Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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Does anyone know what color car Lee drives? I was just reading Amy's statement about her car and remembered seeing a red car in the Anthony's driveway in the snapshot on Google Earth. My comp is a dino and the closeup is too blurry to tell what make. Is there anyway to see the timestamp when that pic was taken?

I believe that car belonged to bro Lee's Girlfriend (I forgot her name) as casey in that 1st jailhouse car mentions that she saw -'s car-is she there? and Lee says no. Does that help or make sense?
hummm........curious, if casey thinks she will be back in jail, will she try and pin this on her parents?

I am not sure SHE has every changed her story to Jose. I think those around changed the story to try to make it fit. I think she is where she was day one with Jose.
He was the one who took that upon himself.............the public was overwhelmingly against it...............I guess he will have to take the loss.

I like him, I do believe he had good intentions, just jumped in before he had enough information.

I'd chip in $20 if he promises to revoke bail when he hits 50k.
He has a facebook account too--under Anthony Rusciano.
I'm going to disagree AGAIN about there being no possibility of maggots in the trunk except for a body.

HUMAN WASTE (excrement, poop) breeds maggots. I cloth diaper and when one of those was left too long before washing guess what? In a SEALED DIAPER CAN, guess what? It bred maggots.

I have still not seen mention on if Caylee was potty trained. If she was NOT, and there was a "poopy diaper" or "pullup" in that trash bag, it most definitely COULD breed maggots, and they show up within 24-48 hours. Flies yes would take longer and I am in total agreement with that life cycle timeline referred to.
Caylee has never been anything other than an afterthought to Casey. That became plainly obvious to me when I read in the documents that Caylee slept in the same bed as Casey and Ricardo -- and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to "read between the lines" of his statement and know they were having s e x in that bed. Disgusting.

LOLOLOL Rocket Surgeon.....
Maybe we should petition Tony Padilla in his thread to revoke bail.

It's interesting that last night that TP said that they knew what they "were getting into" beforehand, and that thus far nothing in the documents were a surprise.

Makes it seem like they sure aren't on the same page or TP was speaking clearly having read far less than he was trying to portray (which didn't make sense to me anyway when he hadn't downloaded most of it or read much of it yet said it was essentially nothing new)
Does anyone know what color car Lee drives? I was just reading Amy's statement about her car and remembered seeing a red car in the Anthony's driveway in the snapshot on Google Earth. My comp is a dino and the closeup is too blurry to tell what make. Is there anyway to see the timestamp when that pic was taken?

I think the documents mentioned that Amy had a red Toyota Corolla I think?Maybe that's what you saw...
The sleuther that wrote about the maggots is on the money!!!!!I am in the "death" business and insects do play a large role determining time of death when they are found outdoors or contained.
WOW.. Hard enough to keep with all the lies from Casey, but even harder to keep up with all the men she was involved with.. GEEZ.. My question is what WTH did she tell these guys for them to get involved? GOSH

yes !
the information, I think about her being forced to keep the baby came from friends of caseys.......we don't know for a fact that cindy inforced this keep the baby stuff yet........remember, this chick is very good at making other people the bad ones- shes a fricken adult= don't making excuses for her, thats why she is the way she is. I do not disagree with anything the family has done after the third 911 call, but I am not gonna join the casey club on nothing is her fault in life
You don't think it has anything to do with her mother, who clearly has mental issues, and forced her to keep a baby she did not want to keep? Any blame on Cindy for the way Casey turned out?

To say Cindy has mental issues is an understatement...but trying to blame everything Casey does on As strong willed as Casey is...she made her own choices.
I saw that. He said that if he had read the 400 pages before, he would have never bailed her out. He said if you "read between the lines" it looks less and less that Caylee will be found alive. finally woke up!:clap:
:runaway::HBwhiteflag::cowboy::computer: <<Leonard's Posse
I'm going to disagree AGAIN about there being no possibility of maggots in the trunk except for a body.

HUMAN WASTE (excrement, poop) breeds maggots. I cloth diaper and when one of those was left too long before washing guess what? In a SEALED DIAPER CAN, guess what? It bred maggots.

Then there was something seriously wrong. Maggots are fly larvae. If there were no fly eggs, or flies inside the SEALED DIAPER CAN, there would be no way for maggots to suddenly appear, unless there is some sort of maggot teleportation device in the can...
I don't know if this was brought up (im at work)
Holy Crap You can see EVERYONES SS# on the Doc's---- sheesh I would be soo pissed

oh and after reading all of it - I just can't rap my brain around ALL OF THE LIES -
This the 1st time I actually feel ill about Caylee...Casey is EVIL.......and she will never fess up, she will never have her come to Jesus moment.

please oh please find her or her body quick.....
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