Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #137

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Here is the message;

Got it. Kiomarie. Got another email overnight about this. Probably from a forum member.

As a note, I’ve been following several threads on your site. I’m quite impressed with it. I especially like the thread with Tony Padilla. Keep up the good work!"
Wait till SS sees that!
I'm not sure I believe there really was another phone.

Don't think there's actually anything we can believe from Casey zilch nada
Did she never ever think in her life she was crying wolf, setting herself up for being discovered and face alienation from everyone-or maybe she just thought she'd keep picking up new friends
But why would she hold a conversation with a girl, if she didn't even know exactly who she was talking to. I don't think cell phones allow you to program names in there twice, one for each casey. If I had claimed I had talked to someone who's child missing and they might be suspect, then I decided oh it might not be her, I would look at my phone records to vertify who it was. If she looked at her records, why wouldn't she just release them.

She really enjoys giving out disconnected numbers doesn't she.

Yeah so does Casey. And wrong addresses. And fake jobs. And fake nannys.
on the flurry of phone calls...
I think in the recent 400pg release Casey pretty much gives the timeline. The date is wrong, but the days and memory or the day prior is correct.

The police ask Casey "The last time you saw her was June 9th?"
Casey answers "a Monday."

Casey goes on to describe the day before as a Sunday and she thought her mom had taken Caylee to her parent's house in Mt. Dora yada yada.

With this Casey has the days counted down correctly, the days prior to and day of correct. (Sun fathers day...Monday last day she sees Caylee)

She also earlier tells detectives " And after about 7o'clock when I still hadn't heard anything. I was getting pretty upset, pretty frantic, And I went to a neautral place. I didn't really want to come home, I wasn't sure what I'd say about not knowing where Caylee was"

Now, what we're learning here is that this timeline is tightened up to June 16, and now we can even tighten up just exactly what kind of activity was actually going on that afternoon. Later in the afternoon, starting at about 3:00 o'clock, we have a source that has shown us that there is a flurry of cell phone activity from Casey's phone. Some of those calls, six in a row, that are just a two minute or two apart, trying to get ahold of her father, six phone calls to her mother and two other individuals which we are not describing at this time.
Now, the activity ceases for about two hours at about 4:00 o'clock, and then continues several other phone calls to the mother, the father and a couple of other individuals between about 6:00 and about 7:30. There are no other calls until the next day. That would be the 17th.,2933,399183,00.html

I think Casey pretty much tells the exact times with her statements.
From the very first day that I heard Caylee was missing and Casey didn't report this to ANYONE, I felt in my heart Caylee was no longer with us! :( It's just a matter of finding sweet, precious Caylee and bringing her back.

Yes, I did as well, I am referring to an ominous feeling as to the how and where and the in between, I think it is truly horrific
I posted this on another thread.

"The Kiomarie thread is locked for now so I just wanted to let ya'll know that I got an email back from Det. Yuri Melich.

I wanted to post part of it, and add that I totally agree with what he said. Everyone on here has done a wonderful job and should pat your selves on the back. Kudos to all.

Here is the message;

Got it. Kiomarie. Got another email overnight about this. Probably from a forum member.

As a note, I’ve been following several threads on your site. I’m quite impressed with it. I especially like the thread with Tony Padilla. Keep up the good work!"

That is awesome!:clap:
OK guys I posted this on the dream thread. I just want to know what locals think about this!

I had a very weird dream last night about Caylee. It started off where I heard a little girl crying and I picked her up and it was Caylee. I said Caylee what is wrong? And she said momma did it. I just kept looking at her and asking her the same question over and over again and she just kept saying Momma did it. I woke up around 2:30 in the morning. I could shake the feeling I was having. I finally fell back asleep and then I had a dream of an apartment complex with a huge pond in back of it. There was flowers around the pond. I kept hearing the same little girl crying. I knew it was Caylee and I was looking and looking for her. She kept saying Find me please find me! Well I never found her and I woke up crying this time. It was 4:15 in the morning.
well I went to a website I go to sometimes (we aren't suppose to post it on here) and I found a picture of the SawGrass Apartments! It was the same apartment as in my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been to that site in a week and it was a new picture so I couldn't have seen it and then dreamt about it! I have NEVER been to Orlando so I just found it really weird. I have been having a strange feeling all day since I woke up. I don't know if it means anything though. Here is the picture that was on that site and in my dream:


All I keep thinking about is this: Casey said she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass apartments. Casey obviously found out about ZG looking at the apartments. I just keep going back to that she probably makes up lies around ONE nugget of truth. Maybe she said she dropped Caylee off there because she was hoping they would find her and she could blame ZG for killing her. I don't know. I just can't shake the feeling that this is something to be looked at. I have never had a dream like this before and thats why I find it odd.
Ok I just got done reading Kiomarie's convo with DW and she was always ,
serching for answers they way it reads. IMO
At frist she was Sorry I didn't get in touch with you sooner .
Then he asks her about the phone call with her friend caseyW and she is
reaching for answers, she kida double talks.
Weird IMO
on the flurry of phone calls...
I think in the recent 400pg release Casey pretty much gives the timeline. The date is wrong, but the days and memory or the day prior is correct.

The police ask Casey "The last time you saw her was June 9th?"
Casey answers "a Monday."

Casey goes on to describe the day before as a Sunday and she thought her mom had taken Caylee to her parent's house in Mt. Dora yada yada.

With this Casey has the days counted down correctly, the days prior to and day of correct. (Sun fathers day...Monday last day she sees Caylee)


I also had the same feeling. When she was talking about the call she received from Caylee on July 15th and Caylee was happy and talking about the book and shoes, made me think of the video at the nusring home with Caylee reading the book.
I so agree with you on this! I think she is deeply disturbed and it has been going on for many years. I hope I posted this right. I am new to posting but have been lurking. Hi everyone!!!!!!!
Welcome aboard!
I found it interesting to hear a second instance of the times between 9 and 1 come up in this case.

Casey dropped Caylee off in the stairwell at Sawgrass between 9 and 1. (I think I'd remember a more accurate time. I always thought that was a stupid timeframe).

Tony stated that his classes were from 9 to 1.
I agree its odd that she dropped her off between 9 and 1 --- How do you not know what time it was? Was it AFTER breakfast? Before lunch? After lunch?
I also had the same feeling. When she was talking about the call she received from Caylee on July 15th and Caylee was happy and talking about the book and shoes, made me think of the video at the nusring home with Caylee reading the book.
Ohhh, good one. I hadn't thought of that.
There are just too many coincidences that Kiomarie has to be related to this case in some weird way. Either Casey based her lies on this girl or something else, but this is to smack dab in your face to not be related.

First of all, I thought I read somewhere that kio's phone number was disconnected when police tried contacting her, don't hold my word on that, but isn't that weird that Kiomarie's number gets disconnected all the time just like Zanieda.

Also why is it that when you search her name, you get an address that is the same as the Anthony's unless they are involved in something together more than Kiomarie is letting on.

She works at Universal Studios, Just like Zanieda supposedly did.

She has an address that is like 2 minutes from Sawgrass apartments, Jeez I didn't know Orlando was such a small place.

It's also weird that Kio has a hyphenated cultural name just like Ms. Fernandez-Gonzalez. It's also creepy the resemblence between Kio and the ZG that we have been looking at.

Kio has puppies... Casey is always mentioning Caylee with a puppy.

The ties to North Carolina and Puerto Rico, Just like.. oh you know..

This chick also offered to adopt Caylee at the age of 19. I love babies and all, but I'm 19 and I am not offering to adopt babies from my friends who are pregnant.

1. One of mmy 20's STILL gets her phone shut off quite often (runs the bill up)

2. Her parents still live on Hopespring Ave , she also knows many neighbors by name.

3. She did work @ Universal I imagine many 20's do.

4. It was said there are many apt. complexes in the area of the Sawgrass apts.

5.Many hispanics in Fl (TX too !!) most have hyphenated names...esp. on D.L

6. I have 'puppies' (but I have no personal info about Caylee.)...anyway that was Cindy that kept talking about Zanny w/ a puppy.

7. Some woman do want babies @ 19..

8. Casey says Zanny from NY.

also, LE interviewed Kio some 5 weeks ago, & prolly checked her out, as they have much better resources than we do.
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