanders dragged into this, but if more info about this Marine comes about and there's a photo it will be interesting to see if there's physical resemblance with Caylee. (Not that it will prove it, she looks like she could be related to JP, too.)
I think his myspace page is linked on the myspace/facebook thread. Guy in a uniform, standing in what looks like a hotel room doorway.
Her longtime friend Brian said basically that her family wouldn't agree with that sort of thing and danced around their politics and stance on social issues, seeming to say that they are on the conservative side.

Her from school friend Kio wanted to adopt Caylee and had the money, etc. and said her folks wouldn't let her (this is the friend that also wasn't allowed there when Cindy was home, only George, because of Cindy not liking her ethnicity, so who knows if it was an 'adoption in general' or 'adoption by Kio' that apparently they objected to)

Both of the accounts are in part 3.

So I think that might be a thought forced her to have Caylee if abortion and adoption were not permissable options? Not sure.

This is sounding even more Klannish all the time.
Both of the accounts are in part 3.

So I think that's why someone inferred they forced her to have Caylee if abortion and adoption were not permissable options.

I would also think that if it is true everyone was in denial and Casey didn't see a doctor until she was 7 months along with Caylee, (per Cindy's brother) that would have made abortion seem out of the question at that point.
Indeed, I think once they acknowledged the pregnancy (by which time it was probably too late to terminate it, should Casey have chosen to do so), that baby became Cindy's. She was well aware her daughter was in no position to care for a child, let alone an infant.

My question is why Casey chose to have the child in the first place? Was she so unthinking as to not realize how it would profoundly change her life, or was she planning on having a happy marriage with Jesse and the baby? I'll have to check to see when she and Jesse started dating.

the same reason most troubled young girls do... unconditional love. What they don't realize is that it does not cure all of your problems
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