Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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I think she and Caylee were sleeping inthe car by this point.

Interesting observation. Did she run the car for the AC while Caylee was sleeping? Maybe that's why she ran out of gas. Was she inside the car with Caylee or outside the car doing God knows what. She didn't have Caylee with her when she went to take a shower at Jesse's, right?
In defense of SS, I think it's because for some of us that have been here awhile we have never had to deal with so many people who do "off the wall" things that we are seeing now.
It's not a put down, just sort of exasperation. At least on my part.

A distinction is needed between the term "newbie" and people who have a lack of common sense. They are two completely different things. I may be new to WS myself, but I have been involved in many missing person cases, one of which was a fmily memeber, and have coressponded with LE regularly regarding that case and others. Newbie's can be very experienced in this realm, even though they are new to WS. Being new to a website does not mean that one has zero experience regarding missing persons. Not mad at anyone for their opinions, just think the term "newbie" associated with negative conotations is tossed around too loosely.
LE is a limited number of people swamped with a ton of information. It's not that I think they are stupid, or uninformed, or don't "catch" 99% of things. I am 100% sure they are busting their butts on this case and have a ton of information at their fingertips and stuff we have not seen and may never see to lead them places. They ARE the professionals.

I don't personally think I'm wrong for thinking that if someone DOES see something they think is hinky - and have some sources to point to and say "this is why" - and some facts to boot - they should let LE know. And I do NOT mean a 1am cell phone call. Go through the proper channels, a tip line or an email. LE has the resources and procedure to take that information and IF they deem it credible, take it to the next level and check it out in ways that we CAN'T. And compare it with information they have that has not been disclosed. And go from there. If they determine it is NOT credible, by all means toss it in the circular file and move on to the next.

Am I wrong for thinking that is the "proper procedure"?
SS I agree.

Anything new today that I've missed? Trying to catch up.. ha, neverending quest!
LE is a limited number of people swamped with a ton of information. It's not that I think they are stupid, or uninformed, or don't "catch" 99% of things. I am 100% sure they are busting their butts on this case and have a ton of information at their fingertips and stuff we have not seen and may never see to lead them places. They ARE the professionals.

I don't personally think I'm wrong for thinking that if someone DOES see something they think is hinky - and have some sources to point to and say "this is why" - and some facts to boot - they should let LE know. And I do NOT mean a 1am cell phone call. Go through the proper channels, a tip line or an email. LE has the resources and procedure to take that information and IF they deem it credible, take it to the next level and check it out in ways that we CAN'T. And compare it with information they have that has not been disclosed. And go from there. If they determine it is NOT credible, by all means toss it in the circular file and move on to the next.

Am I wrong for thinking that is the "proper procedure"?

Hey, I saw this earlier. Who said someone called Yuri at 1 am??? I dont think anyone called Yuri at all if they did I agree that is out of line. Sending an email is different. By the way I think he said we where ALL doing a wonderful job sooooo. It's not just about the few, it's about everyone and their ideas coming together to find an answer. A team effort.
Well curiosity - Im sure at one point you were new too ---

And, like I said - Im sure someone from WS with a "idea" or that comes off as "odd" is probably one of 100's who have been in contact with LE over this case - theres threads and discussions everywhere....make believe myspace/facebooks....whatever

Do I agree that people shouldnt be calling LE with their "crazy ideas" probably - but what if one of the "crazy" ideas actually helps them?
From first hand experience I know that LE reads Websleuths. If they see someone posting something they would like to have more information about they find a way to get in touch with them.
I am not talking about being new. I was new and I have been treated worse by some of the new ones on this board then I was treated by some of the old timers in February of 2006 when I joined.
Things like organizing groups to do things that aren't right is what I am talking about.
OCSO have people on their staff from computer forensics to psychs that specialize in figuring things out with the major players "mindsets"
It may seem like a bunch of bozo's going on instincts but it's not. These guys know what they are doing.
I think that we should somehow be able to trust that.
Just for the record....Last night I OFFERED to contact LE since no one seemed to be doing it. I was happy NOT to when someone else came on said they had done it. So I never did go through with it. Just incase anyone thought it was was NOT.

I've never contacted LE about anything, but isn't that what the tip lines are for? Isn't that why LE keeps asking for ANYTHING that the public might believe is relevant to be reported to them? I'm not sure I follow those saying that LE shouldn't be contacted...especially when LE is begging for tips from the public...:waitasec:
A distinction is needed between the term "newbie" and people who have a lack of common sense. They are two completely different things. I may be new to WS myself, but I have been involved in many missing person cases, one of which was a fmily memeber, and have coressponded with LE regularly regarding that case and others. Newbie's can be very experienced in this realm, even though they are new to WS. Being new to a website does not mean that one has zero experience regarding missing persons. Not mad at anyone for their opinions, just think the term "newbie" associated with negative conotations is tossed around too loosely.
I agree with that. Maybe we should instead refer to anyone who does that as a person who isn't using their common sense.:blowkiss:
Another thought, I don't believe it was ever determined what time Cindy left for work the morning of June 16th!
Yes, if we knew that we could better determine when Casey was there because Cindy stated that she heard both of them through the door.

ETA: I am a registered nurse working in home health. Our office opens at 8 am. The nurse in our office who does what Cindy does is there when the office opens. I would think Cindy keeps regular office hours as well.
Well curiosity - Im sure at one point you were new too ---

And, like I said - Im sure someone from WS with a "idea" or that comes off as "odd" is probably one of 100's who have been in contact with LE over this case - theres threads and discussions everywhere....make believe myspace/facebooks....whatever

Do I agree that people shouldnt be calling LE with their "crazy ideas" probably - but what if one of the "crazy" ideas actually helps them?..

When you mentioned MY Space it reminded me of her friend on MySpace,

"Bebe" that is 20 yrs. old and lived in Orlando, Fla..
I found it interesting his hometown is: Luquillo, Puerto Rico.

Didn't Amy and 3 other friends fly to Puerto Rico in July?

Let's hope LE checked to see WHO and how many got on that plane to fly there and back, July 15th.....jmo
I don't believe the Homicide Division in Orange County Florida Sheriff's Department thinks they will find Caylee alive. I also have to believe they have facts to back that up that theory. It is a sad reality.
I think Caylee is long lost to the elements, cadaver dogs don't lie.

I watched a show recently about 'bigfoot' and they had some biologists who conducted an experiment on a dead deer to see how long it took for the elements to get rid of it. Ironically the test was done in Florida. It took 7 days to become nothing but bones! It was insane. And it was only a few days after that the scavengers scattered the bones about. If she is dead and left exposed to the elements then the finding her remains grows slimer by the day.
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